His Pet Human

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His Pet Human Page 7

by Rose St. Andrews

  Snapping her leash on her collar, he turned off the communication device and handed it to another board member. “Here, have this taken apart and thoroughly analyzed.”

  “Is that really necessary?” Halos said. “A simple scan will do that.”

  “I’m in charge of this eval,” he snapped. “Come along, animal.”

  He yanked on the leash. Crystal almost fell over and gagged for a moment. She seethed and wanted to punch him in his long nose, but she held her temper and just breathed.

  Behave, focus, and just get through this.

  The first stop was the decontamination chamber. Her clothes were cut from her body and thrown away. She tried to undress, but Slump slapped her hands away and ordered two burly technicians to do it. They were almost as big as Ibis. Then they dragged her into a shower area and blasted her with jets of water—at least they weren’t too cold—and scrubbed her down with big long brushes. Then she was rinsed and dried, and stuffed into a small cage off in the corner.

  Slump locked the door and bent down to glare at her. “Here we are, all ‘cozy’ for the night. Tomorrow the tests begin and I will prove to the others just what a mindless savage you are, and then it’s the zoo for you and prison for that empty-headed clod. Night now,” he sneered.

  He left, the lights went out, and she was alone with only a dim exit sign to provide a modicum of light.

  “What’s your problem, asshole?” she shouted. “Damn, did Ibis wrong you or do you just hate all bigs? Fine, do your worst; you won’t break me!”

  She knew he couldn’t hear her, and he definitely couldn’t understand her if he did. She didn’t care; she just needed to vent. Looking around, she saw a water thing like in a hamster cage, an inverted glass bottle with a metal tube, a bowl of food, a mat, and a simple hole in the corner. Her first thought was to refuse food, but she knew she’d need her strength in the morning. So she ate, and managed to choke down what seemed like their version of dry kibble. She decided to try to get some sleep. Not only was there nothing else to do, but she suspected little mister big nose was not above slipping in during the night to interrupt her sleep.

  She was right.

  The exact hour was difficult to tell, there was no clock in the room, but it had to be late. First the lights flashed off and on a few times. Then there were some thumps and bumps to the wall and door, and then a really big bam followed by a cry of pain. Crystal grinned. It seemed he’d overdone it. At that point, things calmed down, and she lay back on her little mat. She’d already gotten a fairly decent night’s sleep, so she just lay there and looked out through the bars at the window high above her.

  She could not believe the recent events of her life. Crystal remembered as a young child, being offered a free puppy from a cardboard box. She couldn’t believe she could own another creature’s life so easily. Now she was that puppy. That’s what Thistle had said. They’d given her to Ibis. He could do with her whatever he wanted, even give or sell her to someone else, and keep her tethered or in a cage.

  Her heart pounded, she licked her lips, and felt beads of sweat trickle across her naked frame. She was conflicted. On the one hand, those thoughts terrified her, just like how she’d been with Ralph, her sadistic old boyfriend. She would never dare trust him in such a situation. Yet here and now, she felt no fear at all; instead joy, elation, sexual fire, and total calm and bliss washed over her. It took a while, but as she had nothing to do but think, she finally figured it out. The critical factor could be summed up in one word: love. She loved Ibis and he loved her, and thus she trusted him with her life and liberty. Yes, she was his pet and subject to any whim that came into his head, but she didn’t fear any of them, even those involving things beyond her comprehension. So long as they had love, they could face anything together.

  The next thing she knew, a glaring light was being shoved in her face. She winced and whimpered. The latter was deliberate. She wanted Slump to think he’d succeeded in breaking her down. Looking around, she saw that she was in another lab, a place of white plastic, metal and glass, and all kinds of fierce-looking gadgets. She shivered. They’d left her naked and Halos was studying her eyes with the device that sort of looked like a flashlight. The door opened. Halos and the technicians turned toward it and Crystal lifted her head. It was Slump. Crystal grinned. He was limping.

  “Where have you been?” Halos said.

  “I… was busy,” he grumbled. “Don’t pester me with questions, let us get to it. I will check her vocal processor.”

  Halos straightened up. “Well, I can answer one question: her failure of the visual test. Her eyes do not see the same spectrum as ours.”

  “Fine, we’ll give her another test, after I’m done with her,” he said, moving closer to the table. He shoved a huge device at her mouth. “Open up, now!”

  The door opened again. “Slump, really?” Thistle said. “Why use the older model? Here, let me. Oh, and someone get the poor thing a gown.”

  She shoved him aside and held a tiny device in front of Crystal’s mouth. A man got a simple robe and just sort of tossed it across her. It wasn’t much, but it was better than being on total display.

  “Fine, ma’am,” Slump said with a huff, eyeing her breasts. “I’ll do the stimulation test.”

  She sighed and held up her free hand to him. “Okay, little one, open up, and this will be over quick. Just speak normally.”

  Crystal nodded, then held up her hand and recited a nursery rhyme. She grimaced as Slump forced her legs apart and inserted some sort of tool. At first it felt like a round tube. It started to hum and heat up, then expanded, became ribbed, and he worked it in and out of her pussy. She moaned and gasped. He might be a total jerk, but he was good down there.

  Thistle turned to Halos. “Yes, vocal range is beyond ours. Switch on the translator.”

  Slump looked up from between her legs. “What, it’s here?”

  “I had a copy made, just in case the original wasn’t put back together in time for the tests,” she said casually.

  Halos grinned and turned it on. Crystal blushed. The first sounds out of it were her growing close to a climax.

  “Ohhh, I-I… sooo close, going to… going toooo…” she wailed.

  “Well, it seems she can climax without our normal foreplay,” Halos said.

  Thistle held up her hand. “Quite true. Slump, don’t you think you should… finish?”

  He snickered and yanked the device out. “Quite right, let’s move on.”

  “Ohhh, now that was mean,” Crystal snapped. “Oh, did I say that out loud?”

  Halos chuckled. “Yes, you did, but it was entirely justified. Shall we start the intelligence tests?”

  “Just a moment,” Slump snapped. “I want to complete the sexual eval first.”

  “Very well,” Thistle said. “Just try to make it fast. I think we’d like to move this along as quickly as possible.”

  He grinned. “Wonderful. Okay, bring in the machine!”

  Crystal stiffened. His expression and words worried her. A… machine, a machine to do what?

  Chapter Seven

  The two big orderlies rolled a massive machine into the room. Crystal didn’t need to be told what it was, it was a nightmare come to life: a spanking machine. She was hoisted onto a large padded bench, her wrist and ankles were cuffed, and a strap went across her back. The people worked in silence attaching all manner of probes and devices to her body. It was like back in the lab with Luminous and that guy, only more. There was an anal probe as well as vaginal, multiple attachments to her breasts, little sticky things on her ribs to monitor her breathing, others on her temples to follow her brainwaves, and so on.

  It took close to half an hour just to get her ready.

  They stood in a semi-circle before her, all three of them working a different aspect of the test.

  “All right, we begin,” Thistle said. “Slump, activate.”

  Crystal stiffened and cast her eyes sideways toward him. He ope
rated his handheld control panel. The mechanical arm swung down and… pat, ‘spanked’ her. It was comical; she’d gotten harder birthday spankings. Halos and Thistle checked the displays of their devices and declared no reaction. Slump tried level two.

  It wasn’t until level five that she reacted. At level eight she truly yelped, and he held it steady there for the next half hour as her body began to react. Soon she was awash in delight, her moans growing louder and more powerful. All the while, all three of them casually discussed how she was responding to the spanking.

  “This is most interesting,” Halos said. “She’s close to a climax. It would appear spanking is not merely foreplay for her species; it can serve as an entirely separate means of orgasm. Shall we take her to a… conclusion?”

  Slump switched off the machine. “I don’t see the need for that. We’ve established the degree to which she experiences sexual pleasure. Enough is sufficient. Besides, I’m hungry.”

  “Very well,” Thistle said. “Men, release her, and bring in the carts.”

  The two raised a hand and got Crystal free, and one of them handed her a gown. She winced and rubbed her sore bottom as she climbed down. They then rolled in three carts with food and drinks on them. Crystal sighed and smiled. Ibis had obviously given them a listing of her diet; there were several items she could eat and drink. As they ate, one of the orderlies turned on music.

  Ah, yes, they do so love their tunes.

  As she ate, Crystal started to bop about, shake her head, and move with the music. Ironically, the tune was similar to a song she’d heard recently, and so she started singing it. The words didn’t line up perfectly, but it was close enough. The orderlies were thoroughly entertained, Halos clapped along with the tune, and Thistle smiled. Even Slump seemed to enjoy it as he also did their version of clapping as she performed. When the song ended, he was the first to call for more.

  “I don’t know many songs, but I can try,” she said.

  “Perhaps we should move on,” Thistle said.

  “It is still lunchtime,” Halos replied. “Surely we have time for another.”

  Crystal smiled as Thistle raised her hand. The next song wasn’t at all like anything Crystal had heard before, so she initially only danced, but as she did so she hummed, and eventually made up a little song about a nice man who takes in a lost pet and cares for her. When she was done, they gave her a standing ovation.

  “Crystal, if we judged intelligence by musical ability,” Thistle said, “you would not only be a genius, you would be prime minister. Now come, we will begin the next tests.”

  She was ushered into the adjoining room and stood before three flat screen monitors. Crystal couldn’t get over that, a monitor no more than an inch thick. The others took up positions at different control panels and they began. In turn, each displayed a simple image that she could see on a screen, and she identified it: house, man, woman, jet, chair, and so on. Over time, they got more complex, and eventually became things she didn’t recognize. Then they did simple math, which quickly became too complicated for her to solve.

  “Just so you know, math is not my subject. There are plenty of people back home who are a lot smarter than me.”

  “We’ll take that into consideration,” Thistle said. “Let us now try language skills.”

  Crystal declared herself ready. She wasn’t. Their written language was far too complex for her to recognize more than a dozen words. Unless she got a major brain boost from something, there was no way she’d ever learn their huge logical alphabet. The test ended quickly and they moved on. Again the simple pictures appeared, but this time she was told to write her word for each item on the screen next to it.

  “I write on the computer screen? With what?”

  “Your finger, of course,” Halos said. “What else?”

  “A touch screen? Wow, incredible! Okay, I’m ready.”

  The others chuckled at her childlike wonder and the test started. It didn’t take long for them to work out the structure of English: the letters, basic grammar and syntax. Crystal was amazed that they could figure out so much so quickly, and with so little data. They found it primitive and simplistic.

  Finally done, they had dinner, and Crystal was able to sit for the meal. She felt a bit self-conscious at being in only a robe, but it was kind of nice to interact with people close to her size. Yet, she still missed Ibis terribly. Where once his size intimidated her, now it was a comfort, and she longed to be wrapped up in his great powerful arms.

  After eating, Thistle had a simple dress brought in for Crystal and she was escorted to a room with a decent bed. The door was not locked and she even had an e-tain unit to give her something to do. She slept better that night, but her longing for Ibis grew stronger. Nightmares of him with Flirt tormented her. The two of them naked, him spanking her ass until it glowed and she screamed out for him to fuck her, which he did as Crystal watched from a cage. She awoke in a sweat, her heart pounding.

  Morning couldn’t come soon enough.

  Day two was mostly conversations. Crystal sat in a chair and faced the others across a narrow table. They wanted to know about her life, family, lovers, education and life, and her society. The fact that spanking was not normal foreplay fascinated them, as did the concept of anal penetration and orgasm. Then they moved on to social and political conflicts in America and around the world.

  “People discriminated because of gender and skin pigmentation?” Slump snapped. “Absurd!”

  “Oh, are you truly more enlightened?” she shot back. “How is your treatment of Ibis and other big people any different?”

  They looked at each other in silence for a moment, and then Thistle turned to her.

  “He hasn’t told you?”

  “What? No, he hasn’t told me much of anything about your world, except for a little of your written language,” she said, her throat going dry.

  Slump snorted. “He has little reason to!”

  “Let us remain civil,” Halos said. “Crystal, it is time you knew.”

  They explained the history of their social upheaval. Long ago, they had a caste system: the bigs were the minority, yet ran everything and owned ninety percent of everything and everyone else. Finally, when their society evolved beyond the need for money, the bigs lost their hold on power, and became outcasts. It was only in recent years that the centuries of animosity between the two sides were fading away.

  “Huh, okay, I can understand why people would be pissed about that stuff for a while, but it’s been… how long now? I mean, none of you have been mistreated by a big, and Ibis and the other bigs never did anything to anyone, so why can’t you get along?”

  “For the same reason such a society eludes your people,” Thistle said and slowly stood. “I think we’re done here. Slump, Halos, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to present my findings to the board.”

  The others raised their hands.

  “What’s to be done with her?” an orderly said.

  “Hold her in her room until the others arrive,” Slump said.

  The two big men took her down the hall and back to her room. She felt quite tiny walking between them. This time they left the door open. She felt better, not so alone, and within the hour she was back in the meeting room. Her heart soared.

  Ibis was there.

  Thistle presented their findings, which were pretty much a rehash of what Ibis had said. Crystal was embarrassed by the hologram video of her intimate exam, stimulation and spanking, and by Thistle’s conclusion. Earthlings were a mostly harmless race, but with violent tendencies and limited intelligence. However, with sufficient love and discipline, they could make fine pets, reproductive surrogates, and wet nurses.

  Crystal’s jaw dropped. What the fuck did she just say?

  “What were those last points?” Apogee, a petite board lady said.

  Thistle grinned. “We thought those would catch your attention. Yes, based on the genetic scans, we are compatible.”

nbsp; “That’s not the half of it,” Slump said with a sly grin. “As Crystal and all earthlings are pets, they are exempt from the reproductive laws.”

  Crystal bit her lip as she felt a surge to her pussy. She had no idea what that meant, but she knew it was going to affect her in a big way. The collective gasp that echoed around the room reinforced her conclusion.

  “Ah, madam chairwoman, excuse me,” Ibis said rather meekly. “You must excuse me, but I’m unclear as to what that means. Given my social standing, I didn’t think marriage was in my future.”

  “Under the law, all children are produced in government incubators,” Thistle explained. “However, those are children that are the product of any two citizens. As we’ve just made clear, Crystal and her race are not and cannot be citizens.”

  “Well, wait, what would the offspring of such a union be considered?” Apogee said.

  “We thought of that too,” Thistle replied. “Also under the law, no individual may be denied their rights as a citizen if they have at least one biological ancestor who was born on Mari.”

  “Really?” Apogee said. “That seems unusually vague.”

  Slump turned to her. “You need to remember, when we established our first colony worlds, centuries ago, the people born on them wanted their rights protected. The government was encouraging people to move to the off-world colonies as a means of easing the population crisis, and so that law was passed.”

  Ibis grinned and shot Crystal a sly look. “Really? Well, one thing’s for sure, they won’t starve!”

  Everyone roared with laughter. The air shot from Crystal’s lungs, her legs became pudding, and a lightning bolt struck her pussy. Her life was literally becoming like those dime novels she used to read, the books where aliens would abduct women and use them. As a teenager, reading one of them under the covers with a flashlight, terrified her parents would catch her, such stories would always leave her breathless and drained by morning.

  Bam, the striking of Thistle’s ‘gavel’ brought her back to reality, her new reality.


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