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Wild & Inked_A Motorcycle Club Romance_Desert Sons MC

Page 19

by Claire St. Rose

  He grabbed her by the arm. “Wait a minute!”

  Tina shook his arm off. “I’m not going back inside, Jack! Not if I can help it. If we go right now we might be able to get away before they figure out which room we are in!” She started for the door again and grabbed the keys for her bike.

  He took her arm again, more firmly this time. “Just wait a minute. Think about what you are doing!”

  “Fuck that! If you want to stay here and get caught, be my guest! But I’m leaving!” she yelled as she tried to jerk her arm free. What’s wrong with him?!

  “Tina! Stop it!”

  She swung her helmet and it connected solidly with his shoulder. He grunted and stumbled away as he released his grip on her arm. She grabbed his pants with same hand that held the key and turning toward the door. Before she could open it his hand was against the door, holding it shut.

  “No.” His voice was soft but full of steel.

  She swung the helmet again, aiming for his head this time but he caught her arm easily and twisted the helmet from her grip. “Tina! Stop!”

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” she shouted.

  “I can’t let you go out there.”

  “Fuck you!” she said trying to shove him out of the way.

  They struggled for a moment before he had enough. He picked her up and threw her hard down on the bed. “Goddammit, would you stop!” he said as he pinned her down.

  “You don’t know what it’s like inside! I can’t go back!” she yelled as she struggled.

  “They’re not here for us! And even if they are, it’s too late!”

  “It wouldn’t be if you would fucking let me go!” she snarled as she twisted and kicked at him.

  “I can’t let you go out there! You could get hurt… or killed! I couldn’t stand that. I love you, Goddammit, and I couldn’t stand to lose you!”

  Suddenly she was still as stone. “What?”

  He felt himself flush at what had slipped out in the heat of the moment. “If they are here for us and we run, they will chase us down. If we crash the bike we could get hurt, or killed. If they are not here for us, running now will only look suspicious. Do you think they would announce they were here for us with their siren and lights? Think about it!”

  Tina considers his words for a moment and then sags. “No.”

  “They are probably here for the drunks.”

  “But what if they are not?”

  “Then we were caught before you had time to get dressed. But if they haven’t kicked our door in by now, they’re not going to.”

  She thought for a moment. What he said made sense. “Okay. Let me up.”

  Jack released her and she got to her feet, then moved to the curtain and peeked out. Two cruisers sat in the parking lot, lights flashing, as the cops talked to a bunch of people by the pool.

  “Maybe you’re right,” she said as she let the curtains close.

  Jack blew out a long breath and rubbed his shoulder where Tina had hit him with the helmet. He was going to have a nasty bruise in the morning.

  Tina watched him rub at his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she said and she could feel her face twisting as she struggled to not cry. She had been going to run and leave him behind. She had taken the keys to the only bike they had and his pants with the intent to take his wallet. As the full measure of her actions soaked in she had to turn away, unable to meet his eyes.

  “It’s okay,” he said as he stepped up behind her and took her into his arms.

  “No! It’s not okay! I was going to steal your bike again! And your wallet! And I hit you!” She tried to pull out of his arms, unworthy of his… love? She tried to squirm free again but he only tightened his embrace and refused to yield.

  “It’s okay. You just panicked.”

  “It’s not okay, Jack! I’m just a selfish shit! I was going to leave you here to take the rap alone! Goddammit!” she snarled before she squirmed again and tried to break his hold on her.

  “Tina! Stop! Just stop!” He shoved her away just enough to turn her to face him before he pulled her back into his embrace and held her tightly, one hand on her head, the other around her back.

  She finally stopped struggling, unable to break his embrace and not really wanting to. What have I done? I have proven to him that I can’t be trusted! she thought as her tears started to fall. I really am just a fuck-up! I ruin everything!

  He felt her relax slightly, so he loosened his embrace and tipped her head up and looked into her eyes. “Hey… it’s okay. I know you’re scared,” he said gently as he wiped away a tear with his thumb.

  “It’s not okay. When the chips are down I’ve proven to you, and myself, I can’t be trusted.”

  “You just panicked. It’s okay.”

  “No, Goddammit! It’s not okay! I don’t know why you are being so nice to me! I don’t deserve it! You should kick my ass out on the street where I belong!”

  “Is that what you want, Tina? Is it really? You want me to kick you out and leave you to fend for yourself?”

  “It’s what I deserve.”

  “That’s not what I asked. Do you want to leave? If you do, there’s the fucking door.” he said as he turned her loose and gestured exasperatedly at the door. “But if you leave, it’s on you.”

  She stared at him a moment as she tried to make up her mind. I should leave! I should get out of his life before I fuck it up anymore, she raged to herself. But I don’t want to leave…

  “I don’t know!” she finally cried in frustration. “I don’t know what I want! I don’t know what to do!”

  “Then stay. Stay with me at least for tonight.”

  “Why?” she cried.

  “Because I want you to.”

  “But why? Help me understand!”

  “I don’t know! I just do!”

  She stared at him a moment. “Did you mean what you said?”

  Jack could feel himself flush again. “Yes… kind of. You are… becoming special. I don’t want to lose you. I think … maybe… I’m falling for you.”

  She swallowed hard. It wasn’t exactly a ringing endorsement of his undying love, but it was a hell of a lot more than anyone else had ever said. In the past all the men wanted only one thing from her… and it wasn’t her love.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she finally murmured into the awkward silence.

  “Then don’t say anything. Just stay. Please.”

  She studied him a moment more, then moved back in close and placed her head on his shoulder. “For tonight,” she said.

  Jack relaxed slightly as he held her for a moment before he tipped her head up and kissed her gently. She responded in kind and molded herself to him as the kiss began to deepen.

  As they kissed Tina became aware of Jack’s nakedness. He had lost much of his erection but she could feel him firming up as she pressed herself to him. His words of support, forgiveness and… if not love, at least attachment… fueled her desire.

  As she came alive in the kiss Jack realized that Tina was more than just a substitution for Colette. He had downplayed his feelings toward her, but there was no doubt that he was falling for her. She pulled backed from the kiss and pushed hard at him to break his embrace.

  She wanted to believe Jack’s words of support, but she knew she had made an egregious mistake. She didn’t know what to do or how to react. She wanted him desperately. She needed his feel touch, his closeness, but her emotions were in turmoil, a mixture of guilt and lust, of shame and desire.

  “Tina… it’s okay…” he whispered so softly she almost couldn’t hear him as he touched her face gently.

  “I don’t know what to do!” she cried as her eyes filled with tears.

  “Stay with me,” he said quietly as he kissed her with gossamer lightness. “I want you to stay with me… I want to make love to you. I want you, Tina… I want you,” he breathed.

  “I want you too,” she finally murmured in return.

  He began to slowly,
gently, undress her. He kissed her skin as it became exposed and her anxiety overwhelmed her. The police… her own actions… her fear of losing him… they all combined to make her want his touch like never before and she began to keen and move. She need him… needed him to make love to her… needed him to demonstrate that he still wanted her and give action to his words. She took two steps back and settled onto the bed, drawing him down with her.

  Jack started out slow and easy as he tried to help Tina over her feelings of guilt, but she was having none of that. As he settled gently on her she kissed him deeply and tried to wrap her legs around him.

  “Feeling better?” he asked as she squirmed beneath him.

  “If the cops bust in here now they are just going to have to wait until we’re done,” she gasped as she kissed him frantically.

  “So you’re ready to resume our fuckus interruptus?” he asked with a teasing grin.

  The lights on the cruisers still strobed around the edges of the curtains and the thought of fucking Jack with the police right outside added a hint of danger to her already volatile feelings.

  “Fuck me hard, Jack,” she hissed as she steered him into her. “I want you to fuck me so hard.”

  Despite her words, he started out slowly as she struggled with his own personal conflict. For reasons he couldn’t explain, having given voice to his feelings had made him feel… strange. As if the act of saying the words out loud had made them more real somehow.

  “Come on, Jack! Give it to me,” she panted as she thrust her hips hard and tried to stoke Jack’s fire. She wanted it hard, fast, and rough. She needed to burn off the anxiety of having the police just outside the door and her feelings of guilt for having betrayed him, and she couldn’t think of a better way than having him fuck the living shit out of her.

  Obeying his woman’s command, he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts, slamming his hips into her harder and faster. He tried to rise up onto his hands for increased power, but Tina had other ideas. She pulled him down tightly to her just as he began to rise.

  “Fuck, fuck… fuck… fuck…” she squeaked as her face twisted in erotic anguish and she spiraled out of control. The police, their brief fight, and Jack’s words of forgiveness primed her for an explosive release and it was bearing down on her. With a loud, animalistic, groaning growl Tina tumbled into a soul-rending orgasm as she hauled on Jack as hard as she could.

  Jack sensed her impending release as she began to tighten up around him but the power of her orgasm surprised him. He gasped in pleasure and pain as her fingers and nails bit deep into his back as she pulled on him with near super-human strength. Giving her such a titanic orgasm caused his own impending climax to swell in power and rush down upon him as he drove into her hard and fast. She was just relaxing her grip when the orgasm hit with the violence of a hurricane and he shuddered and groaned in exquisite agony.

  She was just surfacing from the maelstrom of her orgasm when Jack grunted hard and drove into her with a final vicious thrust. She held him as he shuddered through his orgasm before he relaxed with a long exhalation. As he settled lightly into her, she glanced at the windows. They still flickered with red and blue strobes. Not that surprising considering that she and Jack had gone off like fireworks.

  “They’re still out there,” she whispered.

  “Who?” he asked as he began to kiss her neck.

  “The cops.”


  “So… you have to keep fucking me until they leave to keep my mind off of them.”

  He chuckled as he rose up to look into her face. “Is that all I am? A distraction?”

  She smiled at him. He was a distraction… but in all the right ways. “Yes… but so much more,” she said as she tipped her head up to take his lips.

  They kissed for several long minutes until Jack was ready. He began to push into her again, slowly as before, but this time the pace remained slow and gentle. They made love for a long time as their lips touched or hovered only millimeters apart. They moved as one, never breaking eye contact as they smiled at each other and touched gently. Later, after their love making was finished and they began to drift into sleep, they realized the windows were dark… and neither could say exactly when the police had finally left.


  Tina woke before Jack the next morning. She snuggled in a little tighter and smiled as Jack adjusted his embrace and wiggled in tighter as well. But then she remembered what she had done the previous night and her smile disappeared.

  She lay still, not moving as she played last night’s events over and over in her mind. There was no positive way to spin it. Yes, she had panicked, but that didn’t excuse her actions. She had attempted to steal from him—something she had promised she would never do again—and the only reason she hadn’t done so was he had overpowered her until she came to her senses. She burned with shame and tears began to fall.

  A noise dragged Jack up from sleep and he smiled as he felt her back tucked in comfortably against his chest as they spooned. Then he heard her gasp softly. It took a moment before he realized she was crying.

  “Tina? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she replied shakilyas she tried to stop her tears.

  He was quiet and still for a moment. “It doesn’t sound like nothing.”

  “It’s okay, Jack,” she said, then sniffed and wiped her eyes.

  “Are you still worried about last night?” he asked, even though he already knew the answer.

  She didn’t respond for a moment. “I’m so sorry, Jack. I promised you that you could trust me. But once a thief, always a thief, I guess.” She whimpered quietly once before she could continue. “Will you make love to me one more time before I go?”

  “Go? Go where?”

  “Away. I can’t be trusted and I… I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Tina… I don’t want you to go away. I told you that last night. I want you to stay with me.”

  “But you can’t trust me, Jack! I can’t be trusted!”

  “Tina! You were just scared last night. I understand that. People make mistakes when they are scared. I still trust you. And where would you go?”

  “I don’t know. I can hitchhike to somewhere.”

  Jack didn’t know what to say. She was beating herself up for no reason. When the cops had shown up last night he had panicked at first too, so he could understand her actions. The only difference was he had recovered his wits more quickly.

  “Tina…” he began, then floundered, unsure of how to continue. “Just wait a minute, okay? Let me get the Knucklehead fixed then we can try to work something out, okay? We’ll talk about it and get a plan together.”

  “You don’t need a plan, Jack. You need someone you can trust.”

  “I do trust you, Tina!”

  “You shouldn’t.”

  “Stop it!” he snapped. “Stop feeling sorry for yourself! You made a mistake last night. You were scared and you made a bad decision. Well, welcome to the human population!”

  She started to get up from the bed, hurt and angry that he was mocking her, but rather than turn her loose he pulled her over onto her back and stared intently into her eyes before he kissed her. His kiss started out gentle but it rapidly grew more passionate as he forced his tongue into her mouth, and her desire for him soared.

  He kissed her with everything he had as he tried to break through the wall she was putting up, tried to say through touch all the things he couldn’t put into words. She was stiff and uninvolved at first but she began to thaw as he refused to back off from the kiss. He was laying lightly on her and he moved to cover her with his body. She opened her legs and wrapped them around him and pulled him hard into her. He wasn’t fully erect, but he was hard enough as he sought, then found, her opening.

  She cried out in passion and in pain. She wasn’t wet enough to receive him yet, but she didn’t care. She needed to feel him inside of her, needed to feel his touch and renew that bond that l
ast night was threatening to tear apart. He ground hard into her as her wetness came. It flooded around him as he pulled back and rammed himself home again. She cried out again, not in pain this time, but in need and pleasure.

  “I’m sorry, Jack! I’m so sorry,” she said as he began to thrust into her savagely hard, a brutality she welcomed as she cried out in pleasure yet again.

  “You can’t leave! You have to stay,” he snarled quietly, lost in the passion of the moment as he drove himself into her furiously.

  “I want to! I want to stay!” she cried before she pulled him to her for a brutally hard kiss. She welcomed the violence and the pain as Jack leaned into the kiss and began to fuck her harder still. And she wanted it… the hard fucking seemed to cauterize the pain and close the wound.


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