Fake Marriage to a Rock Star: Fame and Romance

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Fake Marriage to a Rock Star: Fame and Romance Page 8

by Marian Wilson

  He nodded. “Sure.”

  She stood, patted him on the shoulder, and left the room, leaving Brendan alone with his thoughts.


  He pulled her tightly into a hug and allowed her to release the tears and frustration she’d had to deal with alone. Deciding not to go out in public together, Misty had agreed to meet Brendan at his hotel where they would have dinner in his room.

  She had just arrived and instantly fell into his arms. She had crumpled into a mess when he opened the door. Usually dolled up for the public in her normal glitz and glamour, Misty had arrived in a pink t-shirt, jeans, and flip-flops, wearing a big floppy hat and sunglasses.

  “Thank you for coming, but you really didn’t have to,” she stated after she had calmed down.

  Brendan grabbed her by the hand and led her to the couch, sitting down only after she sat. “Let’s not do this again.”

  She smiled gently at him. “Are you enjoying your vacation?”

  He laughed. “Something like that.”

  “So, tell me all about your fiancée. I had no idea you were involved with anyone, let alone something so serious.”

  Brendan nervously rubbed his hands together, arms resting on his knees. “I don’t know…it was something she wanted. To protect the relationship and her privacy.”

  “Even from me?”

  If he hadn’t been looking directly at her, he would have missed the hint of disappointment that etched itself on her face. She had schooled her voice so carefully as to not express a hint of disappointment. Brendan wasn’t surprised that Misty looked a little hurt. After all, the two of them had been so close that he had shared almost everything with her, just as she had shared her own hurtful secrets with him.

  “Misty, I have something to tell you. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “Why would I be mad, Bren?”

  “Because I haven’t been honest with you. Ava and I aren’t really engaged.”

  Misty’s forehead wrinkled as she stared at him. “Then what’s going on?”

  “I was looking for a way to throw the public off about their allusions to an affair between us. My best friend Keith and his wife Roxanne came up with this idea, and I don’t know…” he said, staring at his hands. “I kind of got caught up in the whirlwind of it all. It sounded like the perfect idea to me.”

  “Oh, Bren…who is this poor girl? What about her feelings? You know you’re a target for some of the craziest—”

  “No! No!” he said, rapidly crossing his hands back and forth over one another in a sort of swiping motion. “She’s not that kind. Ava is Keith’s ba…younger sister.” He had promised himself he would not look at her as a little kid anymore, and that had to start with how he referenced her. “She really doesn’t mind. I’ve known them since I was nine and she was six. I trust her with my life.”

  The thought of that took his breath away. He hadn’t realized until that moment how implicitly he trusted her until he said the words.

  A small smile tilted his lips.

  “She sounds like a really great person. I mean, to put her own life on hold to do this for a friend? There’s got to be a ton of respect, admiration, and care for you. I’d even venture to say love.”

  “Oh, it isn’t like that. She’s a really good friend.”

  “I didn’t say it was like anything, Bren. I mean, I love you and you’re like a younger brother to me,” Misty pointed out, a slight smile teasing the corners of her lips. “Does she have someone special in her life? And if so, how does he feel about it?”

  Biting down on his bottom lip, he found himself clenching and unclenching his fists at the thought of Ava belonging to someone else.

  “I know this will probably sound selfish, Misty, but I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know if there’s someone else or not. All I know is she’s got this great personality. She’s super smart, caring, and always willing to sacrifice for someone else. Ava’s protective of anyone close to her, and she’s beautiful…like unbelievably so. You should’ve seen her when she was just a kid and a teen. She’s changed overnight. She used to be this nerdy little kid, and now she’s this amazing swan. The team came in to make her over for our photoshoot and, Misty, she was stunning.”

  He broke off, realizing he was rambling on when Misty released a soft laugh.

  “Are you sure she’s just a friend?”

  He smiled. “Well, she has been, but her sister-in-law actually shared with me that she’s had feelings for me since we were kids.”

  “Bren, it sounds like the feelings are mutual. Why don’t you tell her how you feel? She’s probably too scared to tell you how she feels. I’m sure she’s overwhelmed by your superstardom and who you’ve become.”

  “I don’t know about all that superstardom. She was angry at me in the beginning when I first came, because she thought you and I were really involved.”

  “When you return, you need to fix that situation. How long are you here for anyway?”

  “I’m only in town for today, and I’ll be flying out tomorrow, but I needed to see you. Just kind of be there to have your back, you know? Misty, you’re like a big sister to me, and I hate to see you hurting. But worse than that, I really hate what you and Nick are going through.”

  “I know, Bren, but there’s nothing more that I can do. His demands are ridiculous, so there’s no way this marriage can be saved.”

  Leaning back, he thought back to the conversation he’d had with Ava. “Are they really though, Misty?”

  Grabbing a tissue from her purse, she sniffled and wiped her nose. “What, Bren? What are you asking me?”

  He slowly stroked his top lip, contemplating. “Are his demands ridiculous?”

  “Brendan! How could you ask me that?”

  “Because, someone asked me a similar question recently, and I’ve been thinking about my response ever since. I won’t get involved in a serious relationship because I wouldn’t want to put the demands and stress of my career on anyone. We know what’s required of us and how our fans can never get enough. To stay on top, we have to keep our name in the public and we have to remain at the top of our game. Work, work, work. That’s all there’s ever time for. So, if we know that, why would we subject someone else to the unrelenting demands?”

  “Nick knew what he was getting into when he married me. Besides, his career is demanding, too. Just not as much as mine.”

  “True, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the marriage. You two can compromise. Misty, right now you’re doing back-to-back movies. You barely have time to finish one before you start the next. Do you really think it’s fair to your husband or daughter? And what about the little one on the way?”

  “What’re you suggesting?”

  “Maybe, cut back on the number of movies you accept. Only those that are truly lucrative to the messages you want to put out. Enjoy this time with your family. I know that money is enticing, but you have plenty of money. Besides, money can’t buy time lost with your loved ones.”

  Misty turned her dark blue eyes on Brendan, a smile twitching at her lips. “Maybe I haven’t been fair to Nick. He’s not asking me to quit my career; he’s just asking me to cut back. And, you’re right. I am missing out on so much of Christina’s life. I guess I always felt like cutting back on working would mean I would have to give up so much. But, thinking about it more, cutting back would really mean that I would be gaining things that really matter, such as love and time with my family. I don’t know, Bren. Maybe it’s too late.”

  “All you can do is try, Misty. Nick is a good guy. I know he doesn’t want to lose you.”

  “You’re right,” she said, pulling her feet on the sofa underneath her.

  “So, who’s up for movie night?” he asked, grabbing the remote. “Maybe we’ll watch Breaking Edge,” he suggested.

  Misty groaned. “Do you know how many times we’ve had to watch Daddy’s movie with Christina?” she asked, referring to her daughter.

  Brendan laughed
. “I was just teasing. Whatever you want, and I’ll even order room service.”

  Snatching the remote, Misty chuckled. “Sounds like a deal, as long as I can hog the remote.”

  “Deal!” he said, wrapping his arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder.

  Brendan had a lot to think about. He had given Misty advice for her life, but he needed to get his affairs in order. Thinking back on it, he realized he had been scared to share his feelings with Ava because he worried about her turning him down at first. But then Roxanne had shared with him that Ava had feelings for him, and it had changed everything. Misty just gave him the confirmation he needed to move forward. He had one last hurdle: Keith.


  Max Load’s Brendan Powers is having a difficult time staying away from Misty Waters. GlamLife Magazine recently came across these pictures of the two hidden out at The Waverly Hotel in Beverly Hills. Brendan is looking relaxed in a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a form-fitting, grey muscle shirt with flip-flops. Although he’s wearing his trademark ballcap turned backward, the look on his face is anything but relaxed as the camera snaps away.

  Unbeknownst to Powers and Waters, when he escorted her to the limo waiting outside the hotel for her, another arriving guest was able to capture a few photos of the two hugging and looking pretty close just before she escaped in her limo. Our source of these pictures is a staff member here at GLM, but we had it on good word that Brendan had checked in. So, we sent in our secret agents to camp out and wait. Just as our staff was switching out surveillance detail, the two walked out of the exclusive hotel.

  What say we now? Brendan has had ample opportunity to dispute the allegations of an ongoing affair. But rather than take the chance, he pulls a fiancée out of the blue and waves her in our faces. Well, where is said fiancée now? Somewhere crying a river? We’ll keep you posted.

  “What were you thinking, Bren? Was all this in vain?” Keith furiously thumped the tabloid onto the table, after he finished reading it. A muscle clenching in his jaw and the reddening of his face were tale-tell signs of his anger.

  As soon as he arrived back in Atlanta to Keith’s house, there was a welcoming committee sitting in the kitchen waiting for him. Keith, Roxanne, and Drew all seemed to be upset with him. Ava was conspicuously missing.

  Brendan’s face was red, heated in anger. He didn’t care what anyone thought. He wanted one thing: Ava.

  “Where’s Ava?” he asked, over the lump in his throat.

  “Why?” Those were the first words Roxanne had spoken since his arrival. She had only glared at him.

  “I need to speak with her.”

  “Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage?” Roxanne asked.

  “What’re you talking about, Roxi?” Keith asked.

  Drew chuckled, but Brendan saw nothing funny. “You have got to be the only clueless one, Keith. My brother’s in love with your sister, and she’s in love with him. Has been since we were kids.” Drew’s eyes never left his brother.

  Brendan frowned, his chest heaving with emotions churning inside of him. “Look, you guys can think whatever it is you want to think, but I just need to see Ava. Please, tell me where she is.”

  Roxanne shook her head. “She asked me not to, Bren. And I’m respecting her wishes.”

  Brendan turned towards Keith, as Keith said, “Look, dude, all I know is she was upset. She flung this paper at me and left the house earlier, and I haven’t heard from her since.”

  He turned a sorrowful glance towards Drew. “Bren, you know if I knew I’d tell you. Just get it together, big bro.”

  Brendan jogged upstairs and plopped on the bed. He tried to let his brain recall every little tidbit of what she had said to him. Was there any specific place she went when she was upset? Were there friends she was closer to than others that she would run to? Was she…?

  Brendan shot up from the bed like a ball fired from a cannon. Running back downstairs he found his brother sitting in the same spot in the kitchen with Keith and Roxanne. The hushed whispers that had preceded his approach trailed off when he made his presence known.

  Watching everyone warily, he approached his brother. “Drew, can I borrow your keys, man?”

  “Sure,” Drew said, reaching into his pocket and grabbing the keys, he readily gave them to his brother.

  “Bren, where are you going?” Roxanne asked, getting up from her chair.

  He glanced in her direction, shook his head, and left the kitchen. He heard the footsteps behind him as he neared Drew’s vehicle. He ignored the shouts to his name, as he hopped in the BMW, powered up the engine, and roared down the driveway.

  Punching the dial on the dashboard, Brendan turned the radio off. He didn’t need any distractions. Purely concentrating on the drive, he hoped his instinct didn’t steer him wrong. Twenty minutes later, he pulled up to a serene little area and parked. He sat there for a moment, scared that if he moved, he would disturb the tranquility of the area.

  A carpet of lush, green grass rolled out before him, sloping down to a small incline. Large sugar maple trees provided comfortable resting spots to hide from the glaring sun. Brendan pushed the door open, leaving the cool recesses of the car behind as he made his way down one of the hills. At the edge of the slope, sparkling water glistened in the afternoon sun.

  Brendan slowly made his way down the slope towards the water’s edge. There was one particularly large tree that offered shade with a bench underneath. Walking in the direction of the bench, he shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans, shoulders hunched. The sound of the water rolling by and the soft wind blowing through the treetops gave the area a placid feel.

  Reaching his destination, Brendan dropped onto the bench, leaning forward with his hands clasped.

  “Roxanne told you where to find me.” It was a statement and not a question.

  He looked at her tossing oats on the ground a few feet away where a family of ducks was gathered.

  “No. You did.”

  Reaching into a small paper bag at her feet, Ava pulled out more oats. “Not sure how that happened when I haven’t spoken to you.”

  Her voice was calm and detached, her face expressionless but slightly pinched.

  “You’re a history teacher starting this fall at the middle school. You’ve always loved history. Roxanne wouldn’t tell me where you were. I was on my own, and I tried hard to figure it out, but honestly, it didn’t take long. You reminisce about the past. I realized, you would come back to the one place you always loved, the place that held such good memories from our past. Here. Here is where deep friendships were formed among all of us, where you first learned to fish, and where you would always come when you were troubled as a little kid.”

  She released a soft, humorless laugh. “Why are you here?”

  “I needed to talk to you.”

  Ava released a large sigh and tossed a handful of oats to the ducks, before brushing her hands together to rid them of any crumbs.

  “Do you know why I knew you loved history? And why I know you love reminiscing about the past?”

  She shook her head.

  “Because you’re important to me. And all the things that make you Ava are important to me, too.”

  He sighed when she showed no reaction to his words. Brendan made a career of singing about love, emotions, and all the changes of life that were impactful to a relationship. He had written many of the songs the band sang, including a couple of their number one hits. But now he was before the woman he loved, and he couldn’t find the right words to draw her to him.

  “Bren, your life is so different than anything I could ever imagine, and I tried with all my heart to protect you from the onslaught that was coming your way. But no matter how hard I try, you seem to throw yourself back into the fire. I can’t protect you if you don’t want to be protected. But what’s worse? I can’t protect myself from you.”

  He reached out and grabbed her hand, and when she tried to pull away, he held it ti
ghter. “Why would you need to?” he asked, his heart thudding loudly and creating a loud rushing sound in his ears.

  “Because, this fairytale we put on to protect your reputation was a game to you, but it was real to me, Bren. I couldn’t protect my heart from you—no matter how hard I tried. The more time that I spend with you, the more I want to be with you. All these feelings I have bottled inside are overwhelming and I don’t know what to do with them.”

  “Let them out.”

  She stared at him in disbelief. “What do you mean, ‘Let them out?’”

  “Like this.”

  He pulled her to him, caressing her face with his thumbs. Searching her eyes, he wondered if what she felt for him was as strong as what he was feeling for her. Her face softened, and Brendan took the opportunity to kiss her gently, exploring the softness of her plush lips. His nostrils filled with the scent of her strawberry lip gloss and the aromatic fragrance that clung to her.

  Pulling her bottom lip gently with his own, he suckled savoring the sweet nectar of her mouth. Ava’s hands went up and rested on either side of his face, and casually, she opened her mouth, and returned his kiss.

  A slight moan slipped from Ava before she pulled away, turning away from him.

  It had not escaped his notice that this was the first time he had initiated a kiss between them. She had always been the one to lead the way, except for the photo shoot. But all those times had been in public. This was the first time they had kissed, simply because one of them had a desire and not because it was expected, or simply for show.

  “Ava? What’s wrong, love?”

  “What are you doing, Bren? I’m not one of your groupies, or some inexperienced girl looking to be taken advantage of.”

  “That’s not what I’m looking for, Ave. All I want is you. Those women come a dime a dozen, but you? I had to leave home, travel around the world and return before I found what has been right before my eyes all along. The day we were traveling to the studio, I realized being with you is like coming home. It’ll always be like coming home again. And that’s what I want in my life.”


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