Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 41

by Ralph Smith

  David and Aurora reached for each other’s hands and stood quietly for a moment. Then turning to face one another they came together in a comforting embrace. David gently stroking the back of Aurora’s head said, “At least we got a few ordinary days together.”

  “No. ”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They were extraordinary, and the happiest days of my life.” She said nuzzling her head against him.

  “When this is over we’ll pick up where we left off.”

  “Do you promise?”

  “Yes I promise.” He said softly. “I’m sorry we didn’t have more time. I’m sorry we don’t have a normal life.”

  “I’m sorry too. I’ve never been happier since the day we met. But I know, neither of us would be satisfied sitting by while so many others suffered. And that is one of the reasons I love you.” She said.

  They stood quietly for a while holding each other and holding onto the moment. They both knew that as soon as it was over they would start a new journey filled with uncertainty, and they were savoring their last fleeting moments of peace.

  Finally, David said, “We should probably start heading back.”

  “I know” Aurora said without moving.

  “We can get back to the lodge for dinner, stay there tonight, and head back in the morning. If that’s all right with you?”

  "I'd like that," she said as she relaxed her hold, and leaned back.

  David kissed her tenderly then looked at her, and said, “hmm we had better get going. Otherwise, we might end up here all night.”

  “I wouldn’t mind that, but you’re right, we should get going.” Then they cleaned up the remnants of their lunch, put everything away in their packs leaving the area as if they had never been there.

  With their gear stowed, and their packs on their backs, they took one more look at the sanctuary they were leaving, and David turned to Aurora, and said, “We’ll come back someday, but in the meantime as long as we’re together I’m happy.”

  “As long as we’re together” Aurora said with a smile, and they set off without looking back.

  On the hike down they replayed their conversation with Asis over and over, trying to think through what it all meant. Ultimately they came to the conclusion that they actually had no idea what to think, and that they would have to wait and see what they found when they got to Roktah. They finally reached the path that led to the meadow behind the lodge, and when they came out in the open, it was a welcome sight. They were both tired now after such a long hike there and back.

  “Would you like to eat before we head upstairs or do you want a late dinner and dancing?”

  With a chuckle, she said, “I think if we go dancing you’ll have to carry me upstairs. Why don’t we have dinner first? I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry. That was a quite a workout.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” David said, and then he stopped abruptly.

  “What is it?” She asked.

  “Something seems wrong.” He said quietly. Looking, as if he was trying to reach out for something that wasn’t there, he added urgently, “Let’s get inside.”

  They quickly made their way down the path, and the closer they got to The Lodge the more apprehensive he felt. David pushed open the front doors of the lodge, staying a step ahead of Aurora, prepared to shield her from anything unexpected. Stepping inside the lobby he quickly scanned the room, seeing there was no one else there except Charlie behind the counter. He began removing his backpack. Aurora followed his lead taking hers off too.

  “Charlie, how are you tonight? Would you mind if we leave our packs here with you while we go to the dining hall?”

  “No problem, sir.” Charlie said as David was already making his way to the dining hall. David patted his belt to feel he was still armed not knowing what to expect. He pulled the door open trying to act as normal as possible, hoping not to draw any extra attention to himself. As the two of them walked towards the podium, David was rapidly cataloging the various groups in the room. It was early, so the full dinner crowd hadn’t arrived yet, and he was thankful for that. Nothing jumped out at him, but his senses were on full alert.

  “Can we please have a table in Addie’s section?” David asked the hostess.

  “Certainly. Come with me.”

  Aurora leaned close to him, and asked in a hushed voice “do you see anything wrong?”

  "Nothing," he said, sounding disappointed. He would rather know what they were up against.

  As they made their way across the room, Addie saw them, waved, and they waved back. She turned to come and meet them. They had just about reached the steps to the upper level when Addie caught up with them.

  “Hi Terry, I’ll take them to their table.” Addie said excitedly.

  "Thanks Addie," Terry said and headed back in the other direction.

  “A friend of yours is here to see you. He’s such a nice man.” Addie said and started up the stairs.

  David tried to ask her “who?” But she hurried off as if it was a big treat.

  David and Aurora gave each other a questioning look and followed her. Addie made a beeline to the far corner where a lone man sat. David’s ears began to ring slightly, and he felt the heat and anxiety rise in him. He hesitated, and then pushed his fears aside. He needed his wits about him. In two strides he had regained his composure and cleared his mind. He was not one to panic that only led to mistakes. He reached out and took Aurora’s hand. Her grip was firm, and he looked to see her warrior face too.

  The sight of it all was surreal, Addie standing there beaming next to him, the Dark One.

  "David and Aurora, congratulations," He said in a silky voice as he stood to greet them. “Dear Addie here has been telling me what a happy couple you are.”

  Addie looked at their expressions, and nervously said, “I hope it’s all right, he said you were old friends.”

  "Of course we are," he said, “Why don’t the two of sit and you join me?”

  David turned to Addie, and gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s fine Addie. Thank you. Can you please get us some tea?”

  Addie looking relieved said, “Of course right away.” Then she hurried off.

  David pulled out a chair for Aurora to sit, and gave her a slight nod telling her it was all right. The Dark One was dressed in an expensive dark suit with a black turtleneck. His polished looks and relaxed demeanor told David he was not there to exact his vengeance, at least not by trying to kill them, yet anyway.

  The three of them sat, and David asked casually “Why are you here?”

  “I came to congratulate you on your wedding. I do owe the two of you a tremendous debt.” He said.

  “And what might that be?” Aurora asked, in a “as matter of fact” tone she could muster.

  “You see when the two of you, shall we say, evicted me from that tower it freed me to come here. This world offers so many opportunities that I was denied there that I have only begun to sample.” He said as he leered at Addie who arrived with their drinks.

  “Here you go; do you want anything else?” Addie asked.

  "Not yet Addie," David said kindly “can you give us a little bit to catch up?”

  “Sure just let me know.” Addie said as she left them.

  "What a sweet girl, so innocent and ripe." He said watching her walk away, with a sickening emphasis on the word ripe.

  “What do you want?” David asked firmly to draw his attention from Addie.

  He turned his attention back to David. “What do I want,” He said, in a distant voice, as if he was considering the question.

  “Yes, you didn’t come here to congratulate us, so what do you want?”

  “I want what everyone wants. I want to be free; I want to choose my own destiny. I want what has been denied to me, my rightful place of honor. You see I once found His favor, then I made the unforgivable mistake of defying Him, and for that I was cast out.” He said his voice rising slightly “I was left trapp
ed in darkness, consigned to the shadows. Oh men’s evil hearts gave me glimpses of the world, but it was not enough. Then the two of you came along, and now here I sit, free. Free to bask in the light, free to enjoy the many pleasures this world has to offer” his gaze glancing at Addie and back, a sick smile growing on his face, “free to claim what is rightfully mine. You ask me what I want. I’m here to ask you to join me. Don’t be fools doing his bidding; I can give you so much more. I can make you king and queen. You can have anything you want. He offers you a lifetime of servitude; I offer you a lifetime of rule. Imagine servants at your beck and call, spending your days indulging yourselves in whatever you want. And what does he offer you? Perilous journeys and hardship! You must have had quite a time coming to find me, and he denied you the solace of each other’s touch didn’t he? He would have sent you to your death never knowing each other fully. I would never do such a thing. You deserve the rewards of your conquests, and I would give you that, and so much more.”

  David looked at him in silence for a moment. The hungry expression on his face, the burning hatred behind his eyes, as handsome as he was, it was a thin veneer over something truly foul. “I’m afraid the answer is no.” David said. He could see the anger bubbling in Him just below the surface, now was not the time to stoke that fire.

  “I see, yet you did not even consider what I have to offer.”

  “We don’t have to.” Aurora said through a mask of false calm “We’ve seen what you offer your followers, what they become, they are the most vile creatures in our world.”

  “They are that way to begin with. What they do with their freedom is not my fault. You could change that. You two could establish peace in my name.”

  “You have nothing we want. The Lord has blessed us with everything we need, and much more. Our faith rests in Him, and He has proven time and time again to be true. His way is light, life, and joy. Yours is death, destruction, and sorrow. We won’t be tempted.” David said, and he could see the anger burning in his eyes despite his calm exterior.

  “Very well then. You have chosen, and when His kingdom falls and mine rises do not expect to be afforded the opportunity for such honor. In the meantime do not cross my path again or I will set my sights on all that you hold dear, and the pain and suffering I will inflict upon you will be unimaginable.” He said with a steely gaze of controlled fury.

  David looked at him, and smiled “and here I thought you wanted to be friends.”

  He looked at David curiously. It troubled him that he could not ‘see’ what was behind his eyes. “I underestimated you during our last encounter, but I will not make that mistake again. My time has come. As my influence grows in the world, His rule will diminish, and you will be left alone and wanting. Then you will come crawling to me, and beg for my mercy.”

  “I see. Then you have nothing to worry about do you?” David said.

  Suddenly He laughed a cold chilling laugh, “No I do not, but I do enjoy your lack of concern. Perhaps I have overestimated you. Perhaps you just got lucky in our last encounter.” His voice turned deadly, “Make no mistake. If you interfere with my plans again, you and your bride will not be so lucky this time. In the meantime, I want you to watch as I ascend knowing there is nothing you can do about it.”

  He stood, and so did David and Aurora. They were standing there casually, but both were ready to act, as he looked them up and down. Just then Addie arrived.

  “Do you need something?” Addie asked.

  "Not yet our friend was just leaving," David said.

  "Yes," He said in a snakelike hiss then turned, and stared intently at Addie. She seemed slightly mesmerized, as if held fast in a trance as He asked, “and how would you like to join me?” Then He reached up to stroke her face, but in a flash David had grabbed his wrist stopping Him.

  Addie seemed to snap out of her daze and she saw the Dark One’s face contorted into an ugly rage. They both felt a searing pain at each other’s touch, but David held fast.

  “Oh I can’t, I have to work I… I… ” Addie said, in a frightened voice as she scurried off clutching her arms around herself, a look of horror on her face.

  David let go of Him pushing away the pain, and said to Him in a clear voice “Good night then until we meet again.”

  “Until we meet again” He said as He stepped out from behind the table, then added in a deadly voice, “remember what I said.” And he walked off.

  David and Aurora stood watching Him make His way across the room and out the doors. They turned to face each other, and David pulled her into his arms. She melted into his embrace, and he could feel her shaking slightly. "It's all right," he said, “He’s gone now,” David knew He had left. He could not feel His presence anymore.

  “He’s so evil” Aurora said, “and I was afraid He was going to hurt poor Addie, then when you grabbed Him… I” She stopped not sure what to say.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t let Him hurt her.”

  “I know. That’s one of the reasons I love you, but I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You did the right thing. This wasn’t the time for us to act. Anything more and things could have gotten out of hand. Then who knows what would have happened.”

  “What’s going on?” Tom said suddenly standing there with Addie.

  David and Aurora let go of each other, and David said, “Everything’s okay, Tom. Addie, are you alright?”

  Addie, looking frightened, said, “I am so sorry. He said you were old acquaintances, and He seemed so charming before, but He was so frightening, I …” Then she burst into tears.

  David looked at Tom, and encouraged Addie to sit down. Then he and Aurora joined her “Tom would it be Ok if Addie sat with us for a little bit?”

  “I’ll get the other girls to cover her tables. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Here Addie, drink some water.” Aurora said placing a reassuring hand on her arm.

  “Who was He? When He looked into my eyes, I felt like He was violating me, and I was frozen unable to move. Then the look on His face when you grabbed His arm; I’ve never been so frightened in my life.”

  “You might not believe me if I told you, but He’s gone now.” David said. “Did He say how He knew we were going to be here?”

  "Yes, He said a birdie told him," she said in a nervous laugh at the absurdity of it.

  David considered it for a moment, but Tom interrupted his thoughts. “The other girls have everything covered. Now, tell me what’s going on.” Tom said in an authoritative voice.

  “Putting it mildly, that was a very dangerous man, and we aren’t on his good side.”

  “This doesn’t have anything to do with that trip you took before the wedding does it?”

  “You know about that?” Aurora asked still comforting Addie.

  “Yes, Gabe told me all about it.”

  “So you know about everything?” David asked.

  “Of course, I told you your father and I go way back. I’m on the council too, I would’ve come that first night, but was out searching for some lost guests and missed the call.”

  “I see. Then I should tell you that it was Him.” David said.

  “You don’t mean the Dark One do you?”

  “Yes I do.” David said as Addie began to cry again.

  “But I thought the two of you finished him off?”

  “So did we, but evidentially by destroying Him there we freed Him to come here.” Aurora said.

  Tom in a resigned voice said, “Addie I think it may be time to join the others.”

  “What do you mean?” David asked.

  “We knew this time would come, we’ve been making preparations for a long time. I’m sorry I kept it from you two. It’s just a habit, but Addie is my daughter, and now that He knows she’s here it won’t be safe for her. We’ll pack and leave tomorrow.”

  “What about the lodge?” David asked.

  “I’ll leave Charlie in charge. It really doesn’t matter. Addie is more pre
cious to me than anything. She’s the light of my life.” Tom said smiling at her with the deepest affection.

  She jumped up, and hugged him “Oh daddy, I love you so much.”

  “Of course, that was a silly question.” David said, “We’re leaving tomorrow too, but we can wait until you’re ready to make sure you get off safely. Where are you headed?”

  “The same place as you, I believe. We’re supposed to meet at your parent’s place then head out from there to a sanctuary we have.”

  “I’ll give him a call, and let him know we’re coming. Where are the two of you staying tonight? I’m sure He’s gone, but we shouldn’t take anything for granted.”

  “Addie can stay here with me. We’ll be fine.” Tom said, “Why don’t we get the two of you something to eat so we can all get an early night, and head out first thing.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. Would you and Addie like to join us?” David asked.

  "My stomach is all in knots." Addie said.

  "Mine too," Aurora said reassuringly “But we need to keep our strength up. I learned a long time ago, if anything does happen, you can only go for so long on an empty stomach.”

  "I have just the thing," Tom said, “I’ll go tell the kitchen, and be right back.”

  Tom left, and Addie sat down. “He seemed so charming when He arrived. I can’t believe what a fool I was.” Addie said.

  “Don’t blame yourself.” Aurora said, “He’s fooled many people older and wiser.”

  “Why did He come here?”

  "He claimed to want to offer us a place under His rule, but I don't think that was it," David said.

  “What do you think He really wanted?” Aurora asked.

  “I think He wanted to see what He was up against; if we’re a threat to Him here too.” David said thoughtfully.

  Tom appeared, and sat down to join them “dinner will be here shortly. Perhaps you should tell us what happened up until now. It would be helpful for me to catch up, and besides, according to your dad, it’s quite a story even without his embellishments.” Tom said with a smile.


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