Undefeated (Undefeated Series Books 1-4)

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Undefeated (Undefeated Series Books 1-4) Page 4

by Charity Parkerson

  Parker shook her head. “No. It’s a fair assumption. You’re not the first one to make it. The thing is, I do love Walt,” she admitted, before adding, “only not that way. I know that everyone thinks I’m some big hero for saving him, but the truth is that he saved me too. It wasn’t bravery that caused me to throw myself on his body; it was desperation. I had lost everyone else and Walt was the only friend I had left in the world. God, when I saw him mowed down...” She paused, shaking her head as if she couldn’t find the words before saying, “Everybody wants a lover, but they need a friend. They were taking us both or not at all. So, I can understand why people think that about us, it’s just that we don’t look at each other like that.”

  The more he learned about her the more he found to respect about her. Friendship aside, she had done something few people would have done, and she didn’t even realize it.

  “I’m still sorry. I know you said he was getting ready to ask someone to marry him, and I guess some part of me started to think maybe it was you,” he admitted.

  Parker laughed. “It’s definitely not me. As a matter of fact, he spent the whole day sexting her. That’s why I suggested leaving with you.”

  “Sexting?” Bryant asked, unfamiliar with the term.

  “You know, sending dirty text messages back and forth,” she explained.

  Pulling the truck into a parking space in front of their room, he turned in his seat to face her, saying, “I bet there’s a chapter on that in the book I bought you. Did you bring it with you?”

  Parker knew how to deal with men except for when they were flirting with her. For lack of anything else to say, she told him, “I really need that shower now.”

  Bryant sighed. “Come on then.” He jumped out, circling around to open her door before she could to do it herself. Only after she was safely ensconced in her hot shower did she allow herself to relax. She never talked to anyone about her time in Afghanistan. She always let people think whatever they were going to think, but for some reason she couldn’t explain it mattered what he thought. He mattered.

  She pondered this new development while getting ready for bed. She needed to know where they stood. She never liked the feeling of twisting in the wind. A decision made, she stormed from the bathroom intent on confronting him only to run into a solid wall of bare chest.

  Bryant reached to steady Parker at the same time her hands came up instinctively to brace herself. He stood only in his boxers and she couldn’t help but notice that his body was hard all over. She couldn’t resist drawing him closer. Their eyes met and held. “Are you sober tonight?” he asked.

  “Stone cold,” she answered.

  “Good,” he told her, his relief evident. Scooping her up into his arms, he tossed her onto the bed with such force that she bounced once, before he followed her down, covering her body with his. She couldn’t help the laughter that escaped, but it was quickly doused by the feel of his body against hers.

  He molded his lips with hers while his hand found the hem of her shirt, shoving it upwards. Finding her breast bare beneath, he dipped his head sucking the tip into his mouth. Parker gasped for air, clasping his shoulders, unsure of whether she wanted to push him away or hold him in place. The pleasure was almost overwhelming. Moving back to her lips, he sucked lightly on her bottom lip. With their tongues entwined, Parker slid his shorts downwards, setting his erection free for her touch. He moaned when she stroked him lightly. Bryant drifted down Parker’s body, removing each article of clothing as he came to it. Parker experienced a momentary flash of insecurity at the thought of the scars that covered her body, and she moved to cover them. Bryant grabbed her hands, holding them to her sides as he kissed each one lovingly.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’ve never wanted anyone more than I’ve wanted you since the first moment I laid eyes on you,” he told her, as he entered her in slow increments.

  Parker buried her face in his neck, panting. She tried pushing closer to him, but he held her in place, torturing her. Running her tongue over the cords in his neck, she nipped lightly at his earlobe. Feeling his muscles bunch underneath her hands, she whispered in his ear. “Harder.”

  It was all the permission that he needed. He pulled back slamming into her, drawing a moan from deep inside of her chest. A muscle in his jaw ticked and lines of his face seemed to harden. Parker thought it was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen, and then she thought nothing at all, as the force of his passion carried her away on a tide of ecstasy.

  Bryant wasn’t sure that he was going to be able to hold out. When she screamed with her release, he almost cried with relief, finally letting himself follow her over the edge. He collapsed and she accepted his weight without complaint. Fearing he was suffocating her, he dredged up enough energy to roll to his side pulling her with him. There was a fine sheen of sweat covering her body, her eyes were glazed, and her hair was tangled in several different spots. He wanted to pat himself on the back for causing that look.

  Holding Parker close, he brushed his hand lightly down her arm.

  “I checked the chest right before I left and the money was still there,” he told her suddenly. What he didn’t tell her was how relieved he had been not because it was there, like he should have been, but because she would have to keep coming until it was gone.

  “Maybe it was a fluke. Maybe there really was a greater need these past few months,” she told him, not really believing it.

  “Maybe,” he said, doubt resounding loudly in his voice.

  “But, you don’t think so,” she said with certainty.

  “No. I don’t think so,” he echoed. Snapping out of his musing, he asked. “You’re not having class Monday, are you?”

  He felt more than saw her shake her head. “With the holiday I didn’t think anyone would show up.”

  “So, I won’t get to see you on Monday. Can I come to poker on Friday?” he asked hopefully.

  “You know you don’t need an excuse to see me. You can come see me anytime. Besides, it was Malcolm’s turn to host, but he cancelled on us, again.” Warming to the subject, she said. “I don’t understand what’s gotten into him lately. He’s always been strange, but the last few months,” her voice trailed off, her gaze turning inward. “Oh, no,” she groaned.

  “What?” he asked worried.

  “It’s Malcolm,” she answered.

  “What’s Malcolm?” he asked, confused.

  “The money. It all fits, his strange moods, the time line.”

  Bryant’s response was instant. “No. He’s been with me too long. I know he has some problems, but he wouldn’t, couldn’t do this to me. He knows how important this is.”

  “Okay, I trust your judgment,” she told him, curling closer into his side.

  “Just like that, you trust my judgment?”

  “Of course. If you say he couldn’t do it, then he couldn’t do it.”

  He was awed by her. Everyone else expected him to prove his worth, but not her. He couldn’t think of how to explain to her how much that meant to him. He kissed her instead, showing her what he could not put into words.

  Sunday passed in a blur of activity. Parker had hitched a ride to Chattanooga with Walt, but he had skipped out early leaving her to ride back with Bryant. Parker sat sideways in her seat watching Bryant as he drove.

  “When do you fight again?” she asked, suddenly breaking the silence.

  “Eight weeks.”

  “Do I get to come this time?” He smiled at her choice of words and she punched him in the arm. “Uh, men,” she muttered to herself.

  Bryant rubbed the spot where she hit him, laughing. Her heart squeezed painfully. He made her want things, things she had given up on wanting a long time ago.

  “Are you going to taunt my opponent and get kicked out?” he asked.

  “Absolutely,” she answered automatically.

  “Then yes, I definitely want you there.”

  Pulling up to her office building
, Bryant opened Parker’s door for her, then grabbed her suitcase. He followed her up the staircase to her front door. She looked back, catching him watching her ass. He smiled, unrepentant. When they reached the landing, he grabbed the hem of her shirt, reeling her in. A flash of movement caught his attention.

  Bryant blocked her progress, shoving her against the wall. He crowded her body while trying to see into her front window.

  “What are you doing?” Parker asked.

  “I saw someone moving around in there,” he answered.

  “It’s Sam. I saw his car out front when we pulled up,” she told him, nonplussed.

  “How did he get into your apartment?” he asked.

  “He has a key,” she answered, as if it should have been obvious.

  “He has a key,” Bryant echoed in a hollow voice, then, “Why does he have a key?”

  “Because he’s my brother-in-law,” she told him slowly.

  “Was your brother-in-law. Now he’s a guy who wants you so bad he can taste it.” Jealousy curled in his belly, making his jaw tick.

  “Don’t talk about things you don’t know anything about,” she snapped, fire showing in her eyes.

  “Trust me, this I know. I’ve seen the way he looks at you,” he told her with such vehemence, she drew back

  “I don’t remember you staking a claim,” she told him, her own anger leaking into her words.

  “Where were you last night while I was staking my claim?” he asked, furious.

  “That was staking your claim?” she asked incredulously.

  “I thought that it was, but apparently it didn’t mean as much to you,” he told her, leaving her standing. Bryant’s feet carried him all the way back to his truck while his mind reeled. He stood, staring at the truck, unsure of where he was heading. Spinning on his heel, he changed direction, aiming for his club instead. That’s where he would find what he needed: someone to beat the hell out of.

  Parker kicked the front door closed behind her. Spotting Sam sitting in the recliner, she threw herself down on the couch across from him.

  “He was right to be angry,” Sam told her, unashamed of his eavesdropping.

  “Why?” she asked, covering her eyes, trying to stave off the flow of tears.

  “Because he was right. I would steal you away if I could, but I know the truth. I know that when you look at me, all you see is Steven.”

  “I loved your brother,” Parker argued, sounding tired even to herself.

  Nodding, Sam said, “I know. You loved him too much.” Staring off into space, he added, “You couldn’t have saved them, you know?” When Parker stayed silent, he went on. “He loved you too. I can still remember the night before you two got married. He was so excited. We tried to take him out, but he wouldn’t go. He said he was going to bed early so he’d be well rested for you.” Sam laughed. “God, we gave him such a hard time, but inside I was jealous. What kind of person does that make me? That I wanted, still want, my brother’s wife.”

  Parker wiped the tears from her cheeks, and pulling her knees to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them “It makes you human. I wanted him dead. What kind of person does that make me?” Parker asked.

  “Human. Better than you think. A lesser woman would have killed him herself,” he told her honestly.

  “Maybe I did in a round about way,” she said absently before adding, “I’m sorry Sam. I’m sorry that I failed so thoroughly at being his wife. I’m sorry that I couldn’t save my daughter, and I’m sorry that I’m failing you now. You have no idea how goddamn tired I am of failing at this life.”

  “Damn it, Parker, you are not to blame. Amelia was born too soon. There was nothing anyone could have done,” he argued, his anger evident.

  “He blamed me. He couldn’t forgive me and I couldn’t forgive myself. We just had,” she spread her arms wide looking for the words, “this gap we couldn’t breach. Then he started drinking, and damn it, Sam, I needed him.” Dropping her head to her knees, she gave up trying to stop her tears.

  Sam moved over to her side, wrapping his arms around her. She fell sideways into his embrace burying her face into his chest.

  “I think this guy really cares about you,” Sam surprised her by saying.

  Parker sniffed. “What makes you say that?”

  “How could he not? But besides that, I could hear it in his voice.”

  “He was pretty pissed,” she admitted.

  “So make him un-pissed,” he answered, making it sound so simple.

  Parker wrapped her arms around Sam’s waist. “What would I do without you?” she asked him.

  “You’d go cry to Walt, and he’d beat him up for you,” he answered, causing her to let out a watery chuckle.


  Parker waited most of Monday hoping to hear from Bryant, but had finally given up hope and headed over to the club to check her camera.

  “I said I’d have your money and I’ll have your money.” Parker stilled as the sound of the strained words floated from the inside of Bryant’s office. Pressing herself against the wall, she stole a quick peek around the corner, and then fell back against the wall before being seen. Damn, she hated being right. Inching back into the shadows, she found a spot out of sight waiting for the owner of that voice to leave. She needed those still photos. He had picked a good time to rob the chest. Late Monday was always slow, but tonight the club was empty. She watched as Malcolm exited the office. He pulled a gym bag over his shoulder, looking both ways. She held perfectly still, only releasing her breath when he moved out of sight. Sliding quietly into the room, she snagged the camera from its hiding spot. She hooked the camera to the printer with quick motions. She watched in resignation as the damning evidence printed out.

  “What are you doing here so late?”

  Parker jumped at the sound of Malcolm’s voice behind her. Spinning, she placed a hand over her pounding heart saying, “You scared me. You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that.”

  He smiled and she tried to scoop up the pictures before he caught sight of them. She watched as the smile faded from his lips and she knew she hadn’t been quick enough.

  “Oh, that’s a shame, darling.” He reached behind him, bringing a gun around. “Hand them over,” he demanded.

  She held them straight out in front of her, just out of his reach, forcing him to move a step closer. As soon as he did, she snatched her hand back, kicked out, and made contact with his knee, bringing him down. She tried to dart past him, but he reached out, snagging her ankle. She fell forward, landing hard on her wrist when she tried bracing her fall. Holding her ankle in a manacle grip, he pulled her towards him. She struggled to free herself, landing several solid kicks before he got a hold on her hair, banging her head with a thud against the floor. He hammered her with two punches: one to her ribs and one to her cheek, leaving her disoriented. Still she managed to get in a lucky jab to his eye. When he instinctively moved to protect his eyes, she struck out with her feet, putting all her weight behind it. She hit her mark, colliding with his groin. He curled into a ball. As soon as she was free, she scrambled out of the room. Once she made it past the front door, she hit the pavement at a dead run, skidding to a stop when she reached the door of her old pick up. Keeping her hurt arm tucked tightly to her side, she threw the pictures in through the open window. Once she got behind the wheel, she turned to find him in hot pursuit, but to her surprise, Bryant and Walt stood between them. Bryant moved at a fast clip to her side, his concern evident. She held his eyes with hers, then looked past him to Malcolm. Bryant turned, following the line of her stare. “It’s him, I have the proof,” she told him quickly.

  Malcolm looked between Bryant and her, seeing there would be no escape. He raised his gun slightly, but instead of aiming the gun at her as she expected, he dropped the gun, right before taking off into a dead run with Walt in hot pursuit.

  Confident in their ability to solve everything from here on out, Parker allowed herself to fall
over, spilling across the bench seat of the truck. She covered the pictures with her body, unable to support her own body weight any longer but refusing to leave them completely exposed. Bryant ran to the passenger side door, throwing it open. “I’ve got you.” Squatting down, he took her face between his hands asking, “Where are you hurt?”

  “I think my wrist is broken,” she answered, her voice sounding weak to her own ears.

  He ran his hand down her arm, stopping just short of her wrist. She winced and he rushed to reassure her. “Just hold on, baby, I’m going to take care of you.”

  “I know,” she said, trusting him to do just that as she thankfully passed out from the pain.

  Bryant fluffed the pillow that supported her broken wrist while he waited for her to wake up. Moving to her other side, he picked up her uninjured hand, cradling it between his much larger ones. Her skin looked even lighter against the darker shade of his skin. Several bruises had formed over her body, making him wince in sympathy.

  He had done this to her. He might not have been the one to land the punches but he had brought this to her just the same. She had to be tired of saving the world. It was about time someone took care of her instead.

  “Has she been awake yet?’

  Bryant shook his head at Walt’s question. Walt snagged a chair, towing it over and positioning it on the other side of her bed. They sat in a companionable silence, keeping a vigilant watch over her as she slept. Bryant scrutinized his brother’s form. He looked healthy and suddenly Bryant felt like a fool for wasting so much time tiptoeing around him.

  “Have you asked Mookie to marry you yet?’ Bryant asked.

  “How did you...” Walt broke off. “Did Parker tell you?”


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