Capturing a Renegade's Heart

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Capturing a Renegade's Heart Page 15

by Nicola Jane

  They got out of the truck and Ryder pushed at the broken metal gate. It hung of rusty hinges. Surprisingly, the door swung open. Ryder pulled out his gun and pulled Neve behind him, all in one swift movement.

  Mary stepped from the property with her head down. She was rummaging through her handbag and paying no attention to Ryder who’d trained the gun on her head. “You need to stop right there,” he growled, and Mary screamed in fright. Her eyes widened when she came face to face with them and she dropped her handbag, the contents spilling out onto the pathway.

  “Oh Jesus,” she muttered. She put her hands up automatically.

  “Where’s my daughter?” asked Neve, stepping to Ryder’s side.

  “Neve,” gasped Mary.

  “Where’s Harlee?” When Mary didn’t answer Neve began to shout her daughter’s name, “Harlee! Harlee!”

  “Neve, Harlee is fine. She’s napping inside.” Neve let out a sob and then before Ryder could stop her, she raced inside, running from room to room until she spotted Harlee curled up on the couch with a pretty blanket laid over her. Neve sucked in a deep breath, her heart hammered inside her chest, threatening to jump out.

  “Oh baby,” she whispered, falling to her knees and shakily stroking the hair that covered Harlee’s face. Harlee began to stir, she opened her sleepy eyes and blinked a few times. “Hey Popple,” whispered Neve with a tear-filled smile, “How’ yah doing?”

  “Mommy?” Harlee looked confused but when Neve nodded to confirm that she was there with her, Harlee sat up and threw her arms around her. “Mommy, you’re here!”

  “Baby I missed you so much,” cried Neve, careful not to squeeze her daughter too hard.

  “Is daddy gone?” asked Harlee, suddenly sounding scared.

  “Daddy is gone, forever. I promise that he will never come near us again.”


  Ryder stepped into the room. It was dusty and the furniture was dated. He smiled at the scene before him, his ol’ lady and her daughter clinging to each other like their lives depended on it. “How are my ladies?” he asked with a grin. He was pleased when Harlee screamed in delight at the sound of his voice and then she reached up to him. He obliged, lifting her into his arms and breathing in her unique smell, partly strawberries and partly vanilla, like Neve.

  They settled down on the couch, Harlee sat on Ryders lap and Neve snuggled into his side, stroking Harlee’s hand. “Mary said she was looking after Harlee, that Finn told her that you were dead?”

  “She promised me she would look after Harlee, but do you think she honestly thought I was dead, or did she see a chance to take my daughter for herself?”

  “Mommy, Mary said she would look after me until you could find us again,” said Harlee. Neve sat up, “She’s been nice to me.”

  “Okay Popple. I’ll speak with Mary.” She headed outside to where Mary sat in Griff’s truck, Griff keeping guard.

  “Let’s talk,” said Neve and Mary nodded.

  “I promised you I’d look after your daughter, that’s what I was doing, I’d never hurt her.”

  “I know. What happened?”

  “Finn started acting weird. Some deals went bad, the Italians pulled out leaving him stuck with two containers of guns and drugs that he couldn’t shift. The Chief of Police was on his back about license agreements in two of his clubs, I think he felt like everything was going bad. He was acting erratic. I was worried for Harlee and so I just took her. Finn was talking like you were dead and the thought of Harlee knowing that killed me, so I ran with her. I don’t think Finn even noticed we were gone but I kept us moving just to be sure.”

  “What was your plan? Keep Harlee forever.”

  “No, well, not until I knew what had happened to you for sure. I’ve been checking the news headlines, waiting to see if anything came on about you or the other girls.”

  “I don’t understand how you could be a part of it all Mary. Why sit back and watch him do half the shit he did?”

  “What was I supposed to do? Nobody that works for Finn walks away alive. If you leave, he finds you and kills you. If you stay, you’re a part of it all.”

  “So, what now?” asked Griff.

  “Now I stay here, I wait for Finn to realise what I did and come for me.”

  “Finn’s locked up. He was arrested.”

  “For how long?” asked Mary. “He’ll be out before we know it. He has friends in high places.”

  “You can’t stay here and wait for him to find you Mary. Come with us.”

  “Neve,” hissed Griff, glaring at her. Ryder wouldn’t want this woman at the club. They didn’t even know her.

  “She can’t stay here and wait for Finn to come after her. She doesn’t deserve that. She kept Harlee safe. I owe her.”

  “You don’t owe me anything Neve. Go and take Harlee, be happy.” Mary patted Neve’s hand kindly. “I’m just happy that you’re both okay.”

  “You’re coming with us!” said Neve firmly. There was no way she could leave Mary. Good or bad, she didn’t deserve this.

  “Sorry what?” Ryder appeared behind Neve, he was holding Harlee and she wondered if he’d ever put her down again.

  “You said you needed help around the club with cleaning and cooking, I found the perfect person.” Neve smiled, pointing to Mary.

  “No,” said Ryder firmly, “No, no, no.”

  “Mary are you coming to live with us?” squealed Harlee happily. Neve also smiled at her daughter’s enthusiasm. Ryder scowled between them, knowing that he’d already lost this battle.

  “I’m running checks on you. Anything comes up that I don’t like and you’re out!” he snapped to Mary. Mary nodded, trying hard to hide her smile.


  Neve winced as the needle dragged across her skin. She hated needles so it had taken Ryder two whole weeks of begging and pleading. He’d finally gotten her to drink three shots of tequila and a large gin so that she’d relax. He squeezed her hand, smiling at his name on her skin. She’d wanted the ink on her hip but there was no way she was taking down those shorts for another man to touch her skin, they’d eventually agreed on her wrist, that, Ryder could handle. He’d had her name the minute they’d gotten Harlee home. Large scrolled letters across his heart, Harlee’s name sat underneath Neve, right next to Alfie’s.

  It had been a crazy last few weeks. Once Harlee had gotten home things had begun to settle down. She’d started back at school last Monday and Sassy had suggested that they school sort out some counselling sessions for her, just to make sure she was handling everything right. Ryder smiled to himself, thinking back to last weekend when Neve had discovered the kiss between himself and Sassy.

  “Baby, I have to tell you something, it’s eating me up inside and before I make us official, I have to clear it with you.” Ryder had taken Neve’s hands which had alarmed her. He looked so serious and worried.

  “If this is gonna upset me Ryder its best you don’t tell me, I’m a woman on the edge after everything that’s happened.”

  “If I don’t tell you then we’re starting off all wrong. Sassy kissed me when you were held by Finn.” He paused, letting that sink in which was a mistake because she’d managed to get her hand free and slap him hard across the cheek. “Shit woman, that hurt,” he groaned, rubbing at the sore spot.

  “How could you do that?” she gasped, “You promised me you wouldn’t ever go back to her like that.”

  “And I didn’t break that promise. She kissed me, I was shocked and stunned but I didn’t kiss her back.”

  “How was she even close enough to kiss you Ryder?” Neve was getting more and more mad by the second, she’d stood up and was pacing.

  “Baby it was a misunderstanding. She’d seen me vulnerable the night before and she was worried. She woke up with strange ideas about us getting back together but I put her straight. I love you end of.”

  “Woke up?” repeated Neve and Ryder inwardly hit himself for slipping up. “Woke up where

  “Okay baby, before you fly off the handle let me explain. I got drunk, like so drunk I passed out. I woke and she was…” Neve cut him off, glaring at him with rage.

  “Do not tell me she was in your bed Ryder, do not say those words,” she warned.

  “We were fully clothed, I had no idea, nothing happened, you said you’d let me finish,” Ryder rushed out, standing so he could block her from leaving the room.

  “I am so mad, like crazy mad,” she growled.

  “I love you. Nothing is going on with me and Sassy. I put her straight and told her that from now on she needed to stay the hell away from me. I want to see Alfie away from her. She agreed, she apologised….” Neve cut him off again and he rolled his eyes.

  “She did not apologise to me and did you just role your eyes at me?”

  “Calm down, I was telling you straight, I don’t want secrets between us, but calm down before she drops Alfie off,” he said, glancing at his watch. He realised it was probably a huge mistake telling her before Sassy was due to appear. He groaned as she stormed from the office and walked straight into Sassy.

  Sassy took a step back, surprised by Neve looking so angry, “Do you have anything you need to say to me?” Ryder took Alfie by the hand and lead him towards Griff who had turned in his seat at the bar to see what all the commotion was.

  “Oh man, you told her?” he groaned, and Ryder nodded, regret on his face.

  “Did I miss something?” asked Sassy, raising a brow. Neve had never been rude to Sassy, it was something about authority and respect and seeing as she was the head teacher of Harlee’s school, Neve had always shown respect.

  “Yeah you missed the part where you stupidly tried it on with my old man thinking that shit was okay. Well let me tell you something, you stuck up bitch. I am his ol’ lady now and I won’t let that shit slide. You keep your manicured witchy fingers to yourself and we’ll get along just fine.”

  Sassy glanced back at Ryder and then pressed her lips together, “Understood,” she muttered with a nod.

  “Good.” Neve stomped over to where Ryder was watching. She placed a hand on his cheek and lowered his head to hers, “You let another bitch kiss these lips again and I won’t be so understanding do you hear me Ryder?” His eyes blazed with lust, but he nodded, holding back the urge to carry her off upstairs and lock her away in their room. “Now kiss me!”

  That tattoo gun switched off, bringing Ryders attention back into the room. Seeing his name on his ol’ lady made his heart swell.

  “You ready for the party Siren?” he asked, placing a kiss on her head. She nodded, examining the black ink on her wrist closely.

  “Actually, that wasn’t too bad. I think I’ll have more.”

  “I think that’s the alcohol talking,” said Mo, he’d tattooed all the brothers in the Crazy Aces at some point or another.

  “Get your shit together Mo, let’s go and celebrate me taking an Ol’ lady.”


  The clubhouse was packed out. Other charters had arrived to celebrate with Ryder and Neve. People Neve had never met before were picking her up and spinning her around, welcoming her into the family. It felt amazing and knowing Harlee would grow with these guys in her life made Neve even happier. She’d always be protected especially since Neve had made the decision to move into the club permanently. Ryder had offered to buy a house nearby but after everything that had happened, she knew she’d feel more settled here.

  “Let me see,” said Mya excitedly. Neve held out wrist for her friend to inspect. “I love it,” she added, pulling Neve into a hug. Since Neve had returned, Mya couldn’t stop hugging her. She’d missed Neve so badly and the club wouldn’t let her be involved in any of the stuff that went on during Neve’s rescue, she’d got sick of hearing the words ‘club business’ whenever she’d tried to find out what was happening.

  Mary rushed past with a tray of food, “Are you okay Mary, do you need help?” asked Neve. Mary smiled, she was in her element. She’d settled in well to club life. Each morning the guys woke to a cooked breakfast and throughout the day she was happy to cook up whatever the guys wanted to eat. She also kept the place spotless, cleaning and washing clothes. The guys loved her, and she loved looking after them, Griff had even referred to her as Mama Mary which made Mary glow with happiness.

  “No sweetie, you relax and enjoy yourself, I’ve got this.”

  Mya rolled her eyes, “Don’t worry, I’ll go help,” she sighed, rushing off after Mary.

  Ryder placed his arm around Neve’s shoulders and kissed her on the head, “Everyone loves you,” he smiled.

  “I love everyone. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy,” she grinned.

  “Next step of course is getting a baby in that belly,” he winked, and she laughed. She’d been waiting for him to bring that up, knowing it was never far from his mind.

  “I think you’ve been trying for that a lot these last few weeks.” He’d not left her alone, night, day, it didn’t matter what she was doing, he’d stop her and drag her off.

  Alfie and Harlee were dancing on the make shift dance floor. Whenever Alfie came to see his dad, which had been every weekend so far, they’d been inseparable. Neve liked the thought of bringing a baby into the equation.

  “Let’s try for a Christmas baby,” she suggested. Christmas was exactly nine months away, they’d have to fall pregnant pretty quickly.

  Ryder pulled her to face him, pressing his lips against hers and smiling, “I love you Neve, I’m the luckiest man alive to have you and Harlee in my life.”

  “I love you too Ethan,” she said with a smirk, saying his real name seemed unnatural.

  He laughed and swatted her on the ass, “Let’s sneak off and try for that Christmas miracle.”


  “Ryder please will you just calm the hell down,” hissed Neve, rubbing her hand gently over her stomach. “My bag is by the door, all you need to do is get the damn bag and call the hospital to let them know we are on the way.”

  “You’re still in the bath Neve!” snapped Ryder. He was stressed out and she thought now was a good time to have a bath.

  “It helps with the pain, Mary suggested it.”

  “Is Mary a nurse, is she a midwife? I think we just need to go, what if it pops out in the bath?” Panic made his voice high pitched and Neve began to laugh.

  “Deep breaths Ryder, take nice deep breaths.” She sucked in a breath and gripped the side of the bath tub, “Fuckkkk,” she groaned as another contraction began. Ryder dropped to his knees in front of her, he hated to see her in pain.

  “Nice and quick baby, pant, pant,” he said, rubbing her hand.

  Neve snatched her hand away, “You pant at the end, when you’re pushing. You’d know that if you’d have been to more than one birthing class.” It had been the topic of many arguments throughout the nine months. Ryder came to one class and hated it. He was right, the other couples at the class were staring at him but as Neve pointed out, he was a huge guy and he looked scary to those that didn’t know him. Either way, he’d refused to go again. “Get Griff,” she added, laying back into the water now that the pain had eased.

  “Griff is not coming in here whilst you’re naked!” Ryder almost screeched.

  “Ryder your brother is gay, he doesn’t find any of this attractive and besides, he was my birthing partner in those classes that you refused to go to.” Griff had jumped at the chance to go with Neve, he found the whole thing hilarious and they’d actually had such a good laugh together that Neve continued the classes even though she didn’t really need them. She remembered what to do from having Harlee and the classes were only really to benefit Ryder.

  “I’ll get him when you’re fully clothed and not before.” Ryder looked pissed and again, Neve laughed. She loved the way he was so possessive of her, reminding her daily that she belonged to him. She was okay with that.

  Eventually, Neve got out of the tub and Ryder dried her off. She p
ulled on one of his shirts and a pair of knickers. He eyed her, hoping she’d dress in more but he knew he was fighting a losing battle. He was already stressing about male doctors seeing his wife’s body and when Griff kindly pointed out that there were such things as male midwives, well that about finished him off.

  By the time they’d gotten to the hospital, Griff holding one arm and Ryder holding the other, Neve was fit to burst. The need to push was overwhelming and once she was on the bed, the midwife (thankfully female) confirmed with an examination that Neve was already nine centimeters dilated. “It won’t be long now before baby will be here. Do you know what you’re having?” she asked, smiling wide and looking back and forth between Ryder and Griff.

  “I think it’s a girl but he thinks it’s a boy, we wanted it to be a surprise,” said Griff.

  “Well I’ll just update my colleagues and then we’ll be back to find out!” Ryder waited for the nurse to leave before laughing hard.

  “She totally thinks we are a couple,” he said, grinning at Ryder.

  Ryders face fell, “What?” he growled.

  “She thinks the baby is ours and Neve is the rented womb,” he laughed harder. Neve smiled, sucking hard on the gas and air she had permanently stuck in her mouth.

  “Fuck no, Griff that shit ain’t funny. Stop playing up to it.” Ryder was pissed, he had nothing against his brother being gay, people could love whoever they wanted but this was his woman and his baby, he wanted the world to know that.

  When the nurse returned, it was with two other midwifes. Ryder relaxed when he saw they were all females. “Who do we have here then?” smiled one of the midwifes.

  Neve took the plastic tube from her mouth, “The father, the uncle, the mother,” she mumbled, her mind cloudy from the gas and air.

  “I’m the father,” said Ryder firmly, “He is the uncle, my brother, nothing to do with the baby apart from being the uncle.” He was rambling, trying to get the point across, but screwing it up.

  “Relax Ryder, they know just by looking at you, that you’re too butch and manly to be gay,” smiled Griff, laughing at Ryder’s scowl. “He just wanted to make it clear that he’s straight.” The midwives laughed and then set about sorting instruments.


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