Leap of Faith (Iris Boys Book 3)

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Leap of Faith (Iris Boys Book 3) Page 13

by Lucy Smoke

  I stared blankly at a loose thread on the arm of the couch as Knix paced back and forth in the living room, his big body taking up way too much space for how many people were now crammed into the small three-bedroom duplex. I couldn't draw my gaze away from that stupid loose thread as I listened to the guys talk.

  "We need a bigger house if we're all gonna be staying here," Texas grumbled as he shifted to the side to let Bellamy step over his legs and sit on the middle cushion between the two of us.

  "You want us to wait?" Grayson snapped at Knix. "By the time Alex calls us back, it might be too late."

  "He's likely to call back tonight," Knix said absently as he scratched the side of his jaw.

  When I finally managed to pry my gaze away from the dark burgundy thread sticking out of the seam of the couch, I looked up and caught his expression as he passed me. I frowned. Knix looked way too tired, like he'd been up all night and had gone into work at the rehab center early this morning.

  "It's not like him to make us wait too long. He knows how important this mission is."

  "And if he doesn't call tonight?" Marv asked. Marv wasn't nearly as furious as Grayson was by Knix's answers, but he obviously wasn't happy with it either if the expression on his face was anything to go by. He sat across the room with his arms folded over his chest and his chin tilted down as he contemplated the conversation.

  Knix stopped and turned to both Marv and Grayson. "What do you expect us to do?" he asked. "You want us to head to H. B. Holdings and demand they release Erika? Most people that work for H. B. Holdings probably don't even know about their less than legal business dealings. We don't know who could be in on it. We wouldn't even know where to start. Think this through. Alex will be able to give us some insight. He has far more connections than any of us and he can get more information."

  "We know that at least one of the nurses is in on their illegal activities," Marv reminded him.

  Knix nodded. "Did Josh give you a name?" At the mention of Josh, my eyes moved to the hallway. The guys were right to keep him away, relegating him to one of the rooms until they knew what to do with him. He had caused enough trouble, but a part of me wanted him to be in here with the rest of us, trying to figure out a solution to the problem he had caused.

  "James Cook," Marv said.

  Texas groaned long and loud. All eyes turned to him. "That's the name he gave? Come on," Texas huffed. "He wasn't even trying to hide it."

  "What?" Marv asked, sitting forward. "Do you recognize it?" Texas slanted a pitying glance at both Marv and Grayson. "James Cook is the name of a drug dealer on the TV show Skins. Don't you two watch any television?"

  "No, of course not," Marv replied.

  "When the hell would I have time for that?" Grayson agreed. They both paused for a moment as if realizing that they were actually agreeing on something for a change. After an irritated glance at each other, Grayson shook his head and turned back to Knix.

  "So, he gave a fake name. We still have a description of the guy. We can't just sit here and do nothing."

  Knix clapped a large palm on Grayson's shoulder and shook his head. "We aren't doing nothing, I promise, Grayson. This will get figured out. Let's give Alex a few hours to call us back and if he doesn't, then we'll figure something else out."

  Grayson shrugged off Knix's grip. "I can't believe you." He took a look around the room, passing over me briefly. "You talk a big game about how great Iris is, but all I've seen is that you stick your nose where it doesn't belong and when you could help someone, you choose to sit on your asses and wait."

  "You wouldn't know what Iris does, would you, though?" Marv snapped. "You were a prospect for Iris for what? A week?"

  Grayson closed his eyes, drawing in a heavy breath that made his chest rise and fall. "Fuck this," he finally said.

  I wasn't sure if he was speaking directly to Marv or if he meant the whole room, but he turned and strode towards the front door, punching it open. I jumped when the door slammed shut and the rest of us were left in the wake of his exit.

  "Well, that went well," Bellamy said.

  I shook my head and stood up. "Marv," I snapped, "you need to stop provoking him."

  "Are you leaving?" Texas asked as I headed towards the very door Grayson had just slammed.

  "Yeah," I said. "I'm gonna head back to the dorm. All this—" I cut myself off, gesturing absently, "has left me exhausted. I'll be back tomorrow to see what Alex said." I flicked a glance at Knix. "And Knix, if he doesn't call tonight—we're going to the police."

  Knix shook his head, but before he could open his mouth, I looked at him firmly. "I don't care, Knix. If Alex doesn't call and you have no way of getting to Erika. I will personally go to the police with or without you."

  He looked startled by my declaration, but he didn't say anything more as I opened the door and stepped out onto the porch. One glance around told me that Grayson had already taken off. I sighed and headed down the driveway. Just as I got to the mailbox, the front door opened again and Marv appeared on the steps.

  "Hey, hold up a second," he called, jogging across the grass, heading towards me. Marv reached me at the end of the driveway, his eyes hooded.

  "I'm not going to apologize," I said. "I meant it."

  He shook his head. "I wasn't going to ask you to," he assured me.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. "You weren't?"

  "Harlow, I get it. Erika is your best friend. You have every right to be worried. Knix isn’t trying to be an asshole.” My lips pinched down. I knew that, but it didn’t stop my anxiety or my worry. I wasn’t like Knix. I couldn’t look at this objectively. “Knix isn’t trying to hurt you. He wants to find Erika as much as you do, he just wants to do it by the book. It’s how he was taught.”

  "I know,” I say quietly, dropping my gaze.

  “Hey.” He tipped my chin up before dropping his hand again. “We’ll find her.” I nod, because what else can I do? I know he’s right. Knix is just following the straight path when I want to find a shortcut because I want to see Erika now.

  An awkward silence stretched between us. I looked down at his white t-shirt. Then, slowly, as if I was watching someone else's limb, my hand came up and touched the soft fabric over his chest.

  "You know," I said, "it's kind of weird to see you in something so...casual."

  "Yeah?" He smirked, tilting his head back.

  The hollow of his throat was just above the V-neck and I found myself staring at it, wanting to put my lips there. I hadn't told Texas what I realized in the bathroom and I wasn't sure I wanted to. If, in the end, they wanted to make me choose—if I had to—then it wouldn't be right, it wouldn't be fair, to tell them I loved them now. In fact, it might hurt more when I inevitably wouldn't choose.

  "Sunshine." I bit my lip, the corners of my mouth lifting in a half-hearted attempt to smile at the ridiculous nickname. I was growing so attached to these guys and their casual pet names and their touches and their words and their bodies sleeping next to mine, making me feel wanted and safe and…loved. I looked up and met Marv's gaze. "I'm not gonna say I like what you did with Bell," he admitted, "but I'm not gonna say that you had no right to do it."

  I clenched my teeth to keep from saying anything as I waited for him to continue. Even though Marv had brought me back here after he overheard the conversation I had with Lizzie and we had taken a nap like nothing was wrong, I knew it was only a matter of time before we talked about it again. I had to be patient, I reminded myself.

  "You didn't exactly know what was going on," Marv continued. "I mean, it's not like we really did either. We—I—damn, it's so fucking hard to talk about this. I'm sorry. I'm probably not making any sense. But what I'm just trying to say is that I'm not mad at you. And I don't think Knix or Texas would be if they knew either."

  My eyes widened. "You mean you didn't tell them?"

  He sighed, but his lips quirked up slightly. "When would I have had time, Sunshine? Between finding out and God, I neede
d that fucking nap today because I know that sharing a bed with Texas is gonna suck ass, and then Caruso Number Two showing up, well, it hasn't exactly been a slow day in the office, you know what I mean?"

  "Yeah, you're right. I just assumed..."

  "We do tell each other everything, Harlow. I am going to tell them. Bellamy probably already has and he's just approaching us one on one, he's the type to do that."

  "I'm glad you're not mad," I said.

  "You make me crazy," Marv replied and when I peeked back up at him, his lips had turned up into a full smile. He was so incredibly handsome when he smiled that he often took my breath away. "But I think that's what you're supposed to do."

  "I'm supposed to make you crazy?" I asked, skeptical.

  He laughed before tilting his head down. The top of his forehead brushed mine and I could smell the coffee on his breath. Damn. He’d had another cup. There was no way he'd be getting any sleep tonight. It really was a good thing we took that nap.

  "You're a special girl, Harlow, and only a special girl like you could make me crazy like this," he said.

  "Is it a good kind of crazy at least?" I asked.

  He laughed again, but this time it was quieter, more subdued, more intimate. "Yeah," he said. "It's the best kind of crazy."

  I wasn't surprised by the kiss. Not in the least. It seemed like the perfect moment, the perfect opportunity. And this time, when I went into the kiss, I went into it knowing how I truly felt. I knew how special he was to me. Even though Marv could make me want to bang my head against the wall. Even though he was sometimes overprotective and a complete and utter jerk when it came to Grayson, he was still my Marv.

  When he kissed me, I closed my eyes and let my hands automatically reach for him. My fingers touched the nape of his neck, feeling the light strands of hair as he slanted his mouth over mine. Our noses bumped playfully and when I pulled back I couldn't help but laugh.

  "If it's any consolation," I said, "you make me crazy too."

  He laughed. "I'm glad I'm not alone then."

  The front door opened again before I could say anything more and Marv and I broke apart, our eyes going to the porch. Bellamy raised a hand and even from the end of the driveway, I could tell he was a little off.

  "Hey," he called out, descending the steps, "I didn't mean to interrupt. I just, um...Harlow, do you mind if I talk to you real quick before you leave?"

  Marv and I exchanged glances. "Yeah," I replied. "Now seems as good a time as any." Marv chuckled and kicked the base of the mailbox pole with his foot as he passed by, heading back towards the porch.

  Bellamy stopped Marv and leaned over to speak to him. Whatever was said, I couldn't hear, but Marv peeked back over his shoulder at me before he nodded his head. Ahh, I realized Marv was right. Bellamy was likely going to tell him about what had happened before. Marv and Bellamy finished their quick chat and Bellamy came down the driveway as Marv headed up. Once the front door was closed, Bellamy stopped in front of me, rocking back on his heels as he shoved his hands into his front pockets.


  "Hey yourself," I said. "So, what'd you wanna talk about?"

  Bellamy grimaced as if he wasn't sure how to say it. "I just wanted you to know that I'm gonna tell the guys about what happened between us."

  I nodded, proud that I had guessed correctly. "Marv knows," I said.

  Bellamy's eyes widened. "Oh, I—" His gaze slid to the front door. "I was going to tell him after I spoke to you. I was gonna tell him first before I told the others."

  "Yeah," I said. "He overheard me talking about it with Lizzie."

  Bellamy turned back to me and slid his hands back out of his pockets. His fingers clenched and unclenched into fists. He was anxious, I realized. "You talked about it? About us?"

  I licked my lips and crossed my arms in front of my chest, hugging myself. "I needed someone to talk to and she's been pushing me to tell her which of you guys is my boyfriend. She's my roommate right now and she's met Marv and Grayson and she saw me having lunch with them and Texas in the cafeteria and well...it was...um...girl talk."

  "Girl talk," he repeated, nodding. "Right."

  "I'm sorry," I said. "Did you want me to keep it a secret? I mean, I know I probably should have asked if you'd be comfortable with me talking about it. I didn't say anything bad. I-I liked it." My face flamed as those last words came tumbling out of my mouth.

  Bellamy froze for all of three seconds before a soft smile stretched across his face. "I'm glad," he said quietly.

  I stood there, at the end of the duplex driveway, my face burning hotter than when Mount Vesuvius erupted over Pompeii and all because I had told a guy I liked it when he went down on me. I was eighteen for the love of all that was holy. I could just come out and say it, couldn't I? Why did I have to get all freaking girly about it? Even with those thoughts circling around in my head, my cheeks were assuredly still red when Bellamy took a step closer.


  "Yeah?" I kept my gaze trained on a dark spot on the concrete. It was a crack—tiny and barely discernible, but it already looked like grass was beginning to grow through the small imperfection.

  "Harlow, Sweetheart, look at me," Bellamy prodded. Reaching up and putting a long finger under my chin, he urged me to lift my head. It was hard and incredibly embarrassing, but finally, I managed to look him in the eye. I swallowed thickly as he leaned down and brushed his lips across mine. The same lips that had just kissed Marv, and Bellamy knew it too. I knew that he did. He didn’t seem grossed out or disgusted or even really irritated by that fact either. He still kissed me like I was the only girl in the world and he was the only boy—man, I reminded myself. These guys weren’t boys. They were men.

  And Lord, did these men know how to kiss. Marv's kiss had left me feeling warm and tingly. This kiss—Bellamy's kiss left me burning and achy. I gasped when he flicked his tongue and when I did, he took advantage, sinking into me. Our heads tilted to the sides and I unwrapped my arms from around my middle so they could find his waist. When my fingertips brushed his belt loops, I grabbed a hold and held on for dear life.

  Bellamy's kiss sucked me in. He nibbled lightly on my bottom lip before diving into my mouth, into the fiery kiss, like he didn't just want it to consume him, but like he needed it to consume him. My spine arched backward as he leaned over me. Bellamy made me feel small and dainty just by comparison. His chest was wide—though not wider than Knix's, it was still wide enough to block out everything else. His dark hair fell forward, the shoulder length strands brushing my cheek as he overwhelmed me with his kiss.

  I had to release his belt loops and push back on his chest so that I could breathe. Much longer and I might have passed out.

  “You’re okay with me telling them?” Bellamy asked, panting.

  I put the back of my hand to my mouth, trying to catch my breath as well. “I knew you would anyway,” I said. “I don’t want to hide anything from them.”

  He nodded as if he appreciated the answer and even…liked it? I couldn’t be sure, but there was a glint of pride—or something like it—in his eyes. “Okay,” he said.

  After a moment that allowed the both of us to finally get our hearts back down to normal speed, he glanced across the street, towards campus. “Are you going to be okay walking back on your own?” he asked. “I could drop you off if you want.”

  “I think I’d prefer to walk,” I replied. “I want some time to myself, but thank you anyway.”

  “Just…be safe?” He looked at me seriously, his dark brows drawn down low. “Text us when you get there. I just want to know you’re okay.” Little tiny fluttering wings brushed against my insides—like echoes from those two amazing kisses.

  I nodded. “Of course. I’ll let you know.”

  “Thank you, Sweetheart.”

  “No problem.”

  “And Harlow?” He stopped me just as I turned back towards the street. I glanced over my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Erika will be
fine. Iris will see to it.”

  A small ping resounded in my chest, a reminder. I wasn’t just a college student. I was an Iris girl, and my best friend was in trouble. I nodded sharply and once again turned towards the campus. No matter how much I liked Lander and my classes and my roommate, this was all only temporary. The real work had begun. And regardless of my relationship issues, I needed to focus on finding Erika, keeping her from signing any sort of contract with H. B. Holdings, and keeping her safe.

  Chapter 12

  Harlow." Lizzie's low, irritated groan from across the room woke me. I rolled over, peeking out from beneath the covers, wondering what had set her off. Was she calling my name in her sleep? Then the room lit up and the phone on my nightstand buzzed as a call came through. "Harlow," Lizzie hissed again.

  I squeezed my eyes closed and moaned as I reached out and snagged the phone. Nearly blinding myself with how bright the screen was, I clicked the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

  "'lo?" I grumbled.

  "Get up and meet me downstairs."


  "No, it's the muffin man—Yes, it's Grayson. Come on, I've got the car running," he said.

  I pulled the phone away and checked the time.

  "Grayson," I snapped. "It's the middle of the night. Whatever it is, can't it wait until tomorrow? I am a normal person, you know. I need sleep."

  "I promise, you can get your beauty rest tomorrow night," he replied. "Now, get your butt down here."

  "I'm hanging up, Muffin Man."

  "You want to know where Erika is, don't you?" he stopped me.

  My thumb hovered over the 'end call' button and I bit my lip, wavering before putting the phone back to my ear. "Did Alex call?"

  "He may not know what to do," Grayson said. "We need to do something now."

  I groaned softly, sitting up in bed. "Grayson. Knix told us to wait."


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