Salsa and Speedbumps

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Salsa and Speedbumps Page 3

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  They laughed together as they took off on the highway for west of town.

  * * *

  Stephanie returned home in the evening after getting dessert with Roberto. She walked on air. Her heart cautioned her against falling in love. She feared that she only saw Robbie as a way to escape her difficulties. She could never expect a man like him to marry her. Not now.

  She remembered her nightmare from that morning. She realized Luis would do whatever he could to foil any happiness for her. It wouldn’t be about the baby. He would seek vengeance. She was grateful Robbie hadn’t paid much attention to Luis’s comments after church.

  Before she climbed into bed, the phone rang. It was Renata.

  “Hey, Ren, what’s up?”

  “That’s what I’d like to know. I thought you had broken up with Luis. Is he giving you grief? You seem afraid of him, and now you are steppin’ out with someone else. Who’s the new guy?”

  “Things didn’t go well with Luis. We haven’t talked for months. He wants me to abort or move in together. I don’t want a repeat of our last date. He figures we could still have sex since I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant and I refused. He’s been sending me nasty texts. I avoid him at work.

  “The new guy is Roberto. I met him at a luncheon at DeLuca’s on Wednesday. He asked me out and I accepted. We had a wonderful time this afternoon.”

  “Did you tell him about the baby?”

  “I did. He didn’t have a problem with it.”

  “That has to be a God thing. Is he a Christian?”

  “Yes. He is new to town and attends our church. We had a great conversation regarding faith and following the leading of the Holy Spirit. The more I compare the two men, I wonder if Luis is a believer.”

  “Hmmm, I’ve wondered the same based on some things you’ve said about him. How are you, by the way?”

  “I’ve got more energy and my appetite has returned.”

  “Did you come to any decisions yet regarding the baby?”

  “I’m seriously considering adoption, but I’m scared. Please keep praying for me.”

  “You didn’t even need to ask. I have been and will continue.”

  “Thanks, Renata, you’re a gem.”


  La travesura viene por libra y se va por onza.

  Mischief comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce.

  ~Mexican proverb

  The next morning, Stephanie knocked on Renata’s door.

  Tony answered in bare feet, jeans and a black t-shirt. He was her boss and like a big brother to her. And he just happened to be married to her best friend. “Hey, Stephanie, Renata is finishing up giving the girls breakfast. She will be out in a minute. Would you like to come sit in the kitchen? I can pour you a cup of coffee, tea, chai?”

  “Thank you, Tony. Chai would be great.”

  Tony went to grab cups, prepared her beverage and sat down across from her. “I hope you don’t think I’m being nosey, but what’s up with you and Luis?”

  “We broke up months ago. I assume he told you I’m pregnant?”

  “Yeah, he did. I wish you’d told me first. I thought he was trash talking and almost slugged him. Thankfully, when I asked, Renata confirmed it. If there’s anything we can do at the restaurant to make your job easier as you progress, just let me know. We need you.”

  “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind. I’m sorry if my waiting to tell you the news put you in a difficult position.”

  “Has Luis been giving you trouble?”

  “I get text messages I delete. He tries to harass me at church, even tried to intimidate a new guy I’m dating. At work, I steer clear of him. Why do you ask?”

  “Some things I’ve overheard him saying at the restaurant had me concerned for your safety.”

  “Funny you should mention that. I had a nightmare where he wanted to fight me over the baby. Roberto, the new guy, told Luis that he was in danger of being deported. Luis pulled out a gun and I woke up screaming.”

  Renata overheard these last comments but now moved into the room to join them at the table, handing off one infant to Tony. “I’m concerned too, Stephanie. Luis never seemed quite interested in anyone but himself. I wonder if he could be dangerous.”

  “I’ll check his record when I arrive at the office. If I remember correctly, he is not a naturalized citizen and is here on a work visa.”

  Renata picked up the conversation again. “Back to Luis, are you worried?”

  “I must be if I’m having nightmares. He was insulting in church yesterday, but he has made no direct threats. What could I do?”

  “File a restraining order.” Tony moved his coffee cup away from the reaching arms of his daughter.

  “With no specific threat, what would justify such an action?”

  “I don’t know. Ask a lawyer. There has to be some in a congregation of our size. Maybe one of them could advise you?” Renata hoisted her other daughter to her shoulder to pat her back.

  Stephanie grinned, “I know someone I can ask. But there’s no rush.” A cozy warmth stole over her body as she remembered Robbie and his hug and the kiss he left on her cheek last night. Maybe God brought him to her for a reason beyond making her feel beautiful again?

  * * *

  Stephanie felt better at work that evening wearing a new skirt that didn’t pinch. She still didn’t look pregnant to others, but her hand rested on her baby bump. At least she could hide it a little longer with some of the clothes she found at a thrift store. The evening went well with a steady stream of diners, although a much lighter crowd than on Fridays or Saturdays.

  Tony had been in to work for most of the day but had returned home after the dinner rush. Luis was the chef on duty this evening. Tony suggested Stephanie avoid the kitchen as much as possible, but she was bored and had taken to filling water glasses which necessitated her going to the kitchen for refills.

  With every visit to the kitchen, she sensed Luis’s glare. She avoided looking at him. It was closing time and she returned empty pitchers. When she turned to leave, she found Luis blocking her path.

  “Hi, Stephanie.” His voice was low, and there was a sharp edge to his tone. His face was set in hard edges with his eyes narrowed and jaw tight.

  “I need to go, please let me pass.” Panic rose up inside as she smelled alcohol on his breath. Drinking was forbidden while working, and she had never known him to do so before. She became aware that the action in the kitchen had ceased and the remaining staff watched. Would they come to her aid if she needed it?

  “You’re mine. You can’t be with other men.”

  “In case you forgot, Luis, we broke up. I belong to no one and can date who I want. I don’t answer to you.”

  “We’ll see about that.” He was in her face now, bodies touching, and her back was against the sink.

  “It sounds like you’re threatening me.”

  “I am threatening you. You will see no one”—his teeth ground together—“or else.”

  “Else what?” she squeaked out.

  “Luis, you and I need to talk. Now!” Tony had returned. His voice was loud and authoritative. She’d never heard him yell like that before.

  Luis backed away a step, never taking his eyes off Stephanie. “This is not over.”

  “It most definitely is over, Luis, and has been for some time.”

  “Luis, I said now! Or I call the police.” Tony raised his cell phone with his thumb over the emergency dial.

  Luis raised his hands in surrender and backed away, following Tony out of the kitchen and into the office. Stephanie scanned the horrified looks of the staff. She rubbed her sweaty palms down her skirt, departed the kitchen, grabbed her purse, and drove home.

  Once there, she ran inside, bolted the door, and leaned against the wood. She wondered if she would ever feel safe again.

  * * *

  Tony entered the office and ushered Luis in, motioning for him to sit in a chair. Tony left the door op
en and leaned against the frame with his arms folded. He detected the alcohol on Luis’s breath and realized he was dealing with a dangerous situation.

  “So, Luis…drinking on the job and threatening one of the managers of DeLuca’s. What’s this about?”

  “She’s my girl. She refuses to see me. She started dating someone else. I won’t stand for it.”

  “Does a man level threats against a woman to get what he wants? Is force the way to win a woman’s heart?”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes. If I can’t have her, no one will.”

  “I think there’s another problem we need to deal with, along with the threats against Stephanie which I will report to the police.”


  “I can no longer employ you at DeLuca’s Cucina. Up until today, you’ve been an excellent chef. However, I discovered your work visa expired a month ago. I don’t employ illegal aliens.”

  “What? Fired? No! This can’t be happening to me!” Luis jumped to his feet, fists clenched.

  “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but let me be clear. You will walk out the door of this restaurant and never return.” Tony reached over to the desk to grab an envelope. “Here is your paycheck up through tonight’s shift. Paid in full. All benefits cease as of midnight. If I were you, I would book a flight to Mexico as soon as possible. Far more comfortable than an escort through the Immigration Department.”

  Luis rose and stood in front of Tony. “Stephanie belongs to me. You cannot stop me from getting what is mine.” He turned and stalked out the door.

  Tony reached for the phone and dialed Stephanie’s number.

  “Steph. Are you okay? Are you home?”

  “Yeah, just walked in, but I’m scared.”

  “Pack up an overnight bag and head to my house. Don’t waste any time. We have a spare bedroom. I’d feel better if I knew you were safe.”

  “Okay, I will. Thank you, Tony.”

  “What are friends for? We’ll talk more in the morning. Luis is no longer employed by DeLuca’s. Your dream was right, his visa was expired.”

  “Wow. Freaky.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. If I hadn’t had to come in tonight to terminate him, I might not have been in time for whatever he was planning to do next.”

  “I don’t think anything was planned. He was drunk.”

  “Yeah, get to my home fast, will ya? Luis has already left here.”

  “I’m on the way out the door now.”

  “Call me to let me know you got there safe, okay?”

  “Sure. Thanks again, Tony.”

  Tony hung up and sagged against the desk. He prayed as his heart settled into a normal rhythm. He left the office and went to get statements from the employees who witnessed and overheard Luis’s threats. After helping clean up the kitchen, he grabbed his papers to take home to work on. Exhaustion overwhelmed him. At least Stephanie was safe. But for how long?

  * * *

  Renata was waiting in the doorway when Stephanie pulled up to their home. “Park next to my mini-van in the garage. Tony wants to make sure Luis can’t find you.”

  Stephanie parked the car and entered the house. Renata wrapped her friend in a hug.

  “I called Tony to tell him you arrived. I’m sorry Luis threatened you, Steph.”

  “You and Tony were right. My dream was real.”

  “You’re safe here tonight and for as long as you need shelter. Tomorrow, you can call that lawyer friend of yours and see what else can be done.”

  “That ‘lawyer friend’ happens to be my new boyfriend, Roberto.”

  “Well, that’s convenient—or complicates things.”

  “Let’s just consider it awkward. I only met him last Wednesday, and now I’m going to ask for his help in protecting me from my ex-boyfriend?” Stephanie shook her head. “I’m numb.” She plopped down on the bed, looking up at her friend who stood in the doorway.

  Renata came to sit by her and put her arm around her. “I understand how you feel, Steph.”

  “I know you do, Ren. I don’t understand how you endured years of abuse with Mick. I’m shaking after only a few minutes.” She leaned her head on Renata’s shoulder, and they hugged. Renata stood.

  “Just try to sleep, okay? You are safe, and we’ll do everything in our power to make sure you stay that way.”

  “Do you think you could pray for me? I don’t know what to ask for.”

  “Certainly.” Renata knelt by the bed, clasping her friend’s hands, and bent her head. “Dear Jesus, You’re aware of everything that happened tonight. None of it has escaped You. Please keep Stephanie safe, protect her in the shadow of Your wings. May she find peace at the foot of Your throne, knowing You never slumber or sleep and You delight in watching over Your precious daughter. Give us all wisdom in the days ahead as we deal with Luis and please, somehow foil any attempts to harm Stephanie and the precious child You are knitting in her womb. We love You, Lord. Thank you for being a faithful God we can approach at any time. Amen.”

  “Amen. Thanks, Ren.”

  “Anytime. What are friends are for?”

  * * *

  Stephanie tossed and turned all night. She was aware of when Renata or Tony woke to take care of the babies, but that wasn’t what disturbed her sleep. It was Luis’s threats. Fear welled up inside. She lay on her back and gazed out the window towards the moon and reminded herself God was in control and she could rest in Him. She woke in the morning, exhausted, but managed to get to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and snatched a muffin off the counter. She made her way to the back porch, still in her robe, and went through the sliding glass doors to sit and listen to the birds. Finally, her brain was able to disconnect. She was lost in nothingness when the screen door opened behind her.

  “Good morning, Steph, did you sleep well? I hope the babies didn’t wake you.”

  “The babies were not the problem, Ren. I’m anxious. I had no peace until I came out here.”

  “I’m glad to see you’re at home enough to get yourself coffee and grab some breakfast.” Renata smiled.

  “Hey, we were roommates, I figured it was just like old times.” Stephanie raised her muffin in salute.

  Together, they sat in silence for a while, listening to the birds and enjoying their beverages. The peace was interrupted by Stephanie’s cell phone going off in the pocket of her robe.


  “This is Officer Mitchell of the Milwaukee Police Department. There’s been a break-in at your apartment at 8952 Morningside, apartment eight. Is that your residence?”

  “Yes, it is. What happened?”

  “Not really sure, but you may want to head over here to assess the damage. Do you know of anyone who you would consider an enemy?”

  “Yes. I was going to contact the police today. A former boyfriend was making threats to me at my workplace last night. I didn’t feel safe staying at my apartment, so I spent the night at a friend’s.”

  “His name?”

  “Luis Vasquez.”

  “How soon can you get over here? We need to file a report and figure out if anything has been stolen.”

  “Fifteen minutes. Who gave you my phone number?”

  “Your neighbor upstairs, Edith Montel. She was the one who called in the disturbance.”

  “Thank you, officer, I’ll be there soon.” She disconnected and stared at the screen of her phone.

  “Luis trashed your apartment?” Renata set her cup down, splashing tea over the sides on to the table.

  “Apparently. The police want me to come and take a look.”

  “As long as they are there, I’m okay with you going. Take my van so Luis doesn’t realize it’s you if he’s watching. Bring back as much as you can. I think you need to stay here for a while longer.”

  “Thanks, Ren. Edith probably thought it was ninjas at first.” Renata’s giggles followed Stephanie as she went inside to throw on some clothes and put her hair in a ponytail. Soon, she was rushing
out the door.

  * * *

  Stephanie walked into her apartment building and was greeted by Officer Mitchell.

  “Oh. My. Word.” Her hand clasped over her mouth. The furniture was slashed to pieces, and the screen to her large television was cracked and the frame bent. Her bedroom was in shambles, and the clothes in her closet were all cut and ripped. Most of the stuff in her kitchen was shattered on the floor. She knelt down to pick up part of a cake stand and the tears came. “This was my great-grandmother’s.”

  The officer took a statement and gave her information on filing a restraining order. The landlord was called to come and fix the door as the lock had been broken. Stephanie loaded up what little she had left of value and put it in the van. It would have fit in the miniscule trunk of her tiny convertible if she’d brought it.

  She left when the officers did because she feared Luis’ return. Arriving at Renata and Tony’s home in Germantown, she parked and went inside. Tony sat on the living room floor with the twins.

  “Hi, Steph. Welcome to ‘tummy time.’”

  Stephanie smiled at Tony being the doting dad. They had worked together for years, and she had seen him mature and change, especially after he had met and fallen in love with her best friend, Renata.

  “I think you are stuck with me for a little while longer.”

  “Ren told me about the break in. How bad was it?”

  “Horrible. Furniture, bed, TV, computer, all my dishes and glassware—destroyed. Edith saw and heard Luis and was the one to call it in.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m glad you weren’t home.”

  “Me too. Thanks for looking out for me.”

  “Did you call the lawyer yet?”

  “No. Do you mind if I go to the study to make the call?”

  “Not at all, it’s your home now.” Tony smiled as she got up and walked to the home office and closed the door.

  * * *


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