Eternal Service

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Eternal Service Page 17

by Regina Morris

  “And I don’t need Ben’s ability to see that you want her. Your aura must be red with lust, and you can’t deny it.”

  Gazing through the window, Raymond noticed Alex, who had joined the others in the living room. When their eyes met, she gave him a smile that lit up the room. He responded with a smile that flushed his cheeks. “She’s different. I can’t put my finger on it Sterling, but she’s different to me.” He eyed her from top to bottom. “ … Yes, very, very different.”

  “And that’s a good thing, future boss or not. You don’t need me and the others hanging around. You should get her alone and talk to her.” He leaned in, tugged his father’s arm, and whispered, “Hell, you should take her up to your room and have her fuck your brains out.”

  Raymond pulled away. “She’s not some easy floozy without any self–respect.”

  Sterling’s facial features hardened at the remark. “Women today are just as aggressive as men. After she finishes that goblet of wine, and you are alone with her, she’ll probably jump your ass. My advice to you is to enjoy the night, then erase her memory before Dixon steps down.”

  “I don’t use women, Sterling,” Raymond said, with emphasis on the word ‘I’.

  Sterling stared coldly at his father. “I guess between the two of us, we lick the plate clean.” He jingled his keys in his hand. “I’m going out. Have a good evening with her, and try not to disappoint her in bed.”

  Raymond watched as his son walked towards his car which was parked just off the street. He worried that his son might be right. Would he disappoint Alex? Had sex changed? He figured sex was the same as riding a bike, you never forget.

  Raymond had just entered the living room when he spotted Alex approaching, her cell phone in hand. From the corner of his eye, Raymond also saw Dixon busy with his iPhone and heading his way.

  “The President’s Chief of Staff just texted, Raymond,” Alex said as she made her way to him. There’s been a change of orders. The President moved up the scheduled ‘Storm Stop’ for the hurricane that hit Florida earlier. We need to tell the team of the change of plans.”

  Dixon stood by the two of them. “We knew this emergency was coming.” He looked down at his text. “Mission 09298 T–10 hours.” He glanced over to Alex, “Damn good thing we put your bags on the docket in preparation for you accepting the promotion.”

  Raymond gave a curt node. All bags were already screened for explosives a good three days before departure. Having her bags already prepared was a good move on Dixon’s part, especially now with T minus ten hours remaining. Raymond knew all the Colony bags were already on board, as well as blood for them. “Mason needs to prepare.” He gestured towards his eyes and nose suggesting the disguise Mason would need to put on to pass as the President’s doppelganger.

  “Does Mason really look just like the President?” Alex asked.

  Nodding yes, Raymond added, “Usually the Advance Team doesn’t have much time to ensure the President’s safety in natural disasters. They can’t do a complete threat assessment, so most Presidents just do a flyover with Marine One. But since Mason is the President’s twin …”

  Alex gasped, her hand moving quickly to her mouth to hide her surprise. “No way!” Her eyes widened as she thought. “The President is known as the ‘Peoples’ President’ because he is very open to the public. He is known for shaking hands up on the rope line.”

  “Mason wears gloves when he shakes their hands.”

  She let out a small laugh. “He gets full credit, and it’s Mason who does all the work.”

  Dixon’s lips curled in a half smile. “The President is safely secured in a hotel, watching the event on television. He’ll do the fly over, and we’ll have one of our team members flanking his side the entire time. Whoever is on call will flank him, and then stay with him at the hotel while Mason greets the public.”

  Wide–eyed, Alex asked, “But the human team never knows this?”

  “The inner circle does, but that’s all. Of course, they think we’re human.” Raymond shook his head. “I hate emergency trips with the President. The Secret Service will be busy securing the area. Debris usually lays everywhere, and adds to potential dangers. Keyhole satellites are repositioned, federal mailboxes are removed, manhole covers are welded shut, counter snipers are placed on rooftops …” Raymond sighed, “… well, given time.” He began the text to Mason and added, “Mason is super busy. The rest of the team remains in the motorcade out of sight.”

  Alex looked around the room. “Is any Colony member a part of the Advance team?”

  “No,” both Dixon and Raymond answered. Dixon continued, “There aren’t that many Colony members to spread that thin. If there is a vampire threat, then that would come when the President is available, therefore the team stays close to him at all times.”

  Raymond felt more sympathy for the humans in these situations. The vampires just had to show up and be on alert. The Secret Service was already securing the University of Texas for the President’s visit in a few days. They were being stretched thin with this Storm Stop and it would require the humans to pull an all–nighter on this one.

  While Raymond texted Mason, Alex gathered everyone in the living room.

  “We’ve all been watching the hurricane over the last few days,” Raymond began. “I know we were all expecting this storm, and the time will be tomorrow at 7am. We need to be at Andrews AFB by 5:30am so we can get through security. The team will be Mason, Dixon, Sulie, Sterling, Alex and me. William, you’ll continue to work with Ben on the stolen memory and finding out who hired the dead forger. With the President’s speech in Austin Texas on Wednesday about the future of clean energy and Texas oil, we may be doing these flights back–to–back and the State Dinner is fast approaching, so we’ll need to divide and conquer.”

  “I already anticipated that scenario and had a surplus of blood delivered to Air Force One for back–to–back trips,” Dixon reported. “Alex, I’m still the lead and the human team is accustomed to me, so I’ll check in with everyone on our end.”

  “I should go with you and observe at least,” Alex said.

  Dixon shook his head. “I’m not going to throw you into the deep end just yet. Doing two trips, followed by a state dinner, is enough of a learning experience right now. You have months to transition and you don’t need to be burned out your first week.”

  Raymond sensed the disappointment as well as relief radiating from Alex’s thought patterns. He wasn’t surprised when she acquiesced and allowed Dixon to run the show.

  “I’ll inspect my medical supplies. Tonight I should examine the President before the flight tomorrow.” Sulie added.

  Raymond put his hand on Alex’s shoulder. “I’ll give you a ride home, Alex.” She nodded and finished her goblet of wine before setting it down on the table.

  William was busy texting. “Sterling is getting the new itinerary as we speak.”


  Raymond walked Alex to the garage and opened the car door for her. Once he had her comfortably in the car, he helped his sister transfer medical supplies into her Porsche so she could examine the President and refill his prescriptions.

  “Thanks for the help, Raymond,” Sulie said.

  Raymond glanced over towards Alex and then back at his sister. “I need you to do me a favor.” He cleared his throat and looked back towards Alex.

  Sulie touched her brother’s arm; a sly smile formed on her lips as she looked over and intensely studied Alex. “She’s fine, Raymond. Enjoy your evening.” She hopped into her car and backed out of the garage.

  He watched as his sister sped down the drive, then he joined Alex in the Jag. “Would you like to listen to the radio?” he asked.


  He turned on the radio and love songs filled the car.

  Alex immediately said, “I love this song,” and sang along, even though she could not carry a tune. She did so for the next several songs in a row. At times, she
confused the words and would laugh at herself. Raymond thought it delightful for her to be so relaxed with him. She had flirted with him during the evening, and her thought patterns had been of an amorous nature all night.

  The drive to her home sped by, and they arrived sooner than Raymond expected. As they walked along the stone path to her home, past the beautiful flower garden, Alex miss–stepped and started to fall. Raymond saved her from a header into her rosebush. When his hand touched her bare arm, images flared up from her inner thoughts. Passionate images of them having sex on her bed in various ways. As wild as the images were, they didn’t come close to matching what raged through Raymond’s head. What stood between them now were not his hesitations or worries, it was only a large wooden door that would be opened shortly.

  She opened the door of her home and ran to the alarm unit to disable it. “Close the door, don’t let the dogs out.”

  Raymond shut the door behind him and stepped into the house. He glanced towards the kitchen where Alex opened the back door and let the animals out. She picked up the phone and dialed a number. Thanks to Raymond’s super hearing, he heard the entire conversation. She arranged for a neighbor to watch her dogs for the next few days.

  Organized, professional, and responsible. Raymond didn’t think most men would find these traits sexy, but he did. Of course, he liked watching her on the phone. She leaned halfway over the kitchen island as she talked and her cleavage showed him exactly what he wanted to see. She played with her hair as she hung up the phone. Her auburn long hair draped over her graceful neck, and he found his fangs extending. His manhood grew and hardened just looking at her. It had been so long since he had been with a woman, since he had wanted a woman. His world revolved around this woman, and his body ached for her. He intended to stay the night. This was a huge step for him, but it felt right.

  “Get in kiddos.” Alex closed and locked the door as she got the dogs inside. Raymond advanced towards her, but stopped when she announced that one of the dogs needed medicine. He watched as she tried to sit on the floor to medicate the dog. She tumbled, thanks to the tight dress, and hit the floor hard with her bottom. Alex paid it no mind and began dispensing the medicine.

  His voice was deep and sexy. “I don’t think that dress is meant to be sat in on the floor.” He thought the garment would look fabulous lying on the floor in front of her bed with her out of it. The idea of diving onto the floor and taking her right there in the kitchen occurred to him. He quite possibly would have done so if he had not heard her giggle just then.

  “Oh (giggle) probably not. This dress is too expensive and tight to be sitting like this with. But, (giggle) I can manage.”

  And totally revealing with you in that position, he thought. He noticed the “giggle factor” – the second one this evening. The bed would be more comfortable, so he decided to wait and possibly use the floor at another time with her.

  Alex fussed with the medicine bottles and finally got each pill out and fed them to the dog. Raymond was about to burst, so he distracted himself. He looked around the kitchen. The room looked nice and clean, organized. It was how he would imagine Alex to keep it. He noticed a strong chicken theme in the room. She had rooster decorations on the wall, on the place mats on the table, salt and pepper shakers … they were everywhere. He counted well over a dozen chickens in her kitchen and could not understand the meaning behind the decor. It would be as if a vampire had decorated their own kitchen with pictures of A+ and O– blood. As he reflected what the chicken theme could mean, Alex finished with the dog.

  “Now lay down. Sleep. Mommy has a big day tomorrow.”

  Like lightning, he moved and stood directly in front of her. He offered her his hand and helped her off the floor. Her high heeled shoes threw her off balance once again. He touched her hand and instantly read her thoughts. They were images of him lying nude in her bed, of her crying out his name over and over again. He became nervous, but her sensuous thoughts strengthened his resolve, as well as other things. He pulled her up close to him so she stroked his body as she stood. His erection pressed against her hips as he leaned in and claimed her mouth with his. He pinned her between him and the island, grabbed her by the hips, and sat her atop the counter. He deepened the kiss and she moaned. He pulled the tight skirt of her dress up past her thighs. He ground his swelled erection into her core and kissed her deeper.

  Her thoughts told him she wanted the evening to end here. Well, not the kitchen, in her bedroom. A tidal wave of her thoughts crashed down on him. They were mostly jumbled, but he listened to her. At first she was grateful she had shaved her legs. She also felt embarrassed the house wasn’t clean. Between kisses he muttered, “Don’t worry about the house. Just focus on us.”


  “Nothing.” He fondled her breasts through her clothing. “It's nothing.” He continued kissing her as more thoughts came through. Insecurity. She was wondering how her meager sexual experiences would compare with the vast experiences he must have had over his long lifespan. He almost laughed at such a thought. She had no idea how long he had been widowed; he wanted to reassure her. He looked into her eyes. “You’re the most passionate woman I’ve ever held in my arms, Alex.”

  “It’s been a long time for me, Raymond. A very long time.”

  “It’s been a while for me as well, Alex. But I’m sure between the two of us we’ll remember where everything goes.” He caressed her bare leg, under her dress and up the outside of her panties. Her hands captured the back of his neck and pulled him closer to her body. She sat on the edge of the island. She arched into him and he ached to be within her.

  “Tell me what you want” Raymond growled. “Tell me. I want to hear you say the words.” He knew what she was thinking, but needed to hear her say that she wanted him as desperately as he wanted her.

  A moan was all she could muster.

  He carried her to the bedroom and placed her on the unmade bed. “I want you Alex. I’m so ready for you. … I need to be in you right now.” His deep and husky voice echoed his desire. His eyes turned black as midnight and his fangs extended for her vein. He touched her neck to feel the pulsing of her vein, the vein he could hear so clearly in his ears. Her blood racing and pumping frantically for him. His hand caressed her neck and brushed up against her necklace.

  Instant pain shot through him. His hand scorched. He pulled his hand away. “Aaaahhh. Oh dear Lord.”


  “Your necklace. Take it off.”

  “Is cross bad?”

  “No. I can’t touch the silver.”

  “So sorry. Only the cross is silver, the chain is white gold. I didn’t even think about the necklace. I’m so sorry. You told me earlier you couldn’t touch silver.” She fumbled taking the cross off.

  Raymond sat back on the bed and pulled himself away from Alex. She had tested all the stupid vampire lore imaginable, and the one that she got right had left welts on his hand. It may have been an accident, he wasn’t sure, so he tried to read her jumbled and disorganized thoughts. Sorrow and empathy existed for what had happened to him. It had been accidental after all. He watched her as she struggled to remove the offensive necklace. She was having a difficult time doing so.

  “Let me get you some cream.” She struggled to get up, and he pushed her back on the bed.

  He examined her carefully. “Alex, how much have you had to drink?”

  “Nah much.”

  Raymond thought back to the car ride and how she messed up the words to so many songs. She had nearly tripped on the stone walkway and had used the island for support in the kitchen. She practically fell over to giving medicine to the dog. She also had struggled with the medicine bottles. She had glassy eyes, and slurred her speech as she now fumbled with her necklace. She was inebriated. He was currently taking advantage of her in this situation. Good Lord. Luck was just not on his side.

  “How many goblets of wine did you have tonight?” He pulled the bedspread over and cov
ered her body.

  “Uh, … dunno. Maybe four … no, five …”

  “Goblets are a lot bigger than wineglasses, Alex. That’s why my sister uses them.” He thought back to Alex’s remarkably clean kitchen. Either she was a meticulous house cleaner or perhaps did not eat at home tonight since no dishes were around. Taking a look at the messy state of her bedroom, he assumed it was the latter choice. “When was the last time you ate?”

  “Your place.”

  “Did you have dinner tonight?”

  “No time. Busy all–day long” she tossed the necklace onto the floor and put her hand on his thigh. The covers dropped to the side and revealed her body once more to him.

  “The only thing you ate tonight was the pasty guacamole my sister made?”

  “It was yummy. She’s good … it was good.”

  Raymond had seen enough humans gagging on his sister’s cooking to know that wasn’t the case. He started to leave the bed when she threw her hands around his neck and captured him. She grabbed at his shoulders and kissed him, pulling him back on top of her. Her lips tasted of wine. He had noticed it earlier, but didn’t think she was half drunk. She kissed him as he pulled away. She was persistent. Her hands pressed him to her and traveled down his back. They traveled over his muscular shoulders, down his spine and into the back pockets of his jeans. Raymond was still fully erect. His erection was not going to simply disappear just because the current situation did. He couldn’t make love to her in this condition though.

  Her hands managed to untuck his shirt and unbutton the front of his jeans. She slid her hands under the waistband and grabbed his ass. Doing so caused the front zipper to tug itself down and give his sex more room to spring free. He gave in to the moment and kissed her back. His hands went down and cupped her breast through her dress, and she moaned. Her hands had traveled from across his backside to the front of his jeans where the zipper was down. She reached in and grabbed Raymond’s manhood through his underwear. He let out a low and seductive growl as he closed his eyes.


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