Paranormal Dating Agency: Polar Attraction (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Arctic Circle of Love Book 1)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: Polar Attraction (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Arctic Circle of Love Book 1) Page 3

by Lexi Thorne

  Silence heralded the room, he noticed this and would not like it so. Thus, he began to mutter silently at least in complementary to add to the aesthesis of the time being. He muttered silent sweet words into her ears which propelled rousing grins out the sides of her mouth in the bed. He felt to tease her through all her erogenous zones to appreciate her angelic constructs. He gently removed her short, shirt… He planned on finishing with her pants, so he moved to the top to her tits and began to, in a sexy way, remove the brassier. She looked half asleep and half conscious and was in the same vein responding well enough to every activity he was making. Knowing that seeing that, he proceeded with her golden pants with purple butterfly drawn and sewn to the base part of it –the middle of the front –just where the clit would probably lie in a literary sense. After all that, she was bare, he got himself bare as well, and his tool was already licking real good and the expression his face was emitting was like one who's all there and could not take it nor wait no more but to do some shagging with his thing. He stood, anon, dried his tool admiring her as he was doing that thinking real deep if she would like it at all if she got conscious just at that same moment. She was still there… Already trying to shag herself with her own arrow-finger and she was enjoying it real good –at least, it appeared so to him from where he was standing –sexual vexation was clouded him and proceeded to her in the bed, held her hand with the finger so fast, so fast that even Barbara opened her eyes and looked right into Ben's, Ben was shock thinking she would scream or something but she closed her eyes back, won her hand back and deepened the forefinger into her own mouth in a sexy way and said ‘Oh, you afraid uh, give it to me I have missed the fun.' That sounded a green light for him, he smiled, pulled her back towards against the bed cover in the bed and split her legs into two and began to lick her beginning from her feet to her rims. She moved to that. She did the same thing to the next leg, and she moved even more to that in an exciting way. He couldn't hold it back no more… I began to suck her real deep, and she began to moan in response to the mo. It was unbelievable to him. It had been long he heard her moan so sensually like that. He went and onto her clit and used the tip of his tongue to play and toy with it. She moaned even louder, enjoying it all. His hand was already wet. He used it to cream his breasts. She began holding and folding the woolly bed cover; the hands were suspended apart –surrendering herself in totality to Ben. Ben… felt he had done well enough and wanted to have the real. He stooped in the bed, used his hand to feel the strength of his tool and inserted it swiftly into her; it entered easily as she had naturally lubricated herself. He had on top and as he was getting wearied. It was as if, she could read his mind to him, for she overturned him and she was on top. ‘Damn!' he expressed. He smiled. They had it all night long –fun-filled, and Ben wouldn't believe it yet. He slept right next to her in her bed.

  ‘Ben!' She muttered, with her back to Ben in the same bed. ‘I hope you enjoyed it!' he declared romantically. ‘Ya, really, I did... but… what happened shouldn't have happened you'd know that... and it would never happen again; you'd know that either. Please, you will not have to call me again nor try to wanna pay me another visit. We are done as in… done!'

  She changed her sleeping position and faced him. She could read meanings to what he had on his face he --was very confused and was thus – dumbfounded.

  ‘Now I have got to leave for work' she said with much emphasis in her tone.' She stood up, put on her night gown, looked for her bathroom slippers which were scattered about in the room. She saw one right beneath the fluffy rug under the bed and the other, where she would never believe it could ever be. He stood up, got dressed and left even before she was done brushing her teeth in the bathroom before she took the kind of warm bath she had way back then. Immediately she was done. Her phone rang, and it was Shirley's number. That day would be the first she would be coming to work late. She would always be the first to get there and at most times be the last to leave – had an aversion for leave.

  She was already done and ready to leave just at the moment the phone began to ring. She answered the call -- 'Hello, Shirley!' 'Hi really? There really is first time for everything indeed. Why have you not been around set huh?' She asked hurriedly. 'I am on my way and close already...' she replied hurriedly.

  She raced down to work in her one fast ride to avoid query. She hated to be queried or being asked some sort of questions whose answers are stuffs relatedly to her life. On getting to office, she got to know some sudden development at work unrelated to her. The General Manager of the establishment collapsed at work and had been hauled down to the hospital for check-ups and the like. Shirley made development known and she was the next in command for the time being.

  'So… it happened just as I have said' said relievedly, Barbara. 'Wow... you had a real great time together... but you weirdo you know? Why that part, uh?' She said. 'What part in exactness?' she said as she was rearranging the files on her desk. 'Why did you necessitate that you must not see again?' 'O...! That one, it is simple, what we had, all we had, the good and the other side, were all real, but he ain't my type.' ‘Mm... It is still the same type-factor. Isn't it?' she said.

  At the EC meeting... it was made known that the Paranormal Dating Agency would be sponsoring an excursion which would happen in somewhere…’ The intent was mainly to garner much more knowledge to make entice clients and build good reputation for the Dating Paranormal Agency. Gerri Wilder who was the founder and the Manager of the agency said in the meeting ‘attending to their needs from us normals with our expertise is of utmost importance. The pairing we would always do for them we would continue and never to forget the economic realities around we are not the one, there are always competitors next door.’ She looked at Barbara’s usual seat but was not in it. She decided to pretend she was unconcerned. She continued ‘…you would have to find out yourself from her. Her Assistant, would go with you for the first week to assist you in doing some necessary introductions and the like. 'You would have to go down to her office for the full briefing as per the excursion. She just went out to ascertain where the excursion was gonna be huh...!' She praised her efforts for her fill-ins when she was not around yet. At noon on the same day, Wilder’s Assistant, who she’d put in charge of the paper works and other things having to do with the dissemination of information, had already come back around, right in her office, was busy looking at the globe -- map on the monitor of her desk top on her table. Their offices were given the best of the best designs as each one was built with some sort of translucent quality glasses. Barbara took the other side which had the back of Wilder and the monitor as well. The office of the Assistant was situated right at the behind of the Wilder’s at the center whilst everyone else's was arranged around them masterly. Wilder was away to assist in another patient and help him with a suitable pair. She was perfect at that. As she approached her she could spot her from further even before entering some sort of whale-like whitish picturesque thing -- you'd know how the South Pole look-- her first time there was highly incredible and adventurous... she understood and interpreted the image as what the earth looks like from afar when the satellite takes its shot. 'Beautiful' Barbara said. She --Wilder was arduously admiring it with the facial expression how to survive fine the nipping and nonstop blowing of cold atmospheric conditions of the destination. She knocked, she admired her with earnest gazes as she wouldn't know what was really in stock for her. She noticed how she looked like as she was seated there in the executive chair-- her hair was being tired back, in her lab coat as she was just done at one of the labs. She had the thought the colleague who got sick might have exposed himself to some sort of Biochemical product or something worse and wouldn't want to complicate issues by taking some adherence with levity. She was always fraught with strict dress code for occasions for precedence as she always adhere to the superstructure, mother agency, for all paranormal agencies in the States. This, made it always comfortable for to explain comfortably how things as per
dressing ought to be like. She would say that 'hair that looks great or not down could simply become scorched by Bunsen burners or spoilt by machines. Braids could be good and chic alternative also libs buns and shake off up-does. If long hair would not do for your which should, short -styled bobs which has contemporary could come in.

  The lab is no jocular avenue or bathtub where are sandals would be done away with. Why would you in normalcy not use the lab without it uh, it would be insane! In their, chemical spills could be contractive and could lead harm toes when precautions are not taken. Loafers could hold up some unbelievable features untold cute, use or get your hands on tall riding boots; they give style to any workbench. Short hemlines have their temporal effects, and lab guidelines strictly regulate wears. Bare skin is dangerous for contact with hazards. Reduce and never again try to maximize the amount of skin as per hemlines. Get your hands on leggings which may assist with short hemlines. You'd try uh…. dressing to your comfort and safety. Once the mother agency's requirements are met then consider what is comfortable for you. Most scientists work long hours most especially you, Barbara, thus wearing comfortable clothes is necessary huh! However, comfort no liberty is ought to be regarded as leverage for slattern ethics or untidiness. You, individually as you are trying with necessary efforts on style allows you to be prominent among multitude as a Pharmacist, Scientist with high standards. You would notice, there was no reflection on how should go about their own thing, trust me, I am well-handling that tomorrow.

  Though not necessarily fair, there still exists the sentiment or stigma that female sex who overdress in formal offices are not committed or are incapable of producing convincing outcomes. By dressing tastefully, yet with much more emphasis on appropriateness.’ She paused… ‘…for effect. Note that you as well as I myself can avoid unfortunate prejudgments. Many clothing things brands offer feminine yet work appropriate clothing which allows individuals to express their sense of self will look professional and chic.'

  And she would always end it all in a note; she continued as she reminded them that ‘individual's style is an expression of self. However, when dressing for the lab room, a self-check must be performed to make sure you are not broadcasting an unintended message. Be comfortable and be yourself while still looking professional.' Shirley would call her usual long talks about what to sickly boring... She would at times express in her mind "Is it not what to wear huh, oh, common cut the crap!"'

  Barbara entered was asked to sit. She sat. 'I learned you were late today and couldn't attend the meeting' The Assistant declared. 'I woke up bad and late today as I slept late yestreen' she responded. 'Well, I am not satisfied with the excuse, sorry, we would get to talk about that later in the day' she said frantically. 'But there are things we need looking into together. Some decisions and appointment were made at the meeting; it was suggested by Wilder and was agree on by all the members of the EC to have to you appointed to go to the Arctic Circle as the company had learned there lie lots of medicinal plants in the tundra which would do this agency a lot of good. I have given out the list and brief description of the common plants you will find in the tundra that are perennials.

  Bearberry, bearberry isn't really all about bears, although they have been seen to eat them. Labrador Tea, Diamond Leaf, Arctic Moss, Arctic Willow, Caribou Moss, Tufted Saxifrage, Pasque Flower.

  It is gonna be a form of excursion, but we have planned to make the journey much more beneficial to the agency as we are profit oriented as well as caring for our clients. It is not like we are setting your chest, bare, in the cold there... Wilder, the founder said to let you know she would never do that nor to any member of this Paranormal Dating Agency. May I ask… have you been there before?' He expressed inquisitively. She replied, excitedly 'No, but it has for a long time been my dream too, one day. My great… great… great… grandfather had some family tree kinda thing there before they migrated here centuries back' she responded. 'Wow, well, I am impressed. What a coincidence. Should I even call it that? Just got the tingling to ask. I remember you filled something related to there when you first came around. I was all over your profile.’ She smiled very lightly. ‘Let me brief you on the basics with the Artic as you are still a bit past 25 years old - you'd know, no need acting you are beyond your age here as the excursion is sensitive, again, listen up for the basics -- The Arctic region is a unique area among Earth's ecosystems. For example, the cultures in the region and the Arctic indigenous peoples have adapted to its cold and extreme conditions. In recent years, Arctic sea ice decline has been caused by global warming. Life in the Arctic includes organisms living in the ice, zooplankton, and phytoplankton, fish and marine mammals, birds, land animals, plants and human societies. Arctic land is bordered by the subarctic. It's got bunches of adventures too you'd get... which we would all get to see. 'The Assistant said. ‘So we all are gonna go?' she inquired curiously. She shook her head in response and paused. ‘Barbara… Are you alright?' She inquired curiously. ‘I am good. Why… What is wrong? I am all fine! She said with her eyebrows raised excitedly. ‘No you are not girl. You are hiding something. Your feelings, what is happening to you is quite necessary for us to know. I am suggesting you take a week off if you wouldn't mind, would you? She drew her glasses down a bit, and her head jabbed downwards a bit in order to look at her face, and she was sore ready to see her respond she would love to take it. She knew right at the back of her mind, right from the first day of her being an employee, she had been awesomely active but that day was unlikely. She responded ‘I wouldn't, thank you, Wilder. I am grateful, for making me somehow to be part of the excursion to the Arctic. ‘You are welcome Barbara' she said.



  That dawn had begun to open for daylight to come with all its lighting glories to channel the course of bliss on the paths of lives that be, city birds chirped around with each of their serrated wing flapping and shattering the atmosphere into somewhat, picturesque ultimate design. The city streets had started to bear the look, reddened with busy legs thronging the faces of the tiled street looking busy as well, approaching their destinations. She felt a bit paranoid and felt clear that by having some real chat with Barbara as the one of the agencies vital assets at the moment. She felt to shed some light to the some plausible misbelieves she might be having towards her right-hand person, the Assistant. Wilder was then around, she went oddly as she stabbed other necessary things she had to be doing and ask Barbara to accompany her to the nearest tea shop. She had planned that they go have some tea together for atmosphere for privy and time. I would want to tell you what you might not have heard from no one before about my Assistant. ‘Wait, why would you not call her by birth name? Barbara inquired. Wilder pretended she couldn’t get that. They sat and they were attended to. She began to tell about her --engines passing by had already begun to scream, begun to honk on and on begun to poke ears here and there. These activities began to wake her up in bed. She dizzily opened her blue which turns golden as she was hating real good as she muttered sickly ‘Oh…! For goodness sake.' She yawned… she looked 4 foot 11 in her bed. Someone knocked at her door. He knocked lightly at first, but as she would not come and open the door or utter a word to show she was on the inside, he continued to knock repeatedly, harder. Although, the sound began to expire before long. Her attention was latter drawn; she stood as she parked her white hair cut into a bob. She turned to the right and to the left reluctantly. She packed to the top right with her two pillow cases, the bed cover and the thick blanket. She held with her right hand feebly the header cap of her iron bed and helped her legs stand firmly by it. She sighed, and her face began to morph waspy as everything around she could see and hear at the same time begin to make her go vexatious. She wobbled towards the door to see who it was; ‘…and what is it you want?' She asked dizzily.

  She was close to the door at that very moment but was giving the gestures she would love to know who exactly was there who knocked the door very earl
y in the morning. She had few number of guesses to guess who the person really would be but she was not going to do that. No forms of reply were given. She moved a bit closer further to the tiny hole at the center of the door to peep. She loved to be observative. ‘What the heck! So it is you…? Why wouldn't you talk when I asked who it was?' She asked lousily. She closed the door immediately, against him and began to walk, firmly now, back to her bed. She changed her direction, with the intention to get close enough to the sill of the window to see for herself what the Saturday morning looked like on the busy streets. She knew it was going to look busy as usual of a cause but was just trying to engage herself in something to clear her head right in the room as she had just had a very awry night rest again. In the same charge, suddenly, she got a nudge it was her landlord who was at the door, she rushed back to the door like the way sea billows pull back in motion. She opened the door and stepped outside. ‘Sorry, for being rude the other time. I sleep-walked to you, so you do not mind the kind of my choice of words. Really, I cannot say I remember what I said. I am just apologizing in case I spoke disrespectfully' she expressed, innocently. ‘Good!' he responded, calmly.

  He was a man of few words. Gossips on the streets had it that he fought in the two great wars – the great World Wars (nobody knew how true or factual that was though the deep scars on his rough face sure had some story untold) but ever since then, after his arrival, he had seemingly chosen to be a man of few words in his dealings with the peoples in the community. But when he talked, he could do it just as an ordinary civilian would, some other people had seen him talk directly, even with his few words and the ground creaked opened with quakes and all that. Wilder had concluded right in her mind he was one man who was highly unpredictably awesome. She looked deeply into his two weak eye balls. All she could read to them is lots of experiences about life buried right in them which had most plausibly affected the way he reasons and the ways he'd socialize.


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