All-In (The Gamblers Book 1)

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All-In (The Gamblers Book 1) Page 10

by Sarah Curtis

  River didn't answer, so he pounded harder. His thoughts were in turmoil and didn't take into account he might be waking her. A door opened two rooms down, and an older woman's head peeked out. Alec wasn't sure the sight she witnessed, but he could only assume his expression was formidable when she immediately jerked her head back in and hastily slammed her door.

  He raised his fist to pound again, but the door was swung open before he could make contact. River stood before him. The extra-large hotel bathrobe swallowed her small frame. Her hair, looking slightly windblown, cascaded in waves around her face, falling over her shoulders to reach the peaks of her breasts. Surprise had been clearly written on her face before she'd concealed it.

  Laying the flat of his palm against the center of the door, he pushed it open farther, pulling it from her grasp as he took a step forward. She took a hasty one back. That, he wouldn't have. The length of his arm reached her easily, and he took hold of the lapel on her robe, the terrycloth thick in his grip. He gave it a small yank, and her body propelled forward, their chests colliding. He reached his free arm around her back, pressing her into him even deeper.

  She looked up at him, opening her mouth to speak, but he got to it first. His lips covered hers, his tongue invading before she could react. It wasn't a gentle plunder but an outpouring of the aggression he'd held bottled inside since his meeting with Nico. He explored every inch of her mouth, sweeping along the roof, even gliding over the ridges that defined the formation of her teeth until he came in contact with her tongue, forcing her to engage his in battle. He felt like a man possessed, needing to claim her, sink deep into her and make her his.

  Her moan vibrated through his mouth, and he swallowed it down, capturing it. But he wanted more. He wanted to own every bit of her. His arm squeezed her tighter, trying to absorb her into him and it was then he noticed the weak push of River's hands against his chest.

  He minutely loosened his hold, his mouth parting from hers but left hovering closely over her lips, taking in her exhaled breaths.

  "Wait." She pushed against his chest with more force until he took a step back, giving her space.

  They were both breathing hard, and she held up a hand when he went to close the distance that separated them. She took another step back, creating more distance between them. "I said, wait."

  He froze. Taking a deep breath, he ran his hands through his hair before shoving them deep into his front pockets. His cock was throbbing, and the urge to take the few steps that separated them was strong.

  He watched her fiddle with the closure of her robe and a small smirk played on his lips. If she thought she was protecting her modesty, she was sorely mistaken. He remembered every curve and dip she'd revealed to him in her tight dresses and even fully covered, it didn't take much for his imagination to visualize what she would look like spread out on a bed, his for the taking.

  They stood staring at each other. Him, still as a statue. Her, fiddling with her hair, tucking a lock behind her ear and licking her lips. He was waiting as she asked, but his patience was growing thin.

  Just as he was about to make a move, the time on his patience expiring, she spoke, freezing him in his tracks once more.

  "Before things go any further, I think you owe me an explanation for your disappearing act."

  Chapter Ten

  "It had always been my intention to come back."

  Alec's stance was casual—hands shoved in his pockets, head slightly tilted to the side—but it was all pretense. She could feel the energy emanating from him, powerfully pulling at her with invisible hands, trying to draw her to him. But she stayed firm, refusing to move her feet for fear of becoming sidetracked from the answers she so desperately wanted.

  She turned and walked farther into the room, down the two steps to the sitting area. She felt his eyes tracking her every move. Felt them boring into her as she made her way over to the couch.

  If anything, his answer left her more confused. "Then why did you leave in the first place?" She sat, crossing her legs, and intentionally letting her robe fall open. It was an underhanded move, but she needed all the ammunition she could muster when dealing with Alec just to keep them on an even playing field.

  Alec made his way over, stopping on the other side of the coffee table as if afraid to get too close. "Better question, why didn't you tell me Nico Conti approached you earlier today when we saw him at the party?"

  River straightened her spine, her mind flashing back to the party. "Nico Conti?" She shook her head. "That's who that guy was? He never told me his name." She looked at him accusingly. "You said you didn't know him."

  "And I don't. Not anymore, anyway."

  He was talking in riddles.

  "He's a very dangerous man, sweetheart. I want you to stay away from him." He inched around the coffee table, hands still in his pockets and she worried what he might do if he set them free.

  River hadn't sought the mob boss out in the first place and had no intention of seeking him out further, which she'd made clear to the man when they'd had their chat. But Alec telling her what to do? Nope, that wasn't happening.

  She uncrossed her legs and, if possible, sat even straighter on the couch. Indignation dripping from her words, she replied, "I'm not stupid, Alec. I wouldn't seek him out." Then, in anger, she foolishly added, "But just so we're clear, you're not my boss nor my keeper, so don't tell me what to do."

  And it was foolish because Alec unleashed the energy he'd been containing. With quick movements, he was on her before she could blink, and her back flat with his weight pressing her into the cushions.

  It took her a moment to realize, though she was restrained, he wasn't hurting her. His elbows on either side of her body supported most of his weight while his hands, cupping the sides of her face held her head immobile. The lower half of his body was pressed into her, and even if she tried, she wouldn't be able to wiggle free.

  "That may be true, but make no mistake, you will do as I say." Though his voice was low and his tone calm, it in no way diminished the vehemence behind his words.

  "Are you crazy?"

  "Maybe. When it comes to you, I seem to be."

  "We've known each other two days. This is nothing more than a vacation fling, and as of right now, I'm not even sure it's that. You have no power over my actions."

  "Wrong answer."

  And then to prove her wrong, his lips crashed against hers. To her shame, it didn't take long for her to forget everything she'd been angry about, getting swept away by his kiss. Her mind completely blanked of everything but his lips, the heat of his breath, and the silken slide of his tongue. His fingers tangled in her hair, tipping her head for better access. A better angle for his devouring mouth. And he was devouring her. Consuming every trace of her essence.

  A moan sounded in her ears. Hers. She was sure of it when she heard his answering growl. Fierce. Demanding. Domineering. His growl said it all, and what it said was, she would comply.

  She felt a tug at her waist, and the cool air as her robe parted. Felt the warmth of his hand as it slipped under the silk of her camisole and traveled up the length of her ribcage. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew she should stop him. Halt the assault on her mouth that seemed to flick the switch, turning off her good sense. Thwart the hand, that was covering her breast and squeezing it roughly. Restrain the fingers that skillfully plucked at her nipples. But she didn't stop any of it. Instead, she found her hands grabbing his arms, and her fingers digging into his bulging biceps through the layers of his coat and dress shirt. Her legs hugged his waist, pulling him to her even closer than his already close, her heat seeking the relief only Alec could sate.

  He pulled away from the kiss but left his lips hoveri
ng over hers, giving him just enough space to speak. "You will do as I say. I'll go crazy if you don't."

  His words were just a whisper, but they screamed at her through the sexual haze he'd shrouded her in. Warning lights flashed through her head even as the enticing fog clung to her, teasing her to stay and play. This was a man she'd worshiped from afar. His poker skill had tantalized her mind while his good looks had starred in all her teenage daydreams. His very presence affected her in ways no one else had ever managed, and she wondered if the pull she felt toward him now was tied to those long-ago feelings.

  She needed some space. Needed to clear her head so she could think rationally. And rational didn't seem to be a word in her vocabulary so long as Alec was pressed into her, breathing her same air.

  She pushed against the arms she'd clung to a moment ago, and gained a few inches of space when he backed away, holding himself steady with his hands planted on either side of her. His face was an unreadable mask as he stared down at her. The lack of visible emotion helped her focus. One would think not being able to read someone's features would be a hindrance, but it actually helped. It cleared her head, reminding her she didn't really know the man before her. Not the real man, anyway.

  She looked deep into his piercing blue eyes, trying to shuffle and separate the feelings from her past with her wants of the present and found she couldn't do it. The giddiness of her schoolgirl crush was so intermingled with the heat currently coursing through her body, she couldn't tell what feelings were real.

  And did any of that even matter when they were going their separate ways in a few short days? Would it hurt to live out a fantasy? How many times in one's lifetime did something like this come along? The man of her dreams alive and in the flesh, touching and kissing her. She would be a fool to overthink things and turn him away.

  So she ignored the warning bells screeching through her head like an alarm sounding the final countdown to WWIII and did something she'd never in a million years thought she'd do.

  She kissed Alec Throne.

  * * * * *

  It felt like an eternity as River stared up at him. Alec waited patiently or as patiently as he was capable, holding his body perfectly still to let her get her fill. He could see the wheels spinning, knew she was thinking, working through something. Never had he wanted to read someone's mind more than he wanted to read River's at that moment.

  He watched the subtle flickers of expressions as they quickly passed over her features. So quick, if he hadn't been paying close attention, he would've missed them. But he was paying close attention.

  Very close.

  He watched as she fought an internal battle. A struggle denoted by the slight drawing of her brow, the shifting of her eyes, and the subtle press of her lips. He watched the battle she waged unfold, feeling he was about to come out on the losing end. So he was surprised when her hands left his arms to lightly cradle his face. He felt her thumbs ghost along the line of his jaw, peace overtaking her face, softening her features just before she pulled at his head, raising hers until their lips met.

  He closed his eyes, savoring the gentle brush of her lips and the shyly hesitant sweep of her tongue. Her fingers softly stroked, playing with the short stubble along his jaw, sending all his blood south until his cock was so hard it ached.

  It took everything in him not to take over, let her feel in control. He should get a fucking award for the amount of restraint he showed. But he felt she needed that, a few minutes of power.

  He let her explore. Her tongue tangling with his. Her fingers dove into his hair, scraping along his scalp. He felt her foot slide up the back of his calf as she raised her pelvis, pressing into him. Just that little touch and he was on the brink of exploding. He hadn't felt so out of control since he was a teen and knew if he didn't put a stop to her actions, it would be game over before it even began.

  In one quick movement, he ripped himself from her. Coming to a stand, his breaths a heavy pant as he looked down at her, he watched as she slowly opened her eyes. Pupils dilated, their surface glassy. Lips wet, shiny, and slightly swollen. Flushed cheeks and tousled hair.

  Her robe was parted, her black silk camisole on show, exposing just a hint of her dusky nipple through the lacy border. Legs parted, knees slightly bent, she looked like an open invitation lying there. A goddess on display. And she was all his.

  Before she could act, before she could speak, he was scooping her up. Cradled in his arms, he walked her to the bed.

  He knew it wouldn't take her long to protest, and was actually counting the seconds, so grinned when she asked, "What are you doing?"

  Without wasting a beat, he replied, "Something I've wanted to do since the first moment I laid eyes on you. Fuck you."

  He heard her sharp intake of breath as he felt her stiffen in his arms. "I'm not sure I want that."

  "Yes, you do. Just let go, turn off your brain and let it happen. You won't be sorry after, I promise." He accompanied his words with a smirk he knew would drive her over the edge. He loved making her lose control, whether it was in anger or desire. Watching emotion, any emotion, wash over her face, knowing she was giving it to him, did something to him. Made something deep inside his chest open.

  She didn't disappoint him. He got the spark from her eyes first before her lips flattened. Her tits push against his chest as she took a deep breath, getting ready, he was sure, to let him have it. And he wanted it. All of it.

  "Put me down." She tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he just held her tighter.

  "Planning on it. When we reach the bed."

  "No, put me down now."

  He was two strides away from the bed. He tossed her on it, following her down.

  "You know that's not what I meant."

  Her tone was snippy, and he couldn't contain the grin that split his lips. "I know."

  She gave his shoulder an unsuccessful shove. "Get off."

  He did the opposite, leaning in closer. "No." He whispered it across her lips before moving his mouth the last inch that separated them.

  She didn't protest again. He knew she wouldn't. She wanted it as much as he did but her pride was on the line. Taking her options away let her save face with dignity.

  He deepened the kiss, his fingers plowing through her hair, grabbing large fistfuls of the silky strands, holding her head exactly where he wanted it. She made a noise in the back of her throat. A sexy little moan that had his dick hardening further against the zipper of his slacks. He pressed into her stomach, trying to find any form of relief. The action was futile when he felt her hands grab his ass, her fingertips digging in, making his cock even harder. It wanted in her now. Was trying to command his actions.

  That he couldn't allow. A quick fuck was not on tonight's agenda. Would never be on any agenda where River was concerned. She wasn't cheap tequila, harsh with a burn, shot fast then chased with salt and lime to disguise the taste. She was a finely aged Scotch meant to be sipped and savored, the taste smoky and sweet, rolling off the tongue to slide smoothly down the throat.

  And tasting her, he was. Sliding his tongue down the column of her throat, sipping at the spot between her neck and her shoulder, sucking in the flesh over her collarbone. Her taste was addictive. More intoxicating than the alcohol he'd likened her to and the longer he partook, the drunker he became until all thoughts in his head were cloudy but one bright shining ray–River.

  "Too many clothes," he murmured against the swell of her breast. He slid a hand under the hem of her top, the silky fabric skimming his knuckles as it traveled up her ribcage.

  He heard her moan and he took that as consent. Sitting up on his knees between her splayed legs, he stripped himself of his jacket then reached for the buttons
on his shirt. River was looking up at him, eyes drowsy with lust, lips slightly parted, her hair a tangled halo around her head. "So fucking beautiful." His voice came out low and raspy. He hadn't even meant to share his thoughts, the words just slipped out, but from the small smile that curved her lips, and the flush that fanned her cheeks, he was happy he did. He wouldn't have wanted to miss that look.

  She sat up, mimicking his moves by sliding out of her robe. Her fingers gripped the hem of her top, and he watched, unable to look away as she pulled it up and over her head. Her tits came into view, and his fingers itched to touch them, his mouth watering at the sight of her perky nipples. Her hands reached out, her fingers tracing up his abs, distracting him, and he was all fucking thumbs as he tried to disengage the cufflinks from the cuffs of his shirt.

  Finally, with a vicious yank, he rid himself of his shirt. He grasped her under the arms and slammed their naked chests together while one hand slid into her hair and the other glided down the smooth, warm skin of her back. He held her for a moment, savoring her heat pressing into him, the floral fragrance of her hair, and the breathy sounds coming from her throat. She was finally his.

  Chapter Eleven

  River was consumed by heat. From the outside—Alec's warm skin pressing into her and his hot breath, drifting over her ear to float down her neck. And from the inside—the fire every touch of Alec's skilled fingers and lips ignited in her.

  "Tell me you feel it." His voice was a rough rumble in her ear that sent a shiver down her spine.

  "Feel what?" Hers was a breathy whisper.

  "How much I want you."

  She could. The energy coming from him was almost a tangible substance. Waves of need flowed over her, bringing her already sensitized yearnings to a fervid peak. She answered by pressing into him harder.

  He growled, crashing them back down to the bed, and her warm, bare back collided with the coolness of the comforter. His mouth and hands seemed everywhere at once, reducing her to a squirming mass of need as one sensation piled onto the next.


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