The Homespun Holiday

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The Homespun Holiday Page 13

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “What?” she questioned anxiously.

  Mack smiled wickedly, knowing the exact moment that she realized he was staring at her the way a lion looks at a gazelle right before he leaps for the kill. “What,” he repeated dryly. “I think you know exactly what, Sweetheart. You just invited me to spend the night in your bed. For the very first time. That equates to being given the sexual green light, honey, and it’s gonna take me a second to convince myself that I shouldn’t just take you right here on the floor where you sit. Such is the nature of my very real desire for you and your exceedingly beautiful body.”

  “Well,” Millie said with a mischievous grin forming against her pink lips, “That seems unnecessarily uncomfortable. Especially when there’s a perfectly comfy bed just a room away.”

  Moving suddenly, Mack gently tackled Millicent, wrestling her not-quite-resisting body down to the plush carpet. “But a bed would be so predictable, Millie. Every once in a while a man likes to be impulsive,” he whispered, dipping his head to run his tongue along the side of her neck as she panted beneath him, her hands held in his above her head against the floor.

  “Alright, Millicent,” Mack began to speak huskily. “There are a few things you don’t know about me.”

  Millie’s eyes clouded. “What kind of things?” she asked hesitantly, her gaze growing leery as she looked up into his face.

  “Nothing bad, baby,” Mack clarified hastily, dropping a kiss against her closed mouth. “I promise you, it’s nothing bad,” he repeated, softer this time when he saw that her gaze hadn’t become any less suspicious. Shit. He hadn’t meant to scare her. He should have been more careful with his words. Especially since she’d already shared that she hadn’t been with a man since her ex-husband.

  “Okay,” she finally replied faintly. “Tell me what I don’t know?”

  Mack smiled, using his index finger to trace the worry lines on her forehead. “You know, I can always tell when you’re worried or thinking too hard by these little wrinkles right here,” he murmured, tracing his finger over the line again. “It’s your tell, babe. And now, I’m telling you, relax. What I have to say isn’t bad. Hell, you may have even figured out my secrets for yourself.” He felt as Millie’s tense body slowly lost its stiffness, her body softening underneath his. “All I was going to share is that I like control, Millie.”

  Millie’s face brightened abruptly. “That’s it?” she blurted. “That’s the secret? You like control? Tell me something I didn’t already know, Dr. Bossy Pants,” she exclaimed through her relieved laughter. “I’m pretty sure your entire medical practice knows that you like to rule your domain with an iron fist.”

  “That’s good,” Mack acknowledged softly, sliding his hand over her jaw and down her neck. “That’s very good, sweetheart. But I guess you could say I don’t just like control in my professional life. I like to have it in my personal life as well – especially in the bedroom,” he confided softly, watching her face for a reaction.

  Millie’s eyes darkened as she processed his confession. “H-how so?” she stammered, her tongue darting forward to swipe against her plump lips.

  “Do you feel the way I’m holding you right now with your hands above your head and my weight pressing against you?” Mack asked, nuzzling the hollow of her throat before pressing a lingering kiss against the warm skin.

  “Uh huh,” she responded breathlessly, turning her head so his lips could work their way up her throat to her ear. “I like it,” she confessed, her voice a little hoarse.

  “I like it, too, baby,” he whispered against her ear as his hand traveled down her chest to cup the heavy weight of one breast in his hand. Using his thumb, he rubbed her swollen nipple through her thin sweater. “I like it a lot, Millie. I like exerting my power over you. I love it when you can feel my strength bearing down on you. I get off on dominating my partner, but it takes an incredible amount of trust on both our parts. The rewards are worth it, babe. I swear that.”

  “Does this mean you’d want to tie me up or spank me? Would you want to hurt me? Because if you’re wanting to smack me around, Mack, I’m not sure I can handle….”

  “Okay, slow down, baby,” Mack urged calmly, bringing his hand up her body to cradle her jaw. “Look at me Millie. Eyes to me, Sweetheart,” he ordered firmly. “I would never use my strength to injure or demean you in any way. The goal is pleasure, babe. Pleasure for both of us. What you have to know and believe is that I’d only ever use my strength and my power to please you. I’ve never abused a woman and I never will. There’s no denying that what I like takes a great deal of trust, but I’d never hurt you, Millicent. I’d rather cut off my arm first. I would also never push you past whatever limits you set for us – and believe me, you are the one that gets to set those boundaries, but I’ve got to be honest and tell you that I like things a certain way. There’ll be times that I let you climb into the driver’s seat when we’re intimate, but I won’t lie to you. Most of the time, I’m gonna want to steer our relationship inside our bedroom. Honesty is key here, Millie. I’ve got to know that you and I are on the same page. Understand?” Mack asked, his heart pounding. He loved Millie, but this was who he was. Dominance was a part of him.

  “I understand,” Millie whispered shakily.

  “Now, you asked if I’d want to tie you up or spank you. The answer to both those questions is that I will if you want it, too. Once you’re completely comfortable with me, I’ll ask you if you’d like to experiment with some of those things. We’ll play around and see what you like and what you don’t. As for smacking you around, besides feeling my palm against your ass for a spanking when you earn it, I’ll never strike you, Millie. Violence against women sickens me. You’ve seen me with some of our patients that have been abused.”

  Millie nodded. “You always have to lock yourself in your office for a while after you see them.”

  “Yeah, because if I don’t, I’ll hunt an asshole down and beat him to death,” Mack returned harshly. “I don’t hit women, babe. There’s nothing sexy to me about that.”

  “Good,” Millie breathed. Licking her lips again, she confided, “Nothing you’ve mentioned you like sounds like something I’d hate.”

  Mack smiled down at her, pressing his lips to her forehead. “Millie, we wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t think you and I will set the sheets on fire. I know down to my soul that we’re going to be good together. I just needed you to know who I am….what I need. I didn’t want to scare you with my need for control,” he explained, rolling his hips against hers and pushing his hard-on against her pussy. “Feel me, baby. My cock is hard for you, Millie. That’s what you do to me every time I put my hands on you. You own me, woman. Heart, soul, and cock. You’ve got me.”

  “Really?” she asked, biting her lip as she met his steady gaze.

  “I love you, Millie, and those aren’t words that I toss around lightly. I’ve said them to my mother, my sister, my ex-wife, and now I’ve said them to you. I’ve meant them every time I’ve spoken the words and I mean them when I say it now.”

  “Oh, wow,” Millie said weakly, her eyes filling with tears. “I love you, too, Mackenzie Daniels. So much it terrifies me.”

  “Why are you scared, baby?” Mack asked with a frown as he linked their fingers together above her head. “Tell me,” he insisted when she remained silent a few heartbeats later. “I can’t do anything to assuage your fears if I don’t know what they are, babe.”

  Swallowing hard, Millie inhaled deeply before she cried quickly, “You don’t think this is all happening too fast? Mack, we’ve only been a couple for a few days. What if you get tired of Paisley and me? It would crush us if you did. And are you worried about our age difference? I’m not, but I don’t want you to look up one day and think you married a woman that was too immature to handle you. I think losing you after I had you might break me.”

  “You done?” he asked when she had lapsed into moody silence. Seeing her nod, Mack stole a quick kiss b
efore he went about the business of quelling her fears. “Listen. There’s no denying that we have sixteen years separating our ages. You know it. I know it,” he declared succinctly. “But, so the fuck what? It’s just a number, Millie. It doesn’t mean anything. Look at how happy Patience and Abel are. Or Jake and Harmony. A person’s age doesn’t define whether or not they’re ready for a long-term committed relationship. I’ve known forty year olds that should have never married, and I’ve been acquainted with some eighteen year olds that were made for each other. It depends on the couple, Millie, and I think you know that.”

  “Okay,” she conceded. “You have a point.”

  “As for the quick, but serious development of our relationship, I’m not real concerned about it. I knew my ex-wife for almost five years before we ever made it down the aisle and our marriage crashed and burned. I don’t put a lot of weight on knowing each other for years. Not after her. And when you think about it, you and I have been together a lot longer than a couple of weeks, honey.”

  “We have?” Millie squawked, her brow furrowing again as she attempted to understand his logic. It was as if the last few minutes had shifted her world on its axis once again, and she was hanging on with all of her strength to avoid falling off the edge.

  “Think about it, babe. You’ve worked for me for six months, and neither of us dated anybody else during that time. Hell, I never even looked at another woman once you walked into my office for an interview.”

  “Me either,” Millie admitted, her voice hoarse as she felt the truth bubbling inside. “I knew deep down that I wanted to be yours from the second I looked in your eyes. I was meant to be yours.”

  “Meant to be mine… I can’t deny that I like the sound of that.” Mack grinned, bending his head to tangle his tongue with hers in a long wet kiss. When he finally pulled away, he sighed. “Mills, the bottom line is that you’ve got to stop looking for complications that don’t exist. We’re perfect together. I love you. You love me. The two most important components of a relationship are present and accounted for. And the third component for that relationship is throbbing against your very wet pussy right now,” he added with a hot look down at her heaving breasts.

  “How do you know I’m wet? You haven’t even touched me yet,” Millie returned. “Have you developed a sudden case of ESP?” she teased, only to gasp a second later when his hips rocked against hers again.

  Dropping his head, Mack nipped her earlobe. “I can smell your arousal, Millicent. It’s the most intoxicating scent I’ve ever encountered. Sultry and sexy, babe. Now, can we table any further discussion until after I’ve buried my dick in you for a good two or three hours?”

  “I can definitely live with that,” Millie replied breathily, arching her hips to rub her mound against his dick. “I will say that I’m not used to being the cause of something so….prominent.”

  “You can say I’ve got a nice, big dick, baby. I promise I won’t get mad. Go on. Tell me,” Mack suggested huskily.

  “I can’t say that,” Millie whispered raggedly as his tongue played with the shell of her ear. Moaning as goosebumps began to erupt along her arms, she turned her head to stare into Mack’s eyes. “I’ve never talked dirty, Mack. I don’t know how.”

  “I’ll teach you,” he promised with gleaming eyes. “Tell me what you think of my cock,” he ordered, pressing his groin against her body again. “What’s it feel like, babe?”

  “Hard,” Millie gasped, biting her lip as her pelvis arched again, unconsciously rubbing her pussy against the hard ridge behind his jeans. “Thick. And big.”

  “And all yours, Millicent. You forgot that part. So, who owns my cock?” he asked, sucking gently at the pounding pulse point in her neck. “C’mon,” he urged deeply, biting lightly at her exposed shoulder. “Tell me who my dick belongs to.”

  “Me?” Millie squeaked, whimpering when his mouth left her flesh.

  Hovering above her, Mack stared down at her with glittering eyes. “Was that a question?” he asked in a tone that plainly said it better not be.

  Millie shook her head quickly, her heart pounding in her chest as she met his determined gaze.

  “Who owns my cock, Millicent?” Mack questioned her evenly.

  “I do,” she answered tremulously.

  “Who does?” he asked again, more sharply this time.

  “I do,” she repeated, her voice stronger this time.

  “Damn right,” he growled, his hand moving down to cup her still covered pussy. “My cock is yours in the same way this is all mine. We don’t share, Millie. Not ever. We belong only to each other.” Suddenly surging to his feet, Mack bent to lift Millie in his arms, bridal style.

  Quickly looping her arms around his neck as she felt herself flying through the air, Millie caught her breath. “What’s going on? Where are you…”

  “I’ve reconsidered. I think I want you in a bed after all. I’m going to make a meal out of you, Millie, and I’m gonna want to be nice and comfortable while I savor every bite,” he explained as he slowly carried her down the hallway. Kicking open her door when he reached her bedroom, Mack took the three steps forward until he reached the side of the bed. Carefully lowering her onto the mattress, he braced his arms on either side of her and stared down into her glowing face. “God, you are beautiful,” he murmured as his hands went to the buttons on his shirt.

  Mille reclined against the mound of pillows at the head of the bed, watching as Mack slowly stripped out of his clothes. “Should I….,” she began, her hands going to the bottom of her red sweater and beginning to pull it up over her body.

  “Nuh uh,” Mack denied, quickly capturing her hand and pulling it away from her shirt. “I’ll be the one to unwrap my present, babe. You just lie there and relax,” he ordered as his hands went to the leather belt circling his narrow waist.

  Pressing her thighs together, Millie bit her lip as the empty ache inside her intensified. She watched, enthralled as Mack’s hands unfastened his leather belt in an economy of efficient movements before moving to his fly. She held her breath as the Levi’s he wore like a second skin were slowly pushed over his lean hips.

  “Oh, God,” she whimpered as she realized he wasn’t wearing any boxers, his cock appearing, full and hard as it bobbed in front of her. “You’re just massive,” she breathed, her wide green eyes going from his dick to his face and back again.

  “The better to make you feel good, babe,” Mack soothed. Reaching out a hand as he toed off his shoes, he stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. “I promise, I’m not packing anything that you aren’t fully capable of handling.”

  “You have a lot of faith in me,” Millie laughed nervously, licking her lips as she stared at his engorged dick. She could see the bluish veins throbbing as a shiny drop of pre-cum shined at his tip just beckoning her to taste him. Before she could think about her actions, she was moving toward him, going to her knees and reaching for his thick staff with one hand.

  Mack groaned as he felt her soft palm slide to encase his dick in a satin grip. Now completely naked, he stood beside the bed and watched as Millie stuck her tongue out and swirled it against the head of his penis. “Sweet hell,” he cursed breathlessly as her warm, wet mouth slid over his tip. Burying one hand in her long silky hair, Mack squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated on not coming like a teenager as she slid her tongue around the head of his dick. “Fuck, Millie. I don’t have the patience to let you play tonight, woman. Suck my dick or let me go, baby” he ordered gruffly, bending his head in time to watch her mouth slide all the way down his cock until her nose was buried against his groin. “Fuck!” he swore, his fingers clenching his fingers in her hair as his dick introduced itself to the back of her throat. He panted rapidly as her head bobbed against his staff, sucking him deeper and deeper until she almost gagged. Using a hand on either side of her head, he eased her back off his dick. “Easy, baby. The idea isn’t to hurt yourself,” he told her through barely moving lips as her lips creat
ed a suction around his cock that would rival a vacuum cleaner.

  Releasing him with a wet pop of her lips, Millie lifted unapologetic eyes to his and shrugged. “I got excited. You taste so good,” she returned throatily, licking her swollen lips.

  “Trust me, it felt even better,” Mack praised, his voice raw with need. Curving a hand around her neck, he guided her up on her knees until they were mostly eye level. “You like sucking dick, huh?” he asked quietly, his hot breath gusting against her lips.

  Millie shrugged. “I like sucking your dick,” she answered automatically, her eyes dreamy as they met his. “You taste like sin, but I’m already addicted.”

  “That’s a really good answer,” Mack growled before pulling her into him, kissing her deeply as both his hands curled possessively around her toned ass. “Fuck, but I love kissing you,” he whispered between hard, biting kisses. Sliding his tongue back into her mouth, he groaned against her lips as her body pressed against his, his dick nestling her still-covered pussy. Pulling back a couple of inches, Mack stared into Millie’s jade green eyes. “I need to get you naked. Immediately,” he added, reaching for the bottom of her sweater and whipping it over her head in a quick swoosh.

  Millie shimmied out of her yoga pants while Mack’s skilled hands relieved her of her simple white bra. Now seated on her knees near the center of the bed wearing only a blue satin thong, Millie waited nervously as Mack’s eyes moved over her body hungrily.

  “You look like a deer caught in the headlights of my SUV, baby,” Mack noted with a frown. “What’s wrong?” he asked, lifting a hand to wrap it around the side of her neck, his thumb brushing against her throbbing pulse. “Your heart’s going a mile a minute,” he added with a frown.

  “It’s been a really long time since a man that wasn’t my doctor saw me naked,” she confessed bashfully, unable to hold his gaze. Dropping her eyes to the floral comforter on her bed, she picked at an invisible piece of lint. “It’s…uhhhh… not quite as firm as it was before I had Paisley.”


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