Salsa and Speedbumps

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Salsa and Speedbumps Page 25

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  Police station parking lot.

  Stay put.

  They were only a block away, and from where they were parked they could see their apartment, still bathed in darkness. Since there was a back entrance to the building, they were unaware of what was happening.

  “I’m scared,” Stephanie said.

  “Me too. That was too close for comfort.”

  “Are you sure it wasn’t FBI?”

  “They would have told us. I sensed it was evil.”


  “Him, whoever it is, there was evil. I felt it in my spirit.”

  “I thought they had someone watching the place while we were gone?”

  “If it was only one man someone could have entered on the opposite side of the building, and not be seen. Or if the guy was posted inside, the intruder could have come up the fire escape to the little deck off our kitchen. It doesn’t matter now. We are here and safe, and the FBI are checking it out.”

  Soon, the apartment lit up, but with the blinds pulled, all they could see were disruptions in the light. Stephanie and Robbie watched. The waiting was interminably long. Soon, police cars pulled up on the street with no sirens. An ambulance arrived.

  We got him. Stay put for now. He may not be the only one.


  Robbie and Stephanie watched silent, dark figures moving around outside the apartment building in the dark. After another thirty minutes, the all clear came through. Robbie put the car in gear and headed back to the parking lot where they were greeted by Brad who escorted them inside.

  The apartment was in some disarray with doors open and one chair tipped over. Stephanie looked in askance.

  Brad shrugged. “He wasn’t very cooperative, but we did manage to capture him and his partner without getting blood on your carpet.”

  Stephanie shivered even as she removed her coat and went to put Levi in his crib.

  “I’d like to spend the night as a guard if you would permit,” Brad asked, motioning to the sofa.

  Robbie nodded. “I’d feel more comfortable knowing you’re here.”

  Stephanie returned with her arms wrapped around her. She watched as Robbie went to put the chair upright and moved around, closing closet doors and picking things up. He brought out a thick blanket and a spare pillow and lay them on the sofa.

  Robbie returned to Stephanie’s side and pulled her close. “We’re okay. This will be over soon.”

  She looked into his eyes and saw the uncertainty there in the blue depths along with the unspoken words. I hope.

  Levi spent the night in a bassinet by their bedside. Stephanie was not sure she slept. Any desire for more amorous adventures were squelched by the presence of the FBI in the living room, and yet Stephanie clung to her husband, praying that somehow, this danger would pass over them.


  Las cosas suelen empeorar antes de mejorar.

  The darkest hour comes before the dawn.

  ~Mexican proverb

  The morning was tense. Anxiety continued to rise even though Brad, who was still there, was calm and planned to remain in the apartment while they were gone. Breakfast was eaten but not tasted or enjoyed. Stephanie and Robbie moved through the morning with few words between them, but every chance she had, Stephanie would reach out to touch her husband, squeeze his hand, or plant a kiss on his arm or cheek. Soon, they were ready and left for church, again using her car.

  They arrived at Orchard Hill. Robbie left Stephanie off at the door with Levi and went to park the car. Stephanie waited for him, watching his progress with her heart in her throat as he was exposed in the open air of the lot. She should have walked in with him. She relaxed when Robbie reached her side and took the infant carrier from her hands and guided her to the coat room. Soon, they made their way into the sanctuary and were surrounded by the Wisconsin branch of the DeLuca family. Levi slept through most of the service, held securely in Robbie’s arms. Stephanie knew he felt uncomfortable using a newborn as a shield, much less a wife, but she was grateful he submitted to the wisdom of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the United States Marshalls in this instance. She wanted him around for a long time.

  Stephanie struggled to focus on the worship and the message and chided herself for her lack of faith and trust in God. Had these unknown assailants and the threat they presented to her husband become an idol to her? Why couldn’t she focus on God, the creator and sustainer of the universe? Surely He was in control. Didn’t she believe that? Obviously, she hadn’t grown as much as she hoped if she felt that her own fears and needs were more powerful and worthy of attention than those of God’s.

  Lord, I’m so blessed that You gave me Robbie, and You know my heart is for him to remain by my side as my husband for many, many more years to come. Lord, help me to give Robbie and his future, whatever it is, to You and set aside my selfish heart that often places my need for him above my desire for You. Forgive me, Lord for my unbelief in Your power and ability to sustain me regardless of what the future holds. I love You. I want to be wholly Yours. Protect Robbie, Levi and myself. Keep us safe for the glory of Your name.

  Tears flowed from her eyes, and Robbie, noticing, leaned over to plant a kiss on the side of her face. She smiled at him and turned her focus back to the Bible in her lap in an attempt to focus on the words of Scripture Pastor Andrew preached from.

  After the service, they hung together in the café with the DeLuca clan. Safety in numbers. Robbie excused himself to use the restroom, and Stephanie thought nothing of it, engaged in conversation with Ginger who was now pregnant with her second child and who had been a friendly face at her table at MOPS.

  * * *

  Robbie made his way through the crowd. He realized there were federal agents around but had no clue who they were or where. Would a hit man even dare to enter a church? He supposed they would if there was enough money in it for them.

  He entered the bathroom and found it empty except for one closed stall. When he had finished, he went to wash his hands, and through the mirror, saw the stall door open and a tall man emerge. A fission of fear struck Robbie as the man approached the sink area, crossing from the rear. The man stopped immediately behind him and Robbie felt the pressure of something sharp against his lower back where the Kevlar vest under his shirt and coat didn’t cover.

  “If you are smart, be quiet and say nothing.”

  Robbie nodded. They had found him.

  * * *

  Something was wrong. Roberto had been gone too long. Stephanie glanced across the café to the bathrooms off the side hallway. Robbie had not stopped to talk to anyone that she could see. Some men stopped just outside by the door, in conversation.

  “Steph? Something wrong?”

  Tony was by her side and followed her gaze to the bathroom.

  “He’s been gone too long,” she whispered.

  She thought she heard Tony swear under his breath before speaking louder, “The one place you couldn’t be with him.” He grabbed Stephanie’s hand and pulled her over to the fireplace, motioning for the rest of those gathered in the circle there to join him. “Robbie’s in trouble, we need to pray.”

  “Pray?” Stephanie was shocked. “Shouldn’t we do something?”

  “Against trained professional assassins? I think God would be better able to handle this along with the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the United States Marshalls. We need to keep you and Levi safe.” Huddling around her like wagons circling to fight, they turned inward, clasping hands, and quietly spoke words of prayer and protection and rescue for Robbie and peace for Stephanie and them all as they waited.

  Stephanie took deep breaths and closed her eyes as she prayed. Yes. She knew God was in control. Stephanie trembled and began to experience peace as the prayers went up around her and Levi. She prayed to herself, Lord, please, protect Robbie. Please Lord, give me faith to rest in You and Your protection over my husband. Thank You for him, Lord, and for this little boy in my arms. Levi
needs a dad. Please do not abandon us now in our hour of need.

  * * *

  Robbie took a step to the side to get a paper towel to dry his hands. He prayed and asked for wisdom and guidance as to what to do next. The bathroom? He couldn’t believe they would strike at him in here of all places. He wondered how or when they would kill him. Did Stephanie realize he was gone? He took his time getting his hands dry.

  “Move it. Don’t dawdle.”

  “You’re going to kill me anyway,” Robbie responded. “What’s the rush?”

  “Shut up.”

  The point of a knife was up against his lower spine, pushed in harder and causing pain right at the spot where his lower back was in need of surgery. His muscles contracted and spasmed in response to the threat. Well, that would be one blessed side effect of death,—no more pain. Robbie turned to make his way to the door as the blade dictated when another man walked in and moved past them, not even glancing at them in his rush to do his business.

  Robbie experienced sharper pain in his back as he was thrust forward by the body behind him and crashed to the floor. The restroom door opened again and two other men walked in and kneeled down by his side. Were they friend or foe?

  “FBI. You can relax, Mr. Rodriguez.”

  Cold and darkness descended over him.

  * * *

  Stephanie opened her eyes as she heard an announcement over the loudspeaker that there was an emergency in the men’s restroom off the café and requesting medical assistance. They asked people to vacate the area to make room for paramedics who were due to arrive. She started to move forward, but Tony held her back.

  “Don’t keep me from him. You know it’s Robbie. They struck.”

  “Wait. They won’t have much room to work in that enclosed space, and you will only be in the way.”

  “But he needs me. I need to tell him…” She began to sob, and like a big brother, Tony wrapped her and Levi in his arms and let her cry. Ginger reached over to take the baby from her, and the rest continued to stand around, providing a shelter and barrier from anyone who could look on and witness her distress.

  “He knows you love him, Stephanie. Robbie believes that beyond a shadow of a doubt, as does anyone else who knows either of you. When it is deemed safe, the FBI will come to you. We need to wait.”

  People cleared out of the café and left for home in spite of their curiosity over what had happened. The second service had begun. Stephanie watched as several police entered the building and provided a barrier for people, and soon, a man was being led out to a squad car, hands cuffed behind his back and head down, just as the paramedics arrived with the gurney and their gear.

  Without realizing someone had approached, a man appeared by their side.

  “Mrs. Rodriguez?” the man asked.

  Stephanie’s gazed at him with swollen eyes. “That’s me.”

  “Your husband is in serious condition.” He paused to let her digest this. “He was wounded and is currently unconscious. Where would you like him transported?”

  “Where was he hurt?”

  “Lower back.”

  “Froedert. Take him to Froedert, please.”

  “Would you like to accompany him in the ambulance?”

  Stephanie nodded and handed off the diaper bag to Renata. “Do you mind, Ren? There is breast milk and formula bottles in there.” Stephanie leaned over to give Levi a kiss as he slept in Ginger’s arm.

  “I’d be honored.”

  “Let me walk you over there,” said Tony as he placed his hand on her back to guide her. Stephanie allowed herself to be led.


  Tu amor me inspira, tu ternura me conmueve y tus besos me enloquecen.

  Your love inspires me, your tenderness touches me, and your kisses drive me crazy.

  ~Mexican proverb

  Robbie opened his eyes to a vision of white and pale blue. He scanned the room and came across his wife. He experienced numbness from the lower waist down but found he could wiggle his toes. He saw them move. Or he thought he did. Was he imagining it? He looked to find Stephanie watching him with wide eyes.


  “Steph, where am I?”

  “Froedert. You had your lumbar surgery a little earlier than you anticipated.”

  Robbie closed his eyes. “I remember being hurt.”

  “You were, but nothing fatal.”

  “I’m not paralyzed?”

  “No. I saw your toes move too.” She dragged a finger from his thigh to his hip. His leg twitched.

  “Stop that. You know what that does to me.” He growled.

  Stephanie smiled wickedly, “Oh, and are you in any condition to act on that?”

  Robbie laughed. “You know I’m not and neither are you.” He gazed at her and closed his eyes. “I’m so tired.”

  “You lost a lot of blood.”

  “Did they get the guy?”

  “Yes. Both men captured were able to give enough information to implicate Mr. DeLuca. He is currently under arrest in Chicago. Quite the hubbub down there. I’m sure it will be all over the news tonight and tomorrow.”

  “So it’s over?”

  “No, honey, it’s just begun.”

  His eyes opened again and he gazed at her. Did anyone ever look more like an angel than his wife? “What do you mean?”

  “The threat is over, and you’ve had your surgery. We can move on from here. Together. God protected and provided, and you are going to be okay. You dreaded this operation. Would there ever have been a good time for it? Apparently, God decided now was best.”

  “How long before I can…I mean before we…?” Robbie’s face grew warm.

  “About as long as it takes for you to be well. It’ll be worth the wait.” She smiled. “I can’t believe you have been attacked in a restroom by a hit man, stabbed and underwent back surgery, and all you can think of is sex?”

  “I’m a man, it’s what we think about most.”


  “Yeah, but for me, that action only has one goal.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Showing you how much I love, adore and cherish you.”

  “Well, if that’s your goal, I’m glad I’m the sole focus of it.” She smiled and rose to give him a kiss.

  “Always and forever, sweetheart,” He said as she moved away. He raised an arm to pull her back. “More please?”

  “Always and forever.” Stephanie bent over him to give him a kiss he felt all the way to his toes.


  Un enemigo es demasiado, pero cien amigos no son bastantes.

  One enemy is too many; and a hundred friends too few.

  ~Mexican proverb

  March 2012

  Robbie led Stephanie across the café. “I’d like you to meet one of my newer clients. I think you’ll like her.” He drew her close to a woman with petite stature, curly brown hair, and intelligent dark eyes.

  “Tia Bartel, I wanted to introduce you to my wife, Stephanie.”

  “Good morning, Roberto.” The woman turned to Stephanie. “You are more beautiful than he described.”

  “I keep telling him he needs glasses,” Stephanie joked as she extended a hand. “He hasn’t told me any of your business with him. Client confidentiality and all. This is the first I’ve heard of you.”

  “Not a secret. Roberto has taken over the legal contracts for Specific Gravity. I’m their manager for a few months longer and wanted to make sure they were well represented as they head into new contracts with their label.”

  “I love their music. Nikolos Acton led worship this morning, didn’t he?”

  Tia nodded. “Yes. We’ll be leaving on tour soon.”

  “You tour with them?” Steph asked.

  She nodded. “Someone needs to keep the boys out of trouble.”

  “Hey, as a representative of the gender, be nice.” Roberto turned to Stephanie. “I’ll go get Levi from the nursery. I suspected you two would
become friends. I’ll return shortly.”

  Stephanie watched him go. “He should talk. He’s been nothing but delightful trouble since I met him.” She giggled.

  “He adores you,” Tia whispered.

  “How can you tell?” Steph turned back to her companion.

  “It’s the way he looks at you and talks about you.”

  “I’m blessed that God brought him into my life. Hard to believe that was only ten months ago.”

  Tia’s eyes grew wide. “Whoa. That short of time and trouble? I think I need to hear this story.”

  “Maybe you can come over for coffee this week and we can chat?”

  “I’d love that. It gets kind of lonely on the road, and travel makes friendships hard.”

  “Video chats are possible now.”

  “That would be fun.”

  Roberto returned with Levi in his arms. He handed the boy off to Stephanie. “This is our bundle of boy, Levi.”

  “He’s a cutie. Such beautiful blue eyes, a lot like his father I suspect.” Tia grinned at the little man. “How old?”

  “Three months.” Roberto winked at Stephanie.

  “Let me give you my phone number. Can you come by tomorrow, say ten a.m. and stay for lunch? I’m used to working full-time, and it’s been a challenge adjusting to being a stay-at-home mom. Company is always welcome.”

  “I look forward to it.” Tia exchanged the information with Roberto since Stephanie’s arms were full.

  Roberto stuck Stephanie’s phone back in her diaper bag. “There. Got it. Great seeing you again, Tia. I’ll call you later in the week after I get a chance to look over those contracts for you.”

  “Sounds good. We leave in ten days, so it’ll be nice to have that settled before hitting the road. I’d better head out. I’ll see you in the morning.” Tia turned and left.

  “She seems sweet.”

  “She is, but I think she’s lonely and could use a friend.”

  “Thanks for thinking of me.”

  Robbie leaned over to kiss her cheek. “I love you, and Renata is busy with the twins and helping with the worship team. I know you miss the social part of working.”

  “And I miss you when you’re gone. I was thinking that we need to have a do-over of our honeymoon in a few months when you’ve fully recovered from your surgeries.”


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