Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 14

by Ralph Smith

  David said, “then let’s get you up, put your boots on, and I’ll grab a blanket for us to sit on.”

  They went outside and sat down under a tall strong oak. The branches were high enough to let the afternoon sun in to warm their skin. It was a beautiful day, and the light danced on the lake in front of them. He sat with his back to the tree. Aurora sat so she could lie back across his leg, and into his arm looking up at him as she ate. She noticed the surroundings just enough to add to her sense of peace. But she was more interested in his company than anything else.

  He sat there absent-mindedly stroking her hair as he told her about his conversation with Aaron, and the plan he thought of. “What do you think? Does that sound like a good idea to you?” David asked.

  Again it warmed her heart the way he sincerely asked her opinion. Many had feared her, but the kind of respect he showed her was not like anyone else.

  “Normally I’d say the plan was suicide, but I think you’re right. They don’t ‘see’ you the way they see the rest of us. It was only when we were separated in the forest yesterday, and those men found me, that they knew what, and who I was. But when we went to get your father, and we were side by side they couldn’t. Remember that the lady we first met believed your story about getting married?” Aurora said blushing slightly.

  “Yes.” David answered.

  “Well it must have been our bond as he said, that extended your protection to me.”

  “We just don’t know how far that protection extends. I’d be a lot happier if the distance between us didn’t matter. With all the perils of this journey, if we were separated, you’d be in even greater risk.”

  Aurora looked at him affectionately. She put her arm around him, and said, “I don’t know how our bond could be any stronger than it already is.”

  David smiled at her, and then it hit him. “Aurora” his voice a little weak, and his mouth suddenly extremely dry “I think I may know a way.” He said.

  Aurora asked “how?”

  David looked at her with his trepidation showing in his face he said, “We could marry.” Her eyes widened, and her face could not hide her surprise “I know it sounds crazy, and I hope you don’t think I’m being forward, I mean I wouldn’t expect you to be intimate with me or….” His voice failed him.

  She sat bolt upright, and he began to panic thinking he had ruined everything. Then she threw her arms around him and said, “Yes!”

  A wave of relief washed over him. He felt a mixture of jubilation, and exhaustion. For the few seconds she stared at him in disbelief, he thought he might have crossed a line that would damage the feelings she had for him. That would be a loss he was not prepared to recover from.

  Suddenly Aurora began to giggle. Leaning back to look at him she said, “I believe that’s the first time I’ve seen you afraid.”

  He laughed too “you have no idea. I was afraid you might think the worst of me.”

  She pulled him close again resting her head against his. “I’ve lived for so long with the possibility of each day being my last, I never thought I could dream of a life that was more than fighting the war. Somehow, finally meeting you changed that. As impossible as it seems, you’ve made me believe I could have more.”

  “I only hope we can.”

  Aurora leaned back to look at him again, and tenderly placing her hand on his face said, “If it’s our fate that we don’t survive this final battle, even the short time we’ll have together will be more than I ever dreamed, and I’ll be satisfied.”

  David smiled at her “I’ve felt so empty for a long time, and you’ve filled that emptiness. I want to have every moment we can together. But if today is my last, just having you in my life will have been enough. You are more than I ever dreamed of, and I’m humbled by your presence.”

  Her eyes held his gaze as she moved closer to him. Her soft full lips parted slightly, he could feel his heart racing as she closed her eyes. Slowly their lips met as her hand slid around behind his head pulling him to her. She pressed her lips hard against his, and he pulled her close to him. His heart was pounding against his chest, each beat drumming in his ears. He felt the curves of her firm body melting against his, and he was entirely lost in her touch.

  It could have been hours or minutes. It didn’t matter. What passed between them with just this one kiss was almost overwhelming.


  She leaned back gazing affectionately at him she had felt it too. Her heart still pounding, she mused that pleasure had become a foreign concept to her, but this was more. It wasn’t just their bodies that had touched and embraced, it was as if their souls had momentarily passed through one another, and in that moment they were one. She slid down resting her head on his chest, with his arms wrapped around her; she could have stayed there for eternity. As they sat quietly, she closed her eyes savoring the memory of being lost in him.

  Finally, with a touch of sadness he said, “We have to leave in the morning. I’ll talk to the elders, and see if they can perform the ceremony for us tonight.”

  Tonight she thought and pushed herself up against him more closely. Yes, she didn’t want to wait any longer than they had to.

  “At least I have your mother’s dress to wear.” She said, “My leather travel clothes wouldn’t be fitting for a bride.”

  “I wouldn’t care what you wear. No clothing can hide your beauty.” David said then added reluctantly “I hate to say it, but we’d better get back. They should be gathering now, and they’ll be looking for us.”

  She nodded, and sat up. They gathered their things and headed back to the house. Holding hands both of them had contented smiles and were lost in their thoughts.

  When they arrived at the house, Jasmine came to meet them and looked at them curiously. She could see a difference but couldn’t put it into words. “I was just about to come look for you. The council is meeting in the back building.”

  “We went down to the lake to sit while Aurora was eating.” David said.

  "I see," said Jasmine “we should get over there as soon as possible. Leave these things. We can put them away when we return.”

  The three of them hurried off towards a building in the back. David thought it looked more like a barn than a meeting hall, and as they entered he saw that he was right. They had benches, and some tables arranged with chairs, but it was clear that it was used as a barn under normal circumstances.

  David turned to Jasmine, and said, “Can you please excuse us for a minute”, and he and Aurora went straight to Aaron.

  Aaron saw them coming, and said, “Good, we can get started now.”

  David asked, “Can we please see you in private for a moment first?”

  Aaron looking a little unsure said, “Yes, we can talk over here.”

  The three of them walked off to a stable area, where some horses were enjoying an evening feeding.

  “Aaron, I was considering what we discussed earlier about how our bond gave Aurora certain protections when we were close. When Aurora and I talked about it, I remembered something you said ‘what God has brought together let no man tear asunder.’ Then I recalled that phrase is part of the wedding vows. It occurred to me that if we were to wed it would strengthen our bond, and she might be better protected.”

  Aaron looked at him thoughtfully then said, “That may well be true, but a marriage of convenience is not the same, and would not have the strong bond you seek. Now if you two loved each other that would come from God.”

  David looked at him, and without hesitation said, “I do love her, I’ve always loved her.” He felt Aurora sway a little holding onto him; he only hoped it was for the right reason, and he dared not look at her.

  Aurora stood there hit with a wave of emotions so strong she could hardly stand. Hearing him say it out loud like that without doubt, with such certainty shook her to her core. She had felt it, but tried to deny it in case it wasn’t true, and at his words she knew that she was just as much in love with him.

  Aaron looked at her uncertainly “Aurora, do you feel the same way?”

  David couldn’t look at her; he was paralyzed with fear at the prospect of her saying no.

  Aurora struggled to find her voice then blurted out with such force it startled Aaron and David “yes, oh yes, I do.” She began to cry, but they were tears of joy. Then she threw herself into David’s arms with such force it knocked him back a step.

  Aaron, smiling said, “Then it’s settled, you shall be wed. And as fortune would have it I have been ordained, and can perform the ceremony if you would allow it.”

  David looking at him over Aurora’s shoulder said, “That would be perfect.”

  They made their way back to the group, and David and Aurora sat with Miles and Jasmine. Aaron went over to the apparent leaders of the council, and they moved close to hear what he was saying. David and Aurora sat holding hands unsure of what was going to happen. After a few moments, Aaron stood to address the group.

  “As most, if not all of you already know we have gathered tonight because the time of the prophecy is at hand. We approach the final hour that will decide our fates. Aurora was sent to the temple to retrieve the scroll that detailed the prophecy so that we would be able to work towards its fulfillment. Her journey back was most difficult, but by the grace of Our Father, she was delivered into the hands of this man David. David whose lineage is that of King David himself is the one about which the prophecy speaks.” He paused briefly, as some members whispered to each other. “As it turns out the other person the prophecy refers to is none other than Aurora.” This time there was even more chatter amongst the group. “These two have shared a remarkable bond their entire lives that only a few have known about. This is no ordinary bond; it has linked them between two worlds. It is the strength of this bond that allows them the ability to stand before the Dark One with any hope of victory. I’m pleased to say, to strengthen their bond even more, they have decided to marry this very night.” This time there was no holding back. The group burst into conversation. Jasmine almost leapt out of her seat, to hug Aurora, who was thoroughly embarrassed. “Please everyone, I’m almost finished.” The group quieted down. “Thank you, yes, this is excellent news, and more importantly they are to marry, not out of obligation, but because they love each other. I have known Aurora for many years, and in the brief time I have spent with David today, I have come to believe with certainty that they are two halves of the whole. I also believe that together they will be much more formidable than either one alone. Now, since time is working against us, unless there are any objections I will marry them.”

  Aaron stood looking around the room to see if anyone offered their dissent, but there was none given.

  “As we are all in agreement, I would ask David and Aurora to come forward, and kneel before me.”

  David looked at Aurora, and she smiled encouragingly. They walked forward, knelt facing Aaron holding hands, and looked up at his kind expression.

  Aaron began speaking the moment they were still. “David and Aurora, as a servant of the most high God it is my honor to affirm your bond of marriage today. He has brought you together at this place and time, and as such his blessing will be upon you. I will ask you now to acknowledge the covenants of this union. Do you two take each other to be husband and wife in sickness, and in health?”

  Together they said, “We do.”

  “In feast or famine?”

  “We do.”

  “That you will not allow anyone to come between you?”

  “We won’t.”

  “That you will remain joined together until death do you part?”

  “We will.”

  “Please rise, that we may all give you our blessing.” They all spoke in unison saying, “Lord, please bestow your blessings on these two humble servants. Lord we lift them up to you that their life together brings glory to your kingdom.”

  “In the name of the Lord our Father I bind you together as man and wife. What God has brought together let no one tear asunder.”

  They stood facing each other. David looked at her, mesmerized at how radiant she was.

  “You may now kiss the bride.”


  David reached up, and tenderly cupping Aurora’s face pulled her slowly towards him. Her wet eyes reflecting the candlelight, her full lips enticing him to kiss her, he barely noticed her reaching up to place her hands on his arms. As their lips met, just as by the lake, he felt his heart pounding as they each wrapped their arms around one another. He became lost in her touch, and felt as though they were one. He couldn’t hear a sound. He only felt her presence, in him, through him, all around him. When their lips parted, he looked into her eyes, and could see she had felt the same. Suddenly they both realized where they were, and looked around as sound began to flood back into their ears. Everyone in the room was saying something, and as they looked at Aaron they saw the look of surprise on his face.

  “What is it?” David asked, “Did we do something wrong?”

  Aaron hesitated a moment, and said, “I have never seen anything like it. None of us has.”

  Aurora asked, “What do you mean?” She was slightly embarrassed; perhaps it was their behavior that had shocked everyone.

  “Didn’t you notice anything?”

  “Well, I mean we were… our eyes were closed.” He said a little embarrassed.

  “When you kissed, sealing your vows, a bright light surrounded you both. It was beautiful as if we could see the light of your souls as they were joined in holy union. Truly God has blessed you both.”

  Now David and Aurora were even more embarrassed. Everyone there was coming up, and telling them how they had never seen anything like what had happened. They were encouraging them saying that surely God was with them, and they wished them their blessing on their journey.

  Food had been brought into the room, and the two of them were thankful for the distraction. More than anything right now, they just wanted to be alone, but they knew they would have to wait a while longer. They sat with Jasmine and Miles while they ate. David was entertained watching Jasmine interrogating Aurora for all the information about him she could get. Aurora kept flashing little smiles his way as he pretended not to hear any of what they were talking about. Jasmine was acting like a big sister, and Aurora was enjoying every moment of it.

  As they sat there, David began to get an uneasy feeling when he noticed a commotion at the door. Someone had arrived, and several others were busy greeting him including Aaron. David casually watched out of the corner of his eye, as they appeared to be telling him about the day’s events. Aurora looked at him with a sheepish grin after Jasmine said something about David, when she caught his look. With a slight flicker of his eyes, he directed her attention to the new arrival. She immediately recognized what he was telling her. Turning to Jasmine she excused herself and got up from the table. David watched her closely as she stealthily made her way around the perimeter of the room. Meanwhile, Aaron and the visitor made their way towards David.

  David remained seated not wanting to alert the man to his suspicions. Jasmine had moved next to him, and was talking to him about Aurora. She told him how she had begun to lose hope she would ever meet someone. It didn’t take long before Aaron, and the man where standing in front of him. David stood as Aaron said, “David, I would like you to meet Lucas. He was delayed in getting here, but has come to meet you and Aurora. He has been on our council for many years.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Lucas. Thank you for coming, I’m humbled that so many council members have traveled so far just to meet me.”

  In a jovial voice, Lucas attempted to put David at ease, and said, “Oh no not at all. It is my honor to meet you. Where is Aurora? I haven’t seen her in years.”

  David said casually “She’s around here somewhere.”

  Lucas said with forced humor in his voice “just married, and you have lost track of her already?”

  David grinned, and said, “If yo
u know Aurora then you know she can take care of herself.”

  “Yes I do young man, yes I do. I must say it’s quite something to meet a man that could tame her.”

  Aaron was looking at David, and getting the sense that something was wrong.

  David could feel his anger rising, but kept a tight hold on it so when the timing was right it would be at his fingertips. “Lucas I would never try to tame her. She is perfect just as she is.”

  Aaron interrupted “Lucas, such talk on their wedding day.”

  Before Lucas had a chance to answer, David spoke, “It’s alright Aaron, Lucas doesn’t mean to be disrespectful he’s only doing his masters’ bidding.”

  Lucas stammered a little, “I don’t know what you mean by that, but I certainly didn’t come all this way to be insulted.”

  David said with absolute authority “Lucas, don’t try to pretend with me, you serve the Dark One, and he sent you to spy on us, or worse. Now if you confess I will spare your life.”

  Aaron aghast looked at the two of them not knowing what to do.

  Lucas began looking around uncomfortably, unable to look David in the eyes, and said, “well I … I just don’t know what you are talking about... I …” Then he reached around his back for something, and a look of shock and terror appeared on his face.

  Standing behind him, Aurora said, “Looking for this?” She held up a large dagger.

  Aaron finding his voice said, “Lucas how could you?”

  Lucas in full-fledged panic now raged at them “You fools! You’re all doomed. You can’t win; these two will fail. You have no idea what you’re up against. He knows everything, and He will prevail. Join him or suffer for all eternity.” Then with a mixture of pain, and fury he turned to David, and lunged.

  David almost effortlessly lifted his arm and thrust it into the center of Lucas’s chest. On impact he released the rage into him like a controlled explosion. Lucas was thrown more than 20 feet, as if he was hit with a cannon and crashed into the wall. Before anyone else could react, David was standing over him with Aurora at his side.


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