Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House

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Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House Page 106

by Peter Baker

  59 “Whoever is leaking”: Dick Cheney, In My Time, 456–58.

  60 Hadley said he was the one: Hadley interview.

  61 spending bill with $95 billion: The overall bill authorized $120 billion in spending, of which about $95 billion was for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As with the previous bill vetoed by George W. Bush, the rest went to a variety of other priorities. It passed the House 221 to 205, with two Republicans joining the Democratic majority and ten Democrats voting no. U.S. House Clerk’s Office, May 10, 2007, The Senate passed it 80 to 14, with ten Democrats (including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama), a Democratic-leaning independent, and three Republicans voting no. U.S. Senate roll call record, May 24, 2007,

  62 another leak undercutting: David E. Sanger and David S. Cloud, “White House Is Said to Debate ’08 Cut in Iraq Combat Forces by 50%,” New York Times, May 26, 2007,

  63 “to be quite frank about it”: Woodward, War Within, 360.

  64 “My concern was whether”: David Petraeus, author interview.

  65 “Respectfully, sir, I can”: Administration official, author interview.

  66 “hadn’t read the bill”: George W. Bush, speech on immigration reform, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco, Ga., May 29, 2007,

  67 “He didn’t laugh”: Dan Bartlett, speech to U.S. Chamber of Commerce, September 13, 2007,

  68 judge sentenced Scooter Libby: Judge Reggie B. Walton imposed the sentence “with a sense of sadness,” he said, because of his respect for those in public service but added that “it is important we expect and demand a lot from people who put themselves in those positions. Mr. Libby failed to meet the bar.” Before the sentence was handed down, Scooter Libby asked the judge to “consider, along with the jury verdict, my whole life,” but offered no contrition. More than 150 friends and supporters of Libby’s sent letters to the judge on his behalf, including Donald Rumsfeld and Douglas Feith. Carol D. Leonnig and Amy Goldstein, “Libby Given 2½-Year Prison Term,” Washington Post, June 6, 2007,

  69 “Pardon Him”: Editorial, “Pardon Him,” National Review, June 5, 2007,

  70 “So much for loyalty”: William Kristol, “Who, Me?,” Weekly Standard, June 5, 2007,

  71 “You can’t solve all”: Michael Gerson, author interview.

  72 “You’re not the only dissident”: Peter Baker, “As Democracy Push Falters, Bush Feels like a ‘Dissident,’ ” Washington Post, August 20, 2007,

  73 Diehl made inquiries: The resulting column ran in the Washington Post on August 6, 2007, under the headline “The Rush for a Legacy,” without mentioning Abrams.

  74 “How do we keep expectations”: Rice, No Higher Honor, 600–601.


  1 “Does anyone here agree”: Several participants, author interviews. See also Dick Cheney, In My Time, 462–67.

  2 “It’s about as good as it gets”: Mike McConnell, e-mail exchange with author. See also Dick Cheney, In My Time, 462–67.

  3 “Of course it’s a weapons”: Michael Hayden, author interview.

  4 “If not literal rolling of eyes”: Senior administration official, author interview.

  5 Abrams apologized to Cheney: Abrams, Tested by Zion, 236–39.

  6 “was, to put it mildly, reckless”: Rice, No Higher Honor, 713.

  7 “I cannot justify an attack”: George W. Bush, Decision Points, 420–22.

  8 “That’s very disappointing”: Elliott Abrams, author interview.

  9 “This guy’s got balls”: Ibid.

  10 “Look, they view this as”: Ibid.

  11 “You can say I am wrong”: Dick Cheney, author interview.

  12 House Democrats accused: Peter Baker, “Cheney Defiant on Classified Material,” Washington Post, June 22, 2007,

  13 “A lot of us worked hard”: George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, Naval War College, Newport, R.I., June 28, 2007,

  14 “I’ll see you at the bill signing”: George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 11, 2007,

  15 “The president believed as”: Michael Gerson, author interview.

  16 “He thought that guy is a zealot”: Alan Simpson, author interview.

  17 “I respect the jury’s”: George W. Bush, written statement on executive clemency for Libby, July 2, 2007,

  18 broke with Bush over Iraq: In a speech on the Senate floor on June 25, 2007, Richard Lugar declared that the surge was unlikely to succeed and called for a change in strategy in Iraq, saying that otherwise “we risk foreign policy failures that could greatly diminish our influence in the region and the world.” He said the president would have to downsize troop levels in Iraq and embrace more diplomacy.

  19 “You have no credibility”: Woodward, War Within, 370.

  20 did not think he could hold: Administration official, author interview.

  21 “The surge can’t last”: Ibid.

  22 reporting that the White House: David E. Sanger, “In White House, Debate Is Rising on Iraq Pullback,” New York Times, July 9, 2007,

  23 Lott was there and reported: Dick Cheney, In My Time, 460–63.

  24 voting two days later: The bill would require that American force levels in Iraq be reduced to “a limited presence” by April 1, 2008. The House passed it 223 to 201, with four Republicans joining the Democratic majority and ten Democrats voting no. U.S. House Clerk’s Office, July 12, 2007,

  25 “He thought we were”: Hadley interview.

  26 “he really wasn’t in the loop”: Administration official, author interview.

  27 “I wanted to respectfully”: David Petraeus, author interview.

  28 “It’s not going to happen”: Mike Mullen, author interview.

  29 National Review collected: Kathryn Jean Lopez, “A Busy Saturday,” National Review Online, July 20, 2007,

  30 “Dear Kate, Elizabeth, Grace”: Dick Cheney, letter to his grandchildren, published in the Weekly Standard, August 6, 2007,

  31 “The American people won’t”: Rice interview.

  32 He sent a message to the Saudis: Dick Cheney, In My Time, 478.

  33 “In terms of thinking”: Cheney interview.

  34 “revolt of the radical pragmatists”: Douglas Ollivant, author interview.

  35 He kept in his desk drawer: Peter Baker, “Exit Toward Soul-Searching,” Washington Post, October 7, 2007,

  36 “I feel like I’m deserting you”: Ibid.

  37 “That was the first time”: White House aide, author interview.

  38 “I don’t understand”: Baker, “Presiden
t Besieged and Isolated.”

  39 “The president,” a senior administration official: Ibid.

  40 suggesting the decision was: In his resignation statement on August 27, 2007, Alberto Gonzales said, “Yesterday I met with President Bush and informed him of my decision to conclude my government service.”

  41 Tony Snow announced: Michael Abramowitz, “Tony Snow Resigns as White House Spokesman,” Washington Post, September 1, 2007,

  42 After peaking at 126: Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, known as, Note that this link goes to the page showing all co-alition casualties; to get the American casualties requires using the filter at the bottom.

  43 fallen from 2,796 to 2,384: Iraq Body Count,

  44 from 1,341 to 738: Ibid.

  45 “The plan should be this”: Administration official interview.

  46 “That’s our situation”: Ibid.

  47 “Get down”: Joe Hagin, author interview.

  48 “They felt the elation”: Eric Draper, author interview.

  49 “He’s sent from central”: Petraeus interview.

  50 “My fighters will finish here”: Lute interview.

  51 “have dealt significant blows”: David Petraeus, testimony before joint hearing of House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees, September 10, 2007, Federal News Service transcript.

  52 “Of course, al-Qaeda needs”: Reid, Good Fight, 10–11.

  53 “you can’t refer to Baker”: Dick Cheney, In My Time, 460–63.

  54 “Did my visit endanger”: Administration official, author interview.

  55 “ordinary life is beginning”: George W. Bush, address to nation, September 13, 2007,

  56 “I’ve got a message”: Petraeus interview.


  1 “What are you talking”: Christopher Hill, author interview. John Lackey pitched six innings in the series opener and gave up nine hits and four runs in the loss. The Red Sox swept the series in three games.

  2 “What we really need”: Hill interview.

  3 “What are you going to do”: Eric Edelman, author interview.

  4 “Dick, would you like to ask”: Hill interview.

  5 “The president is being sold”: Edelman interview.

  6 “I’m not a carbon copy”: Mitt Romney, Republican presidential debate sponsored by ABC News, August 5, 2007. See transcript at

  7 “Absolutely not, because”: Ibid.

  8 had been a “train wreck”: John McCain, joint appearance with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, February 21, 2007,

  9 “Wait ’til her fat ass”: Latimer, Speech-Less, 269–70.

  10 Clinton could be the Ike: Peter Baker, “Bush to Hillary Clinton: I’m Truman, You’re Ike,” The Trail,, September 21, 2007,

  11 “there’s not a liberal America”: Barack Obama, keynote address, Democratic National Convention, July 27, 2004,

  12 “stunning” in its “naiveté”: George W. Bush, off-the-record conversation with journalists on October 9, 2007. The author was not among the journalists invited and therefore not subject to the ground rules. Notes of the meeting were provided to the author by a person in the room.

  13 “This cat isn’t remotely”: Latimer, Speech-Less, 267–69.

  14 Obama and Clinton refused to commit: Democratic presidential debate, September 26, 2007.

  15 “He was willing to cut loose”: Condoleezza Rice, author interview.

  16 “Don’t screw with the president”: Administration official interview.

  17 undergone a “remarkable change”: Abrams, Tested by Zion, 196–97.

  18 “Do I have an agreement?”: Rice interview.

  19 “including all core issues”: Joint Understanding, Annapolis Conference, November 27, 2007,

  20 “I can’t read this”: Rice interview.

  21 some involving Mohsen Fakhrizadeh: Jay Solomon, “Iran’s Nuclear-Arms Guru Resurfaces,” Wall Street Journal, August 30, 2012,

  22 “Sir, that is an interesting”: Michael Hayden, author interview.

  23 “primarily in response”: Key Judgments, “Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities,” National Intelligence Estimate, November 2007,

  24 McConnell and Hayden did not want: Hayden interview and Mike McConnell, e-mail exchange with author.

  25 possibility of “World War III”: George W. Bush, news conference, October 17, 2007,

  26 “This is a disaster”: Stephen Hadley, author interview.

  27 “It was a huge blow”: Ibid.

  28 “The results give us a reason”: George W. Bush, telephone call with Vladimir Putin, December 4, 2007. Notes of call provided to author.

  29 “A country that had one can”: George W. Bush, telephone call with Hu Jintao, December 6, 2007. Notes of call provided to author.

  30 “merits our consideration”: Gordon and Trainor, Endgame, 467–68.

  31 “a significant impediment”: Administration official, author interview.

  32 “I know there are people”: Ibid.

  33 “You’re a terrible”: Ibid.

  34 A bipartisan commission: John M. Broder, “House, 314–100, Passes Broad Energy Bill; Bush Plans to Sign It,” New York Times, December 19, 2007,

  35 “The legislation I’m about to”: George W. Bush, energy bill signing ceremony, December 19, 2007,

  36 just twenty-three American: Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, known as, Note that this link goes to the page showing all coalition casualties; to get the American casualties requires using the filter at the bottom.

  37 “The United States strongly”: George W. Bush, remarks to reporters, Crawford, December 27, 2007,

  38 told him that the economy: Paulson, On the Brink, 85–86.

  39 Where Iraq had dominated: A Washington Post–ABC News poll released on November 4, 2007, found that 29 percent of those surveyed named Iraq as their top issue, compared with 14 percent who named the economy. In a later poll released January 12, 2008, 29 percent identified the economy as the most important concern compared with 20 percent who said Iraq.

  40 called his predecessor to: Heilemann and Halperin, Game Change, 227.

  41 “In this election year”: George W. Bush, State of the Union address, January 28, 2008,


  1 “a more flexible standard”: Paul D. Clement, Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae, District of Columbia v. Heller, January 2008.

  2 “What do you want to do?”: Joshua Bolten, author interview.

  3 “What the fuck are you”: Neil Patel, author interview.

  4 “They were so angry”: Ibid.
  5 “You can’t have more than”: Bolten interview.

  6 “It’s a process foul”: Ibid. See also Dick Cheney, In My Time, 495.

  7 “Understood,” Bolten replied: Bolten interview.

  8 “He’s the best vice president”: George W. Bush, speech to Conservative Political Action Conference, February 8, 2008,

  9 “Cheney’s view was that all”: White House official, author interview.

  10 “Thank you for the peace”: Peter Baker, “Bush, Feeling Appreciated Abroad,” Washington Post, February 22, 2008,

  11 “Of course, people talk”: Jakaya Kikwete and George W. Bush, joint news conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, February 17, 2008,

  12 spent $817 million to provide: Larry E. André Jr., the chargé d’affaires at the U.S. embassy, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, remarks at relief fund check presentation, May 27, 2009,

  13 “the best of the presidency”: George W. Bush, Decision Points, 352.

  14 “He loved being in Africa”: Rice interview.

  15 “I hope that he will campaign”: George W. Bush and John McCain, joint appearance, March 5, 2008,

  16 “Tim, I have known mercy”: Tim Goeglein, author interview.

  17 seemed to suggest to Esquire: Thomas M. Barnett, “The Man Between War and Peace,” Esquire, April 2008,

  18 “I’d fire him in a heartbeat”: Senior official, author interview.

  19 “Don’t say that”: Sorkin, Too Big to Fail, 38–39.

  20 “the fact is, the whole system”: Paulson, On the Brink, 92.

  21 “This is the real thing”: Ibid., 96.

  22 “you can take out that”: Ibid., 101–2.

  23 “It seems like I showed up”: George W. Bush, speech to Economic Club of New York, March 14, 2008,


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