ZetaTalk: Transformation

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ZetaTalk: Transformation Page 12

by Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Converging Signs

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  ZetaTalk: Converging Signs

  written Aug 6, 2004

  For those looking for signs, we would point to the convergence of signs, all recognizable by mankind. The known orbits of

  Venus and Earth appearing in a crop circle, the visible span of the Moon Swirls as they fan behind Planet X in its retrograde

  orbit, and observations and photos of Venus, looming. Where Venus was deliberately Moved by ourselves past the Sun for the anticipated June 8 transit, so as not to set off undue panic and give an excuse for the cover-up to continue, it is not truly moving along on its way as anticipated. It had stalled in its orbit, as has Earth, because of the presence of Planet X standing

  before it, and despite the shuffle in position, this road block still exists.

  Sign1: Venus, too large in the morning sky, too bright, too close to Earth despite the dictates that force the

  planets into their respective orbits.

  Planet X is rounding the S. Pole of the Sun and rising to the Ecliptic, a slow crawl past the Sun while intense conflicting

  gravity particle flows play out, the pull into the Sun repulsed by outbursts from the Sun.

  Sign 2: The orbit of Venus is approximately 2/3 of the distance from the Sun of Earth's orbit. What does the

  Ashgrove diagram show us? If the first ring represents the orbit of Venus, positioned outside of the diagram to

  fix the Ecliptic position for the viewer, then Earth rides the next ring, another 1/3 out from the center of the Sun.

  Sign 3: The location below the Ecliptic can be surmised in Coventry, on July 4, moving toward the approximate

  7° shown in Ashgrove on July 27, 2004.

  Ashgrove, Canada : July 27, 2004

  Castellfollit del Boix : July 3, 2004

  Coventry : July 4, 2004

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta143.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:12 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Converging Signs

  And what of the 120° span from the location of the Planet X corpus to its Moon Swirls, dragging behind it?

  Sign 4: As we explained, the Dance of the Moons fans behind Planet X, but does not wrap round before it, and as recent crop circles such as Castellfolit del Boix have clearly presented, this 120° span is the width to be

  expected and most often appearing in photos.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta143.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:12 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Uneasy Public

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  ZetaTalk: Uneasy Public

  Note: written Mar 15, 2002

  The public at large is already uneasy. They are considering what they see about them, these past few years. The

  weather absolutely cannot be explained, and the weatherman is ignoring this, which in and of itself is a cause for

  uneasiness in the common man. Crops go awry, businesses go belly-up, bankruptcies increasing, and powerful

  companies like Enron try rip-off games that cannot succeed in the long run. The degree of arrogance in the powerful

  US administration is stunning, so much so that few talk about this openly, yet they feel this. In Europe, the weather

  and behavior in the US is openly discussed, but no solutions or confronting is done by their governments. The

  establishment is at a loss as to what to say to their public. They feel they cannot admit, as this will cause panic, and they cannot deny, as there will be angry questions. They can, however, ignore, a favored tactic in any case for those in

  politics and corporate management. Stall, have no comment, refuse to engage, refuse to answer the question, and

  pretend the issue is not before them.

  At the same time, due to the unease of those who must meet the public, and demands for some official explanation,

  there will be a need for a exit route. If they want to reduce the demands on government, on themselves personally, they

  will turn the anxiety elsewhere. They will turn it onto ZetaTalk and Troubled Times, specifically. This will start slowly,

  at first increasing requests for interviews and information. The great leaders will be off in their high offices, allowing

  the stoic souls in Troubled Times and Nancy to meet the anxiety of the public. This is anticipated to allow the common

  man to address his situation by either:

  1. planning and preparing, or

  2. resigning himself to a sudden death.

  Both are messages the governments wish to give the public, but cannot without explaining why they are continuing to

  save themselves at the public's expense.

  ZetaTalk has always taken the tack that the bad news should be offset by what-to-do. In other words, the public will

  close their ears if there is nothing they can do, as an individual. But to the extent that an individual can see a route, a means of saving themselves and helping those in their heart, they will not go into denial. Troubled Times, under the

  influence of Nancy who would have it no other way, has followed suit, and is filled with common man achievable

  solutions. It is unique, in this regard, on the Internet and elsewhere. Outdoor survival assumes a short period of time,

  post Cold War sites dealing with nuclear threat assume the ability to stock up and then return to normal life. Troubled

  Times is the only site that discusses a post catastrophe situation, long term, world wide, in a practical manner. It does

  not take names, refusing to do so, encouraging the little guy to join with friends and those known to him. It has the feel

  to it of an answer, and thus those who read it heed.

  Thus, for Troubled Times and ZetaTalk in the months ahead, there will be more publicity. This may require more

  mirror sites, more publication of the nonprofit booklet, and more interviews by Nancy. All of this is in place, and can

  be readily done, so should not cause consternation in the group or distress. It is doable.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t118.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:13 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Vapid Media

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  ZetaTalk: Vapid Media

  Note: written during the Jan 18, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Increasingly, the public, worldwide, is suspecting that their government, their media, is not telling them the truth. This

  has always been the case in closely monitored countries, but even there the underground would relay information that

  would make sense, relate to other pieces of information, and thus could be trusted. Now, however, the underground is

  carrying information from other, supposedly free countries, that does not make sense. Thus, this suspicion, this unease, is worldwide. What country, anywhere, is reporting and dealing with rising seas, disappearing islands, melting poles,

  melting glaciers, and high tides? Even when unreported in the media, the fact that this is unreported, under reported, is alarming. In the past, such occurrences would be big news, now ignored!

  What country, anywhere, is reporting the reasons for weather changes? Global Warming is floated out, was floated out,

  years ago, but the casual manner that the Bush Administration has toward the supposed cause of Global Warming is a

  sure clue that this is not the reason, and where is the debate among scientists? In the past, such weather extremes, even in a local area, would give rise to nightly news coverage, regular attention from the major powers in the world, but

  now there is an utter lack of this. This casual attitude toward weather changes that are wrecking economies, destroying

  crops, flooding countrysides, is a clue that something more horrible is close at hand. In the face of this, in those countries that have what is assumed to be a free press, a media that can dig into problems and expose them, there is

  chirping good news. All
is about to change, an upswing just around the corner, and everyone loves the leadership!

  Think about how little it takes to control the media. This is done in closely controlled countries like Saudi Arabia,

  where the internet gateway is in one city in one facility monitored by one group, so that access can be cut off instantly.

  Or such as China, which found fax machines traitorous during the Tianaman Square incident, information escaping to

  the outside world, such is their control over information flow within China. But in supposedly free countries there are

  few corporate heads that control the TV stations, the Newspapers, the Magazines, and thus the news to the vast

  majority of the public can be controlled. Pollsters, also, are controllable, taken by many but the results run up by computer and thus, if the results are wrong, the final numbers are simply changed! The Stock Market, where the DOW

  or similar indexes around the world are calculated supposedly by being run up from the bottom, a composite from the

  whole, are published by few. Can the public quickly calculate the DOW, based on changes? Does the public have

  access to what goes into this calculation?

  Thus, the public will be lied to until they are so suspicious of the changes about them, the lack of attention, that the lies are counter productive. This occurred with quakes, where the USGS was so out of sync with reports coming from

  elsewhere that suspicions were raised. Then quakes, en mass, were disappearing from the databases, noticed after the

  8+ in Alaska where hundreds of quakes disappeared after having been posted to the database. It takes no more than

  this to create a climate of suspicion, and this is about to happen with polls, and chirpy economy reports, and inane

  distractions like Iraq. The public, in all countries, will increasingly demonstrate, often spontaneously, and this will get on the news as it will be in the underground, and if unreported, will create more suspicions. The starving and homeless

  will become so numerous and evident they will force their way into the news. Earthquake ravaged cities will spring

  into the news, and while reporting that will reveal more than an earthquake. Thus, the creeping suspicion that Bush

  does not have the approval rating reported is only the start.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t159.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:13 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Survived

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  ZetaTalk: Survived

  The explosive attention given to ZetaTalk, in spite of attempts to completely discredit Nancy or take her down in some

  manner by association with scam artists such as Hazelwood, were expected to succeed. Hazelwood was a new game

  plan, and had all the hallmarks of success, well funded and backed by more personnel than the public could even

  imagine. By distancing herself from Hazelwood, Nancy cut that plan in shreds. She did not allow the money

  connection to attach to her. Thus, he went limping into the Art Bell show, and is fearful now of being sued for money

  by the promises he has made to many. He cannot save them, and now that many are cautious about the funds they give

  to him, can be traced and tracked down, and sued. So ZetaTalk survived this last concerted effort to eliminate the

  threat that Nancy represented.

  Meanwhile, her renown increased, on the Internet, every government's bane. Imagine that for every person reading her

  site there is at least a half dozen alerted. Imagine that for each of these half dozen most, electronically, post word about

  on the Internet to other mailing lists or posting boards. Imagine that for every person getting wind of what is really

  about to occur, there is discussion at dinner tables or coffee shops or bars. Imagine that each of these takes the message further, bringing it up when the subject warrants. Thus, it is exploding, which at least the US government is aware of.

  Nancy has not allowed herself to be dragged down, or compromised her message when asked, as on Earth Changes TV

  recently where ZetaTalk refused to buy into the Sun Mega-Cycle matter. She is deemed to have integrity, not someone

  they can kill (though thousands of attempts have been made) or compromised. Thus, they must adapt to her, at this


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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t119.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:14 AM]

  ZetaTalk: 2002 Trends

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  ZetaTalk: 2002 Trends

  Note: written during the March 23, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  There are several trends that will emerge, shortly.

  The first is the cover-up, becoming so distressed that cracks are appearing with no mortar at hand to repair them. If the

  inbound planet, Planet X, will soon start a zoom so rapid that it will be visible to amateurs in the night sky, with their

  equipment, by mid-2002, then what are they to say? All explanations such as a new comet, a nova, or a new

  phenomena previously unknown to man, will only go so far. Thus, NASA and the observatories they control, which

  are to a greater extent than the man on the street realizes, essentially all observatories, are almost paralyzed in the way to proceed. Various silly explanations, many of which will be contradictory, may emerge, but the contradictions and

  delays in explanation will clue the thinking man into realizing that a cover-up indeed in effect. Not the result hoped

  for. Thus, the next trend re the cover-up is incompetence, conflicting explanations, and increasing cracks.

  The second trend is climate and weather changes, increasing ocean warming and melting poles, and quakes striking in

  places not previously experiencing them, in the memory of man. This is already rising alarm and open discussion on

  the streets, such that the nightly news has become irrelevant, and the man on the street senses that their leadership is

  not leading, but suppressing the truth. The man on the street is looking for an explanation, but none is coming from the news, the government, the church, or anyone in authority. Thus, they go underground, talking to friends, who

  invariably have some sense of an inbound Planet X, and ZetaTalk, or similar information. The result of this breaking

  away from the given authority, to self-thinking, is that the populace will start their own discussions, break into the

  news, and the establishment will become distressed. So, a cover-up with cracks, and an establishment challenged by

  the man on the street, asking questions they are not prepared to address.

  Third, comes an upsurge of interest in alternative news, Planet X sites such as ZetaTalk and others long researching

  this with clear thinking and a history of valid reporting. These will be sought, and transmitted, and given support,

  where the establishment news is pushed aside. This is the activity that many sense around the corner, the groundswell

  from people sensing that their government is lying to them, the churches irrelevant, and the news suppressed such that

  only irrelevancies are reported. Thus, going into the cataclysms, those who have been pushed into the corners, given no

  validity by the establishment, will have their day, and be exhausted with the activity. Alternative news sources have

  always been harassed, but have survived. They are established routes that have never been suppressed, nor can they

  be. Stomping on one creates another, or many others, so the establishment relies on the numbers. If the majority of the

  working man watches approved nightly news, and plods along, then the establishment feels they can survive and co-

  exist with alternative news, although uneasily.

  For those in Europe or elsewhere, where news is not so suppre
ssed, the trend will be primarily the appearance in the

  sky of an object, inbound, viewable by amateurs, moving, unexplained by the establishment. To the degree that those

  populations can deal with the coming changes, discussions on the news will be allowed. In countries where the

  population cannot be saved, such as in Indonesia or India, the news will be suppressed, utterly. The elite feeling that any panic would be a spark to a firestorm, and thus feared. In countries where news in general is suppressed, such as

  in the Muslim countries, news of a coming cataclysm will be discussed back alley or back room as today, and not

  become a source of panic under the heavy hand of control these populations expect. Many will find relief, in that they

  have long sensed changes coming, without acknowledgment by the establishment. For those who wish to deny, this

  will be a clue to proceed to solid denial, with spending available cash, and intense partying until the end. For those

  who care for and worry about dependents, this will be a clue to take action, take those camping trips or purchase that

  houseboat, long planned but an expense deemed outside the reasonable. For those fearing the awakening of the

  populace, this will be a clue to retreat to their enclaves, soon to be protected by the military in the US, and elsewhere,

  unknown to the public or already protected by the military of the country.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t126.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:14 AM]

  ZetaTalk: 2002 Trends

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  ZetaTalk: 2002 Quickening

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  ZetaTalk: 2002 Quickening

  Note: written during the May 4, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  In early 1995, when discussion of the coming pole shift began within ISCNI, the focus was on the shift itself and the

  new geography afterwards. As those who are planning a trip think of the beach, and what to wear, not of the fatigue

  during the road trip or flat tire that might occur. As we have explained, the week of rotation stoppage does not arrive


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