Billionaire Neighbor

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Billionaire Neighbor Page 7

by Lulu Pratt

  “Just go back in the morning. I’ll walk you over there myself,” I say, trying to plead my case.

  She laughs and shakes her head. “And do the walk of shame in front of boss lady? No thanks.”

  I drop my head in feigned defeat. “Well, if you’re determined to leave me here in this condition,” I say motioning to my very obvious erection, “then give me one last kiss before I take a cold shower.”

  Jade places her hand on the bulge and gently strokes up and down. “I’m sorry, but trust me, you aren’t the only one who needs a cold shower. I think I can manage one more kiss. That’s only fair since I can’t stay the night and help you with your problem.”

  The touch of her hand, even through the fabric of my pants, is enough to make me harder. I’m struggling to keep a clear mind with her doing that as my thoughts become a misty haze. If a kiss is all she’s offering, then I’m going to make the last kiss of the evening count.

  Chapter 13


  What was supposed to be our last embrace for the night ends up being half an hour of deep kissing and heavy petting. I feel like a high school kid again, making out on my mom’s couch. Only this time, she’s not around to catch us.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you’re trying to trick me into staying over,” I say.

  Asher slides the tip of his tongue down the side of my neck. “Damn right,” he says, his deep voice sounds incredibly sexy. “Is it working?”

  I want to respond but I feel so breathless. We’re both breathing heavy as if we’ve just run a marathon. Passion will do that to you. Every time Asher kisses me or runs his tongue over a new spot, my breath catches in my throat and suddenly I’m gasping for air.

  The lights are dim, with soft music playing in the background. It’s a scene straight out of a movie, and I’m starting to reconsider my initial decision to go home tonight. My hormones are making it hard for me to function, scattering my thoughts as I wonder how Asher looks without these clothes.

  Right now, Asher kissing me is all I want and need, but true to fashion, the voice of reason rears its ugly head. Jacob doesn’t feel well and he needs you. He could be over there crying right now and Magdalene surely won’t know what to do.

  “All right, Mr. Jordan,” I say finally. “I have to get home before it gets too late.”

  Asher nuzzles my neck for a moment before responding. “How do you do that?” he asks.

  “Do what?”

  He smiles and kisses me gently on the lips. “I have people calling me ‘Mr. Jordan’ all day, but when you do it, I can feel every syllable all over my body. It drives me insane. My cock springs to life every time you say it.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. “Well, aren’t you glad I’m the only one who can do that? Otherwise, I’m sure you would have a long hard day at work. Pun absolutely intended.”

  Asher chuckles softly. “If you want the truth, I still have a long hard day, especially after I get off the phone with you. My body stops taking orders whenever I hear your voice. The other day I had to reschedule a meeting to my office so I wouldn’t have to stand.”

  I laugh so hard I have tears in my eyes. “Stop it,” I cry. “You are too much to handle, and I have to get going.” I start to get up from the couch to find my shoes and purse.

  “Wait,” says Asher, guiding me back down to my seat. “I know I said one more kiss, but this time I’m serious. Last one, scout’s honor.”

  “Were you even a Boy Scout?” I ask jokingly.

  “Nope,” he says. “But I like saying it.”

  I smile and roll my eyes. “You are something else. Fine, this is the last kiss, so you better make it count.”

  He nods and leans over, his hand cupping my cheek. I fall back in the crook of the couch and allow myself to savor our last kiss of the evening.

  His hand drops from my face and makes its way to my thigh. If I had an angel and a devil on each shoulder right now, both would be cheering for him to keep going.

  He lingers for a moment stroking my sensitive skin, but each upwards stroke sends his hand higher and higher until he grazes my hip.

  “No panties?” he whispers.

  I shake my head no, not trusting my voice to put together words that make sense.

  “What a bad girl you are. I’ve had this unwrapped present sitting in plain sight all night,” he says.

  His hand glides over the top of my thigh and I willingly part my legs. It’s not that I don’t have self-control, because I do. I don’t want him to stop. After so many daydreams and fantasies, his touch is more than welcome.

  I feel his fingers slide up and down my folds with ease and he exhales loudly.

  “You are so fucking wet,” he whispers, bringing his lips back up to meet mine.

  I inhale sharply and follow it with a low moan as he slips first one finger then another inside of me. He delves deeper and deeper inside of my body, his fingers hitting my G-spot with every stroke.

  I open my legs wider, forcing my tight dress to ride higher up my body to my hips. Our tongues work together to the rhythm of his fingers as he controls my passion with delicate precision. Asher adds his thumb to the mix, using it to massage my clit in tiny circles. A wave of heat rushes through my body and suddenly I’m on fire. My hips thrust forward to meet his fingers and I know an orgasm is on the horizon. Struggling to slow my breathing, I attempt to hold off climaxing, but I can’t. Too many places are being stimulated all at one time and I can’t focus. I feel my walls tighten around his fingers like a vise-grip and I know for a fact he can’t pull out even if he wanted to.

  “Look at me, Jade,” he says. “I know you’re about to come, and I want to see your eyes open.”

  The second our eyes meet, I’m pushed over the edge. The dull throb that had been building quickens, my breath catches and I momentarily feel disconnected from my body. I grab his hand and try to maneuver him deeper inside of me to ride out the waves of the orgasm. Shuddering, I relish the electric shocks seizing me repeatedly until I go limp.

  Even though I haven’t touched Asher at all during this moment, the look on his face is pure ecstasy. He watches me intently as he slows his strokes before coming to a complete stop.

  He kisses me. “Breathe,” he says.

  My automatic bodily functions kick in as I remember I need air. The world around me slowly comes back into focus.

  Asher finally removes his fingers from my slit, holding them proudly as my arousal coats his skin. His fingers are slick with my juices and he stares deep into my eyes as he slowly puts each one into his mouth and licks them clean.

  “You taste as good as you feel,” he says. “The look on your face when you came is enough to last me a thousand lifetimes.”

  I breathe heavily and wait for the rest of my motor skills to return.

  Asher reaches over and grabs the hem of my dress. “Raise up a little.”

  I lift my hips as commanded and he gently pulls my dress back down. I watch as he fishes around on the floor for my shoes and slips one on each foot. Without any argument or attempt to change my mind about staying the night, he retrieves my purse and reaches out to help me off the sofa.

  I’m a little unsteady on my feet. The heels coupled with such an intense orgasm is enough to make anybody weak in the knees.

  “Do you want me to carry you?” he asks.

  “No,” I smile. “I’m okay.”

  We exit his apartment with me supporting most of my weight on him while he grins from ear to ear.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” I ask. “Especially since you didn’t get anything out of what just happened.”

  We step into the elevator together and he turns to face me. “I can’t even begin to describe what I got out of that. Your satisfaction is more important than anything. I’m good if you are, and based on how intense that orgasm was, I’m willing to bet you’re more than good. The look on your face is exactly what I needed. I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight.�

  We walk hand in hand across the quiet walkway to my building and Asher waits with me by the elevator.

  “Do you want me to come up with you?” he says.

  “No, I’m fine, I promise. I’ll text you once I get myself settled in,” I say, turning to face him.

  His hair is sticking up here and there and his shirt is untucked, probably in an attempt to hide the still very obvious erection he’s sporting.

  If he looks like this, then there’s no telling what I look like.

  I’m still in a daze as I step inside of the elevator. Asher holds the door open and steals one last goodnight kiss.

  “Sleep well, beautiful.”

  He steps back, allowing the door to close. I ride up to my floor before stumbling out of the elevator, making my way inside the apartment as quietly as possible.

  The kitchen light is on and I’m shocked to see Magdalene sitting at the table sipping tea and flipping through a magazine. She’s wearing her favorite silk Versace pajamas and her hair is slicked back into a low ponytail.

  “Oh my, it looks like somebody had a nice evening,” she says.

  I glance over at the clock and realize it’s nearly four o’clock in the morning. “I hope you weren’t up waiting for me,” I say. “I know it’s super late, but I promise I’ll be alert and ready to go after I shower and take a quick nap.”

  Magdalene motions for me to sit in the chair next to her. “No worries,” she says. “I wasn’t up waiting for you. I just got Jacob to finally go to sleep.”

  “Is he still running a fever?” I ask.

  She shakes her head and takes a sip of tea. “No, he was just really fussy. We’ll probably all sleep in after having such a long night, so no need to get up too early. He’s either teething or has another ear infection. If he doesn’t get to feeling better soon, we’ll take a trip to the doctor’s office just to be sure it’s not something more serious. But enough baby talk, let’s talk about this date. Based on your hair, smudged eyeliner and missing lipstick, I’d say you had a good time. So, tell me everything, and don’t leave out the juicy stuff.”

  I drop my head to hide my sheepish grin. “It was absolutely amazing, but the best way to tell a story is over food. How about I whip up some grilled cheese sandwiches?”

  Magdalene closes her eyes and moans. “I don’t need the carbs, but that sounds so good right now.”

  I quickly fix the sandwiches and join Magdalene back at the table. I leave out the unusual way I met him and instead briefly mention meeting him outside the building while getting groceries. I recount the highlights of the first date, the following meetings which were all too brief, and this one.

  I keep Asher’s name too myself for now. I’m not ready to put whatever this is out there just yet. Thankfully, Magdalene doesn’t ask, but I get the feeling she’s not fully invested in my story. She’s listening like an older sister might, one who doesn’t necessarily care what’s happened, but she knows it means a lot that she would even inquire.

  “Look at you out here having a little fun. I’m so happy for you. I know working for me isn’t always easy, so it’s nice to know you’re having fun on your days off instead of being cooped up in your room. And by the sound of things, I’d say this guy is a keeper,” she says as she rises from the kitchen bar. “Hold on to an attentive man for as long as you can.”

  I nod my head and take a large bite of my sandwich. “I sure hope you’re right. He has potential, and I’m looking forward to getting to know him better. I just hope my Prince Charming doesn’t turn out to be a toad.”

  Chapter 14


  To say I’m on cloud nine is an understatement. I’m feeling so good I cancel all my meetings for the day, opting to take some time for myself instead. It’s not like I can focus on anything at work with Jade on my mind.

  I take full advantage of the rollercoaster of emotions I’m feeling and decide to drive myself around for the day in my convertible. Stopping by my favorite tailor, I get fitted for a few new suits before grabbing lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant, only to cruise around the city some more. Long drives always help clear my head, not that I really want to clear my thoughts, because my memories of Jade are worth the clutter.

  Last night was amazing. Hell, everything about Jade is amazing. Every single moment of last night was picture perfect. I’m not sure what to do with these new feelings she’s awakening inside me, but I’m experiencing a lot of firsts. I felt something between us during dinner, something deep, passionate and intimate. There’s something so innocent and pure about Jade. It makes me care that much more about her, wanting to protect her from anything that will bring her harm or unhappiness.

  I’ve never cared so much about somebody else’s feelings before, and I never truly cared about somebody else’s pleasure more than my own. Simply put, I think I care about Jade. In fact, I know I do. Her thoughts, feelings, pleasure and well-being all mean something to me. I long to hear her voice throughout the day as she updates me on whatever she has going on. She’s the first woman to make me forget about work and just get lost in the moment.

  I check the time and sigh. I regret telling Joe and the other guys I would meet them later at Club Zero, but since I’ve been ducking and dodging this “good time” they’ve been promising, I knew sooner or later it would catch up to me. If Jade was off tonight I would cancel on the guys in a heartbeat.

  This woman really has me under her spell.

  I turn the car around and head back home to get ready for tonight, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jade before I go. I shower, get dressed and head out the door in less than two hours. I call Jade, wanting her to take a short break to meet me outside, but she doesn’t answer the phone.

  I sigh and shove the phone into my pocket as I slide into the backseat of my car. Rather than deal with the traffic and parking nightmare downtown, I get Ed to drive me.

  The bouncer moves the velvet rope to the side and waves me through as soon as I step out of the Rolls. Once upon a time, I was a regular fixture in the upscale club scene. I would come in after work and not leave until it was time to head back to the office, but those youthful days are long behind me. I walk in and wave at a few familiar faces before heading straight for our reserved area in the back, stocked with its own private bar. I spot Joe first and see he’s nursing a beer, nuzzling the neck of some young woman who is giggling a little too much.

  Nothing Joe is saying is that funny.

  He raises his glass bottle and waves me over. “Damn glad to see you, I thought you blew me off for the nanny.”

  “Jade,” I say giving him a hard stare. “Not ‘the nanny,’ her name is Jade.”

  Joe laughs and holds his hand up defensively. “Loosen up, cowboy, it was just a joke. I know she’s tugging at your heartstrings. Trust me, I know the feeling. First, they tug on your heart, then your dick and their favorite thing to tug on is your wallet. Go ahead and grab a drink and then come have seat with us over here. This little beauty named Dahlia has a few friends keeping us company.”

  I glance over in the direction Joe is pointing and see a flock of young girls who appear closer in age to eighteen than twenty-five. I have serious doubts about whether Dahlia should really have that drink in her hand.

  I’m going to need a drink, or five, to deal with this all night.

  I order a rum and Coke and walk over to take a seat. Two young ladies instantly surround me.

  “Hello, I’m Honey,” says one.

  “And I’m Sugar,” says the other.

  I give them both a quick once over before focusing back on my drink. They aren’t twins but they look alike, and probably went out of their way to find matching outfits for tonight.

  “Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?” I ask.

  “No,” says the one who identified herself as Honey. “Those are our names.”

  “Our industry names,” says Sugar. “You know… it’s what we go by.”

  “And what ind
ustry are you referring to?” I ask.

  Honey laughs and nudges Sugar. “He’s so funny, isn’t he? We’re dancers.”

  I nod and throw back the rest of my drink in one swallow. Damn it, I should have ordered a double.

  “Woo-hoo!” yells Sugar. “That’s the spirit, you tossed that back in one gulp. Somebody’s ready to party!”

  I glance around the room and notice each one of my colleagues is surrounded by one or more women and they are all beautiful, but my mind is on Jade, not on partying with Honey and Sugar.

  “Excuse me, ladies,” I say, quickly making my way to the bar for another drink before searching for a quiet place to make a phone call.

  I’ll leave a message if she doesn’t answer this time. Luckily, she does answer and my heart skips two beats.

  “Hi handsome, sorry I missed your call earlier,” she says. “I was at the doctor’s office with Jacob.”

  I take a seat in the corner of the small room I found and put my drink down on the table. “All okay?”

  “He’s fine,” she says. “He has a little ear infection, but he’ll be okay. The doctor gave him some drops and he’s resting now. What’s all that noise in the background? Are you out right now?”

  I sigh heavily and take a sip of my drink. “Yeah, the guys convinced me to come out, but I had to sneak away to call you. Nothing holds my attention like you do.”

  “Aww,” she says. “You’re so sweet.”

  “Speaking of sweet,” I say. “I wish I had more of you to taste. Every time I close my eyes I see the look on your face when you came and I can hear you moaning just as clearly as the night it happened.”

  She laughs and drops her voice. “You’re trying to get me in trouble.”

  “I sure as hell am,” I say. “When is the next time you can come out with me and get in a little trouble?”

  “Um,” she pauses.

  I hear paper shuffling in the background and I wait with bated breath for her answer.


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