A Christmas Surprise

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by Janelle Taylor

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  An unexpected miracle or a risky dream? She never expected to get pregnant so soon after a health scare, and her work as a nurse makes her all too aware of the dangers. Will sharing her secret with her adoring husband create a holiday disaster—or a Christmas surprise?

  Betsy Reed and her husband, Tommy, have a marriage that other people envy—romantic, passionate, and filled with happiness. The news Betsy brings home from her doctor right before Christmas could destroy all that. Against all odds, just a few months after surgery to remove cysts in her uterus, she’s pregnant. She’s familiar with the dangers of pregnancy—her beloved sister-in-law died of complications.

  As Betsy and Tommy head for a Christmas in the Blue Ridge mountains, he begins to realize she’s hiding something from him. Although their nights are filled with desire, her holiday joy seems forced. He fears the worst.

  New York Times bestselling romance author Janelle Taylor puts her magic to work in this Christmas story about love, courage, faith and trust.

  Also by Janelle Taylor

  From Bell Bridge Books

  Kiss of the Christmas Wind

  Straight From the Heart

  Valley of Fire

  A Christmas Surprise


  Janelle Taylor

  Bell Bridge Books


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events or locations is entirely coincidental.

  Bell Bridge Books

  PO BOX 300921

  Memphis, TN 38130

  Ebook ISBN: 978-1-61194-234-7

  Bell Bridge Books is an Imprint of BelleBooks, Inc.

  Copyright © 2012 by Janelle Taylor

  Printed and bound in the United States of America.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

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  Cover design: Debra Dixon

  Interior design: Hank Smith

  Photo credits:

  Legs and background - © Madartists | Dreamstime.com


  Chapter One

  “IT CAN’T BE TRUE. Heaven help us, it just cannot be true. My file must have gotten mixed up with someone else’s. Or the lab made a terrible error. I’m sure that happens plenty of times with all sorts of tests,” Betsy Reed rationalized aloud, as she tried to convince herself the laboratory’s reported results were a huge mistake, just as she had done with the nurse in her doctor’s office. She called to mind the blonde’s empathetic gaze and tone of voice as the female shook her head and repeated the dismal news. Obvious the revelation was distressing, the nurse had sighed deeply and said she was “sorry”, as if the blonde was to blame for the life-altering situation.

  As Betsy drove homeward, she reasoned with herself as she often did when dismayed or while trying to figure out a problem of any kind. Tommy sometimes teased her about talking to herself, but it seemed to help her make the best decisions when she heard her pros and cons spoken aloud in a soft tone. “Of all the times for Doctor Williams to be away until next week. He could have gone over the tests, examined me, and resolved the ridiculous matter today. I bet he’ll discover fast who or how this blunder was made after his nurse tells him how upset I was. Was? Is! There is no way, no way on earth, the results can be positive. How dare a doctor allow a nurse to relate such grim information! We’re so young and we’ve got so much living to do. This condition will spoil our plans. Dear Lord, this can’t be happening to me. To us. Why?”

  How in the world, a distraught Betsy worried, was she going to tell Tommy about what she had just learned? They were leaving today for her parents’ cabin, a place which held special memories for her, to spend their first Christmas alone together. She loved the idea of starting new traditions with her husband. She wondered if she should keep this dark news a secret until after the trip so it wouldn’t ruin their romantic weekend. The only problem with that plan was that he knew her well enough to realize something was wrong, unless she could keep them happily occupied all weekend. If she kept his mind on other things, he wouldn’t have time or the clear wits to suspect any distress or change in attitude. After they returned home, she would tell him about the medical report and hope he took the shocking disclosure better than she had, if it was indeed accurate. Maybe she should stay quiet until Doctor Williams confirmed the results.

  Betsy was thankful she had not quit her job in the emergency room to go back to school, so she still had her employee insurance. She knew how hospitals treated those without it and knew she would not be able to purchase any new coverage with a pre-existing condition. She knew from experience that medical bills were high and added up fast. Where, she fretted, were they going to get the money to pay the deductible and the portion which her insurance didn’t cover? Even though Jimmy had said he wanted Tommy to invest in his contracting business, it would be a while before that happened. They had saved enough money for her to work part-time while she went back to school to pursue her dreams; now, that might not be possible.

  A blaring horn startled Betsy from her tormenting reverie. She berated, “Don’t go getting yourself killed, Bets! Tommy would rather see you with this shocking news than identify your body in a morgue. Besides, there’s still a strong possibility it’s only a mistake. Don’t get yourself worked up over nothing. You’ll return to school, get your degree, and pursue your dreams in the legal field as you planned. Just keep your mouth shut and don’t lose hope. Wait and see if anything is going to change. It might turn out to be a big mistake.”

  As Betsy pulled into the driveway, she saw Tommy standing at the door and talking on a cordless phone. He waved when he saw her and blew her a kiss. For a moment, she sat in the car and looked at the man whom she loved with all her heart. His brown hair was covered by one of the caps he preferred to wear when working. Her husband was one of the few men who looked good in a cap. She saw his full lips moving as he spoke to the person on the line. He was dressed in jeans, a flannel shirt and tennis shoes, ready to begin their trip, unaware of what loomed ahead for him. For her. For them.

  As she stalled joining him until she had her emotions under control, Betsy’s thoughts drifted back in time. They had met almost three years ago when he came to the hospital for treatment after an automobile accident. She had been the nurse on duty in the emergency room and she’d had a difficult time concentrating on the doctor’s orders as Tommy’s grinning eyes and face captured her heart and wits. She had never believed in love at first sight, but she knew at that moment she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man. How she came to that conclusion was anybody’s guess, but Tommy snared her heart the minute she set eyes on him.

  She remembered how excited she had felt when his husky voice had asked her to hold his hand while the doctor put Novocain in and around his injury. She had obliged his request and soon found herself lost in his liquid brown gaze. He had required several stitches in his forehead from broken glass during the wreck, and apparently he had a phobia of needles, as did nearly half of their patients. After the doctor had repeated his command several times, she quickly handed the physician the instruments he requested.

After Tommy’s cuts were sewn up and he was released, he had asked in that shy way of his if she would join him for dinner to repay her for her kindness. He had thanked her many times for not laughing at him about his fear of needles. She knew when he grinned that sly grin of his and melted her heart, she could refuse him nothing. They had gotten married on the one-year anniversary of that momentous day, twenty-three months ago. She was certain she would feel the same way in a hundred years as she did now when he looked at her. But how would he feel, she wondered, after receiving her life intrusive news?

  After pasting a bright smile on her face, Betsy climbed out of the car and went to greet her husband. She walked up the front steps to their rented home and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “I love you, sweetheart,” she whispered. He mouthed the same to her before he continued talking to Mr. Green, their neighbor, who was to watch the house this weekend.

  Betsy went upstairs to finish packing her toiletries and last minute items and to look once again to make sure she had not forgotten anything. As she hurried about, her soul mate walked in and halted her task.

  “Now, give your husband a proper hello,” Tommy said as he took her into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers. He delighted in Betsy’s response to his welcoming kiss and said, “I love you with all of my heart, Mrs. Reed. You’re so beautiful. I can’t wait to take you away and share a romantic holiday with you. I know you’ll miss sharing it with your parents, but I’m going to do everything in my power to keep your thoughts occupied elsewhere,” he promised as he lowered his mouth to hers again and delivered a sensuous kiss, which shook both of them with its intensity.

  Tommy continued the seductive onslaught of her lips as he felt her desire mounting quickly with his. He cupped one of her breasts and heard her moan slightly. Man, he loved this woman. He had never desired any female as much as he desired her. All it took was one look or one touch or one moan, and he was lost in her. He wondered if she knew how powerful her touches were. He grasped a handful of her auburn hair and tugged gently to coax her to look up at him, as he was several inches taller than she was. Her blue gaze was filled with passion and love as it fused with his golden brown one.

  “Tommy, I love you more than anything in this world, but if you don’t let me get this packing done, you’re going to have to finish something else before we leave,” Betsy jested in a merry tone. She felt his stomach tighten at her bold statement, as he seemed to ponder in which direction he should go. She felt his hardness pressed against her hips as he held her waist tightly. She also debated which path she wanted to travel following her dismaying stop at the doctor’s office. If only Doctor Williams had been in today, she fretted again, so he could have confirmed an error had been made with her test; but he had left town for the weekend. That meant she had to sweat it out until his return, and she would have to mislead Tommy until she was assured the tests weren’t wrong. She told herself there was no need to worry her husband unnecessarily. Yet, her troubled mind needed the comfort he unknowingly offered at that dark moment. Tommy always made her feel so complete. He encouraged her softly aggressive nature when they were alone, and she always made sure she let him know how much she desired him. The fact that they were best friends seemed to intensify their passion and strengthen their bond. It made them comfortable about exposing their raw emotions and completely exploring each other.

  “I want you, Bets,” was all Tommy managed to say as he gently eased her to the down covered surface. Suitcases were piled on one side of the king size bed, but there was plenty of room on the other as he lay atop her and began lavishing attention to his favorite parts of her body, as if he could actually love one area of her more than another.

  Clothes seemed to fall off of their own volition as they continued what Tommy had started. Their lovemaking was feverish, as each felt an urgent need to connect with the other. It was as if they sensed the surprises that were in store for them this weekend and needed to touch and to feel each other before they began their journey. They climbed the sensuous mountain peak in haste, conquered its beckoning pinnacle and sank into the peaceful valley below.

  Afterwards, Tommy began to chuckle.

  Betsy looked at him and tried to determine what he found so amusing.

  “That’s what I love about you most, Bets: you want me as much as I want you. If it’s not true, please don’t ever tell me so I can die a happy man. I know this will make us late arriving at the cabin, but I feel much better and I know I’ll drive a lot safer.”

  “Please don’t ever doubt how much I love you and want you, Tommy. I don’t think you realize it, but all you have to do is stroke me anywhere and I’m burning up for you. I think about you all day. You’re my life and I want to spend forever with you. Anyway, it’s not that late and you’re a good and careful driver, so I’m not worried a bit. Besides my wonderful husband and world’s best lover, I feel much better myself,” Betsy said, needing to reassure him of her love before she dealt him the staggering blow of her news, if she decided she should do so.

  Tommy also worried over the news he was withholding, but he wanted to share this weekend with his wife before they tackled a major decision which would require a commitment from both of them. In order to redirect the path down which his mind had wandered, Tommy suggested, “Let’s take a shower together and hit the road. I want to get there before it’s too late, woman, because I’m going to need a repeat performance. And if you don’t get that beautiful rear moving soon, we might be leaving in the morning!” he announced as he pulled her to a sitting position.

  They shared a quick shower as they highlighted the days’ events, though both were careful to avoid any hints to their separate secrets. They packed the car, turned off the lights and headed down the road to a weekend which could change their lives forever.

  “THERE IT IS!” Betsy squealed, excitement running through her at the prospect of being back at her family’s mountain retreat. She looked at the large log cabin in the distance that consisted of three bedrooms, a spacious kitchen, and a sizeable den with a fireplace which almost spanned an entire wall. She had spent many weekends and holidays there as a child and during her adolescence. She had many happy memories about this place that caused her eyes to well with unshed tears as she viewed the beckoning sight.

  They rode down the gravel driveway to the front porch where Tommy turned off the ignition and she jumped from the car and ran up the steps.

  Overjoyed, Betsy turned and shouted, “I love this place and I love you!” Moisture glimmered on her cheeks as she gazed down at her husband.

  Tommy got out of the car and came to stand beside her. His fingers gently wiped away a small drop that had made a wet path to her chin. His wife was not one who cried easily, so her show of emotion made his mental alarm bells start ringing. “What’s this, sweetheart? What has you so sad? Are you feeling okay?”

  His genuine concern made her cry harder as Betsy knew she was withholding part of the reason for her tears. “Yes, I’m fine. This place just means so much to me and I guess with the holiday season and all, I’m just overcome with sentimental emotions. I had to put in a lot of overtime to get his precious holiday off to come here with you. Those extra hours, errands, shopping and preparations must have taken their toll on me. I think my gas tank is empty.”

  “Then we’ll visit a station this weekend and get you filled up,” he teased with a grin before he waxed serious. “You’ve been working hard to get everything ready, Bets, and I haven’t been much help. With Jimmy sending me out to make so many bids for the company, I’ve been getting home pretty late, so I haven’t been pulling my fair share around the house. I promise you that will change very soon,” he vowed. Tommy realized his wife had been doing a lot, but he hadn’t comprehended the toll it was taking on her. Or, he mused, something else was bothering her. He told himself he had better find out if that was true before he made his disclosure.

Tommy put a finger underneath her chin and lifted her tear-streaked face to gaze into her blue eyes. “For the record, Mrs. Reed, I have noticed how much you’ve been doing lately and I appreciate everything you’ve accomplished for us. Now that we’ve made our escape, you can relax for a while. Until you start school, that is. Did you tell them at the hospital you’re reducing your hours and going back to school? Were you able to get the classes you wanted next semester?”

  Betsy had dreaded those questions during the entire three-hour trip to the cabin, as she didn’t know what she was going to tell him. If she said she had decided not to go back to school, Tommy would suspect that something was wrong. If she deceived him by claiming she had not gone by the school to register, when in fact, she had been able to get the two classes she wanted, that also would evoke suspicion. Would she have to postpone those plans indefinitely? Only if the tests results were accurate. How was she going to tell him the truth, she contemplated, when his intense gaze anticipated her enthusiastic response, causing her stomach to harden into a nauseating knot?

  Betsy answered the first question honestly while she contemplated her response to the other. “No, I haven’t told them I’m cutting back on my hours. It’s a tough job to fill, because you have to know a lot about everything to work in the emergency room. I was afraid Old Nurse Grumpy, as she’s called on the floor, would deny me the holiday weekend in favor of another nurse who’ll be staying full time, even though I was scheduled to be off. As hard as I’ve worked to get this weekend free for us, I couldn’t take that chance. I’ll let her know what my plans are when I return to work. She’ll be plenty mad, but at least our weekend won’t have been spoiled.” By her anyway, her mind finished.

  “Tommy! Betsy! Merry Christmas!”

  The elderly man who had approached the cabin via a trail through the woods interrupted Betsy’s explanation.


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