Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 39

by Ralph Smith

  “The rooms fine, thank you. I think it can wait until tomorrow.”

  “Very good sir, if you could please just put the room service cart outside in the hall, and someone will be by to pick it up later.”

  “Thank you. I will. Have a good evening.”

  “You too, sir.”

  “Who was that?”

  “Housekeeping. They wanted to know if they should clean our room.” David said, “I guess they didn’t expect us to be here all day.”

  “Hmm, I didn’t mind.”

  “Neither did I. Are you still up for going dancing tonight?”

  “Oh, yes! That sounds like fun.”

  “It’s too early to go down to dinner now. How would you like to take a walk to the lake? When we get back it should be about time for us to go to dinner.”

  “That does sound good. Some outdoor air would be nice.”

  David leaned over, and gave her a kiss “I’m going to get up, and get dressed then.” Then he rolled out of bed.

  “I think I’ll wait here until you are done this time.”

  "That's probably a good idea," David said, flashing her a grin as he shut the door.

  While Aurora was getting dressed, David gathered up the room service items and organized them on the cart wheeling it out into the hallway. He was used to keeping busy, and in spite of, or maybe because of, the day’s activities he was filled with restless energy. He walked around the room straightening up a bit, and then saw their camping packs. He knelt down beside his and retrieved a few precautionary items. He thought he’d rather be prepared, even though he didn’t expect anything other than a nice walk.

  As he was getting to his feet, Aurora came out and asked, “What are you doing?”

  "Just taking some precautions."

  “Should I bring my bow?”

  “No, I think that would be a bit too conspicuous, and I’m sure there’s no need. I just don’t want to get too complacent.”

  She trusted him, and said unconcerned “all right.”

  David held her jacket for her as she put it on, and then grabbing his they set out. They headed down to the lobby saying a quick hello and goodbye to Charlie at the front desk. The sun was low in the sky as they made their way down to the lake. They held hands strolling along completely relaxed. David began to point out various trails, and activity areas relating them to stories he told her or sharing new ones. The sun was almost down when they reached the lake, and there were a few other people enjoying an evening walk too. The setting sun was a dark orange, and the light dancing on the lake was soothing. Once they made it to the end of the trail the cool air was starting to bite their exposed skin. David put his arm around Aurora as they began the walk back.

  Even though the cold was setting in, they still weren’t in any rush to get back. Aurora mused over how if David had grown up in her village that William and Nathan would have been his partners in crime, and she might have had to set him straight too. She wondered how Miles and Solidad were doing, and what was happening to all the people they left behind. David also hoped they were all well, and that with the fall of the Dark One, chaos did not ensue.

  It was completely dark out when they returned, and the moon was just about gone. Thankfully the path was lit, and they had no trouble making their way. They were happy to enter the warm lobby. Lost in conversation, they hadn’t realized how cold they were. It was still a little early to go to dinner, so they decided to go back to their room, and warm up first before heading to the dining hall.

  Back at the room, David fixed some tea, and they relaxed on the couch while they waited. “You told me you’d show me what that is on the wall. Do we have time now?”

  “Sure. It’s called a TV.” David said, “It shows moving pictures.” David found the remote and turned it on. It was a large screen and was set to a local news channel.

  "That's incredible," Aurora said walking over to it “they look like real people, not pictures.”

  “They are real people; a camera records them and sends it here. This show is live. These people are actually doing what you see as we speak.”

  "Really," She said, as she inspected it, looking all around the screen. After a few moments, she sat back down next to David and picked up her tea. “What kind of show is this?”

  “This is the news where people find out what is going on around them.” David said. Then he flipped through a few channels, showing her examples of other programs. Aurora was amused by some singing, and dancing, startled by explosions and gunfire, baffled by a strange cartoon, and captivated by a nature show filmed flying over various landscapes.

  “How do they do all that?”

  “That’s a long story. Since it’s almost eight o’clock how about we go down, and talk about it at dinner?”

  “I think that’s a great idea, and I’m starving again.”

  David stood, and reached out a hand. Aurora took it and got to her feet. Having warmed up, they left their jackets and headed straight down to the dining room. When they arrived, David saw Tom, who came over to welcome them.

  “Hello there, I was wondering when I was going to see you two again. How’s your room?”

  “Fantastic Tom! I can’t thank you enough.”

  “Do you have everything you need?” He asked, looking at Aurora.

  “Yes, I’ve never enjoyed such splendor before.”

  “Great. Are you going to enjoy some dinner and dancing tonight? The band that’s playing is extremely popular.”

  "You bet."

  “Good. I’ll get you a table.”

  “Can you sit us in Addie’s section?” David asked, “We really enjoyed her, and she brought us our breakfast this morning so we wouldn’t have to wait.”

  “Sure thing. She’s a good girl. I wish I had more people like her working for me. Come this way.”

  Tom wound his way through the hall with David and Aurora in tow. He brought them up to the same area where they sat the night before, and invited them to sit down.

  “Here you go I’ll let Addie know you are here. I’ll be running around tonight, but if you need me, just tell Addie.”

  “Don’t worry about us, I’m sure we’ll be just fine.”

  “You enjoy, and I’ll stop back by later.” Tom said then hurried off.

  There was a lot more noise in the room tonight, and they were happy to be out of the way, so they could hear each other easily. The room was very busy, and almost all of the tables were occupied. Addie hadn’t exaggerated. David could see more people coming in from the lobby doors.

  “Do you need any help with the menu?” David asked Aurora.

  She picked it up, and began looking it over, “I don’t know.”

  Before she could finish her thought, a bus boy arrived with some bread and water. They could see the steam rising from the hot bread, and it pushed all thoughts of looking at the menu out of their minds for the moment.

  “Thank you” David said.

  “Yes, that bread looks delicious” Aurora said.

  “You’re welcome, Addie will be along in a minute to take your order,” the bus boy said, and he hurried away.

  They each helped themselves to some bread in the hope it would take the edge off their ravenous hunger.

  “Mmm, this is delicious.” Aurora said.

  “It sure is. Suddenly I’m so hungry I could eat the basket.” David said.

  Aurora chuckled “Me too!”

  Addie arrived beaming at them “Hi, how are you doing tonight? I’m so glad you asked for me.”

  “Of course, you’re our guardian angel.” David said.

  “And thank you for saying such nice things to Tom about me.”

  “He thinks very highly of you already.” Aurora said.

  “Are you two hungry?”

  “Ravenous. We haven’t eaten since the breakfast you brought us.” Aurora said.

  “Oh my, you must be hungry! Do you know what you want to eat?”

  “We haven’t actuall
y looked yet. Can you recommend anything?” David asked.

  “I know just the thing. Do you like pasta and seafood?”

  David looked at Aurora, and she said, “That sounds good to me.”

  “We’re in your hands Addie. Whatever you think is best.”

  “Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of you. Tea to drink again tonight, or would you like wine?”

  "Just tea I think," Aurora said, “I want to do some dancing after dinner.”

  “Tea for me too.”

  “Ok, I’ll get you some salad so you don’t starve to death, and be right back.” Addie said and hurried off.

  "She's such a sweet girl."

  “Yes she is” David said looking at Aurora affectionately.

  She looked at him and asked sheepishly, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I’m just so in love with you. I love that you’re so confident and secure. So many women would find a pretty young girl like her threatening, but not you. Your kindness to her and everyone we meet is so precious to me.”

  Aurora reached over taking his hand in hers pulling it to her cheek she leaned against him, and said, “You always make me feel special apart from anyone else. There’s no room for doubt in my heart.”

  "I hope I'm not interrupting," Addie said, standing there with two salads “I hurried since you were so hungry.”

  They sat up straight making room for her to set the plates down. "Not at all," David said, “Aurora was just saying how much she liked you.”

  “Thank you. Aurora, that’s such a pretty name, and fitting for such a beautiful woman” Addie said. “Just let me know if you need anything.” Then she left them to eat.

  The sight of food reminded them of their hunger, and they both began eating. They did their best to pace themselves, and thoroughly enjoyed their meal. Addie’s suggestion was delicious and filling. They enjoyed watching the crowd of people and discussed the prospect of hiking the next day.

  “It’s a few hours hike to the spot I want to show you. I’m surprised more people haven’t found it, but no one else I’ve talked to has ever seen it. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  "I'd like that."

  Before they realized it, nine o’clock rolled around, and the band began to play. They were a country music group, and the crowd became excited when they started.

  Addie came over and asked, “Would you like me to hold your table while you dance? Then when you need a break you can come, and sit down.”

  “Are you sure that wouldn’t be too much trouble?”

  “No, we aren’t likely to get many more dinner guests. Go, enjoy yourselves.”

  David stood, and asked Aurora “would you like to dance?”

  “Yes I would.”

  They had both been watching the other patrons, and once on the dance floor tried to follow their example of how to dance. They were sure they probably looked silly, as they had no idea what they were doing, but they didn’t care. They had fun and only had eyes for each other. By the time they made it back to the table, it was already 10 o’clock. The time had flown by.

  They slumped into their chairs, and Aurora said, “I had so much fun, I felt like a little girl again.”

  “I was really happy I didn’t step on anyone.” David said, “I had no idea what I was doing.”

  “Neither did I!”

  Addie appeared at the table, and said, “It looked like you had fun out there. Would you like a drink to cool down?”

  "I'd like some more water please."

  “That sounds good to me too.”

  “Coming right up” Addie said then left.

  “I think you wore me out today,” Aurora said to David with a grin “would you be disappointed if we go upstairs?”

  “Not at all. I think I wore myself out too” David said, “Would you like to take some dessert up with us?”

  "I don't think I can eat another bite."

  “Neither could I.”

  "Here's your water."

  “Addie, can we please have our check? I think we’re finished for tonight.”

  “Sure. I’ll be right back.”

  They both had several drinks of water before Addie returned.

  “Are you working tomorrow Addie?”

  “Yes sir, Sunday, and Monday too.”

  “Good, then we’ll see you again. I hope you don’t have to work much longer tonight.”

  “No, you’re my last table, so I’m heading home. Thankfully I get to sleep in tomorrow”

  “Be careful going home, and thank you again for taking care of us.”

  "Goodnight Addie," Aurora said.

  “Goodnight. Have fun tomorrow.” Addie said as the two of them left.

  As they made their way across the hall, they saw Tom towering over two young men with a scowl on his face. They appeared terrified, and David chuckled at the sight he knew all too well. Tom caught a glimpse of them out of the corner of his eye, and turned and waved. David and Aurora waved back, and Tom immediately returned to his quarry.

  This time their slow pace back to the room was caused by the fatigue they both felt and the heavy meal they ate. Arriving at the room, Aurora turned to David with heavy eyes “I’m going to use the bath. I’ll be right back.”

  “Ok, take your time.”

  David walked over and sat on the couch, regretting it almost immediately. It was very comfortable, and he was afraid if he sat too long he might doze off. He tried weakly to convince himself to get up, but lost the argument to his tired muscles. In an effort to stay awake, he started digging through his memory for the exact route to find the waterfall the next day, and before he knew it, Aurora was emerging from the bath.

  He looked over to see her striding towards him smiling and wearing only her shirt, and it barely covered her hips. “Hi there.”

  She sat on the couch, and leaned across his lap putting her arms around him. “I had a wonderful time tonight.” She said, and then she kissed him slowly.

  "Hmm, so did I," David said, “but can you please hold that thought while I run to the bathroom?”

  "I suppose I can wait," she said with a smile.

  David got up from the couch, and Aurora stretched out giving him an alluring look. "Don't keep me waiting."

  “I won’t” he replied, and quickly went to the bathroom. Although he was only gone for a few minutes, he wasn’t surprised to find her asleep when he returned. He gazed affectionately at her for a moment, pulled down the bed covers, turned off the lights, and got undressed. Returning to the couch he scooped her up in his arms, carefully carried her over, and laid her down on the bed. He slid into the bed, doing his best not to wake her, and pulled the cover up over the two of them. As soon as he was lying down she rolled over wrapping an arm around him still fast asleep. He closed his eyes taking in her scent, enjoying the comfort of her against him, and in moments he was asleep too.

  The sunlight began filling the room, and it was a gentle reminder to David to wake up. He was used to getting up at sunrise, and when he opened his eyes he knew it was later than that. Looking at the clock he saw it was nearly eight am. It had been many years since he slept that long. He lay there for a time trying to gather his thoughts when Aurora stirred. Lifting her head up she looked at him, and he said, “Hi.”

  She smiled, and said, “Hi” then looking around a little she asked, “How did I end up here? I don’t remember coming to bed.”

  “You fell asleep on the couch, and I carried you over.”

  She put her head on his chest, and said, “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I was asleep the minute my head hit the pillow. I guess we wore each other out.” David said, “Did you sleep well?”

  “Like a rock. And you?”

  “Me too. How about I order us some coffee and breakfast?”

  David sat up, and looked at Aurora more seriously, and said, “While I was lying here waking up, I got a feeling that we need to go on our hike today; that somehow it’s necessary
, and we should head out early. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Aurora looked at him, and said affectionately “You know I’ll always follow you anywhere. I trust you without question, and if you think we need to go then I’ll be at your side.”

  David smiled, and then kissed her. He felt such affection for her it brought a lump to his throat. When he sat up again, she said with a mock admonition “don’t start anything you aren’t prepared to finish.”

  He laughed, and said, “I’ll make it up to you when we get back.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” She said teasingly.

  David got up, and strode over to the phone, and called down to room service. He ordered their breakfast and some sandwiches for later, as well as bottles of water. Then he encouraged Aurora to shower, and get dressed while he waited for the meal to arrive. He put on his clothes from the night before and walked to the window. Staring out at the landscape he tried to retrieve the feeling that had come to him. He didn’t think there was any danger, but he did feel a sense of urgency that the sooner they left the better.

  When room service arrived, he told the young lady they were going out for the day, and asked if she could please arrange for housekeeping.

  Aurora came out of the bathroom dressed, and ready to go. She had pulled her hair back into a braid, and wore some of the hiking pants they bought, a button down top with t-shirt underneath, and hiking boots. Yet she moved as gracefully as ever.

  “Breakfast is here. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, and I’d especially like some coffee.”

  They sat at the table and ate. David told her about the hike ahead of them, and some of the things they would see along the way. He wasn’t nervous, but he was a little anxious, and as soon as he finished eating he got up to go get himself dressed.

  He took a quick shower, and just as she had, he put on hiking clothes and boots with a layered top. Back in the room he found her relaxing by the window, and walked over to retrieve the sandwiches, and water bottles. “See anything interesting out there?”

  “Nothing in particular although it’s beautiful; I do get to bring my bow right?” She said firmly.

  “Absolutely” then he knelt in front of her, and said, “I don’t think we’re in any danger. I don’t exactly know what to think, but I don’t want you to worry.”


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