Haven 4: Back Roads

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Haven 4: Back Roads Page 6

by Gabrielle Evans


  “Okay?” Bannon growled, looking less than thrilled by the turn of events. “Galen, ya don’t know what you’re sayin’. You’re not ready for this.”

  “It’s just a little bite. It’s not a big deal, Bannon.” He was human.

  What could possibly happen to him by letting Bannon claim him?

  He’d get a little bite on the neck, and things would go on as they always had been.

  “It’s not a big deal,” Bannon echoed in a whisper. “That’s only provin’ how not ready ya are for this.” Galen shrugged. “You bite me, we get some juiced up, freaky powers, and then maybe save some lives. It doesn’t really change anything between us.”

  That had apparently been the wrong thing to say. Bannon looked like Galen had slapped him in the face with a two-by-four. Then he did something completely baffling and unexpected. He released Galen’s hand and left. He just fucking left.

  Even Raven looked upset for some reason. “What did I do?”

  “Be ready to go in an hour. Pack light but warm.” Then Raven disappeared out the door as well.

  Standing rooted to the spot, Galen’s eyes began to itch and his throat burned uncomfortably. He didn’t know what he’d done to upset the Enforcers so much, especially Bannon. Isn’t that what the man wanted? Wasn’t this entire courting about finally claiming Galen?

  Feeling confused, hurt, and lonelier than ever, Galen shuffled out of his room and down the hall to find Kendall. His friend couldn’t fix his problems for him, but maybe he’d have something Galen could borrow to pack his stuff in for the trip. That was, if they even let him go now.

  He wished he knew a shifter he could talk to about what had happened. Why the hell had Bannon looked like Galen had ripped his heart out and stomped on it? He’d never seen the Irishman looking so—“Malakai!”

  Altering his route, Galen darted toward the staircase, anxious to find the one person who could help him.

  Chapter Six

  Bannon didn’t have a clue where he was going. He just needed to get away and clear his head before he said something he regretted. It really wasn’t Galen’s fault. The man knew very little about their world. After the way his last “mate” had discarded him so ruthlessly, he couldn’t know how hurtful his words had been.

  Once he’d descended the stairs, he found himself wandering the corridors with no particular destination in mind. Maybe he could talk to Flynn. Of all the Murphy brothers, Flynn was the only one mated.

  Perhaps he’d have some advice.

  Turning on his heels, he hurried back the way he’d come, heading for the hallway on the other side of the massive staircase. Just as he reached the landing, hurried footsteps caught his attention, and he looked up to find Galen practically falling down the steps in his haste.


  He’d only wanted to warn his mate to slow down, but his voice startled the man, and Galen tripped, letting out a little yelp as his body arched forward and fell through the air toward Bannon. Fear and panic lodged in his heart, propelling him forward faster than he believed he was capable of moving.

  Leaping up four steps in one bound, Bannon caught Galen in his arms and stumbled back into the wall, barely preventing himself from falling as well. Clutching the smaller man to his chest, Bannon closed his eyes and willed his heart rate to return to a less dangerous rhythm.

  “Are ya tryin’ to give me heart failure?”

  “Sorry,” Galen mumbled, but he made no effort to move out of Bannon’s embrace. “I’m sorry for everything. I don’t know what I did wrong. Just tell me, please.”

  “Ah, darlin’, I’m not angry with ya. A bit hurt I’m thinkin’, but never angry.”

  Galen tilted his head back on his shoulders to peer up at Bannon with shimmering brown eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I want to make it right, but I can’t if you won’t tell me what I did wrong.”

  “Let us find a seat, and I’ll explain the best I know how.” After making sure Galen was steady on his feet, Bannon released him and motioned for him to lead the way to the sitting room. “Where were ya goin’ in such a hurry?”

  “To talk to Malakai,” Galen answered as he eased down onto the leather sofa. His cheeks flamed, and he ducked his head as he continued. “I wanted to know more about shifters, but I don’t really know Flynn or Boston that well. Since Malakai is mated to them, I thought he might be able to answer some questions.” Bannon chuckled softly as he plopped down beside his mate. It seemed they’d both had the same idea. “Why would ya not just ask me, Galen? Ya know I’ll tell ya anything you’re wantin’ to know.”

  “I didn’t know where you went.” Galen shrugged and worried his bottom lip between his teeth. “You seemed pretty pissed off, too. I wasn’t sure if you’d want to talk to me.”

  “C’mere.” Bannon held out one arm and waited for Galen to settle in closer to his side. “Even when I’m angry, ya can always ask me anything. I’d never hurt ya, Galen. Ya have my word on that.”

  “I know,” Galen whispered in response. “Can you please just tell me what I did? Was it about the mating thing? Do you not want to claim me?”

  “Aye, I’m wantin’ to claim ya so everyone knows you’re mine.

  It’s not somethin’ I’m takin’ lightly, though. When you’re tellin’ me it’s no big deal, well, you’re wrong. It’s probably the biggest decision of my life.”

  Galen’s head snapped up, and his eyes went wide. “Oh, no, no, no. Bannon, I didn’t mean it like that. I swear I didn’t!” He squirmed around until he was on his knees and pushed up until they were eye to eye. His soft, petite hands gripped Bannon’s cheeks, and he leaned in close, so close that the tips of their noses touched. “I wasn’t thinking when I said that stuff, but that doesn’t mean that I take this lightly.” He heard Galen’s words, but this close, the only thing Bannon could think about was closing the short distance between them and crushing Galen to his mouth. His mate’s warm breath fanned over his face, and the feel of his hands on Bannon’s skin set his body on fire.

  The more time he spent with the man, the harder it became to resist him.

  “Do I love you? I think I might, but I don’t know for sure. This is all so new to me. Do I want you to claim me? Yes and no. I don’t know what all that entails, but I do know that if it means even the slightest chance of keeping you safe, then that’s what I want.”

  “And do ya want nothin’ for yourself?” Bannon skimmed his fingertips along the satiny smooth column of Galen’s throat. “Tell me what ya want, Galen Charles.”

  A little smile flittered over his mouth, and Galen brushed their lips together. “I want you, Bannon. I know that much. Everything that comes with it is where I keep getting hung up.” The smile disappeared, and he eased back on his heels. “When I said it was no big deal…” He trailed off and shook his head slowly. “I…I know I want to be with you, and so I figure that means I’ll want you to claim me some day.”

  He stopped again, and his brow furrowed into a shallow V. He seemed to be having trouble finding the words for what he was trying to say. Taking one of his mate’s hands, Bannon toyed with the slim fingers as he waited patiently for Galen to work through his thoughts.

  “I guess I just figured that if you claimed me, we’d get some extra mojo or whatever you want to call it, increase our chances of finding Torren’s brothers and not getting hurt in the process, but mostly things would go on as usual. I’m just a human, Bannon. It’s not a big deal if you claim me, because it doesn’t mean anything to me. Not that it’s unimportant, but I’ll still be the same as before.” His chin dropped to his chest, and he moaned pathetically. “I’m not explaining right.”

  Bannon understood what Galen was trying to say. The problem, however, was that the little guy was wrong. He definitely wasn’t just anything. Even if he’d been completely human there was so much more to him than “just.”

  “Did Dallas Zeppler never explain things to ya? Do ya not understand what
being mated to a shifter means?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Galen peeked up, looking so sweet and innocent as one light brown lock fell over his left eye.

  “Why are the rules the same for me?”

  “Because you are the same as me. Ya might not be a Thoroughbred, but ya definitely be a shifter. Don’t ya remember? As I recall, it’s been one of your major complaints.”

  “I don’t complain.” Galen lifted his head and grinned impishly.

  “You mean the part where you think that I’m part shifter? Let’s suppose that you’re right. What does that mean for me?”

  “Well, once I claim ya, it means a lot of things. It means you’ll not be alone ever, and that you’ll always have someone to take care of ya.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter, Bannon,” Galen interrupted with a huff.

  “Ah, but are ya needin’ someone to love ya? What would ya say to havin’ someone who always puts ya first? I’ll never stray.” Bannon punctuated his vow by inching closer to his mate. “I’ll never be unfaithful.” A little closer, and he was practically leaning over Galen.

  “I’ll never break a promise or let ya down. From now until forever, you’ll be my whole world—my reason for livin’.” By the time he’d finished speaking, Galen’s back was pressed into the cushions, and he stared up with wide eyes as Bannon hovered over him. With one hand braced on the sofa beside Galen’s head, Bannon slowly lowered until their mouths were just a breath away from one another. “All those things ya have been missin’, ya won’t miss ’em anymore. You’ll never want for anything.” Galen swallowed audibly and licked at his lips. “That sounds perfect, but why do I feel like there’s more? What aren’t you telling me?”

  Yeah, it sounded wonderful when Bannon put it that way. He had to tell Galen everything, though. He wouldn’t trick the man into mating him without having all the facts—even the less pleasant parts of being mated to a shifter.

  “You know Malakai, Flynn, and Boston are bonded.” He waited for Galen’s nod of understanding. “It’s more than just feelin’ each other’s emotions, though. Their very life threads are intertwined.” Galen pushed up on his elbows, forcing Bannon to retreat or have their foreheads smack together. “What does that mean?”

  “Simply put, they can’t live without each other—literally.” From the expression on Galen’s face, he still wasn’t getting it. Abandoning the clichés, he decided to shoot straight from the hip. “If one dies, they all do.”

  Galen’s mouth dropped open, and his eyes rounded almost comically. “So, if you claim me and then get yourself killed, I’m going to keel over, too?”

  Bannon nodded solemnly.


  He didn’t have a good answer for that. He didn’t make the rules.

  Hell, he didn’t even understand most of them. “If our mate dies, we don’t get another one. I’m guessin’ fate is knowin’ something we don’t. Would ya want to live out the rest of ya days alone?”

  “It sounds a hell of a lot better than dying! I’d still have friends. I could still get laid. Just because I’m not going to find some mythical piece of my soul that’s supposedly missing doesn’t mean I can’t lead a perfectly normal life.” Galen scrambled back until he was sitting in the corner of the sofa with his knees tucked under his chin and his arms wrapped around his legs. “Is it really worth that?” It was to Bannon, but he could see that Galen was having a lot of difficulty wrapping his mind around it. All shifters looked forward to the day they’d find their mate and claim him or her. The one person made just for them that would bring peace and joy to their heart and soul. The one person who would always be there for them, understand them like no one else, and share things that no other could. It was a goal shifters strived toward.

  Galen might have some shifter blood, but he was mostly human and had lived that way for his entire life. How was Bannon supposed to explain a concept that was not only foreign, but must seem almost barbaric to the man?

  “It’s worth it to me. I can’t answer for ya, though, Galen. That’s somethin’ ya have to decide on your own. If somethin’ was to happen to ya, I wouldn’t want to go on livin’. That’s how deep the bond runs.

  So, knowin’ I’d never have to try is a bloody relief to be honest.”

  “I respect that’s how you feel, but I’m not there yet. I have some strong feelings for you. I thought it was love, but now I’m not so sure.

  If it was really love, wouldn’t I be willing to die for you?” Galen looked so lost, his eyes desperately pleading for Bannon to understand. “I’ve fought hard my entire life to survive. I don’t want to die.”

  “It’s okay. I understand.” He did, but that didn’t make it any easier to hear. “I need to be packin’, and then I’ll have to call Torren.

  Are ya still wantin’ to come along?”

  Galen nodded, even as tears spilled over and streaked down his cheeks. “Are you mad?”

  “No, Galen. I’m not angry.” He leaned over and kissed his mate’s forehead gently. “I’ll see ya later.” Pushing up from the sofa, Bannon hurried out of the room before his emotions could get the better of him and he did something foolish—like beg.

  He’d promised not to pressure Galen, and he’d meant it. Still, he’d never been the type to sit around and wait. If he wanted something, he went out and got it. Placing his fate into someone else’s hands was a hard pill to swallow.

  * * * *

  The night had started off so perfect, and now it was just one big clusterfuck. He hadn’t meant to hurt Bannon with his words, but he knew he had. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be with the man. He could handle all the other weirdness that came with being mated to a shifter, but all of this dying in the name of love was a little too Romeo and Juliet for him. Only, Romeo had a choice in the matter.


  Snapping out of his depressing thoughts, Galen lifted his head to find Willow standing on the other side of the room, looking at him with concern. “What are you doing here?” Willow smiled and shrugged as he hurried over to flop down on the couch beside him. “Cole is in Georgia to visit his brother. Blaise had some business with Stavion, and he doesn’t like to leave me alone.” He rolled his eyes and gave an exaggerated sigh at this. “At least I have friends here. I have to tag along with him when he goes to The Council tomorrow. That is guaranteed to be wicked boring.” Willow wrinkled his nose and shuddered.

  Galen laughed in spite of himself. Willow was always such a nut.

  “I’m sure you’ll survive.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I will, too, but I want to talk about you. Galen, why are you crying? What happened?”

  “Bannon says I’m his mate.”

  “Oh! That’s awesome. He’s cute.” Willow beamed and wiggled his eyebrows. “He shifts into a horse, right? So, is he hung like one?” Galen’s mouth dropped open. “You are a naughty elf.”

  “That’s what Cole says. So, spill. Is he?”

  “Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you,” Galen answered haughtily.

  He was already feeling better. Willow had a way of just making people happy by doing nothing more than being himself.

  “Don’t be a spoilsport. I’d tell you.” Willow pushed his long, dark hair back from his face and pouted.

  “Okay, then tell me.”

  “Blaise’s cock is—”

  “Ahh!” Galen clamped his hands over his ears and shook his head rapidly. “I was joking. I don’t want to hear about Blaise’s dick.”

  “Well, I do!” Jory rushed into the room, squealing like a dork as he dove onto the couch and tackled Willow to the cushions. “I missed you! We’re going to have to tie Blaise up by that magnificent cock of his so that you can come hang out with us more.”

  “You idiot, get off of me!” Willow laughed so hard his face was flushed, and he was panting for breath.

  Jory did as asked, grinning just as widely at Willow. Then his attention drifted to Galen, and his expression turn
ed dark in the blink of an eye. “What happened?”

  Crap! Was he really that easy to read? “Nothing.”

  “Bullshit. Did you fight with Bannon?”

  “Not exactly.” Galen didn’t want to bring up depressing shit while they should enjoy spending time with their friend. “Just drop it.”

  “Nope.” Willow bounced around until he faced Galen with Jory leaning right over his shoulder to glare. “Spill it. What happened?”

  “He wants to claim me.”

  “So?” they both asked in unison.

  “He’s a shifter!”

  “And?” they asked again.

  Galen huffed and threw his hands in the air. “I don’t want to die!”

  “Huh?” Jory asked.

  Willow, on the other hand, sighed and slumped back on the sofa.

  “You know there’s so much more to it than that, right?”

  “Well, he said that I’ll be able to feel his emotions. There was all the great stuff about him always loving me and taking care of me.

  Then he drops the bomb that if he dies, so do I, and vice versa.”

  “Whoa.” Jory looked like he’d been slapped upside the head. “Are you for real?”

  Galen nodded sadly. “It’s a lot to ask. I mean, would you die for someone else?”

  “For Cole or Blaise? Absolutely.”

  “I’d do anything for Stavion,” Jory answered seriously, “even die.

  That’s not saying it would be my first option, but I’d do it.” If nothing else, that answered one question. “Then I guess I don’t love Bannon, because I don’t want to die, not even for him. Fate must really hate him to give him someone like me.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s a scary concept. Shifters are pretty damn durable, though. We can heal ourselves, but with a little drop of our mate’s blood, it’s like super healing. We’re not prone to diseases, so you don’t have to worry about that. If he claims you, you’ll still be mostly human, but enhanced. So, it’s not all doom and gloom.”


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