Steps to Submission Volume 2: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

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Steps to Submission Volume 2: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles) Page 10

by Lexie X

  "Alright," Isabella replied, her tone a little less harsh. "But it better be good."

  Piper nodded, pulled her jacket tighter, and then went to stand by the door as Isabella explained that they were leaving. After a choir of goodbyes and a few more insinuating catcalls, she came back.

  "Let's go."

  On the drunken walk back home, Piper began to tell her new girlfriend everything, from her initial confusion all the way up to her ongoing friendship. Isabella walked alongside her in the chilly night, saying nothing and seemingly unaffected by the cold. She kept a stern but not overly harsh expression throughout. Her eyes stuck to the sidewalk ahead.

  Piper finished her explanation just as they reached their dorm building by describing Jessie's kiss and her refusal with worried haste. Remaining out in the cold, Isabella came up short before the building's entrance. "So nothing happened? You just left?" she asked, her eyes on the door.

  "I just left," Piper insisted. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want to ruin this incredible thing we have with… that confusion."

  Isabella's jawlines moved as she grit her teeth for a moment. "Don't do that again. I want to know everything. I deserve to be told, and to make my own decisions."

  Standing in place and shivering from the chill and from forlorn embarrassment, Piper nodded emphatically.

  "And nothing happened?" Isabella asked again.

  Piper shook her head.

  The blonde seemed to accept that for the moment and moved toward the door—but then she stopped and finally looked directly at her girlfriend. "And you weren't attracted to her?"

  Piper shook her head again more slowly, emphasizing the point with wide, apologetic eyes. Saying nothing further, Isabella finally led them both inside.

  Feeling too vulnerable to take it off, Piper left her jacket on once they reached the room. She stood by her bed and watched as her roommate slammed the door shut behind them and ditched her own jacket. Isabella stood in the center of the room, still afire.

  They both remained like that, silent, for nearly a minute.

  Finally, Isabella took several steps toward her and gave her a calm glare from inches away. "I know you're telling the truth," she said. "But the fact remains that you've been bad."

  Breathless, vulnerable, and curiously energized by that statement and her girlfriend's powerful close presence, Piper trembled a little in place. "So what are you going to do about it…?" she whispered, a hint of challenge in her voice.

  "You're in the doghouse, and I'm tipsy," Isabella explained, her tone still completely serious. "So… I'm going to do whatever I want to you." She grabbed her captive's jacket by the shoulders and pulled it down forcefully, somehow removing it one swift motion.

  Her toes curling, her heart leaping, Piper remained motionless, more than willing to accept whatever justice of that sort her girlfriend deemed necessary—and Isabella could see that in her eyes, that she wanted that fire and darkness, that it was more than alright to reveal her real desires. "We'll get her friendship back, too."

  Piper's eyes widened a little farther. "We will?"

  The blonde nodded. "Because losing it hurt you, because you want it. Because I can make it happen. I like making things happen for you." She ran a hand up the front of her dress. "Now take your clothes off."

  Piper quickly stripped off her new dress and underwear. Behind her, Isabella gracefully slipped off her own dress and ordered her to lie down on her bed. Naked and excited, Piper lay face down on her sheets, wondering what Isabella was going to do; she could hear the blonde rooting through their bag of toys.

  "So you weren't kidding when you said a friend gave these to you," Isabella commented.

  Piper began to turn and say something, but a quick order kept her eyes front.

  "I've been wanting to do this to you ever since I saw it," the blonde continued. "I just thought it might be too much, too fast, but that's not really a concern between us, is it?"

  "No," Piper breathed happily, her body full of anticipation and growing heat. From the sounds of discarded clothing and moving around, she had some idea what her girlfriend was doing, but she had no idea what it would really feel like—or how either of them would feel after that new step.

  "Get yourself wet," Isabella ordered.

  Reaching down, Piper squeezed her thighs around her hand and began rubbing herself. Two hands came to rest on either side of her waist, and Isabella pulled her back toward the edge of the bed and let her legs fall to the floor for support.

  Angled against her butt cheek, Piper felt a long, thick, and spit-slickened toy—even though both of the blonde's hands were already on her. Shivering, she knew for certain what was about to happen. She'd fantasized about it sometimes, ever since she saw the strap-on and harness in the bag, but she'd always thought it was too crazy and taboo for the two of them to ever use.

  But, she reminded herself, Isabella was the perfect girl to make it happen between them. Full of anticipation, she set her feet, clutched the sheets, and spread her legs; her lower body literally ached for it all to happen. Liking the submissive energy she saw, Isabella ran her hands around her cheeks and thighs. Carefully, she directed the strap-on toward her girlfriend's waiting sex.

  It slid an inch in, and Piper clenched up.

  Holding back, Isabella waited.

  Piper took a deep breath and tried to relax.

  The firm shaft pushed a radiating massive presence through her body; a powerful sense of being penetrated and filled that set her gasping for a moment.

  A hand came to rest on her butt as Isabella waited again.

  Thankful for the chance to adjust, Piper gripped the sheets until she felt ready. She let go slowly, moving back a little to drive the firm shaft deeper—until soft thighs pressed against the back of her legs. Trembling with electricity and animal arousal, she moved forward a little, and then back again. Isabella picked up on her readiness and began rolling her hips, thrusting ever so gently at first.

  Her scrunched-up face pressed into the sheets, Piper spent the first few moments just trying to manage the wild forces inside her body. The firm presence inside her felt impossibly massive and filled her lower body with a half-familiar kind of stimulation she hadn't experienced in quite a long time. She'd done it before, but never quite like this—not so aroused, and not so engaged and connected. Her thoughts went blank as she gave in to the rhythm. Soft gasps escaped her throat unbidden with each back and forth.

  Isabella held on tightly to her hips, and their shared thrusting intensified.

  As they moved against one another, Piper felt her thighs grow increasingly slick and heated. Fueled by the crackling pleasure that arced through her with surprising force, animal lust and desperation compelled her to seek more, and she pulled away from Isabella—only to turn around and pull her forward. Completely bare except for the strap-on, Isabella let herself be pulled. She climbed on top of her naked, wet, and very willing captive with a fiery energy.

  On her back and penetrated again with those perfect firm breasts hanging in her face and her gorgeous soft girlfriend on top of her, Piper didn't think it could get any better—until Isabella carefully leaned down and kissed her between bouncing thrusts.

  Sucking on the tongue invading her mouth and rolling her hips in rhythm with the thrusting presence inside her, Piper felt her very being flutter with euphoria. The pleasure forced its way into every nerve and fiber of her body as an ongoing and sparking stimulation that felt almost like a continuous orgasm. Already sweating slightly from the effort, her cheeks flushed red, Isabella watched the pleasure in her face and smiled hungrily.

  Desperate for even more, Piper curled up just enough to get one firm breast in her mouth and began sucking her girlfriend's nipple and kneading her curves eagerly even as their mutual rhythm quickened.

  "Just… like… that…!" she breathed in between bounces as she arched her body repeatedly into the thrusts, her mouth and hands working those round breasts as best t
hey could. A growing spark in her head forced her to give up that effort and instead focus on the pressure building inside.

  "Come," Isabella panted, sweat dripping down from her face. "I want you to come."

  Piper widened her eyes briefly and tried to say that was most definitely going to happen, but she never got the chance. Her muscles all seemed to contract at once as an amazing barrier broke and white-hot pleasure surged through her. She kept her eyes locked on her girlfriend's as she moaned, writhed, and tensed with orgasm. Red-faced from the effort, Isabella watched her intently and repeatedly thrust as hard as she could.

  Arching back as her peak hit, Piper opened her mouth to gasp, but she had no breath remaining. Her lower body clenched tightly around the massive presence inside her; she could only ride the waves of ecstasy and hope not to suffocate.

  And then she was falling back against the sheets, gasping deeply, and quivering with orgasmic aftershocks. Isabella slowly withdrew, leaving her feeling strangely empty but utterly satisfied. The blonde moved up and came to rest on the bed beside her as she recovered from the strain. Bright red and covered in sweat, she nonetheless remained calm, confident, and gorgeous.

  Piper glanced down at the erect toy that still glistened with her juices, then back up at her girlfriend. Giving her an animal gaze, she couldn't help but speak her feelings. "God, I am so into you."

  Isabella smiled. "I know."

  Piper's playful slap turned into a caress along heated and sweaty skin.

  Just enjoying each other's presence and processing their new step, they remained quiet for a few minutes. They both exchanged little smiles and expressions, conveying without words that they were both alright and both still on the same page.

  Finally, they had both recovered.

  Removing the harness and throwing everything down on the floor, Isabella scooted back on the bed and spread her legs, her smile growing wider.

  Crawling across the soaked bed, Piper breathed, "They're going to start asking questions about all the sheets we wash."

  Isabella laughed and pulled her girlfriend's head down between her open legs. "Let 'em."

  Chapter 10

  Still holding numerous bags under her arms, Piper pushed open her bedroom door with her foot. Standing at the threshold and taking in the familiar but strangely aloof environment, she realized she no longer thought of her old bedroom as home. No, home was that cramped little door room four and a half hours away, with all the excitement and vitality brought by the presence of her roommate—her girlfriend. Smiling, she lumbered forward and dropped her bags on the beige carpet.

  Relieved of her burden, she plopped down on the dark blue covers of her bed, and her smile faded as the sheer length of winter break began hitting home. A month without Isabella! It was all she'd thought about on the drive. She wondered if things would stay so amazing between them. Would Isabella lose her interest? Would she meet someone else? Their relationship was so new, intense, and taboo for the both of them, what if—

  Her phone vibrated in her pocket. Pulling it out, she found a text message from Isabella waiting for her.

  "How's the family?"

  Shaking her head, Piper let her smile return and her stress fall away. There was no way the gorgeous blonde would give up their utterly honest, intensely private, and darkly twisted connection. All she had to do to feel better was continually remind herself of that. As crazy as it seemed, Isabella felt the same way as she did. She was certain of that.

  Nodding at her self-reassurance, Piper wrote out a message. "Just got in. I'm sure they'll all ask about you, though!"

  "Yeah, I wish I could be there more than anything," Isabella texted back after a moment. "But my stupid mom would throw an insane tantrum if I didn't come home."

  Piper bit her lip and wished she could do something about the unhappy conditions her girlfriend would have to endure at home. "We'd probably get sick of each other after a whole month stuck together, anyway."

  She sat up at attention as a figure appeared at her bedroom door. Angela had unkempt hair and wore what looked like the same sweats she'd had on at Thanksgiving, but she looked markedly less tired. "Hey," she said quietly. "The twins are asleep for a nap. They might actually be coming out of their terrible twos!"

  Smiling with humor and warmth, Piper stood and gave her a big hug. "Hi, mom."

  Angela hugged her back hard. "How's Isabella?"

  Held captive until she gave an answer, Piper grimaced—but she didn't want to speak negatively of her girlfriend's family. "She's fine. Already home. Made the trip alright."

  Releasing their hug, her mother relented.. "And you two…? You're… doing well?"

  A blush crossed Piper's face unbidden.

  At that unspoken answer, Angela gave a genuine motherly smile. "Dinner's at six. I'm sure you need some time to relax after your drive, so I won't bug you with any more questions until then."

  "Thanks, mom."

  Closing the door after her, Piper tried to still her racing heart. Would it ever feel commonplace and normal to have her relationship with another girl talked about so openly? It wasn't as if other people could possibly know all the twisted little fantasies she and Isabella shared, although it occurred to her that every couple probably had such private things—including her own parents. Squeezing her eyes shut and shouting in disgusted horror, she fell forcibly along her bed and tried to cleanse her brain of the unhappy thought.

  She blinked groggily awake some time later, unsure when she'd even fallen asleep. Disoriented, it took her a moment to realize she was back at home in her old bedroom. Disappointment hit her all over again as she realized Isabella wasn't in bed next to her, and wouldn't be again for several weeks. Reaching for her phone, she found three text messages waiting.

  "Sick of you? Never."

  "What are you up to?" the next asked, a few hours later.

  She looked out her window, finding that it was dark—and far past six.

  "Hey…?" the third message asked. This last message was only two minutes old, and probably the reason she'd woken up. She pressed a few buttons and held the phone up to her ear. It didn't even have a chance to ring. Isabella answered immediately.

  The blonde greeted her nonchalantly. "Hey."

  Piper smiled reflexively. "You missed me!"

  A grumble came through the phone. "If you're trying to gain the upper hand by making me wait, it's working."

  "The upper hand?" Piper laughed. "No, I just fell asleep. Thanks for the idea, though!"

  "Oh," Isabella replied. "I guess I'm feeling a little vulnerable here. My mom's already drunk and shouting at the TV. I guess I thought… I don't know. Even though you weren't doing that, can we say we won't? Let's not play headgames with each other like that."

  Even though her girlfriend couldn't see it, Piper's smile widened. "Why, Isabella, are you setting a boundary?"

  A distant angry shout came through the phone as an older female voice threw slurred insults at some barely audible football game. Isabella's reply came a moment later, her tone uncharacteristically subdued. "Yeah."

  Piper's humor faded in favor of compassion. "Alright. No headgames." She paused for a moment to guess at what her girlfriend might be feeling. "We're never going to be like your parents."

  The sound of movement came through the phone for a minute until Isabella found some other place to sit and talk. "Promise?"

  "Yeah, I promise."

  A few moments of silence passed between them.

  Isabella's next words came with restored confidence, as if nothing had been wrong in the first place. Her sultry tone belied subtle warmth and humor. "So, what are you wearing?"

  Piper laughed loudly. "You're impossible!"

  "Yes," the blonde replied, laughing herself. She gained enough control to get serious for a moment. "But, damn, I miss touching you."

  Her skin tingling, Piper asked, "You do?"

  "So much it scares me."

  Blinking with unexpected happiness, sh
e shifted into a more comfortable position. "Me too. I don't know how the hell I'll survive a month without… you know." She squeezed her legs together as she voluntarily relived the sense memories of going down on her girlfriend; that intimate slickness, her sweet flavor, and her soft curves.

  Isabella seemed to know exactly what she was picturing. "You're a hopeless case, Piper," she teased. "But I do have an idea."

  Her squirming stopping suddenly. "You do?"

  "Wait until everyone else is asleep, then get some wine and call me back," Isabella ordered, audibly smirking on the other side of the phone.

  Intrigued and excited, she responded, "Alright!"

  "I've got to go for now," the blonde continued, agitated by shouts directed her way. Her voice grew louder as if the phone had been pressed closer, but her words came out in whispers. "But don't touch yourself until then."

  "But I'm all—"

  "That's an order."

  She relented with a sigh.

  After a snack and a couple hours of excited waiting, Piper was finally certain that everyone else in the house was asleep. Already into her second glass of wine, she eagerly dialed her girlfriend.

  Her tone conspiratorial, Isabella asked, "You alone?"


  "Well," the blonde replied, momentarily frustrated. "I can't get my stupid laptop working. The video chat just isn't working. So we'll have to do this the old-fashioned way."

  Cautiously optimistic, Piper got comfortable on top of her dark blue covers. "Old-fashioned way?"

  "I'm pretty sure I can get you off with words alone."

  Tingling, Piper laughed. "Oh, you're sure, are you?"

  "Yes," the blonde stated. "You're that into me."

  Suspecting that her girlfriend was right, Piper said nothing.

  "Drink your wine," Isabella ordered. "All of it."

  With a deep breath and a few swift gulps, Piper complied, and then put the empty glass on her nightstand.

  "Now close your eyes."

  Doing so, she settled into a comfortable position on her back and held the phone to her ear on a crooked elbow. "Should I take off my clothes?"


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