Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 10

by Ralph Smith

  Gabe added, “And she’s quite pretty don’t you think?”

  David shook his head, and replied, “Dad, I thought that was Aunt Molly’s job.”

  Gabe laughed a little “son, you wouldn’t deny me a little fun now would you?”

  Once inside the room, Gabe turned to his son having regained enough strength to stand on his own, and said, “David, come see me in the morning. I have something I want to give you for your journey.” Then he pulled him into a hug. “I’m so very proud of you.”

  David squeezed him tightly “Thank you dad, I had you as an example to follow.”

  Gabe let go of him, and said, “Now go look after that young lady. I can manage from here.”

  David replied, “Alright, goodnight Dad, Rusty you stay here, and keep an eye on him.”

  Gabe responded, “Good night my son.”

  As David approached Aurora and Molly, he overheard Molly saying, “So dear, you don’t have any special man in your life?”

  “Thank you Aunt Molly, I’ll take it from here.”

  Molly gave him a sheepish smile, and retorted, “Well dear, old habits are hard to break. I’ll leave you two to enjoy each other’s company,” and she bustled off.

  David sat next to Aurora, and said, “Sorry about that. Aunt Molly has always been a bit obsessed with matchmaking.”

  Aurora smiled “It’s alright, I found her charming, and your father’s quite a character.”

  David laughed a little “you could say that again. He drove my mother up the wall sometimes.”

  There were still a number of people milling around giving them glances here and there. David noticing the prying eyes all around, turned to Aurora, and asked “would you like to sit outside for a little while so we can be alone?”

  She smiled broadly, “Yes I would.”

  They stood, and made their way to the front door. A couple of people gave them a quick introduction, but they soon found themselves outside in the crisp night air. David led her to the porch swing with its back to the house facing the yard. Even though they could still hear muffled voices, the semi quiet and darkness was relaxing. She sat down on his right, and pressed up against him laying her head on his shoulder. He reached his arm around her, and she lifted her hand to hold his.

  “Are you warm enough?” he asked.

  “Yes it feels good to be out in the fresh air.”

  They sat in silence. David couldn’t remember ever feeling so at peace. He wondered how he could be so content at this moment when in a few short hours they would embark on a terrible journey.


  Aurora could hardly believe what she was feeling. She had never before let a man even hold her hand, and here she sat, David with his arm around her, and it felt as natural as using her bow. The past ten years had been filled with loneliness, struggle, the burden of responsibility, and worst of all seemingly endless death. She had killed more men than she could count, seen too many of her fellows fall, and her protection had been to build an impenetrable wall around her heart. The weight of it all too often felt as if it would crush her. It was only through sheer force of will and determination that she persevered. Somehow just as he was able to walk through the divide he effortlessly breached her defenses. It frightened her. She didn’t like being vulnerable, but at the same time it was a relief. She was tired and alone, the emptiness she felt was suffocating, and yet when she was with him all those feelings washed away. She actually felt happy, and it had been so long she almost didn’t recognize it. The idea that she wasn’t alone anymore, not simple companionship, but something more, lifted her heart. As she thought about it, she realized, he hadn’t truly broken through her defenses because he had already been inside them. He had been one of the precious things she had been guarding her whole life. Her visions of him had been her comfort and her strength so many times. Since the moment they finally met he had, without hesitation, proven himself to be everything she had imagined, and much more. For the first time, in so long she couldn’t remember she felt safe, not just physically, but her heart, and soul too.


  As if she were reading his thoughts, she said, “I wish we could just stay here forever”, and nuzzled a little closer to him.

  David answered, “I would love that too” then he added with hesitation in his voice, “Do you think, maybe someday when all this is over we could come back here together?”

  She let go of his hand, and looked up to meet his eyes. She reached up and put her hand on the side of his face. His heart started racing as she looked into his eyes. Then in a soft, but sure voice she said, “I would love that.”

  Time seemed to have frozen. He couldn’t move, he felt her skin on his. The smell of lavender from her bath long gone, her natural scent filled his breath. She was moving ever so slowly towards him. Suddenly all his senses were alert; he heard a sound off in the distance. Out of the corner of his eye he saw it fly through the air. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. His left arm lifted, and he pulled her hard with his right arm, twisting around onto his feet as he reached out, and grabbed an arrow that had been speeding directly at her heart. Pulling her down onto the floor on top of him, he immediately rolled over and jumped to his feet. He leapt from the porch, and ran towards the place where the sound had originated. Reaching the edge of the seal he stopped and scanned the area. He heard her footsteps coming up behind him.

  “Go back” he shouted, but she ignored his warning. He turned, and held up the arrow walking to meet her. David said, “Someone tried to kill you. Now please come inside.”

  She exclaimed, “What! Here!”

  David gently turned her towards the house, and replied, “Yes, I guess someone knows where you are.” He followed closely keeping himself between her and the perimeter.

  As soon as they entered the house David spotted Michael, and they went directly to him. "Michael, someone tried to kill Aurora." He said holding up the arrow. “We were sitting on the front porch when they shot this at her from beyond the seal. I went out to check, but they were gone.”

  Michael looking grave said, “Time is running out. I will alert everyone. You two get some sleep. You’ll be safe inside. They cannot pass the seal. We’ll keep watch during the night, and in the morning come up with a plan to facilitate your escape.”

  David in a somber tone asked, “Michael, how did they know?”

  The two passed a knowing look “I’ll see if I can find out.” Michael said.

  David walked over to Molly. “Aunt Molly will you please come with me?” Sensing the urgency in his voice she didn’t say a word, but followed them to the bedrooms. “Aunt Molly, someone just tried to kill Aurora while we were sitting on the front porch.” She raised her hand to her mouth in a gasp. “Michael is going to alert everyone, and they’re going to organize a watch tonight. Will you please stay in my father’s room, and keep an eye on him? I’m going to watch over Aurora.” He leaned in and whispered. ”I’m going to move her into the room next to my parents. If anything should happen bang on the wall, and I’ll hear it.”

  Molly looked at him with a trace of shock on her face, and in an equally quiet voice asked, “Are you suggesting that someone here has betrayed us?”

  David replied, “I’m not taking any chances.” She nodded and slipped into his father’s room.

  He and Aurora walked down to her room, and once inside he starting arranging the bedding to give the impression of someone under the covers. “Is there anything you need in here, besides your pack, of course?” He smiled at her attempting to put her at ease.

  "Just the night shirt," she said picking it up.

  “Ok then let’s go.”

  They walked down the hall and ducked into the room beside his father’s. “Don’t you think someone might have seen us come in here? That door is visible from the other room.” Aurora asked.

  David gave her a determined look, and said, “I’m counting on it.” She nodded in understanding. David moved the furniture around
so that anyone who came in, and went over to the bed would be trapped. Then he organized the bed to look like the two of them were lying down under the covers. In the closet, he found more linen, and fashioned a spot where they could settle in, out of the line of sight of the open door.

  “I’m sorry it won’t be as comfortable as the bed.” David said.

  Aurora smiled, “It’s a lot better than sleeping on a jagged rock in the rain.”

  David shot her a mischievous grin, “In that case what are you complaining about?”

  She hit him lightly on the arm “I wasn’t complaining” she said, and he laughed.

  “OK let’s get settled in. The bathroom is in there.” She went in, washed up, and came out in the nightshirt. David half wished she had kept her jeans on; the sight of her made his heart skip a beat. After he washed too they settled down on the makeshift bed.


  She sat there resting in his arms, comforted by his warmth as he gently stroked her head. Ever since she lost her parents her life had been in danger. She never let her guard down, and yet here she sat feeling perfectly safe. Someone had just tried to kill her, and he had saved her. She knew she should be afraid, but somehow she couldn’t be. Somehow with him there she knew everything would be all right, that he would not let anyone hurt her. She thought about coming back here when all of this was over. It was something to look forward to. She never imagined an end to it all, and now it seemed possible. Even though the possibility was remote, and they might not live long enough to attempt it that thought comforted her. Considering what it would be like to have a normal life she drifted off to sleep.

  It was pitch black when she started to stir. Something had disturbed her. Suddenly a hand was over her mouth, and she heard David whisper into her ear “Sh.” She froze as he slipped his leg out from under her. There was the slightest sound as the door unlatched. Very slowly a low light outlined its frame. Little by little the light grew wider as it reached out to the bed where the decoy of pillows and blankets lay. In the opening, she caught a flash of steel. She was too experienced to panic, instead her mind raced with the possibilities of how she would defend herself. David had silently moved into a crouching position waiting to strike.

  Time moved slowly as she watched the figure enter the room. He was a squat powerfully built man, but he was still counting on the element of surprise. As he approached the bed, she held her breath, not wanting to give any indication that he was being watched. Drawing up the dagger he plunged it into the pile where one of their hearts should have been. When his hand hit the soft pillow instead of muscle and bone he was momentarily stunned, and David leapt. As Aurora jumped to her feet, she saw David knock the man onto the bed grabbing his hand with the knife, and pulling it back at an odd angle, so he dropped it. Kneeling on his back pulling his arm up and twisting it, David spoke,

  “Hello there, are you looking for us?” The man grunted with pain, David was clearly twisting his arm near its breaking point. David reached down and grabbed the dagger. “Aurora, would you please call for Michael?” David asked. She walked to the door, and called out his name. She saw him hurrying in from the other room.

  “What is it child?” He asked a look of concern on his face with several others in tow.

  “A man tried to attack us, and David has him pinned down in here.”

  As Michael and the others entered the room David put the knife to the man’s throat, and told him to roll over slowly. Someone switched on the lights, and they saw the man lying on his back with David standing over him held in place by the threat of the knife.

  “Dear Lord Artemis, how can it be you?” Michael asked in disbelief.

  “Michael you’re a fool, we’ve already lost. He made me an offer. He said if I helped him I would have a place of honor when he rules. He… he … he told me the prophecy would fail,” Artemis ended weakly looking up at David standing over him. His eyes went wide as David looked at him, not with anger or hatred, but with pity and sadness. “Oh dear Lord what have I done? How could I have been such a fool?” Artemis wailed. Then he reached up grabbing David’s arms, and said, “Please forgive me, he knows you’re coming.” Then he pulled the dagger into his throat.

  David screamed in anguish “No! No! I didn’t want to…. I…. Please don’t die” Then with a look of torment on his face, he leapt off of him and turned to the others asking, “What can we do?”

  Michael rushed over. Artemis gurgled, then his eyes turned dark. “It’s too late.” Michael said sadly.

  Grief stricken, David looked at Michael “I wasn’t going to kill him, I wouldn’t have…”

  Michael placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him “David it wasn’t your fault. He was already lost. He killed himself so that he could no longer betray us. In the end, it was the only thing left he could do to try to redeem himself. Once you turn yourself over to the Dark One his hold is nearly impossible to break. Come let’s get you two out of here.” Michael said to David and Aurora. Silently they left the room. “Do you need anything?”

  "No, thank you," David said in a daze. He turned to Aurora, and she shook her head. “We’ll head back to get some sleep.” David added woodenly, the enormity of having killed someone weighing on him.

  They turned and headed to Aurora’s room. She pulled down the blankets, and fixed the pillows so they could lie down. They climbed into the bed, and this time he rested his head on her shoulder. Her arm around him, she gently stroked his head and lightly kissed his forehead. She could feel his pain as he sought comfort in her arms. Whether Artemis killed himself or not David felt responsible. Then he said to her in barely more than a whisper “I didn’t mean to.”

  She said in a tender voice “I know.” Laying there in silence it wasn’t long until they were both asleep.

  And So It Begins

  Aurora awoke slightly stunned. The room was filled with daylight, and she was alone. She got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. She came out, and stood looking at the clothes lying on the dresser. Her leather traveling clothes looked so worn, and unladylike next to the clothes she had borrowed from his mother. She stood there feeling foolish. She knew where they were going ladylike would not serve her well. She liked looking nice for him, but she knew things were about to change. The brief respite she had enjoyed, as tumultuous as it was, would soon be at an end. Suddenly there was a soft knock at the door.

  “Aurora, are you awake?” She heard David’s voice.

  She felt warm inside at the thought that he would not leave her alone for long and that he was her protector just as she would be his. She also marveled at how much respect he showed her. He had stayed in bed with her all night, and just held her. Now, here he was in his own home, asking her permission to enter the room.

  “Come in, I’m awake.” She said to the door.

  David walked in with a tray holding two plates of food, some coffee, and juice. “I thought I’d bring you some breakfast.” He said with a smile. “Our keepers are cooking up a storm in the kitchen. I’m afraid we won’t have a moment’s peace if we go in there to eat”. He set the tray down on the dresser and turned to her. She walked over to him, and without hesitation threw her arms around him, and kissed him full on the lips. He wrapped his arms around her in return. She melted in his embrace, and then buried her face in his chest.

  “Good morning,” he said, “I guess I should bring you breakfast every day.”

  She looked up at him her face flush “I’m sorry…. I don’t know…. I” she stammered.

  “Sh.” He said softly. “I can’t imagine a better way to start the day.” Standing there holding each other they were surprised by a voice at the door.

  “Um, excuse me.” Aunt Molly said, with a cat that ate the canary grin on her face. Both of them now red in the face, she went on “when you two are finished getting…. Um ready. We were hoping to talk to you.”

  David grimaced, “We’ll be there shortly. Thank you, Aunt Molly.” Turning to Aurora he added, “
Now she’ll be insufferable.” They both laughed.

  They ate their breakfast, and talked about what they wanted to bring with them. When they were finished, David left her to get dressed. She decided to wear the borrowed clothes a little longer. Then she headed out to find him. She strode confidentially into the room surveying the group, and saw David wasn’t there, “Excuse me, where’s David?” She asked.

  “He’s in the back with his father. Can you please tell him we’re all waiting?” Asked Molly.

  “I’ll be happy to.” She replied. She approached the room, and saw the door was shut, hesitantly she knocked softly, and asked “David are you in there?”

  From behind the door, she heard him say, “Yes, please come in Aurora.”

  She walked in, and David and his father were sitting on the bed next to each other. They both stood as she entered.

  “Come sit down here with David, I have something for the two of you.” Gabe said to her. The two of them sat down, Aurora looked at David questioningly, and he raised his eyebrows to say he had no idea.

  Gabe went to the dresser, and was rummaging around in one of the drawers, then said to himself, “Ah, here you are.” He turned to the two of them and smiled. “The night my wife, your mother, was taken. We didn’t take anything with us that would identify our connection to the council.” Gabe held out his hand and in it were two beautiful matching crosses. He reached down and picked up the first by the chain. “These crosses were mine and your mother’s. We left them here that day. I want the two of you to have them for protection, and as a reminder; a reminder that even in your darkest hour you are never alone.” He took the first cross, and held the chain wide so he could place it on David’s head.

  Then he took the second, and reached towards Aurora, her eyes on the verge of tears she said, “Oh, it’s too much for you to give me something so precious.”

  Gabe smiled and said, “I’m willing to give you the most precious thing I have, my son, what is a necklace compared to that?”


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