Steps to Submission Volume 2: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

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Steps to Submission Volume 2: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles) Page 2

by Lexie X

  Had the passersby missed them somehow? Or had they simply chosen to say nothing and move along? Piper didn't know and couldn't care; her whole body and mind remained engaged in getting them both off. Moving in rhythm with Isabella's writhing, she expertly kept her mouth and tongue in place and worked toward an increasingly energetic peak.

  Piper watched her roommate's tummy tense an inch from her eyes. Knowing the signs of Isabella's oncoming orgasm by heart, she kept her efforts at exactly the right level while clenching her own body to keep from getting off too soon. Their shared energy rose to an almost painful strength—until Isabella made a strained noise, arched even higher, and began bucking against her face.

  Letting herself go and flicking her tongue eagerly as her head filled with sparking waves that drowned her awareness in bliss, Piper joined her in ecstasy. Every little sensation of Isabella's orgasm fueled her own enjoyment. The waves in her head grew stronger with each spasm of the blonde's inner muscles, each surge of her juices, and each desperate breath above. She let herself sink into the high for a timeless length, only returning once Isabella finally came down and pushed away.

  Returning to reality, Piper only now noticed that the knees of her jeans had been soaked by snow—and that her heated and uncomfortable underwear had been soaked by a less mentionable source. Clambering to her feet and catching her breath, she wiped her mouth and adjusted her clothes before looking around awkwardly to make sure nobody had seen them. Beside her, Isabella pulled up her jeans and refastened her belt.

  Satisfied and warmed, Piper stepped close to give her roommate a kiss, but Isabella seemed to dodge it.

  "We should go back inside," the blonde said, looking out toward the street. "Maybe we'll get back before the waiter notices we're gone."

  A little confused, Piper nodded. "Yeah, alright."


  Chapter 2

  "And what'd you do after that?" Jessie asked, leaning eagerly over her coffee.

  Piper shrugged. "Ate hamburgers, got super full, like food coma full, then went home and watched a show on her laptop."

  "You don't seem too happy about that."

  "Maybe it's nothing," Piper offered, unable to disagree. "But we slept in separate beds again. It doesn't feel right. It's like something is off."

  Jessie ran a hand through her spiky black hair as if she was about to deliver bad news.

  Piper frowned. "What?"

  "It's just—I can't think of any other explanation."

  "Other than what?"

  "She played you," Jessie said flatly. "The whole oh no my first date with a girl thing. You were taking the lead and you were sticking to your guns, but you gave it all up to some puppy-dog eyes and manipulation."

  Piper stopped with her coffee halfway to her mouth. "Damnit."

  "Am I right?"

  "Yeah. I can't believe I fell for it."

  "Don't feel bad," Jessie replied, her eyebrows high. "That's kind of how it is between you two, isn't it? The power thing. Tell me it isn't making you wet at this very moment, thinking about how easily she pulled your strings."

  In response, Piper glanced around the coffee shop nervously.

  "I knew it," Jessie grinned. "And now you're turning me on."

  Blushing fiercely, Piper focused on her coffee. "But what do I do to fix things?"

  Jessie sighed lightly and sat up tall. "Well, I talked to this butch friend of mine who knows way more than I do."


  "She says you've probably only got one or two more chances."

  "Wait, you told her about me?"

  "Relax, she doesn't know your name."

  "Oh." Piper gulped. "Okay. One or two more chances for what?"

  Jessie frowned for a moment, choosing her words carefully before she spoke. "A girl like Isabella, she's been surrounded by attention and suitors her whole life. Sure, you're not what she's used to, and you've got this twisted power thing going on between you two, but she's still a girly girl. Something in her responds to strength, and she'll lose interest if you don't have it."

  Prickly heat crept up her face. "But… I'm…" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "But what we do… what I enjoy…"

  Jessie laughed. "You're a submissive, yeah, I get it. Again, you're not the first girl in the world to ever enjoy these kinds of things."

  Piper felt her cheeks redden into full-out burning. Intent on answers, she ignored the label her friend had so casually slapped on her. "I know. But still. How do I take the lead if what we've been doing is so opposite of that?"

  Jessie took a moment to gulp the last of her coffee before looking her in the eye. "You don't have to be the dominant one all the time. Her, uh, instinctual side, I guess you could say, just needs to know that you can. Every once in awhile, flip things up."

  "Yeah, but how?"

  "You've done it before, once or twice. That's probably how you got this far at all. Blind newbie luck."

  Thinking back on the times she'd felt driven by powerful surging heat and hunger rather than that other feeling—the one that seemed to come from below somewhere, numbing her thoughts and making her pliant to Isabella's will—Piper nodded. That heat and hunger was different, and far outside her comfort zone, but she'd definitely felt it before. So, at the very least, she had somehow idea what it was Isabella needed.

  "Is that how she feels all the time?" she asked suddenly. "Isabella, on her end, or that butch friend of yours. What's it like for them?"

  Jessie's lip curled up into a mischievous smirk. "I've been there a few times myself. I can't speak for them, but for me it was addictive. Pushing past the line of politeness, taking what you want, making things happen—it's an incredible turn-on."

  Her gaze distant, her thoughts churning, Piper spoke her realization aloud. "So she actually enjoys controlling me? Manipulating me and convincing me to do things turns her on?"

  Jessie raised an affirmative eyebrow and nodded.

  Quite a bit of her past interactions with Isabella suddenly began making sense, all the way back to their very first mutual masturbation sessions and the blonde's questionable reasoning and excuses. Processing her new understanding, Piper sat in her chair blankly for a moment. "And it's no fun if it's not a challenge, so I have to take the lead sometimes so it's not all one-sided."

  "Now you've got it." Jessie reached toward her feet and shoved a curiously drab gift bag under the table. "Also, I got you a few things that might help you."

  Taking it, Piper began to open it, but a quick motion stopped her.

  "Call me about that when you have a chance," Jessie said, widening her eyes briefly to indicate that the coffee shop wasn't an appropriate place for that discussion. "Anyway, I've gotta get to class."

  Piper nodded. "Thanks for whatever this is, and thanks for your help. So much help. I don't even know how to thank you enough."

  "Of course!" Jessie said with a smile. "This is all literally the hottest thing I've ever heard. I'm just happy to be a part of it. And if it doesn't work out…" She rolled her eyes teasingly. "I'll snap you up."

  Laughing awkwardly, Piper said the first thing that came to mind. "I like your new haircut."

  Jessie touched her short spikes reflexively. "It's cute, isn't it?"

  Still lost in thought, Piper softly closed the door behind her and plopped down on her bed. So it was a game Isabella wanted; she wanted to be controlled and made to do things right back. Piper shuddered at the thought of the domineering things she might have to say and do to pull it off. It just wasn't her.

  Pouring out the contents of the gift bag, she gaped at the tools rolling across her bed.

  A few were new toys, that much was obvious, but then there was rope? She stared for a moment, wondering what she was supposed to do with that, until she made out even more taboo items among the contents on her sheets. Hastily, her pulse racing, she shoved everything back in the bag and stuffed it under her bed. She had a half-formed thought that the stuff in that bag was hardcore enough to
scare off even Isabella, but, as she mused on it—was it? She really had no idea what depths the blonde's desires and fantasies might have reached.

  Come to think of it, Isabella hadn't been fazed at all by that insane gangbang domination video she'd walked in on. Narrowing her eyes, Piper studied the other side of the room for hidden clues, wondering if her roommate was secretly a freak—or, at least, more a freak than what they were already doing together. Curious, and knowing Isabella wouldn't be home for hours, she moved to her roommate's bed. Her laptop lay among the mussed blankets.

  Wondering if this was a violation of privacy, she hesitated, at least until she guessed that Isabella would only find it hot. In fact—she glanced across the room at her own laptop. Had her roommate done this same thing months ago? It had been awfully convenient that Isabella had walked in like that and caught her watching those videos. What if she'd already known her history and usual times?

  Rubbing her thighs together, Piper resisted the urges building within her as she guessed at just how deep Isabella's manipulations might have gone. Had the gorgeous blonde set out for this result from the very first? Had she gathered information and planned for all this?

  Well, maybe, Piper told herself. But she was reasonably certain that Isabella was in over her head, too. She'd seen enough to know that the blonde hadn't expected to get so tangled up either, and the best manipulations came from a kernel of truth. Isabella probably had been freaked out by being on her first public date with a girl, but she'd just used that real response to her own advantage.

  Unable to resist the growing heat, Piper instinctively began rubbing the crotch of her jeans with one hand. With her other hand, she opened up Isabella's laptop and typed in the password she'd accidentally observed a dozen times while cuddled up in bed watching shows.

  It worked.

  Heart pounding, she quickly wondered where to look first. Clicking over to a browser, she checked the history.

  The list showed nothing but the usual.

  "Damnit," she muttered, not surprised that Isabella covered her tracks even on her own private laptop. So typical. She probably used incognito mode.

  After a moment's hesitation, she went to check her roommate's email, but found it logged out. Recalling that Isabella typed the password every time, she sighed. This wasn't just a one-time thing. Had the blonde been expecting her to try this? Or was she just naturally that secretive? Her recent documents were cleared, too.

  Frustrated, Piper opened the video player. For a moment, she thought she'd found something in the recent videos list—a single file with a confusing name—but, upon clicking on it, she found out that it'd been deleted. She stared at the filename for a minute, defeated, until something occurred to her.

  Logging out, closing the laptop, and carefully placing it back exactly how she'd found it, she hurried back to her own bed and computer. Her heart soared in her chest as she searched for that exact filename and actually found a match on a video site. Clicking on it, she waited breathlessly.

  It didn't take long for her to notice that the brunette girl in the video looked almost exactly like her, and, as that girl began kissing her blonde friend, Piper felt a flustered heat overtake her. She wondered desperately what context Isabella had watched this under. Was this a fantasy of hers? Or research to practice manipulation?

  Squirming as she watched and aroused far more than she'd expected, another idea occurred to her. Maybe it was time to take their interplay back to its roots.

  Isabella stormed into the room and slammed the door behind her with a sigh. "Ugh, such a long walk from my last class." She stopped in place. "What's this?"

  Piper stood behind a chair she'd placed in the middle of the room. "Sit down."


  "Just sit down."

  "I'm all sweaty from the walk," Isabella replied, dropping her backpack and sliding off her pink jacket. "I'm gonna take a shower."

  Preparing to pass outside her familiar behavior and into emotionally terrifying territory, Piper steeled herself. It would all be worth it, she told herself. The plan made sense. The plan was good. "Sit down."

  Visibly a little offended, Isabella frowned.

  Refusing to back down, Piper stood in place. To her amazement, Isabella saw that she was serious—and, a few moments later, gave in. "Alright," the blonde said, turning around and sitting. "What's going on?"

  Piper clenched her own trembling hand out of her roommate's sight. It was important that she seemed confident, not ridiculously nervous. "Just had an idea, that's all," she managed to say without her voice cracking. Swiftly, so as not to give her roommate time to react, she grabbed the rope Jessie had gifted her. Circling the finger-thick white cord quickly around Isabella's midriff and the chair, she circled and approached her roommate's hands.

  To her surprise, Isabella didn't fight back nearly as hard as she'd expected. In fact, the blonde only gave token resistance that actually made it easier for her arms to be tied together at the wrist.

  Finishing a knot behind the chair, Piper noticed the edges of a confident smile on her roommate's face. Her inner doubt flared as she realized that it was a counter-move—the imposing blonde wasn't about to act scared or shocked. No, that would give away control.

  "So, what's your idea, then?" Isabella asked, following her with her eyes. Her full pink lips curled up into a half-smirk.

  "You're really asking for it, aren't you?" Piper responded, feeling a little angry for some reason. There was something vaguely disrespectful about her roommate's tone, and, for reasons she couldn't quite pin down, that rubbed her the wrong way. She was trying here, and Isabella was giving her nothing in return. Using that annoyance, she managed to add an edge to her mannerisms. Pulling the knot tighter, she made sure Isabella winced.

  "This kind of thing doesn't really suit you," the blonde taunted her with subtle inflections. "Untie me and we can watch a show or something."

  Catching on to the many-layered game, Piper narrowed her eyes. She sensed that there was another way to lose—the opposite of being too soft. Isabella wanted her to get too mad, which would, again, be giving up control. For the first time in their entire relationship, she felt as if she had actually caught up to Isabella's manipulations in real time. Did that mean that she was one step ahead for once? "Oh, we're going to watch a show alright."

  Setting her feet, she rotated Isabella and the entire chair to face her bed. She could sense a barely perceptible surprise in the blonde's posture at the move. Capitalizing on that, she went to the bed and flipped her laptop around. Catching her gaze with an almost evil grin, Piper played the video she'd found. For a split second, Isabella's eyes registered true vulnerability.

  Moving back around behind the chair, heart pounding with the energy of her first major success, Piper leaned down and kissed gently up her roommate's alluring neck. Glancing forward, she saw the brunette in the video start kissing her friend. "Is this what you like?" she whispered against Isabella's ear. "You little freak."

  Isabella squirmed against her bonds, and the porcelain skin of her neck and chest reddened. Looking down over her shoulder, Piper stared at her incredible cleavage and noted the flush. "Oh my god," she laughed softly. "You do like it!"

  Arching up as much as she could against her bonds, Isabella began growing more flustered. "No, I don't," she shot back, her tone vehement. "I just—" Unable to think of an excuse without directly addressing certain things happening between them, she shook her head. "I just don't!"

  Starting to enjoy herself immensely, Piper ran a hand slowly over Isabella's soft skin, along her chest, down her shirt, and then under her jeans. Slipping her fingers between tight fabrics, she gently rubbed the outside of her roommate's panties. "Wow, for not liking it, you're rather—warm? And a little—" She made circles with her cramped fingers along the light fabric, causing Isabella to tense. "I'd call that even humid."

  Isabella squirmed harder, but only managed to inadvertently press her breasts against her capt
or's arm. "Untie me. Let me go!" she whimpered, her tone strangely pained.

  Piper knew very well the insecurities and inner turmoil that she was forcing Isabella to face in front of her. She'd gone through it all herself. In a moment of bemused clarity, she realized that she was actually much further along certain roads than her otherwise commanding roommate. For all that they'd gotten tangled up in each other emotionally, Isabella had still never truly acknowledged what was happening between them. Hell, now that she thought about it, the blonde hadn't even technically answered that hanging question, will you go on a date with me?, that she'd asked in that night-chilled alley. That skilled evasion—that pissed her off.

  Coming around front, Piper held her face a few inches from her roommate's. "Let you go?"

  Isabella strained her neck with the force of her pleading, red-faced frown. Eyes wide with embarrassment and fear, she nodded.

  Piper smiled wickedly. "No."

  The blonde thrashed against her bindings, but Piper just bent down on her knees to undo her belt and slip her pants off. "You don't have to hide how you're feeling from me," she said calmly, discarding the jeans. "Or the things that you like." She glanced back for a moment to watch the two girls in the video make out enthusiastically. She came back to her roommate and caught her worried gaze. "I'm not going to make you feel bad or think differently of you. All this—it's just you and me. It's our own private little world."

  Isabella stayed absolutely still, her expression wary. Her eyes moved up and down slightly, studying her captor's face.

  Surprised by her own words, but recognizing the sentiment had long been building within, Piper moved around behind her roommate again. Running both her hands down the blonde's soft body, she hung close to her and kissed her neck gently as her palms rubbed toned thighs and exposed fabric. Leaning her head back a half-inch, Isabella pressed her cheek close, her gaze on the laptop.


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