Paranormal Dating Agency: Polar Attraction (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Arctic Circle of Love Book 1)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: Polar Attraction (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Arctic Circle of Love Book 1) Page 5

by Lexi Thorne

  On getting to the settlement, the kids who were already waiting to see them arrive having stood right next to the glassy doors drew the attentions of the elders around on the inside that they had arrived. They started to move out one after the other. The kids shouted, in unison, ‘Yeh…Yeah, they killed something big.’ On over-hearing that, Emilio’s father stood immediately to observe the beast himself and the like of Barbara and the rest members of the Paranormal Dating Agency, even with Wilder joined him as he was on his way out to check the beast out. The beast was already on the snowy plank slit in the throat perfectly after being hit one arrow which perfectly cut across its forehead to come on the other side. Barbara loved it seeing something raw like that, those who could come out alongside the members of the firm stood in awe, most especially some of the members of the establisment who haven’t seen a deer that big before in their lifetime. ‘Who killed it?’ The chief asked. One of the elders., who walked with Emilio, looked at him in the face as he looked disheartened right in his heart, the old man spoke truly as he said, emphatically ‘It took just the skill of your son, your only son, Emilio, to bring this meat down right there in the darkly forest.’ We were the ones who caught it grazing on icy pasture close to the frosted brook close to the path leading to the top of the hill, where dense forest hold in its care tall trees hard bark. We thought we lost as we could not find him (Emilio’s – father looked proud for a mo as he had just learnt that his only son felt he wanted to be a man for real for the first time) though, before the thought, he believed he would be able to survive on his own and left on another path, following the track of a polar bear which we all assumed to be big and if at all it was later killed, it might even just be the tallest and most assuredly the biggest here in this settlement. Besides, chief, your son portrayed some expertise today which I have not seen in a very long time. That kind of expertise which you only would be able to portray when you were a bit past the age he is in currency. Barbara was already smiling for his son’s prowess where she was. She was already beginning to like stranger.

  ‘Alright, you all have done well, but… but… but me no buts, to me, this is no beast, this just like killing some goat next door and drawing it down over here for roasting. A beast would have to be related to dog or raccoon having shaggy hair, a very small tail, and flat feet –he was referring to he had expected the son would one day be able to kill by himself without anybody's assist' said the chief unconcernedly and whimsically. But Barbara couldn't take that; she wouldn't take that… She came out right to the fore and spoke fast with smokes coming out of her mouth with the expression of concernment radiating her face. ‘What why? This is something huge, this is something you do not see daily in the state and here it but you down-toned the efforts of these men' she expressed bitterly. The chief felt insulted, but when he looked at the face of Wilder on what all that was all about, Wilder signalled him she would take care of the mess afterwards which she later did. She continued buy asking with please that Emilio should come out that she would like to admire him. She stole the show for real as mouths were opened. None would dare speak like such to the chief right in the face because of his much respected reputation around his head and all that. Emilio came out at the same moment. They looked at each other, and there was a pause. ‘Are…you…' she faced the people present there, ‘is that Emilio, one old man nodded in agreement that he is Emilio….' She grinned for looking at his gait alone was killing, in her head, he's masculine like the Steel Man, agile and smart with his glowing eyes and beautiful well mane. He liked her either, for her bravery and for intensifying well his effort even to the face of everyone. It got to a point in time that she didn't know what she was doing exactly, they smiled at each other and ran almost immediately away from there to her own room as if she was dismissed. That looked odd to everyone, including the chief and his son but not to Wilder and the rest members of the Paranormal Dating Agency who had come for the excursion. As a matter of fact, they were all taken aback for real, as she would never have wanted to speak in such a social setting but she was no just then!

  Some of the shifters around noticed her as that would not be her first time of coming down to the Arctic Circle. The last she came under the guise she was been sent before to represent the General Manager of the Paranormal Dating Agency which was not the case back in the States –they later found out. One of them walked towards her and said, ‘What have you come to come and do around here again… to insult us like you did then huh… Americans!? He and two more people who felt concerned about her presence went straight to the Chief –‘she is the one Chief, the one who insulted us with passion the last time they came here for excursion forming, overly, civility –Yankees’ thing’ one of them said angrily. The Chief responded ‘I had talked to their government, they have paper work from there and from here this time before coming around, she would leave soon before you know it. She would leave not because she had felt to but because her first impressions were not impressive.’ They left a bit glad about what the Chief had said.

  Those that would took care of the meat carried the meat away and took it immediately away to have it prepared properly for the guest and the settlers to feed on. It was prepared, those in that specific house ate well and were all satisfied. She wouldn't come out as she kept thinking about the picture of Emilio, she had never admired any man like so before in her life. Emilio would not eat as well, as he kept smiling as he kept recollecting the scene put up as she spoke for him. None had such a courage to do that. He thought she did that most possibly as she was not from around there. But he felt, in spite, that was something. Something which he might not forget forever. She furthered pondering about him by putting her gorgeous self on around the figment of his imagination, imagining himself doing the praises. He at that moment left the food which he was served and went straight to Wilder to have a chat with her. He was with the intention that he would meet her there but she was not there. Wilder appreciated the kind of man he had grown to and inquired about his formal education, and he made her to know he finished at college few months ago. She was impressed. ‘Why is she not with you guys here?' he asked. ‘Don't know!' She replied. ‘What is the name please?' ‘You are man now, an admirable man of valor' she gave him a pat ‘you'd ask her yourself' she responded. He grinned and left. He was already on his way to go and see her right in her room but changed his mind as it occurred to him it would be too fast for him to start showing he was having affectation for her. She saw her though, as he was already close to her door before the decision to see her later as they still have two weeks more before they'd return home. Afterwards, Wilder knocked, she came in and brava her effort –the drama she put up to lure around the attention of Emilio. But me no buts, Barbara, I know it when someone is someone’s type. Chief is to a greater extent your type, and he likes you obviously. It is allowed of cause to take it beyond working for the company and what it has demanded of you. As I had said before, there is nothing to be scared about here, all that were hidden were hidden for the goodness sake and for the development of the agency. We inhale and exhale in capitalist society –where competition is the ultimate thing. So, we have got to keep vital items of information off radar so that it would not get into wrong hands. We have once had a mole within us who almost crippled the establishment.

  Three days after, Barbara was having mood swing as to whose side she should real care for. She later agreed to be with the chief –the bigger alpha there. All the members of the Paranormal Dating Agency were to be led out to have the view of some of the valleys close by and part of the mountain there. They were led around by Emilio and three other trusted men in case of any necessity on the direction of the chief. They were lead through the fastest path, and they were in procession behind whilst the four of them had had all the necessary kits alongside as they are at the forefront. At a point, he persuaded two to go and stay at the back whilst they would man the front. They had left where complete safety could be one hundred percent guaranteed. It was freez
ing the more like hell as they approached the mountain. According to the map with them, was a mountain first then the valley was just beside it. There were wonders which laced the face of the heaven as the sun was already packing all the necessary and about showing its shimmering and scorching self, right through the thoughtfully white mixed with Caribbean blue. From distance apart, they could see other mountains appearing blackish there standing separately side by side giving the structure of ‘U' graphetic curve with the sun coming still coming out through its center. The glowing previews of the sun which was to come to come and make known its gracious effects, had blown afore that spatial moment all over the calm book which upon which the mountains from where they, seemed like they sat on. And all this from the sun gave a yellowish base impressions, and the top part looks faded as it was turning into some sort of red or thingummy of brown. Shots were been taken as they kept seeing the handiworks of nature all over. As they advanced, one scenery kept keeping another scenery. Another which was striking was a hilly kind of construct that was spotted close to the middle of another particular brook which was done naturally, of frosty effects. It looked amazing, and they had selfies with it having such a construct at the back like the background for the shots. She was not joining them at that moment. She was to one side, resting her butt on some fallen wood. Barbara was happy down her to have been able to come around to her dream land before she could know it. Emilio came right to her having seen she was not being part of the funs her other mates were busy catching. He sat right next to her; she shifted a bit apart to give some space twixt them. ‘Hi!'

  She peeped at his face said ‘Hi!' in response. There was pause. He looked at her and how cold she was feeling and put off the bear fur around him and used it to cover her. ‘That was given to me by my grandfather but you, you could keep it if you do not mind.' He said. ‘Wow! Thank you, are you for real? He smiled and gestured in agreement he meant it. He asked ‘what can I call you… Janet?' She smiled and responded ‘No… you are very far from close.' They both laughed together, and that was cheering to them both. ‘Well, I am Barbara.' ‘That is a very gorgeous name you have' he expressed. She smiled to that as if that was a new thing from guys to her, as a lot of such happened to her at college when she was still there. ‘I am Em…' ‘Save it, everybody knows who you are' as her dimples were busy bumping all over. ‘Wow, then I am famous, who doesn't like to be known? Thank you very much for coming out that night to speak for me. It helped a lot. You would not understand, father is hard to please, but that doesn't mean I would not be able to do that soon' he said, hopefully. ‘I only came out and spoke what was in my mind. I wouldn't do that before even not at work back in the states nor at home. ‘But I only felt it was the right thing to do, and I saw myself just did it –that was why she ran away as the reality dawned on her she had done the implausible plausibly well.' She said expositorily. ‘You have done well and have said well, you have used the anxiety to want to know the killer of the deer to do a lot of good. You following your heart would guide you in doing a lot which would benefit majority beyond your furthest expectations. A snake crept out of its hole, he was able to see it, but he stood and was leaving but in pretense –done on purpose to impress, he moved toward her directly, standing right all over her shielding her with his shadow as the sun was already out and had helped with that reflection. She was wondering what he was up to as he bent down to the back her ear like he wanted to kiss her on the cheek and he rose in a matter two seconds with cobra held in hand. Barbara ran away fast as she could as she was scared. He threw it away and went to meet her as she was already beginning to make a scene. ‘It would not strike only if it was left with no choice to. And it was my father who taught me how to hold one alive. Though, not all snakes could be held like that…' He said. ‘Wait, but you knew just when you stood up right?' She said. ‘Exactly, but wouldn't want to let you know so as not to scare it to bite you.' ‘O… thank you that was scary…' she said hurriedly. She was still shivering, he noticed that and moved closer to her and cuddled her to calm her down.

  They left there to have a look at the family. They spent more time there than the first place where they stopped. Tents were at its base, and that gave them the opportunity to get to know each other the more. There, she opened to him she had wished she would be able to come here once his great grandfather was said to have been from there. Emilio was quite amazed, and he took his time to tell him much more tales related to the forests around and huntings done in them that were being told to him. She found their company quiet fun, and they were already for real beginning to like each other. Before it was twilight, they had packed and proceeded to the valley beside. The valley was beautiful from further apart as their snows all over them. The picturesque were abundantly amazing and captivating… She had felt freely now as she joined the rest of the member of the initiative in having fun. He stood apart observing her romantically as she played about with friends. The rest three mates saw that on him and moved closer. One of them said ‘you like that one right?' ‘Yeah, I do…' ‘Why not any of the others?' he inquired curiously. ‘That is because she is my type, I guess!' he responded with smiles rolling out of the sides of his mouth.

  Wilder called on her in almost immediately they got back. ‘I'll be living back to the state first light tomorrow' she said. ‘Alright!' she replied. ‘I could see the two of you are really getting closer real fine' she expressed. ‘I am trying my utmost' Barbara answered. ‘Alright, all that you'd need are over there in that bag. Do not forget what we have confabbed. This is for the benefit of the Paranormal Dating Agency and nothing more, and there is nothing illegal about this, understood?' she said. ‘Yes!' She wanted to exit and she came across Emilio who she had deduced had listened to everything that was discussed. ‘Hi!' he said. ‘Hi, Hi!' she replied shocked. They facing each other and there was a pause for a moment. She let him get in as the door was immediately behind her and she left for where she would rest her head. She had gone in to have some words with her.

  The following day, she left for the state, the rest would have to come back in few days' time. It was later announced in the night that the yearly hunting competition would be coming up soon. She was right in the room pined up there thinking probably Emilio could make sense of what was happening in the room yestreen. She got the news. And immediately felt like to go and get him informed as she had earlier seen him outside playing with the kids just outside there. She had lost the courage as she was still not certain if everything had not been compromised. She looked up where she had hung the bag up the wall –the one which was given her by Wilder. She imagined what could be inside –the coordinate to the location of the tundra plants where the useful other useful plants. ‘I'd let him know later about the announcement' said looking determined, she moved and lifted down the bag to know in verity what exactly were inside of it. She opened gently and the thought that probably the company was trying to play prank on her came in into her skull, in the same vein, she thought, they might mean it all with all these. Maybe for real, they needed to know if the plants there in other make for the production or something more. She confused as it was, beginning to get clearer to her there were a lot she didn't know about the agency she had been working for for years.



  He had talked to her and asked her out on a date, and she had agreed. The chief and Barbara were then really into each other and was somehow undreamed to them both and they had joked about it. She wouldn't want a common or usual place for the date, he said he knew a place, which would appeal to her aesthetic sense –that she would like the location. Thus, he suggested to pitch a tent close enough to a frozen fjord on the island of Spitsbergen in Svalbard, Norway. They agreed it would just be the two of them together and imagined how much fun it would be. She had nudged her about the hunting competition which was coming up which was announced over the TV. He made her to know he had already signed up for it even before the announcement was made.

sp; ‘Do you like these pictures you are seeing?’ he asked as he smiled expecting a positive response. ‘Yeah, indeed, I love it a lot. You chose the best.’

  There was quiet, and quite enigmatic…it is appeared to be the central of the ever shifting, ever changing nature of the Antarctica. They were dressed up in ideal fabric which is a lightweight, breathable and super quick-drying polyester nylon. Emilio was not on nylon but on merino which he regarded to be the best ever.

  ‘I used to believe here is quite inhospitable, unpredictable and mysterious –filled with wonders. The funny thing there is, one could survive here, at least, obviously, somehow, you have been able to survive this far' she said. They both laughed. ‘But the thing there is, a lot of things here really are hard to predict and mysterious. Oh, that reminds me, you would have to help me to a particular location, I'll give you the coordinate when we are back home. We have come… I have really been tasked to run some test on some particular plants in there. We have learned somehow, due to the natural effects, the constant changes of weather and climate here, they have stocked some important bio materials which would help our agency to ace better at the market' she said. ‘Alright, I knew it would come to that, but it is nothing, I'd help' he responded. ‘Thanks! But really I am so sorry I am just telling you all these just now. I am assuring you, what we are having is real and quiet outside the agency's thing.' she said fastidiously trying to read his facial expressions. He smiled and joyfully said ‘You read my mind!' She could not hear him well. ‘You said…? She recapped, ‘I said you read my mind. I was about trying to ask you if all this is real or just doing this because you have been sent to' he said and they both laughed. They were both under the tent which was pitched; she rested her head on his arm. ‘O, this is a date, where the heck have I kept those wines huh!' He quickly went out and fetched around the wines… the birds were in their zillions flapping about just close the water close by. She opened the car boot, picked up three – red wines. He took inside, and they shared it and began to go play romantically even right in there heating each other up.


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