3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn)

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3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn) Page 11

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “Which female is that?” Xavier pulled her back into his arms.

  “No don’t!” Keto barked. “Leave it alone.”

  “You promised you wouldn’t be pigheaded.” She looked her brother in the eyes. “Keto fell in love with a vampire female some years ago.” Esral blurted, even though Keto’s eyes had narrowed on her.

  “Who?” She could hear that Xavier was smiling.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Keto growled. “It was a very long time ago.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Xavier said. “She’s probably mated by now anyway.”

  “She isn’t,” he growled.

  Esral noticed how possessive Keto became. How his hands fisted at his sides and his jaw ticked.

  “Well then…” York stuffed his hands into his pockets and shrugged. “Looks to me like you’ve got nothing to lose.”

  Keto shook his head. “Just leave it alone.” His voice held a stern warning.

  “If you ever change your mind, you know where to find us.” Xavier pulled her tighter against him as he spoke. “As you know, we’re trying to improve elf/vampire relations. There would be no better way than if both royal siblings were to mate with vampires.”

  Keto made a grunting noise. “I think I’ll enjoy my freedom and concentrate on running things around here while my father regains his health.”

  Esral’s heart soared, the healers were pretty confident of her father’s prognosis now that they knew exactly what had been causing his affliction. They said that the slow poisoning had been going on for some time now and that it would take weeks possibly even months for the silver to be released from his system, but he would bounce back.

  Keto’s eyes turned grave. “About father… I’m not really sure how to tell you this.” His eyes went from Esral’s up to Xavier’s and then back down to hers.

  “What is it?” Xavier’s chest vibrated as he spoke.

  “Was it something one of the healers said?” Esral gripped Xavier’s hand tightly and he squeezed her back.

  Keto shook his head. “No, it’s nothing like that. Father indicated that he still wanted to see you mated this afternoon. He doesn’t want the blossoming ceremony delayed. I tried hard to talk him out of it.”

  She felt Xavier tense up behind her. The hand that held hers squeezed so tightly it almost hurt and the arm that banded around her clung even more fiercely.“No fucking way.” His voice was low, deadly.

  “We’ll talk with him,” Esral said. “All of us. I’m sure I will be able to convince him to delay the ceremony. Once he’s in better health we can explain the situation to him. I don’t think we can risk it right now, he’s still so sick.”

  “Yeah.” Keto shook his head, looking worried. “He’s really weak.”


  As much as he tried, Xavier could not take his eyes off of Esral. She wore a gown of the most delicate silk. It clung to her body in ways a conservative garment had no place doing. Baring a hint of cleavage, that had his mouth watering and his dick twitching.

  His thoughts so ina-fucking-ppropriate it was scary.

  Especially considering her father seemed to be tracking him with one bloodshot eye. Keeping that in mind, Xavier somehow managed to drag his gaze away from Esral and onto the king.

  Katar still looked ill. His face held a grey tinge and his eyes were bloodshot. His lips were cracked and dry. It was crazy how frail he had become and in such a short time. His mouth trembled and his hands shook. Respect rose up inside him for this male who must truly have had some will to survive, to still be here. Xavier was sure that many hardened warriors would’ve perished if subjected to the levels of poison that Glendril had administered.

  Right now he wished that that the old king would stop being so stubborn and just agree to postpone the blossoming ceremony. It killed him to see York at the princess’ side. Although the male stood close, Xavier noticed that he stayed just out of touching range. Damn fucking straight.

  Esral pulled up the covers more securely around her father. The look of sheer happiness that graced her beautiful face was almost his undoing. He hoped to get the chance to see her smiling like that every single day. Lord only knew that he would work his damndest to put one there.

  “Stop with the mothering.” Katar tsk’d, his voice just as weak as he looked.

  “Nonsense, father,” Esral said through her smile. “You should be resting.” Her eyes landed on Xavier for a brief second. A quick, sneaky glance from under her lashes. His heart clenched inside him.

  The plan was to try to talk the king out of holding the ceremony right now and if all else failed, they would explain the situation to him. Esral would not be mating with York today or any other day. His hands clenched at his sides and he had to will them to unfurl. Xavier rolled his shoulders, trying to ease some of the tension.

  He only hoped that the old king listened. Although her brother was onboard with the plan, both Keto and Esral wanted to avoid telling Katar if at all possible. After seeing the king, Xavier could understand their concern. He was barely out of the woods, his recovery would be long and arduous. The healers had warned that he may never get fully back to his previous health. The silver had taken its toll.

  “I want to see my daughter mated to the male she loves.” His eyes drooped shut for a few seconds and for a moment Xavier thought that he had drifted to sleep, but then Katar took a deep breath and his lids cracked back open. He blinked once or twice. “I will not stand in the way of your happiness.”

  “Father…” Her voice held a stern edge. “I will be happy once you are resting. I am in no rush.” Her lips were full and raspberry kissed. Her cheeks lightly flushed from the heat of the fire that slowly crackled in the sealed furnace in the corner. He would wait a lifetime to be with this female. Hell, he would follow her into the afterlife if need be.

  “Listen to Esral, father.” Keto stepped forward. The male had taken up a place next to York with Xavier on the opposite side of the bed. “Let’s give it a few days”—he shrugged—“a week at the most. I’m sure that York will understand.”

  His elite warrior nodded. “Completely.” The male’s deep baritone voice filled the room.

  There were beautiful flowers embroidered onto the bodice of her robe. Intricate and delicate, much like Esral herself. Even the fine spun ties around her narrow waist were exquisite in their design. His eyes roamed the length of her, starting with the soft leather boots on her feet until finally locking with her bright, blue orbs. She gave him a shy smile that hurt him from the need to be at her side. Her teeth indented her full bottom lip as she bit down. His mouth twitched in response. Just then, the old king turned to look at him stopping the smile that had started to form.

  It was difficult to school his emotions when the female of his dreams was just a few feet away and so very nearly in his grasp. He could almost feel her lush, feminine curves in his hands.

  “What are your feelings about all of this?” Katar asked, his gaze never wavering from Xavier. The male might be gravely ill but intelligence still shone within his watery eyes.

  Xavier grit his teeth for a second. “I want whatever will make the princess happy.” The fucking truth.

  Katar nodded, seeming satisfied with his answer. Clasping his still trembling hands over his lap, he turned back to Esral. “There will be a blossoming ceremony today.” Katar’s voice was stronger than it had been in the longest time. “That much I can say.”

  A vee formed between Esral’s eyes which widened up a whole lot. “But, father—”

  “No buts.” Katar put up a trembling hand.

  Xavier couldn’t help but to take a step forward, his eyes firmly on a distraught Esral. Everything in him screamed to go to her, to comfort her.

  “Please listen, father.” Xavier could hear the concern in Keto’s voice.

  Katar reached for Esral’s hand. “Hush child.” He squeezed. “Let me finish.”

  Xavier’s heart raced at about a mile a fucking minute. His teeth were

clenched so hard he could taste the metallic tang of his own blood.

  Esral’s chest heaved, but she put on a brave face and nodded to her father.

  Katar kept his eyes locked with the princess’ so it was difficult to see what was going on inside the king’s head. “I might be old but I’m no fool.” Xavier could hear that Katar was smiling. The king shook his head. “Your mother would look at me in a certain way and throughout the years I could always count on that special look. The one that spoke of her love for me. It was the same look that I saved especially for her. She was the light and love of my life.”

  Esral smiled, her eyes filled with unshed tears. Xavier had to look away for a few seconds to restore the willpower that kept him from going to her and sweeping her up in his arms. He needed this whole charade to be over with. That way, he could give her the comfort she needed, be there for her.

  “You look so much like her.” Katar’s voice wavered with emotion. He put a hand to his mouth, trying to compose himself. “I recognize that look, my Esral. It was the same look that Esme had for me.” The old king turned to Xavier. He swallowed thickly before continuing. “I can see that you care for my daughter.” He shook his head. “I don’t know why York is at her side, all I know is that it should be you.” Esral gasped but Katar’s intense gaze didn’t waver.

  Xavier stepped closer to the bed. “I love your daughter.” He couldn’t help but to glance at Esral, whose eyes filled with such emotion. Xavier smiled at her. “Very much. It’s a long story as to…”

  Katar waved his hand. “We’ll save it for another day. I’m old and I’m tired. Your feelings for Esral are clear and that is all that matters to me.” His eyes moved to his daughter. “I want only the best for you. It is up to you, Esral.” He chuckled.

  “Xavier is the one for me, father. He always has been and always will be.”

  King Katar gave a deep nod. “Well then, if you want my advice, the heart knows what the heart wants. Why wait?”

  Xavier moved to Esral’s side. She glanced up at him with such love reflected in her eyes that he almost lost it. Although he was tempted, putting her over his shoulder in front of her father and brother would not be the best idea.

  Xavier gave York a light tap on the back. “Thank you for all you have done for the princess.”

  “Thank you, York.” The princess’ voice hitched just a little as she spoke.

  “If he ever gives you any trouble, you know where to find me.” York was grinning widely, still not a sight Xavier had grown used to. The only response was to smile back.

  “The priest isn’t here yet, father. Besides, Xavier hasn’t officially even claimed me. It’s all a bit of—”

  “I hereby officially claim you.” Xavier slid his arm around Esral’s waist.

  He loved the small huff of air she expelled and how her chest heaved. Her eyes were focused on the foot of the bed.

  “If you will have me, that is.” Using just his thumb, he rubbed the lower part of her back.

  When her eyes lifted to his, he almost damn well lost it again and had to work to keep his hand from closing on her waist, from pulling her into his arms.

  Her big blue eyes were filled with tears, a few of which had escaped. Her lashes were fused from the moisture. She sniffed.

  “Hey.” He cupped her cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe away the moisture. “We can wait. I can wait, Esral, for as long as you need. I love you.” He swallowed thickly, feeling his throat work. “There is no rush—”

  The princess put a finger over his lips and her eyes narrowed. “Yes there is…” She smiled through her tears. “I love you too and I don’t want to wait. I’m just so happy.” She sniffed.

  His heart swelled to the point where he thought it might just explode in his chest. He put his forehead to hers. “Thank fuck,” he whispered. “Waiting might’ve killed me.” He pulled back an inch, looking deep into her eyes. Lord help him, he had to kiss her. One small taste. “No more tears, princess.”

  Xavier brushed his lips against hers. The little whimper that slipped from her lips unraveled the last of his resolve and he slanted his mouth over hers, sucking on her bottom lip ever so slightly. Her little hand cupped his chin and her tongue flicked across his lips.

  There was a sound of someone clearing their throat, which he ignored as he took back her mouth. Using her other hand, Esral clutched his bicep. Someone shoulder knocked him. Xavier’s eyes flew open, seeing York’s amused expression.

  Oh hell.

  Esral giggled and put her hand over her mouth. Keto shook his head, looking just as amused as York, maybe even more so.

  “Young love.” Katar declared, looking distinctly paler.

  “We should go.” Xavier clasped Esral’s hand. “You need to rest, King Katar.”

  Katar sat more upright. “Not without having your blossoming ceremony first.” His voice quivered slightly.

  “There is no priest…” Esral said sounding concerned.

  Katar smiled. “I am the king and am permitted to perform blossoming ceremonies. If you don’t mind us keeping it brief.” His eyes drooped and he slurred the last word. “Your heartfelt declaration of love for one another can serve as your vows. We will do the blood rites.”

  Keto removed a dagger from a sheath at his inner thigh. Xavier shook his head. “Must get drafty.” He chuckled.

  Keto grinned. “Once you go robe, you never go back. The feeling of freedom is exhilarating. You should try it some time.” There was a mischievous grin on his face.

  “Um. I’ll take your word for it.” Xavier held out his hand to the elven prince, Esral did the same.

  “Here goes.” Keto winced as he sliced his sister’s hand open, as did Xavier. His little princess didn’t so much as flinch though.

  “No crying.” Keto grinned as he turned to Xavier.

  “I’m not the one in the dress.” Xavier growled as the knife cut through his skin. It stung like a fucking bitch, but he’d had way worse.

  Xavier looked back into the most beautiful eyes ever created. Esral smiled as they clasped hands. He couldn’t help but to smile back. A goofy smile would probably grace his face for years to come. At least, it would whenever he was in the company of this exquisite female…his female.

  “United by blood,” Katar said.

  “United by blood,” they each said in turn.

  “It’s done.” Xavier could hear that Katar was smiling but he couldn’t take his eyes off of the princess.

  “Take good care of her,” the old man whispered.

  Xavier pulled Esral into his arms. “I will.” He said against her full lips before kissing her, making sure to keep it chaste this time. It didn’t matter though, being so close to her, knowing that she was finally his had his blood boiling in his veins.

  Her little sigh as he pulled away had his dick jumping in his pants.

  “I will plan an intimate celebration for when you return,” Keto said. It was weird to see him with an honest to god grin on his face. Freaky as fuck!

  “Return from where?” Xavier felt his brow knit.

  “Haven’t you told him anything? Prepared him?” Keto’s grin grew much wider.

  Esral chewed on her lower lip, her gaze dropped to the ground for a few beats. When she lifted her face, Xavier realized that she looked guilty. She shook her head. “No, this all happened so suddenly.”

  Keto turned to him. “Pack an overnight bag. You’ll hike deep into the forest where you’ll stay for the night. When you return tomorrow we’ll celebrate your true union.”

  “True union?” Xavier shook his head.

  “You will only be considered mated once you break Esral’s thorn.”

  Esral gasped. “Enough Keto. I will handle the explanations.” She looked a little pale and refused to meet his eyes. “Besides, I don’t think we should have a celebration. It would be best if we kept our union a secret…for now at least.” She finally locked eyes with him looking…sad.

  “Esral,” her
father’s voice was commanding. “We will not hide your union. Love is a rare and wonderful thing. It should be celebrated.”

  “But our people will not understand, they will—”

  Katar interrupted Esral. “Your union with the vampire prince was and is my wish. You had no say in the matter. The elven folk will understand that.”

  Esral nodded. “Of course, father. Thank you. I love you.” She hugged him. “I will come and visit you tomorrow.”

  Katar nodded, his eyes drooped closed. This time they stayed closed. His chest rose and fell rhythmically.

  “Good luck!” Keto hit him on the side of the arm.

  “I think I’ll manage,” Xavier growled. “I know how to please my female.”

  “Too much fucking information. I don’t care if you claimed her, but Esral is still my baby sister.” The male looked at Esral with affection. Thank god, he thought he was going to have to beat the male some more.

  Xavier narrowed his eyes at Keto. He didn’t understand the male, not one fucking bit.

  “Let’s go and pack those bags.” Esral closed her hand over his. Her delicious scent enveloped him. Despite the situation, his dick hardened up some more. Down boy! Soon.

  “I can’t wait to see you in silk.” Keto called after them as they left the chamber.

  Xavier stiffened, wanting to go back and demand answers but Esral kept on walking. “Ignore him. It is normal for the males to goad one another. He”—she scrunched up her nose—“really seems to like you. I’m not sure exactly when or even how it happened, but he does.”

  “You make it sound like I’m hard to like.”

  Esral rolled her eyes, looking adorable. “This is Keto we’re talking about. You are a vampire.”


  She threw him a shy smile, looking up at him through her lashes. Sexy as fucking sin. Xavier couldn’t help but to groan. “Please pack quickly. For the record, this is going to be one long-ass hike.”

  Esral giggled. “Our first time needs to be on the ground with the trees above. Out in nature as the gods intended. I won’t make you walk too far.”


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