Love in Troubled Times

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Love in Troubled Times Page 42

by Gayle Riley

  He sighed, looking at me with frustration. “I did. It’s just… I don’t know what else to do with my life,” he said.

  “What about me? You don’t care about how I feel, so you’re just going to up and run away again?” I screamed at him.

  “It’s not like that! I don’t want to do this either Sally. That’s why I was afraid to tell you,” he said.

  I looked at him, tears falling down my face.

  “I don’t even know what to do right now,” I said.

  I was so angry I felt like seething in frustration, anger the only emotion I knew at this point. I walked out, slamming the door and ignoring any shouts from this man. I was hurt, and not only that, the stress of school was taking a toll on my body. I felt weak like I couldn’t keep myself going and I knew that this was going to take over me if I didn’t keep it under control. I went to my room, locking the door and sobbing for the rest of the night. I couldn’t believe this, I just couldn’t believe that this was even happening.

  However, in the back of my mind, I knew this might happen. I always got burned like this, so it was only natural that this would come about. I guessed I would just focus on myself for now, get through studying, and when he did leave, try not to get too attached.

  Chapter 7

  I didn’t hear from Noel for at least a week. I spent most of my time working on exams, trying my hardest to maintain my grades. I waited for the day he would leave so that my heart wouldn’t ache anymore, but he didn’t. I wondered if he lied to me that entire time, saying that he was going to get out of here, but never would.

  I wondered if anything changed. I had a feeling something might, but I didn’t want to put any hope there. He put his damn military position over me, and while I knew it was a bit selfish, I felt like he played me like a fiddle, using my emotions in order to generate sympathy and get my clothes off. I thought he was mine, and I was his, which only threw salt on the wound more.

  I kept my wits about me though, studying for my exams. I managed to get through them, passing all of them with a breeze. However, it was rough, and it was almost like a struggle to get my mind to focus on this, and not about the debacle going on in my mind.

  It was now another break, and I expected to see Noel leave, but he never did. For the first couple of weeks, I anticipated this, but I knew that he wasn’t going to tell me. I would wait for the day he’d have his bags at the foot of the door, explaining to our parents why he was leaving. However, that day never came.

  Instead, I heard a knock at the door, and when I heard it, I paused. It was his knock. Typically, our parents knocked in a different way, but this was different. I crept to the door, looking at Noel as I opened up.

  “Hey there,” I said.

  “Hey. Listen, we need to talk. This is about what happened before,” he said.

  “If you’re telling me goodbye, I don’t want to hear it,” he said.

  He paused, shaking his head. “It’s not that. I’ve made my decision about a few things, things that are related to our struggle,” he said.

  I finally gave in, opening the door up and letting him walk inside. I watched as he sat on the bed, encouraging me to do the same. When we sat down, and awkward silence erupted through the atmosphere, almost as if he didn’t know where to begin.

  “What do you need to tell me?” I simply asked.

  He took a deep breath, looking at me with worried eyes.

  “I made my decision about whether or not I am going to leave. They asked me to go with them because they believe that I was the perfect fit for this job. But after I did a bit of research, I found out it would only trigger the memories from before. I didn’t want to go back, but the pay looked so good, so it was tempting me,” he explained.

  “I see.”

  “Yeah. But after doing a bit of job hunting, and talking to your father, he helped me get a job at his friend’s company. I’m working there now. I start on Monday,” he said.

  I looked at him, both surprised and happy.

  “Wow. Congrats,” I said.

  “Thank you. Which brings me to the next point,” he replied.

  I braced myself, wondering if he was going to break up with me, but instead he did the exact opposite.

  “I want you to live with me Sally. The truth is, after we fought, I was pretty out of sorts. I thought I could get over you, especially if I left, but the truth was, I don’t think I could. I mean, it’s weird to admit this, but… I think I love you,” he said.

  When I heard those words, I felt like everything changed. There wasn’t that awkward tension anymore, I didn’t feel hatred for this man. Rather, I felt like I truly understood him for the first time.

  “Really?” I asked, almost shocked by it all.

  “Really. It’s weird to tell someone that you love them, but that’s honestly how I feel about you. I’ve grown to fall for you, almost as if my body seemed to ache for you. I know that moving in and such might be a bit of a struggle initially, but I want to provide for you. I want to take care of you because I love you,” he said.

  I looked at him, seeing the way he looked into my eyes, and that’s when I started to sob. He pulled me closer, and for a moment, I could do nothing else but cry.

  “I feel the same way. I love you too Noel. I don’t want to lose you,” I said to him. I really didn’t, and I knew the reason why I was so angry with him was because of that fear.

  “I know. I love you too Sally. You won’t lose me,” he said.

  For a long time, I simply stayed there, holding him, but then I looked up, flushing madly as I felt my lips move closer to his own. I knew this was what I wanted, that this was the life I desired.

  “I won’t leave you either. I’m sorry I got so upset. School kind of did a number on me as well,” I said.

  “I know. That’s why I tried to do what’s best for both of us,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  I pressed my lips to his own and the two of us shared a kiss. I knew he wasn’t going to leave, that he wouldn’t push me to the side. As we kissed, I knew for a fact that this was the life we both desired, and this would all fit perfectly in its own way. This was the happily ever after I desired, and the one we both wanted as well.

  Chapter 8

  I kissed Noel like there was no tomorrow, and for a long time, the two of us just stayed there letting our lips do the talking and the communication nothing but little moans and groans. I began to feel my body come apart, the need for him increasing, and I knew that Noel would take care of me. He loved me, and in truth, I really did love him.

  Love was such a strange thing, almost as if it would turn on a switch, and soon everything would change for the better. That’s honestly how I felt when I was with him, and as he kissed me, he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I greeted it happily, moving my own lips against his own, lightly grinding my pussy against his now hardening cock, feeling it throb against me. It had been a bit since we had sex, so it was obvious where my mind was going, and in truth, he seemed to feel the same way. The two of us let our tongues mingle and move against one another, letting our bodies immediately grown in the pleasure of it all. He then pushed me against him, pulling off my shirt and bra that I had on, revealing my small, needy breasts. He cupped them, touching them slightly and moving them about, causing me to let out a low moan of pleasure. He looked into my eyes, kissing me once more, as his fingers ghosted over my nipple, teasing the flesh there and making me moan out loud. I knew that he enjoyed this just as much as I did, and soon, his hands started to pull and tease my nipple, causing me to let out a moan of excitement and desire. I loved how he made me feel, the heat that burned in my body obvious to his touch. He then pulled my body against his, pressing his fingers in a deft manner to my jeans, undoing them along with the fly and sliding them down. He didn’t break the kiss, which surprised me, and I marveled in the man’s skill.

  He pulled me off his body for just a second, slipping off my jeans, and I started to do the
same thing. Soon, we were both naked, our bodies against one another, my pussy rubbing against his hardening cock. I wanted it so badly, and just the grazing of stimulation between my clit and the tip of his member was enough to cause me to shiver with anticipation, the need within my body almost overwhelming me. He proceeded to them push his hands against the edge of my hips, sliding me off his legs, and that’s when I got an idea.

  I moved to the bed, propping my backside up for him to see. My plump ass was there, almost begging for him to touch it, and as he looked at it, and then at me, he began to feel a ghosting arousal almost intoxicate him.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  “Do you want to try it?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he breathed, unable to really do much else. He moved to his jeans, grabbing a condom that I presumed he put in there for safekeeping, and soon, he put his hands on my ass cheeks, lightly rubbing them.

  “You’re so cute Sally. And your ass is to die for,” he said, giving it a little spank. I began to moan, excited for him to touch me, and soon, he undid the condom. I felt him move himself closer once he sheathed himself, and that’s when he pushed himself into me.

  I felt like he was splitting me apart, and it felt so familiar, but so different. It was deeper than the other times we’ve done this, a sign that this was certainly going to be an experience. I loved how he filled me up in this manner, and soon, he started to move in and out, thrusting against me. I clutched the sheets, feeling his hands move towards my hips as he began to move in and out of my warm hole.

  I loved how deep he was getting, almost pushing all the way in. I screamed out in wanton need and pleasure, and when he spanked my ass with each thrust, I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven. All of this was so perfect, so amazing, and while it was fast, it was the kind of quickie that I needed ibn my life. Plus, I knew that he wanted this just as much as I did, and judging from the speed he was going, he wouldn’t be lasting much longer too.

  After a few more thrusts, he began to tense up, groaning out loud, and that’s when I felt him move his hands to my clit, rubbing it slightly as he came inside of me. the combination of the friction from his fingers, and my own personal need made me tense up, crying out loud as I arched my back, pushing against his cock as I came hard. I could feel the warmth of himself against me too, and for a moment, I didn’t want to move. All of this was so perfect so arousing, and in truth, I wanted to just indulge in the pleasure of it all as time went on.

  For a long time, neither of us moved, and soon, he pulled away, looking at me. He then turned me around, staring deeply into my eyes, and soon, the two of us shared a kiss. I loved the way he kissed me in such a chaste manner, like he knew that all of this would be okay.

  “I’ll always protect you. You don’t have to be alone anymore,” he told me.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  We shared another kiss, holding our naked bodies together, and soon, we passed out. It was a magical sort of night for both of us, neither of us wanting to move or do anything else, and in truth, I felt like this was the start of our life, the start of a new beginning.

  Noel quickly got an apartment after he started his job. Apparently, since he was in the military it proved to be kind of easy for the guy, and after he talked with our parents, they agreed to have me live with him, mostly because he would watch over my studies and make sure I did okay. I was happy that I had that support in my life. College wasn’t too terrible; it was actually way easier now that I was out of that house. While living there was great and all, it did take a lot out of me, and plus I had more freedom. Noel did provide for me, and he made sure to take care of me in his own way, which was something I thanked him for.

  For a long time, we lived together in a sort of harmony that most people didn’t really understand, but we did. I loved having him around, and the fact that we got to have fun and mess around whenever we wanted was a plus. I was always happy, and he seemed to be as well.

  I graduated a year early, managing to nail a job in my field almost immediately. I was happy to work, and Noel and I made sure that we did what we both enjoyed. He was always so supportive, and even when he did sometimes stumble and fall with his own recovery, I could tell that he did well with it.

  He did manage to go to therapy for the situations he suffered while in combat, which did help. However, he soon learned that I was the best therapy for him, which helped him make a speedier sort of recovery in the long run. Overall, we were both happy, and in truth, I didn’t want to change a thing.

  It was then when about three years later, Noel looked at me one night, getting down on one knee, asking for my hand. I began to cry, feeling excited about everything, almost like it was a dream. I said yes, and the two of us shared a passionate moment together. I felt like I was doing what I wanted to do in my life, and that this was the beginning of a new story, a new chapter, a new realm of happiness.

  My stepbrother and I became something more, and while I knew that the sins of our past still laid there, and that the trauma might still rear its ugly head from time to time, we managed to overcome it, and because of that, we could look forward to tomorrow with a happy look on our face, and with a desire to make it better than it’s ever been before.


  Bonus 14 of 30

  A Sugar Daddy’s Secret



  During her first gallery exhibition at a Soho studio, Emily locks eyes with a mysterious man. He radiates a sexual energy that makes her tremble with fear and drip with excitement. There’s no way she’ll be able to resist his powerful erotic charms—ripped abs, finely sculpted arms, full lips.

  And she’ll be dripping even more when he reveals that he’s willing to invest heavily in her career and their relationship.

  He only makes a few demands. What could possibly go wrong?


  All his life he’s scored big in the boardroom. And the bedroom. Really big. A multi-millionaire in the financial capital of the world, Thomas is looking to invest his fortune in the career of talented young artists—especially young, attractive, curvy ones.

  When he stumbles upon a naive painter just out of art school and desperate for a break, he licks his lips, certain that he’s found the perfect victim.

  Chapter 1

  I stood in the middle of the gallery smiling, excited that my first show had come off without any problems, yet I knew everything would be decided tomorrow when the review came out in The Village Voice.

  Until then all I could do was hold my breath and hope.

  My best friend Samantha came over and put her arm around me.

  “Where’s the lucky boyfriend?” she asked.

  “Working. He just made partner so they keep him late.”

  “Have you decided whether or not you’re gonna do that nude photo shoot?

  “I don’t want to talk about that tonight. Let’s just have fun and party and—”

  “Have a threesome with some hot bearded hipsters.”

  “Ha! You would never.” Samantha was the most prim and proper of my friends. I could hardly imagine her in bed with the grungy, artistic types that used to get me so excited.

  “Don’t let the JD and the Park Slope brownstone fool you. I have a great appreciation for hipsters.”

  “Oh, really. Did you make them shower and shave?”

  “Shower, yes. Shave, no. I love that grungy smell of coffee and hand-rolled cigarettes in their beards.”

  The gallery director, Simon, rushed towards us, waving his arms.

  “Megan, darling, there’s someone who you must absolutely meet.”

  A tall, sleek, confident man strode across the room. Our eyes locked. A strange, electric shock passed through my body. No man had ever stared at me that intensely, at least no stranger. Who was he? How hadn’t I noticed him?

  He smiled, extended his hand. I stood frozen, locked on his eyes. He smirked. He knew he had me transfixed. I felt myself blushing even deeper
until I finally extended my arm. His hand was almost twice as big as mine, and the roughness, the raw power it possessed sent a shiver through my body. He could crush me if he so desired. These hands were bigger than any man’s hands…and my mind started to drift… What power, what sex appeal. He must have been in his early forties. He was so well dressed, elegant and clean-shaven. The energy and vigor he exuded were those of man much younger, but his calmness and savoir-faire, made him seem older and more mature than his physicality would suggest.

  In those brief moments in which we stood there gazing into each other’s eyes, my hand clasped in his, I felt my eyes being drawn, as if by some magnetic force, to his crotch. There appeared to be a bulge, a very impressive bulge. No, it was more like a thick snake unfurling itself down his leg. My body quivered. My panties began to dampen. I felt like I would pass out right there in the gallery. Oh, how embarrassing that would be! This hulk of man would have to take me in his arms, wrap in his warm powerful embrace and hold me tighter than any man had ever held me, and rush me to the hospital. But what the hell was wrong with me? I had a boyfriend, a wonderful, successful boyfriend who had just made partner in his law firm—the kind of boyfriend that most women would kill for. He made good money and hadn’t lost his sense of playfulness. I couldn’t believe how far my mind had rushed off into the imaginary fantasy scenario with this alluring stranger. But still, I couldn’t help feeling an intense coursing through my body, tickling all my nerve endings from my brain to my pussy to my toes. Everything in my body tingled with excitement. I was dripping wet and I felt as if everyone in the gallery was looking at me, pointing, reveling in the hypnotic spell that this man had put me under.

  “Thomas is an art dealer. He got sick of Wall Street life.”

  He must have caught me staring at his package, licking my lips lustily, imagining holding his large member in my hands, double fisting it, swirling my tongue around the head, then pumping it in and out of my mouth until he couldn’t hold it anymore and shot his huge load onto my pretty face. And I would suck every last drop from the head of the softening rod. Oh, I felt like such a whore. I wanted this man, I needed him. But it felt so wrong. It was wrong!


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