3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn)

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3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn) Page 4

by Hartnady, Charlene

  There was a long pause on the other end of the line. “What the fuck, Xavier?” This was followed by a deep sigh. “You are putting me on the spot here. Take your female. You are a vampire fucking prince, it’s time to act like one.”

  Xavier sighed. “Didn’t you hear a word I just said? I happen to care greatly about my female’s feelings and her reputation. She is convinced that her father will die as a direct result of my overriding York’s claim.”

  “Bull-fucking-shit. If the male dies, it will be from his illness not because you ruined his daughter’s reputation.”

  “Katar is so much better now that he thinks his beloved daughter is to be mated. He blamed himself for giving her to us vampires. He will blame himself in the worst way if she is seen as defective and ridiculed. If I claim her and her father ends up dying, even if the cause is strictly his illness, she will never forgive herself. I can’t do that to her.”

  “Boo-fucking-hoo,” Brant growled.

  “Put yourself in my shoes. What if it was Tanya? I know you would do anything for your female. The last thing you would want would be to see her upset. To blame herself for the death of a loved one. You don’t just get over something like that.”

  “Tanya is my mate. It’s different,” Brant’s voice turned icy cold. “Leave her out of it.”

  “You would’ve felt the same way even before you were mated. I know you would’ve done anything for her even then. Don’t try and deny it.”

  “I told you to leave her out of it,” he growled.

  “Only because I’m right.” Xavier could hear that he was getting to his brother.

  “Fine,” Brant sighed. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I told you.” Xavier paused, his eyes locked on York who was standing a few feet in front of him with an almost desperate look on his face. “Guarantee me that York can be in the program.”

  “I can’t.”

  Xavier cursed a hard word and York’s face turned a darker shade of red. The male clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth.

  “Calm the fuck down. The best I can do is to get him into the trials, if he makes it through, he’s in the program. We have set up parameters to minimize our risk. There is no bypassing them.”

  “What trials?” Xavier asked. By now York had quit grinding his teeth and had his full attention on Xavier again. Hope shined in his eyes.

  “The ones in which we plan on testing the males to ensure that they don’t have bloodlust.”

  Xavier nodded. “Fine. Hold a sec.” He raised his eyebrows in York’s direction.

  “What the fuck?” York growled. “I want in on the program.”

  “You heard Brant, no one bypasses the trials. All you have to do is prove that you don’t have bloodlust and you’re in. Done fucking deal. That is as much as I can do. The rest of the warriors will have to fight their way in. Brant explained that there are limited spots.” Xavier narrowed his eyes on York. “You can count yourself lucky.”

  York gestured to the phone in Xavier’s hand.

  Xavier put the device to his ear. “York has something to say.”

  Brant growled but didn’t refuse.

  York took the phone. “Good day, my lord.”

  There was a growl on the other end again.

  “Thank you for the opportunity, my lord. What type of trial will I need to pass?”

  “You can thank my brother. If it were up to me, you would fight for the opportunity just like everybody else.” Xavier heard Brant say through the device.

  “In that case, I’ll be sure to thank Xavier.” York gave a quick shake of the head and even rolled his eyes as he looked Xavier’s way. “Now about that trial, my lord.”

  “Simple,” Brant growled. “Drink from a human female without going into bloodlust mode and you are in.”

  “That’s it?” York sounded skeptical.

  “Yeah that’s it. Then you will get to play happy family with your human.”

  “Will I get to choose a female?”

  “We’re still ironing out the details, but yes, ideally couples should be compatible.” By now Brant was sounding bored.

  York grinned, looking more like he was about to tear something open with his teeth rather than smiling. “Thank you, my lord.”

  “I told you to thank my brother.”

  Still smiling from ear to ear, York nodded. “Yes, my lord.” He handed the phone back to Xavier.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen York this happy.” Xavier found himself smiling as well. “He looks terrible. It’s frightening.”

  “Go and get your female. I’m sure you’ll find a way to sort this shit out.”

  “I plan to. On both counts.” Xavier clutched the phone so tightly that he heard the metal creak and forced himself to release his hold.

  “You’ll owe me for this.”

  “Like fuck.” Xavier chuckled. “You’ll be getting exactly what you wanted in the first place. Don’t try and turn the shit around.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Xavier could hear that Brant was smiling. They said their goodbyes and he ended the call, shoving the phone into his pocket.

  “A human female,” York growled. “I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “I’m glad we managed to work this out.” The thought of York as collateral damage had not enthused him. He and the male had always gotten along.

  “Me too.” The big male said, his voice deep. “I do not think that the princess would ever have let me touch her. Not even once we were mated. I think she was fooling herself into thinking that we could ever be together. So was I for that matter. I am relieved that this has been resolved.”

  “I don’t think I would ever have let you touch her. Even if you had gone through with the ceremony… I don’t think I could have allowed it...ever.”

  “We’re in shit if we don’t find a way out of this then. We’d better get back to Pulamor. Go and speak with Keto. I will dig around to see what I can find. I’m in with the highborns, I’ll do some careful snooping to try and see if there is a loophole in the system. I’m sure if we all work together it will work out.”

  Xavier felt his brow crease. “You mating Esral is not an option.”

  “Where is Gideon? Two sets of eyes are better than one.”

  Xavier smiled, he shook his head. “Gideon will be of no use for the next few hours.”

  “Where the hell is…?” York grinned. “Sampling more of the local offerings?”

  Xavier nodded. “You can leave a message for him. Tell him to meet up with you once he is done so that you can bring him up to speed.”

  York agreed with a quick jerk of the head.


  Xavier stared at the closed door for a full minute before knocking on it. He really hoped that things would go according to plan…not that he had much of a plan. Keto was a colossal dick but surely the male was not so uncaring that Xavier wouldn’t be able to get through to him?

  He knocked. Two hard raps.

  The door opened and he was greeted by a cool stare. It astounded him that he had ever found this female remotely attractive. Calculating eyes, a pouting, sulky mouth and a lilt to her chin that spoke of arrogance in the first degree. “What do you want?” She asked coldly. “My offer is so off the table.”

  Xavier couldn’t help but to roll his eyes. “I wouldn’t touch you if you were the last female on this planet and I was about to fucking die from blue ball syndrome.” He kept his voice low, not wanting to start this meeting off on the wrong foot.

  He didn’t think it was possible, but her pout grew. “You are a male, you would beg.”

  He choked out a laugh. “You’re funny. Never.” He growled the last a bit too harshly it seemed, because her eyes widened and she took a step back.

  Good. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t get the true picture. As in, he was being deadly serious. Females like this one could not comprehend that a male wasn’t interested. They just didn’t buy it no matter how many times you told them. “As riveting
as this conversation is”—he faked a yawn—“I need to speak with Keto.”

  With a quick glance behind her, she shook her head. “He’s busy.” She put her hands on her hips as if to signal that she had some type of authority.

  “Bullshit. Call him. Do it now.” He was done being polite. Tap dancing around this female that seemed to enjoy taunting Esral. She was some piece of work.

  Cheri cocked her head to the side. “No.” Her eyes were wide. They sparkled with…enjoyment. This was one big fucking joke to her. The problem was, he wasn’t laughing.

  Xavier grabbed her by the hips trying to touch her as little as possible. He actually felt himself grimace with the contact. With a quick turn, he deposited her outside before striding into the chamber and through the side door straight to Keto’s office.

  The elf rose quickly from behind his desk. “What the fuck?” He mumbled as Xavier entered.

  “He forced his way in,” Cheri shrieked from behind him. “Touched me with his filthy bloodsucker hands.”

  Not even bothering to turn, he kept his eyes focused on Keto. “I told your female that I’m not interested in her. Not in the least. She seems to have a hearing problem.”

  Cheri gasped. “That’s rubbish, Keto, he tried to seduce me a few days ago.”

  Keto’s expression changed to one of confusion. “Can somebody please tell me what the fuck is going on? Why are you here?” He looked Xavier head on. “And what the fuck are you talking about?” Then, he looked past Xavier to where Cheri was standing.

  “Nothing,” she said. “Never mind.” Cheri didn’t sound happy. “It was a misunderstanding.”

  “I thought so.” Keto folded his arms across his chest. “Can I help you with something?” Eyes made from polar ice shifted their attention to him.

  “I need to discuss something with you.” Xavier tried to keep his voice down. “In private.” He spoke over his shoulder towards where Cheri would be standing.

  Cheri gave an irritated snort and even moved into the room to stand next to Keto, a self-satisfied smirk on her face.

  “Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of my future mate.” It was as if Keto was trying to piss him off on purpose. The male put his arm around the female, pulling her against his side. The smug look on her face only intensified.

  This female was trouble with a capital fucking T.

  “I would rather not.” Xavier tried to take the more polite route even though it pissed him off having to do it.

  “Just say what you have to say. I am acting in my father’s place and have more things to take care of than there are hours in the fucking day.” He gestured to the slim line laptop on his desk which was surrounded by stacks of papers.

  Xavier folded his arms. “It’s something that concerns Esral, your sister. A private matter that she would not wish to have broadcasted.” He pointedly looked at Cheri who actually smiled looking every bit the sly bitch she was.

  “Esral will soon be Cheri’s sister.” Keto removed some nonexistent lint from his robe, looking distinctly bored. “My female only wants to help Esral.”

  How fucking stupid was this male?

  “Listen up.” Xavier felt his chest rumble with the start of a low growl. “Esral is your fucking little sister. Yours to protect and defend. This needs to be between you and me and these four walls. Am I making myself clear?” His hands had curled into fists at his sides and so help him, he was going to hit this male if he didn’t cooperate.

  Thank fuck Keto gave a quick nod of the head. He looked pissed about it though. Releasing Cheri, he gave her a tap on the butt. “Don’t you have a lot to prepare for the ceremony?”

  She shook her head, looking like she’d just been slapped. “You’re not going to let him push you around in your own home, in your own territory for blooming sakes are you?”

  Keto sighed. “Please, Cheri, just do as I say.”

  “Fine,” she huffed. Xavier was sure he heard her mutter, “Pussy fucking prince,” under her breath as she closed the door. It was too soft for Keto to have heard. The funny thing was, he wasn’t sure whether she was talking about him or Keto, although he suspected the latter. The female was a piece of work.

  “I really don’t have time for this. Please can we make it quick.” His brows were raised.

  Xavier had to suppress a growl. “Do you care anything for your sister?”

  The male narrowed his eyes. “Of course I do. I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”

  “She loves me,” Xavier blurted. There was no other way to put it.

  Keto’s eyes narrowed right after his jaw dropped.

  “I love her too…very much.” His voice was thick with emotion, which even in this situation still coursed through him as he thought about her soft blue eyes and her incredible smile.

  Keto shook his head. “Next you are going to tell me that the blossoming ceremony is not going to happen and that York was a big mistake. What…?” Keto ducked his head under his desk for a second. “Is he hiding out under here ready to jump out screaming surprise followed by got you good?”

  Xavier felt his jaw tick. “This is not a fucking joke.”

  “No!” Keto growled through clenched teeth. “This is deadly fucking serious. I feel for you both if this is true, but Esral will mate with York in two days and that’s final.”

  “I understand your feelings in this but think about your sister, think about Esral. I know it must be difficult for you but try hard.”

  The male choked out a laugh. “This goes way beyond Esral. What of our royal oak? Her reputation…”

  “That’s all a bunch of bullshit and you know it. So your royal oak would be covered in egg for a few months…a year. You are going to make your sister mate with a male she doesn’t love to save face? How fucked up is that?”

  Keto was so red it looked like he might actually explode. “It would fucking kill my father and it is the last I am hearing of it. You can leave. I don’t want to hear of it again.”

  “Too fucking bad, Keto.” Xavier found himself leaning over the large desk. “I had hoped that you would be on our side. That you would at least be willing to talk about it. Even if we could delay the ceremony until your father was well.”

  “Not happening so forget it.”

  “Why?” Xavier snarled, using every ounce of willpower he had not to tackle the male.

  “My father is better today than I’ve seen him in a long while. All because my sister is to be mated.”

  “You don’t know that for sure. I can’t believe you are willing to sacrifice Esral so easily.”

  “She made her fucking bed and she can lay down in it.” His jaw was clenched tight and tension radiated off the male in menacing waves. “She did this to herself.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Every muscle inside his body was pulled tight. Ready. “I have told you that the rumors are untrue yet you continue to believe the worst of your sister. It’s fucking unacceptable.”

  “Her fucking around with every vampire male is what I would deem unex—” Keto didn’t get to finish the sentence because Xavier punched him so hard that his head snapped back and his jaw cracked. Keto hit the wall behind him with a loud, reverberating crash and crumpled onto the ground.

  Pussy fucking elf.

  Xavier moved around the desk and went on his haunches next to a half unconscious Keto. “I never want to hear you say another bad word about your sister. Not ever again.” He grabbed a handful of blond hair, pulling back so that he could look into the male’s half focused eyes. “Are we fucking clear?”

  Keto mumbled something that sounded like an acknowledgement.

  “Good,” Xavier growled. “I can see we are not going to see eye to fucking eye on this so I’m leaving. If you decide to stop being such a dickhead, then you know where to find me.” He started to rise but moved back in beside Keto. “Esral is the sweetest, kindest, most honest female I know. She is the fucking best. You would be better off if you
looked for similar qualities in a mate of your own.”

  Without waiting for a response, Xavier rose to his full height and left the room. He was beginning to think that the male was a lost cause.

  Chapter 5

  Esral tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. She’d been making polite small talk for the last half hour and was beginning to tire from the whole charade.

  His familiar scent enveloped her just as York clutched her elbow. Esral still had to suppress a gasp.

  He glanced down at her. “Sorry I’m late, I only just got word about this dinner.”

  She smiled. “No problem. The guests are still arriving as you can see.” Esral looked about the quaint dining hall. The chamber was beautifully decorated with large bouquets of flowers and little, twinkling fairy lights. Her brother, with Cheri on his arm, was making his way around the room greeting all the various guests. It seemed as if all the most important highborn elves were in attendance wearing expensive, colorful robes.

  Esral had chosen a plain white robe with gold trimming. The garment hung to the tops of her feet.

  “You look beautiful.” York’s eyes dipped briefly to the hint of cleavage at the vee of her robe.

  Esral couldn’t help but to blush. She thought that Xavier was going to have a word with him. Maybe they were disturbed earlier.

  “You’re looking a little flushed, princess.” His eyes twinkled mischievously. “Maybe we should get some fresh air.”

  She nodded, allowing herself to be led from the room. Thankfully no one tried to stop them with small talk. The air was cool but not unpleasant. The giant vampire, Lazarus, stood just outside the front entrance. He inclined his head as they made eye contact, he moved a little further away to allow them some privacy.

  “I must say.” York put both hands on the railing in front of him, looking out through the trees. It was dark and quiet, except for the laughter and noises coming from inside. “I was looking forward to us mating. In hindsight, it was a bad idea though. I knew all along that you had feelings for Xavier and he for you. I just didn’t realize how deeply the two of you felt for one another. I had hoped”—he shook his head—“never mind. It doesn’t matter. I want you to know that I understand and am here to help the two of you. Lazarus feels the same.”


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