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Wild & Inked_A Motorcycle Club Romance_Desert Sons MC

Page 10

by Claire St. Rose

  Tina could tell from Jack’s face he was fighting against his orgasm. “Now I’ve got you, you bastard. Come!” she sneered, using her words like weapons as she tried to drive him into sweet oblivion.

  He placed his hands on her breasts and tweaked her nipples, trying to focus on her pleasure over his own, but the feel of her tender flesh in his hands only excited him further. He felt his control slip and he knew he had passed the point of no return. He grabbed her by the head and back to protect her from injury as he rolled to his knees, his cock still buried deep inside of her, then drove her hard into the bed, thrusting savagely as he did so. He caught a foot that bounced up during the tumble and stuck her big toe in his mouth. As he thrust furiously into her, he pressed her legs back with his hands for maximum penetration and sucked hard on her toe.

  The moment his lips closed around her toe, her second orgasm of the night begin to form. His incredibly deep thrusts, the knowledge that he was about to explode within her, and the unexpected eroticism of having him suck on her toe sent her reeling. “Oh … fuck!” she wailed as her orgasm bore down upon her.

  With a deep, guttural grunt, Jack crashed into a hard orgasm. He suspected she was close to another release from her cry, an orgasm he desperately wanted to give her. He jerked her toe from his mouth and fell forward to his hands as he gritted his teeth against the mind-twisting pleasure as he continued to drive hard into her even as his orgasm overtook him. .

  His harsh grunt and continued thrusting as he came was her undoing. With a whimper, she grabbed his arms and held tight, grounding herself so she wouldn’t be swept away with pleasure. When he collapsed on her, panting, she held him tight, wrapping her legs around him to hold him inside.

  After several long moments, he began to thrust into her slowly, lovingly. He could go twice in a row if the woman, and the sex, were hot enough. He knew he would have no problem going again tonight. Tonight, this bed is so hot, someone may have to splash cold water on us to get us apart, he thought. He pulled his head back from her neck, staring into her gorgeous brown eyes. “I like my bacon crispy,” he teased before taking her lips gently.

  “I like my eggs scrambled,” she replied with a smile as their lips parted.

  The animalistic need had been consumed in the heat of their passion, and they settled into a slow and easy rhythm. Jack smiled as he looked into Tina’s face, her eyes partially closed in pleasure and contentment.

  She wiped at his damp hair, his smile almost loving. She had had her share of men, and on occasion they had left her well fucked, but she had never felt like this. There was something about Jack, something beyond the physical that gave her a deep sense of peace. His kindness, generosity, and forgiving nature touched her at a deep level, thawing a space inside of her that had been frozen for so long, she had forgotten there might be another way.

  As he watched her, her face softened and the hardness melted away. As it did so, she became even more beautiful. They had enjoyed this leisurely pace for many long minutes, and as he watched her, he could feel the tingle of a second orgasm flicker into life. He was going to have to fix her scrambled eggs in the morning, and he didn’t care a bit. “I’m going to come again,” he whispered as he leaned down to caress her lips with his own.

  Hearing Jack admit he was going to come acted like a match set to gunpowder. She had settled in for a good long ride, and he had given it to her, but suddenly her passion flared to life. She wanted to come again and share that most exquisite moment with him. She had occasionally felt another orgasm lurking, tickling her with its presence before fading away unrealized. “Make me come, Jack. I want you to make me come again.”

  He felt heat wash over him at her words. He began to thrust harder, faster, driving into her with renewed purpose. “Are you going to come?” he asked, wanting to hear the words again.

  “Yes … Make me come.”

  He kissed her, wanting to do this for her. As they kissed, he took in her scent of flowers and sweat and sex, a heady mixture that stoked his inner flame. “Come with me. I want you to come with me,” he murmured as he drove into her with ever harder strokes.

  “Yes … yes,” she gasped as she felt her orgasm approach. “I want to come with you.”

  He was tired, winded from his long labors, so he fell to her, holding her down with his weight. He rolled onto his back while he held her tight. As they come to rest, Tina rested on his chest. He adjusted his hold and her legs dropped to the bed on either side of his hips. He held her down, one hand on her back, the other on the back of her head, as he pulled up his legs and planted his feet for the final sprint to completion.

  As Jack adjusted their position, his comfortable embrace made her feel warm, safe and protected … a feeling she couldn’t remember having since her father died. As he exploded into motion, driving himself into her with furious passion, she could feel her orgasm swell to life and she relaxed, allowing it to come.

  He drove into her hard and fast, the slickness of their sweat soaked skin another source of pleasure. His approaching orgasm caused burning tingles to dance over his skin in announcement of his impending fall. “I’m about to come.”

  “Come,” she sighed, her own orgasm nearly upon her.

  They each exhaled at nearly the same moment, their breath mixing in a long gasp of pure pleasure as they peaked and fell into the depths of their release.


  An hour later, they finally rose from the comfort of the bed to prepare a late and light dinner. Tina put on one of Jack’s shirts from the dirty clothes hamper as he slipped into a set of long pajama bottoms. “That shirt never looked that good on me,” he commented as he kissed her gently on the lips.

  She fingered the material as she pulled the collar to her nose to smell his scent, but she said nothing. There were no words to describe how she felt. Something was happening. Her outlook on life was changing, and it was all because of Mr. Jack Carter. He was making her see herself in an entirely new way, and she liked what she saw. She smiled. It also didn’t hurt that he was rocking her world at night.

  Jack watched Tina smile at some secret thought, a soft smile that he had never seen before. It transformed her. She had always had a severe beauty about her, but that smile softened her and made her glow. She caught his eyes, and the smile brightened, making her more beautiful still. So much like Collette … and he could feel his heart go to her, just as it had with Collette so long ago. He shoved the thoughts of Collette away, the memory almost too painful to bear, but the tenuous connection with Tina remained. He could feel his lips form a small smile of their own, an answering echo to her smile … and for the life of him, he couldn’t wipe it off his face.


  “Are you ready?” Jack asked Tina as they admired a blood red 1962 Ferrari GTO three days after she had lifted the guard’s keys.

  Tina was flabbergasted as she stared at the car. According to the literature for the car, this one car was worth thirty-five million dollars, more than the price the Sons are getting for the lot.

  “Yeah,” she said quietly. “But why are you selling them so cheap? Did you see the price on this thing?”

  “Yeah. But it’s going to be stolen, remember? The buyer will never be able to sell or show these cars to anyone. That drives the price down.”

  “Fuck…” she breathed as her head reeled at the prices.

  Jack sent a text message with a single word to Seth and Marshall: “Now.”

  It would take Seth and Michelle a few minutes to walk up from their car and buy their tickets, time Jack and Tina used to track down and shadow the guard.

  Jack had spoken with Marshall and Seth each night, checking and rechecking their plan, trying to cover all contingencies. Now, just thirty minutes before the show closed for the evening, the plan was in motion.

  “You whore!” A woman’s voice rang clear through the exhibit hall. It was go time.

  The guard, who had been watching a group of Cub Scouts, turned toward th
e woman’s voice.

  “Fuck off!” another woman’s voice, full of venom, replied. The guard moved toward the ruckus as all heads turned toward the front of the building.

  Jack and Tina, along with a couple of others, moved toward the noise. Standing by the first car on display, a 1936 Duesenberg SSJ Speedster, two women were squared off as their significant others tried to calm them down.

  “I know you are fucking him!” Michelle snarled, giving Nic a push.

  Nic shook Marshall off her arm and shoved Michelle backwards. “Fuck you, you bitch! I’m doing no such thing!”

  Tina had to smile because they were really selling it. She followed close behind the guard as he waded between the women. Michelle took a sloppy swing at Nic. She missed completely but made the guard dodge back out of the way, giving Tina a chance to lift the key ring. While the guard got between the woman again, Marshall and Seth pulled their wives away from each other. While the guard was distracted, Tina quickly removed the alarm key and pocketed it, then hid the remaining keys in her hand while she waited for her chance to return them to his belt.

  Seth and Marshall saw Jack’s nod that they had the key, so they hauled at their wives, breaking up the fight. The guard ordered them from the building. Michelle lunged at Nic again, having the time of her life and playing her role to the hilt. Nothing like a good bitch fight to get her blood pumping, and she was going to fuck Seth blind the moment they got home.

  Nic had a hard time keeping a straight face as she and Michelle spit and snarled at each other. She knew that Michelle and Seth had a reputation for starting fights and causing trouble, and she found it humorous that she and Marshall were now doing the same thing, even if it was just play acting. But, she had to admit, playing the badass, husband stealing bitch was a lot of fun!

  As Jack engaged the guard in idle chitchat about the impromptu show, Tina returned his keys to his belt. She caught Jack’s eyes and turned her hands palm out so he could see she no longer had the keys.


  “You don’t have to do this,” Jack told Tina. “You’ve done your part and you can still walk away.” It was nearly three in the morning and they were sitting in one of the three trucks they were going to use to haul the cars away.

  They had exited the show not far behind the other four Sons and driven straight back to the clubhouse. At about midnight, three trucks, two pulling large enclosed trailers, arrived. Jack and the Son driving the third truck quickly and efficiently hooked the truck to the trailer stored in the back corner of warehouse. Tina gathered from their conversion that the three trucks belonged to Desert Sons club members while the other trailers were rented for this job. The third trailer, the one stored in the clubhouse, she assumed belonged to either Jack or the Sons.

  They had hung around the clubhouse for a couple of hours until Jack announced it was time go. He had suggested she stay behind, but she was instant that she go. She wanted to see this through to the end.

  “I’m going. I’ll keep watch. That will give you four guys, two on each car. You should be done in less than a half hour.”

  “Okay,” he said before giving her a quick kiss on the lips. “Have it your way.” He didn’t like that fact that she was still putting herself at risk, but she was right. If she kept watch, they could move two cars at a time instead of one.

  Jack unlocked the front door of the exhibit hall with the duplicate key, then quickly strode over to the chirping alarm panel. Without hurrying, to prevent mistakes, he opened the panel with the key, then typed in the passcode and pushed the Disarm button, silencing the pending alarm. He turned and smiled at her. She had exceeded expectations.

  While the Sons unlocked and raised the large roll up door at the back of the building, Jack crouched behind a corner. As expected, the guard came hurrying over to investigate the clatter of the rising door. As he passed, Jack rose from behind the wall and put his weapon to the back of the man’s head.

  The man wasn’t stupid, and he froze before raising his hands to just above his head. Without saying a word, Jack pulled a black cloth bag from his pocket and slipped it over the man’s head, then removed the guard’s weapon and tucked it into his pocket. Putting a hand on the guard’s shoulder, and still without saying a word, he led the man to the women’s restroom, ignoring the guard’s soft pleading for his life. In the restroom, Jack forced the man to sit on the toilet. He zip tied his hands to the safety rail in the handicapped stall.

  As he returned from the restroom, two of the Sons were already pushing the first car out of the door, the silk cloth that covered the car in a wad on the floor. Tina stood at the edge of the door, waving her arm in a come on motion as she watched up and down the road. “Did you find the keys?” Jack asked as the third Son stepped up and handed him a small box full of keys.

  “Good man! Tina!” Jack called, waving a glove covered hand to call her too him.


  “Sort through these keys and find the six we need … and put the covers on the cars inside them. We might as well give the customer the covers too.”

  Tina took the box. After finding the first key that fit, she quickly located the other five keys of similar style and placed each key in the ignition of the car it belonged to.

  Forty-five minutes later, Jack was locking the roll up door while the other three Sons and Tina secured the cars in the trailers. It wouldn’t do to steal the cars, then beat them all to hell on the trip back to the clubhouse.

  Door locked, Jack returned the remaining car keys to the file cabinet where they had been found and left the guard’s weapon in the same place. He was about to reset the alarm when he had another thought. He returned to the guard and removed his keys, once again ignoring the guard’s plaintive pleas. He put the alarm key back on the ring, then pushed the Arm button ... but nothing happened. He typed in the code and tried the button again. This time, the clock began to count backwards from three minutes. He locked the alarm panel, then trotted fast to the women’s restroom. He snapped the keys on the man’s belt, then jogged out of the building, locking the front door behind him with his duplicate key.

  He had just turned from the front door when he heard the heavy bellow of two diesel trucks straining under a heavy load. As he watched, two of the Sons’ trucks turned in front of the building, billowing black smoke as they accelerated away, hard. He had warned the drivers about driving in a manner that attracted unwanted attention, but it was hard to stay calm with nearly a hundred million dollars’ worth of stolen cars on your truck.

  As Jack slid into the passenger seat of the third truck, he high-fived the driver, then accepted a quick kiss from Tina. “Nice and easy,” he reminded the driver.


  It was nearly 5 a.m. before the last of the six cars were unloaded and the heist team had dispersed.

  “The guard is going to have some explaining to do,” Tina said as she snuggled up to Jack.

  The rest of the Sons would be by tomorrow—well, later that day, actually—for their normal Saturday cookout. As much as she would like to make mad passionate love to Jack, she was just too damned tired. She hadn’t slept much the night before; she had been too keyed up about the theft, despite the fact that Jack had fucked her to nirvana.

  “I can’t believe you took the time to put the alarm key back,” she added.

  Jack yawned mightily. He thought about seducing Tina, but decided that he needed to get some sleep first. Maybe they would have a go before the Sons arrived in the morning.

  “Not to mention a hell of a set of hemorrhoids from sitting on the toilet for six or seven hours.”

  Tina giggled. “He can get on the floor. Why did you return the alarm key to his belt?”

  This time it was Jack that chuckled. “I just thought I would give them something to think about. We got in with no alarm, nothing broken, and nothing taken.”

  “Except the cars,” she reminded him.

  “Except the cars,” he amended.

he had to know you were taking his keys.”

  “Probably. But that doesn’t explain how we got in the first time.”

  Tina snorted out a laugh that trailed off into a huge yawn. “True. Jesus, I’m tired.”

  “Yeah, me too. But in the morning…”

  “What?” she asked as she squirmed her ass into his crotch.

  “I won’t be tired anymore.”

  She smiled. “Me either.”


  “Thirty-five million dollars? Are you sure?” Nic asked in surprise as she and Michelle admired the GTO.

  “That’s what the little plaque thing said,” Tina replied.

  “So why are we only getting twenty million for all six?” Michelle asked as her face crinkled in confusion.


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