A Christmas Surprise

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A Christmas Surprise Page 3

by Janelle Taylor

  “What if you could do it and I would never find out? If there was a guarantee that I would never know and one of those hard-bodied nymphs offered herself to you, you mean to tell me you wouldn’t go for it?”

  “Number one, that isn’t going to happen, so there’s really no use in debating this point. But for your information, my second point is that, even if you never found out, I would know I had betrayed your trust and our commitment and it would change things for me.” Tommy’s brown eyes showed his pain as he continued. “I saw the hurt and betrayal in my mother’s eyes enough to know the damage that selfish type of behavior causes. I never want to see that look in your eyes. A few hours of play would not be a good exchange for a lifetime with you. Are you trying to tell me you’ve found another man?”

  Betsy replied in a sexy tone, “No man could ever measure up to the example you’ve set, in and out of the bed.”

  “I feel the same way, Bets. There could never be anyone who makes me feel complete the way you do. I love you with all that’s in me. You stood behind me and beside me at one of the worse times in my life. I can never repay you for that. So why are we having this crazy talk?”

  “I don’t know. I guess it’s like you said, women immediately wonder if a tragedy like Susan’s enduring will happen to them. I bet we aren’t the only ones having this conversation tonight. I’m sure that at least half of Susan’s friends and coworkers are doing the same thing. But you’re right; I do trust you and I know in my heart you would never do that to me or to us. The dull knife theory works well, too.”

  Tommy grimaced as he unconsciously checked his intact manhood and urged, “Let’s change this subject, woman. I’m sorry about Susan’s problem, but it won’t happen to us. I promise. Nothing and no one will ever come between us. Now, do you want any bread?”

  “No, you finish it off. I made it for you, my bread lover.”

  “That’s not all I’m going to be loving tonight. As soon as my supper settles, I’ll prove to you that you’re the only woman for me, now and forever.” Tommy sent her a mischievous look as he placed the rest of her homemade garlic bread on his plate.

  Betsy warned herself she had better stop acting odd and soon, or Tommy was going to get suspicious. She knew that part of her feeling of impending doom had to do with the news she was dreading to tell him. Her slight weight gain also had participated in her faltering confidence. She knew that some men cheated on their wives even while they were confined in the hospital, as she had been propositioned several times by a few of those kind. One of those disgusting episodes had occurred last week while she was in the room with the unconscious wife! Since Tommy had never given her any reason to doubt him, she fretted, why was she questioning him now? She really believed he would never abandon their commitment and she had promised herself to always make sure he knew without a shadow of a doubt he was number one to her. She had learned through occasional talks with the doctors on staff that many husbands simply went in search of attention. Most men hungered to feel that their wives needed and desired them above all others, and when they thought those feelings were no longer there, they went in search of someone who inevitably gave them what they were missing at home. Of course, Betsy concluded, that was often the same reason why a woman strayed from her marriage vows! Unfortunately, men did not see the correlation between the two slips and issued a different level of punishment for a deceitful wife. Well, she was not going to let that happen to them!

  They finished their meal and began to clear the table.

  Each briefly lost in mental dilemmas about their secrets and surprises . . .

  Chapter Two

  TOMMY SUGGESTED, “Why don’t we sit by the fire and spend some of that quality time together? Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “Yes, please,” Betsy responded, knowing doctors permitted an occasional glass in her medical condition, if one existed. “Why don’t you pour it and I’ll be back in a minute?” she asked with a sparkle in her blue eyes.

  “Are you feeling okay, sweetheart? This is the second time you’ve been to the restroom in an hour,” he hinted, genuine concern on his brow.

  “Who says I’m going to the bathroom? I was going to get your after dinner surprise. Unless, of course, you’ve decided you don’t want it, and then I’m going to be disappointed.” Betsy’s gaze was filled with mischief as it swept over him.

  “I would like to talk to you tonight, but I guess it can wait until later. Remember, you do have a greedy husband.”

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes and no peeking, Mr. Reed. Promise me you won’t try to sneak a look until I’m ready.”

  “I promise. I love you, Mrs. Reed.”

  “I love you, too, Tommy. Now, get my wine and I’ll be back in a minute,” she called over her shoulder as she slipped from the room.

  Betsy wondered how she was going to pull off her ploy? She was a little nervous about his response before, but now that she’d put on a few pounds . . . She hoped he didn’t notice too much. She worried as she stripped off her shirt and jeans and prepared to reward her husband. The weight she had gained after her surgery was only slightly noticeable, but it felt like a hundred pounds. The new outfit would hide the small incision at her waist where the doctor had inserted the laparoscope to remove the cysts which had caused her increasing pain. Her period had not returned to normal, but she had no fear of that happening tonight. As she eyed her breasts which had increased almost a full cup size with her weight gain, she smiled and hoped Tommy would notice that asset more than he would a few extra pounds.

  Finally, she was ready. As she took one last look at herself in the mirror, Betsy couldn’t help but sigh with joy and pleasure. Surely Tommy would be thrilled by the bold woman before him tonight. All questions and explanations definitely would be put on the back burner since other areas would soon be consumed by a different kind of fire.

  Betsy walked into the den where Tommy was looking at the yellow flames in the hearth. From the serious look on his face, he appeared to be trying to solve life’s mysteries. She gazed at her husband and realized once more how much she loved him and how lucky she was she had been the nurse on duty the afternoon he was injured. She stood in the doorway to his left for a few minutes, wanting him to notice her before she had to draw his attention to where she was anxiously waiting in a near risqué outfit.

  Tommy asked himself what she was doing back there. It had been twenty minutes since he had poured the wine. If she didn’t join him soon, he was going to . . . He saw her standing in the doorway clad in a skimpy red lace teddy. She had a matching robe over it, but his gaze didn’t have to work hard to see all of her treasures. He tried to talk several times, but the right words refused to form in his mouth and escape from his lips, so he simply whispered, “Wow.”

  “What do you think? Do you like it? Or would you rather I save this for another day? Perhaps our second anniversary next month or Valentine’s Day?” Betsy teased him as she realized her husband was enthralled by what he saw. For the first time since she met him, he seemed unable to say anything. He just stared at her as if she was a vision in red, which she supposed she was! Their sex life had always been very satisfying, but she had never dressed this scanty way for him. She hastily decided she was going shopping as soon as they got back home for more tantalizing items like this titillating set. Basking in the sultry glow of his adoring gaze, her flesh tingled and warmed.

  Betsy took an unhurried and hopefully enticing walk into the room and halted before Tommy who had seemed captivated since sighting her. After he stood, she gazed into his liquid brown eyes and moistened her lips, amazed by her boldness and potent effect on him. Somehow, the bond between them felt stronger than ever, and the mood engulfing them was mesmerizing. She lifted her hand to his face to gently stroke his chin. “I love you, Tommy. You told me last week the only thing you wanted for Christmas was me wrapped up in a red r
ibbon. Well, this isn’t a ribbon, but it’s close enough.” She lifted herself on tiptoes to kiss him lightly on the lips.

  Afterwards, she teased, “Honey, you’re as quiet as a church mouse. Did I misunderstand your gift request?”

  “I think I’ve just had a heart attack and gone to Heaven. Or this must be a dream. I’m scared if I reach out, I’ll wake up; and I definitely don’t want you to vanish. I just want to take in your beauty, because if I touch you, I’ll surely explode,” Tommy whispered in a voice thick with emotion. “I’ve told you a million times how beautiful you are. Right now, I can hardly believe the vision before my eyes.”

  Betsy warmed to his husky voice and his heartfelt compliments. Even though the nightie was thin, she felt quite toasty inside. Her legs had turned to jelly and she didn’t know if they would be able to hold her up for another minute. Without warning, Tommy pulled her almost roughly into his arms. His lips sought hers and enticed her complete surrender. Betsy arched her body against his as she gave freely all that he was coaxing from her. Tommy held her so snugly she could hardly breathe, but she didn’t mind, as she knew that meant he was as wrapped up in the erotic moment as she was.

  Tommy lifted his head long enough to slip the lace robe off of her shoulders and to groan again. He murmured endearments and promises of love as he cast off his clothes with urgency and haste before he eased her to the large rug in front of the fireplace and positioned himself next to his wife. His adept fingers easily undid the snaps on her red teddy so he could remove it to gaze upon her supple smooth skin.

  Tommy could not seem to master his runaway emotions as he kissed and fondled her, and she responded in a feverish manner. He fought a hard and futile battle for self-control; yet, in the end, he couldn’t help but succumb to the stimulating and enthralling fantasy who lay beneath him and drove him to a near mindless frenzy to possess her. After he was spent, he rolled to his back and carried her with him. He moaned an apology, as he had wanted her to experience the same wonderful emotions that were coursing through him. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. You’re just so damn beautiful and tempting, I was dazed. I tried to hold back, but I couldn’t. Man, I feel . . .”

  Betsy shushed him with a sound kiss to his mouth, and then said, “That’s the best compliment you could give me, Tommy. I love you. Besides, we have plenty of time this weekend for you to make it up to me. I guess this means you like your Christmas present?”

  “Oh, Bets, you were every man’s fantasy standing there in the doorway with this little red thing on and looking so inviting. I love you, too. I promise I’ll make it up to you. I can still see the expression on your face when I saw you standing there looking at me and . . .” Tommy halted and groaned, again at a loss for words to describe her and his emotions.

  Betsy smiled and said, “I understand what you mean; you have the same effect on me.”

  “Let’s get off this rug before we leave telltale signs for your parents to find. Let’s go to bed,” Tommy suggested and helped Betsy to her feet. He lifted her in his arms and took her to the bedroom. “I know it’s not our honeymoon, Bets, but I wanted to carry you over the threshold again.”

  Tommy laid her on the bed, joined her, and began to kiss his wife and nuzzle her breasts as she trembled with desire. After all she had done for him, he wasn’t waiting another minute to fulfill his promise to her. His hands and mouth kissed and caressed almost every inch of her body as he took his wife over passion’s brink several times before they snuggled into each other’s arms.

  Betsy and Tommy fell asleep within minutes following their last climax, exhausted and completely satisfied with each other. Both rested comfortably, considering the secrets each had withheld from the other for almost twenty-four hours.

  Yet, tomorrow held many surprises of its own . . .

  BETSY, CUDDLED IN Tommy’s arms, was the first to awaken the next morning. She smiled and sighed deeply as she recalled their lovemaking last night. There was only one day left before they had to return home and confront the secret she had concealed from him. She eased from the bed, slipped on a thick terry cloth robe, and headed to the kitchen. She made coffee, poured both of them a cup, and went to wake her husband.

  “Time to get up, sleepyhead,” she murmured into his ear.

  Tommy shifted in the bed and opened one eye to see his wife’s face. He mumbled something unintelligible and closed it.

  Betsy left the mug of steaming liquid on the nightstand and went to shower and dress. When she returned to the bedroom, Tommy was sitting up, sipping the coffee she had brought him, and grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  “What’s that for?” she queried his amusing smile.

  “I was just remembering you in the doorway looking sweet as an angel, yet dressed like a scarlet she-devil. Promise you’ll wear that again for me and real soon.” As Betsy nodded, he murmured, “Just thinking about last night makes me feel a little playful again this morning.”

  “Tommy Reed! You’re insatiable. You’ll have to hold that thought until later, because we’ve got to get moving if we’re going to get a tree and decorate it. Tomorrow is Christmas and I want to put your gifts beneath a tree tonight.”

  “A tree! You must be joking! We won’t be able to buy a tree today. It’s Christmas Eve, so all the good ones will be sold by now.”

  “Who said anything about buying a tree?”

  “What do you propose we do, cut one down?” Tommy asked, expecting her quick denial and the name of a store. When none was forthcoming and she simply looked at him, he sighed in resignation.

  Betsy smiled into her husband’s eyes and reminded him, “We’re surrounded by woods on almost all sides. My family has always picked out a tree and decorated it for Christmas. Come on, my handsome husband, show me those muscles and cut down a tree for us,” she coaxed.

  Tommy made a humorous face as he slowly got out of bed. He watched her gaze drift down to his naked lower half and full erection. When she lifted startled eyes to his, he replied, “Only for you, sweetheart. And only for you would I get out of this bed and go out into that cold and chop down a tree. You must know now how much I love you.” He strolled to the bathroom. By the time he was showered and dressed, she had the bed made and breakfast on the table. They sat down and ate biscuits stuffed with homemade preserves and drank coffee until each was satisfied they couldn’t eat another bite. Afterward, Betsy cleared the table while her hsuband washed the few dishes.

  Tommy promised himself they would go get the tree and then they would talk. Last night he had not wanted to ruin anything by bringing up a subject that surely would have altered their moods. He had wanted to get food on his stomach and coffee on his brain this morning before approaching her about his perceptions and his news. Now, she wanted a tree! Well, it was Christmas, and one would look good next to the large windows by the stone fireplace. The phone rang and cut off his thoughts as Betsy rushed to answer it. He listened to his wife’s end of the conversation with interest.

  “Mr. Peters. How are you feeling this morning? . . . Yes, we’re up and presentable . . . No, you wouldn’t be interrupting us . . . Both of you are welcome to come over, but you shouldn’t have gotten us anything. I feel bad we didn’t get you something . . . Okay, we’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Betsy hung up the receiver and looked at her husband. “The Peters are coming over. Something about a surprise, so we’ll have to wait to get a tree. They said they’d be over soon.”

  Within minutes, the Peters’ truck pulled into the driveway, age worn but in good condition, just like the elderly couple inside it. Betsy and Tommy, clad in warm sweaters, went to greet their neighbors.

  “Tommy, I didn’t know how much you city folk knew about cuttin’ down a tree, so I took the liberty of fetchin’ one for you since it’s been a family tradition here for many years. If it’s not done right, the tree will be lopsided, and yo
u can’t have that. Give me a hand and we’ll get it in the house for you folks,” Richard Peters directed as he climbed into the bed of the aging pickup. “We’ll get ‘er up and prettified.”

  After the tree was in its stand in front of the fireplace and lights had been placed on it, the four sat down to drink coffee which Betsy had prepared. The remaining decorations were to be put on later by the young couple.

  Edith Peters took a small package from her purse and handed it to them. “It’s not much, but I wanted to do something to commemorate this Christmas for you. I hope you like it.”

  Betsy smiled and said, “Thank you, Mrs. Peters, but you shouldn’t have done this. We were so busy trying to get ourselves here and to get all the packages ready for my parents and brother to take on their ski trip to Colorado that we didn’t even think . . . I’m so embarrassed. I should have thought . . .”

  “Now, dear, you’ve had a lot of things going on in your lives this year, so don’t worry about it. I don’t think I could have gotten a thing accomplished during our first few years of marriage if I had been working. I don’t see how you young women juggle the responsibilities of a career, a home and a family. I know what I had to do, and things have gotten a bit more complicated since my day,” Edith consoled her friend. “Now, you two open your gift.”

  Betsy and Tommy opened the neatly wrapped package to find a small wooden sleigh with their names and the date engraved on it. A short wire was attached to allow them to hang it on the tree. The young couple smiled at each other, and Betsy exclaimed, “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much. We’ll hang this one right here in front.”

  The foursome talked for a while before Richard suggested, “Wife, we’d better be leavin’. I’m sure these young folks have other things on their mind besides sittin’ here with us. Betsy, it was wonderful to see you again. Tommy, I appreciate the lights you’ve put in her eyes since she’s almost like a granddaughter to us. You two are good for each other and it shows. We’ve been married for almost fifty years. I hope you’re blessed with the same good fortune.”


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