Vampire Trouble

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Vampire Trouble Page 3

by Sara Humphreys

  “Hello, Rat,” Olivia said wearily.

  “Dude, your timing sucks,” Trixie said, laughing.

  “To what do we owe the pleasure?” Shane murmured, turning slightly to his left and peering down at their unwelcome visitor.

  Rat was short and bald with a wiry build, and while he was stronger than any human, he was no match for Shane. The guy owned a strip club in the city that catered to both humans and vampires, but everyone knew it was a cover for a prostitution ring. Maya gave Rat a quick smile and fiddled with the emerald in her necklace. She didn’t miss the look of disapproval from Shane, but of course, that only encouraged her. Maya knew Rat found her attractive, and even though she wasn’t interested, if flirting with him would annoy Shane, then she was all for it.

  “Don’t you have your own club to tend to?” Shane said tightly.

  “Nice to see you too, Quesada.” Rat sat on a bar stool to Shane’s left and winked at Maya. When he grinned, his two gold front teeth glinted at her. His bald head gleamed like a lightbulb, and the tattoo of a viper slithered out from beneath his collar, around his neck, and up the back of his skull. “You’re a barrel of laughs, Quesada. I’m starvin’. You got anything back there for your nonhuman clientele, blondie?”

  “Her name is Maya,” Shane interjected before Maya could respond, while sending a glance toward her. “You would do well to address her like you would a lady.”

  A lady? Yeah, right. Maya almost scoffed out loud. She nestled the necklace in her cleavage before plastering on a big smile.

  “Don’t you pay any attention to him, Rat. You can call me whatever you like. Shane may be the sentry of the city, but he’s not my maker, my daddy, or my husband.” Maya smiled broadly at Rat, reached beneath the bar, and pulled out a bottle of blood. It was common practice for all vampire establishments to keep blood on hand, just in case. Leaning both elbows on the bar, she wiggled the bottle at Rat, and if she didn’t know better, she’d swear she heard a growl coming from Shane. “Shall I heat it up for you?”

  “No, that’s okay, Maya,” Rat said dramatically as he took the bottle from her. “Room temp is just fine.”

  Shane watched Rat remove the cap and drink the blood greedily while keeping his beady eyes on Maya or, more specifically, her cleavage. Shane pulled out a stool and sat between Rat and Olivia and directly in front of Maya.

  “I may not be Maya’s maker, but I am in charge of keeping order in this city among our kind.” Folding his hands on the bar, he didn’t miss the face Maya made before pushing herself away from the counter. Shane smirked and flicked his attention back to Rat. “State your business or be on your way, because as you can see, the club is closed. I’m sure Damien and the ladies have things they need to be doing.”

  “I came by to see the czar, not you, so how about if you go fuck yourself? As far as the ladies are concerned,” he said with a wink to Maya, “I have plenty of things they can do.”

  “Not with you.” Trixie cringed.

  “Oh please.” Olivia sighed.

  In a blink, Shane grabbed Rat by the neck, stood from his seat, and held him in midair like a rag doll. The smaller, younger vampire flailed his legs uselessly, bared his fangs, and clawed at Shane’s hand, but it was no use. Standing away from the bar, Shane continued to dangle Rat a foot off the ground with absolute ease. Maya didn’t realize she was backing away until her butt hit the register. Trixie hopped off the bar and linked her arm through Maya’s in a reassuring gesture.

  That is one badass vampire. Trixie’s voice, laced with awe and admiration, flickered into Maya’s mind.

  More like bossy, Maya shot back.

  And sexy. Trixie bumped her hip against Maya’s playfully. Damn, girl. Can’t forget sexy. I’d give my left fang to take a tumble with him, but if you ask me, he’s got it bad for you.

  No way. Maya didn’t want to admit that she thought Shane was sexy. She locked eyes with Shane and her stomach flip-flopped, reminding her, briefly, of what it was like to be human.

  His lips lifted at the corners briefly before he looked back at Rat.

  “You try my patience.” Shane’s tone, low and deadly, filled the club, which had fallen silent. Sadie, the club’s DJ and Olivia’s oldest coven member, flew down from the DJ platform and stood in a protective position next to Olivia. “As you can see, the rest of Maya’s coven is not in the mood for you and your misogynistic attitude, either.”

  “Misogynistic?” Sadie folded her arms over her breasts, nodding her approval. “I’m impressed. You’re full of surprises, Shane.”

  “No surprise how bossy he is,” Maya muttered.

  Shane slanted a doubtful look in Maya’s direction before turning his attention back to Rat. “Olivia is the czar of this district, and when you are in my presence, you will treat her and every other woman you encounter with respect.” He put Rat back on his feet, yanked him close, and growled in his ear. “Or you will deal with me.”

  “Let him go, Quesada,” Olivia said evenly. “We’ll give him three minutes to say what he came to say and then he’ll be leaving. Won’t you, Rat?”

  Maya did her best to stop staring at Shane, but it was an effort in futility. In spite of his annoyingly overbearing nature, he was magnetic, powerful, and frightening all at once. Maya’s fingers drifted to the necklace again as she studied him. It was no secret that Rat was a troublemaker and would probably stab Olivia in the back in a hot minute, so she couldn’t really blame Shane for his reaction.

  “Yes,” Rat gurgled and his eyes bugged out.

  “Speak.” Shane released him but stood ready to take further action. He glanced briefly at Maya. “And choose your words carefully.”

  “Thanks.” Rat rubbed at his neck absently and took a step backward, increasing the distance between himself and Shane, but he backed right into Damien, the club’s bouncer. Rat almost jumped out of his skin. “Shit, your coven just seems to come out of the fuckin’ woodwork, Olivia.”

  “Two minutes and thirty seconds,” Shane murmured.

  “Alright, alright.” Rat held his hands up. “I just wanted to let the czars know that we’ve got some special visitors coming into the city, and given Olivia’s condition, I thought she’d want a heads-up.”

  “What visitors?” Olivia asked quietly.

  “Werewolves.” A smile slithered over his face. A collective groan rose from the group. Wolves and vampires had battled each other since the beginning of time, and even though a treaty was in place, the tension still ran thick beneath the surface. A few lone wolves lived in the city but not an entire pack. “Not just any wolves. It’s the prince and his little pack of bachelors.”

  “Royalty?” Maya asked with genuine curiosity. She’d never met a werewolf, let alone a royal. “That’s exciting.”

  “That is not the word I would choose,” Shane murmured.

  “What a shocker.” Maya rolled her eyes.

  Shut up. Trixie elbowed Maya. Can’t you tell how freaked out Olivia is?

  Maya looked at her maker and guilt tugged at her. Trixie was right. Olivia seemed unsettled by Rat’s announcement.

  “Shit,” Olivia groused. “King Heinrich’s son? I am in no mood to placate an overprivileged little werewolf punk. Damn it. I’m sure that Emperor Zhao is going to be annoyed,” Olivia said, referencing the leader of all vampires.

  “Do you think it has to do with your pregnancy?” Sadie asked with concern. She tucked a long strand of brown hair behind her ear and wrapped an arm over Olivia’s shoulder. “A pack comes to town right before you give birth? That’s just too much of a coincidence for me.”

  “Do you think they’re coming here looking for a fight?” Trixie asked. “Or maybe they’re on some kind of recon mission.”

  “I suppose it’s possible, but I doubt it. King Heinrich has always been forthcoming in the past, which is why I’m surprised he didn’t men
tion this visit to the Emperor. I’ve always gotten a heads-up from the Presidium’s main office in Hong Kong before a visit like this. Hell, even the lone wolves or couples who visit here notify us before they arrive, let alone an entire pack.”

  “And they’re coming into the city while we are down a sentry,” Shane said. “Pete is not scheduled to return from paternity leave for another month. This sounds more unappealing by the second.”

  Shane was referring to Pete Castro, a vampire sentry whose mate, an Amoveo shapeshifter, had delivered twins about six months ago. Olivia had granted him time off to be with Marianna and the babies, but it seemed really weird to hear this centuries-old vampire say the words “paternity leave.”

  “You and Paxton sure have modernized your little corner of the vampire world,” Rat said with thinly veiled disgust. “What’s next? Sun insurance?”

  It was glaringly apparent to Maya that other vampires, as well as other supernaturals, were irked by Olivia’s pregnancy. Bloodmates created daywalking vampires, and based on Olivia’s pregnancy, they could possibly create daywalking offspring. If more vampires found their bloodmates, then what would that mean for the old-fashioned kind who burst into flames in the sunlight?

  “When are they arriving and how long are they staying?” Olivia asked.

  “They get here tomorrow night and are planning on staying for a week. I heard they’re staying in the Presidential Suite at the Plaza.”

  A look of concentration settled over Olivia, one that Maya recognized. She could tell Olivia was telepathing with Doug, the other czar and her mate. Olivia’s green eyes refocused and flicked back to Rat.

  “How did you come across this little tidbit of information, Rat? King Heinrich should have been the one to alert us to his son’s visit.”

  “Viola, one of my familiars,” Rat said, referring to the handful of humans who know about the existence of vampires. “She hooked up with one of the prince’s flunkies when she was back home in Alaska visiting her mom. Anyway, all of my familiars are loyal to me.”

  Rat smirked and Maya didn’t miss the look of annoyance on Olivia’s face. Having too many humans involved in vampire business always made her uncomfortable.

  “Viola came in to work tonight blathering on about how her new werewolf boyfriend was coming to the city for a visit. She’s a bit of a star-fucker and is moony-eyed that she’s banging a guy directly connected to royalty. The king is at the fuckin’ summit or something, so I’m getting the feeling that the kid didn’t ask Daddy’s permission. Otherwise, I’m sure you would have known about this before me.”

  “I don’t blame Olivia for being concerned,” Sadie said. “Our truce with the wolves has been solid for the past two centuries, but it was King Heinrich’s great-grandfather who signed the treaty on behalf of the wolves—not him. You also said it’s a pack of bachelor wolves, which makes them even more dangerous.” Sadie’s expression grew dark and her voice wavered. “They’re even more vicious when they’re unmated.”

  “Wolves cannot be trusted,” Shane said quietly. “We should take every precaution.”

  “Which son is it?” Olivia’s brows knit together. “If memory serves, he has a couple.”

  “No clue.” Rat shrugged. “I told you everything I know.”

  Yeah, right. Trixie’s sharp tone touched Maya’s mind. This guy is such a dirtbag.

  He did come and warn Olivia, Maya responded. He didn’t have to do that.

  “Thank you, Rat.” Olivia smiled tightly. “However, next time you have a message for Doug and me—for the czars—I suggest you follow the proper channels and get an appointment at the Presidium. As you and the rest of the community know, Suzie, one of my coven members, is now the Presidium’s secretary in New York. No more Presidium business at my nightclub.” Her green eyes glittered and she bared her fangs. “Got it?”

  “Sure.” Rat shrugged. “Whatever you say.”

  A breeze whisked through the room, and a second later, Doug was standing behind Olivia and glaring at Rat. “That didn’t sound very sincere to me,” Doug ground out. His hands were placed protectively on Olivia’s shoulders as he stared Rat down. A pang of longing struck Maya when she watched the tenderness Doug showed Olivia.

  I wonder what it feels like to be loved that way? Maya thought wistfully to no one in particular.

  How did it feel to have a man be so loving and protective like that? She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat and glanced at Shane, who to her surprise, was staring back at her with a look of curiosity. Studying her intently, he tilted his head to the left and his eyes narrowed. For a moment, he seemed like he was going to ask her something, but the sound of Rat’s voice quickly broke the spell.

  “Like I said,” Rat said, leering, “they come out of the freaking woodwork. Yeah, I got it. No more politics in the bar. Speaking of which, I better get back to mine. Gotta clean the place up nice for our visitors. I’ve never had royalty come by The Dollhouse before, and my girls are pretty psyched. Even my vampire dames are giddy.”

  “Please remind your dames,” Doug said with mild irritation, “that feeding on werewolves is strictly forbidden. From what I hear, werewolf blood is like a fuckin’ drug, so tell them to steer clear.”

  “That is so weird, man.” Trixie snorted and shook her head. “If we get bitten by a werewolf, their saliva can kill us, but if we drink their blood, it gets us fuckin’ stoned and hopped up like super-vamps?”

  “Well, I don’t know why any of this supernatural crap works the way that it does.” Doug looked at each of them earnestly. “All I care about is this coven, my mate, and our baby. I heard about the war with the wolves, and the last thing I want is to rekindle that crap. Especially with Olivia so close to giving birth. So remind your girls there’s no feeding on the wolves.”

  “No problem,” Rat said with an insincere smile. His beady eyes flicked to Olivia’s swollen belly and he smirked. “Daddy.”

  “What about the prince?” Maya asked with genuine curiosity. “Is he single?”

  “That is irrelevant.” Shane’s fangs erupted and he sent a dark look in Maya’s direction. “You will do well to steer clear of the wolves, Maya. They are savage, unpredictable creatures and aren’t the kind of men you want to toy with. Unlike the czar, I do remember the war, and it is not one we want to risk starting again.”

  “Oh really?” Maya seethed. “Well, old man, I don’t recall asking for your opinion or advice.”

  Shane arched an eyebrow at her and an amused expression flickered over his face. “Old man?”

  “Maybe not,” Olivia added. “But I am your maker, and I have to agree with Shane.” She rose from the bar stool and stepped back so she could look each of her coven members in the eyes. “I would like all of you to refrain from hunting while the wolves are visiting. The last thing we need is trouble, and in my experience, wolves are exactly that.”

  “So we’re grounded again?” Maya asked.

  “You’re not grounded,” Doug said. He smiled and slipped his arm around Olivia. “It’s more like self-preservation. Just no hunting while the wolves are here in town and bottle feeds only. We all know that live feeds can get us all charged up.”

  “In fact, I’m going to send a district-wide email to alert the community.” The line between Olivia’s eyes deepened. “I’ll be asking all vamps in the city to refrain from live feeds and hunting while the wolves are in town. I just hope everyone behaves themselves and does what’s requested.”

  “Shit,” Maya whispered. She enjoyed hunting because it was the one time she felt free. “Well, since they’re not here yet, can we go out and hunt tonight?”

  “Sure.” Olivia nodded and smiled at Doug, who placed a large hand on her belly. “Just keep an eye out. Like we’ve said, the wolves are unpredictable and could decide to come into town earlier than expected.”

  “There’s plenty of blood
behind the bar,” Shane interjected. He folded his arms over his chest and leveled a stern gaze at Maya. His voice dropped low. “I’m sure that will suffice, but if not, I will accompany Maya on her hunt tonight.”

  Maya’s mouth fell open in shock. After everything she said before, he still insisted on monitoring her every move. She slipped out of Trixie’s embrace, holding Shane’s stare as she stepped closer to the bar. Leaning both hands on the smooth surface, she met his challenging gaze. “I don’t want or need a babysitter.”

  “I disagree,” Shane ground out.

  Silence fell over the room again. Even though everyone looked from Shane to Maya, she barely noticed them because she was too pissed.

  “Like I said before…” Rat shouted. Maya was so fixated on Shane that she hadn’t even noticed that Rat was leaving. “This isn’t the only joint in town, Maya. If you want a change of scenery, we could always use a pretty little thing like you over at The Dollhouse. I’ve got a bartending gig that’s all yours if you want it.” He tapped the big promotional picture that hung at the front of the club, the one that featured all of the girls dressed in vampire garb and baring their fangs. “I may not have slick advertisements like this, but The Dollhouse is still a fun place. You know where to find me, kid.”

  Rat breezed out and the doors closed behind him with a muffled thump. A smile spread over Maya’s face. Rat had just offered her a job and an opportunity to get some breathing room and maybe even create a life of her own.

  “Aww, man,” Trixie moaned. “If Maya quits, does that mean we have to do another stupid photo shoot without her? Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires.” She rolled her eyes. “So freakin’ lame.”

  Maya ignored Trixie’s comment and smiled at Shane. “Looks like I have another job offer.”

  “Over my dead body,” he murmured.

  “Don’t you mean undead?”

  “You will not work for a piece of slime like him.” Shane’s jaw set and the muscle flickered beneath his stubble-covered jaw. “Not a chance.”


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