Finding Maddox (The Road to Truth Book 3)

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Finding Maddox (The Road to Truth Book 3) Page 12

by Quell T Fox

  ​“I love you. So much.” I smile into his hand that is cradling my cheek. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

  ​“Yes, but I still like hearing it.” I say.

  ​“Then I’ll tell you forever.” He brings his lips to mine, his soft hair falling forward and tickling my face. His lips are pillow soft and I deepen the kiss, knowing that he probably needs this more than anything right now.

  ​“As much as I’d love to do this right now, Cupcake,” Lenny says as he pulls away. “Callan would kill us if we tainted his precious books. Besides, I came in here not only to creep on you,” he winks, “but to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind.”

  ​I let out an exaggerated sigh, to show my disappointment at the “no sex in the library” rule. I’m going to have to talk to Callan about that. On a more serious note, I tell him, “you can always talk to me about anything.”

  ​“Let’s sit.” He guides me down the left side stairs, to a set of dark blue armchairs that are sitting in the corner of the room. They’re separated by a small end table that is home to three cacti plants. “Obviously you know about Maddox and me. How we’ve been together before and have had… whatever it is that’s going on between us, for a while now.” He tucks his light brown – almost dirty blonde – hair behind his ear before continuing. His features are absolutely stunning, sharp and defined, yet soft. I swear this man needs to be a model. He’s just so pretty. “I’m not saying that I want to, or that it would happen, or that you aren’t what I want, but I need reassurance on something–”

  ​I cut him off, by holding a finger to his lips.

  ​“Lenny, I know what you’re going to say, or ask or whatever and the answer is: I don’t care. I love that you and Maddox have something else going on and have before me.” I pull my finger away from his lips and lay them on my lap. “Thinking of having to satisfy four guys is terrifying and besides, it’s hot as fuck watching. Seeing you and Maddox together? I’d watch anytime you guys would let me.” I lick my lips before continuing. “Look, this goes for all of us. Whoever decides to be with who, can be, whenever they want. They don’t need my permission. As long as it’s us. Just us. Callan explained that’s how it normally is, and I’m okay with that. I’m one person that cannot split myself up four ways. You at some point will probably need more than what I can give, and like I said, as long as it’s within our group, then go for it.”

  ​Lenny’s smile reaches his eyes and his happiness, makes me happy. He looks lighter, like I lifted a weight from him.

  ​“I love when you smile, Lenny. You’re gorgeous, you know that? I’m sorry about all this shit going on, I know it isn’t my fault, but I’m sorry about it. Us finding each other has been so messy, yet so great at the same time. I hope everything evens out soon.”

  ​“It will. We will figure out what’s going on and take care of it. We won’t let anything ruin this. “He pulls my hand to his lips, leaving soft kisses along my knuckles. “And I promise that every time Maddox comes close to it, I’ll punch him right in the balls.” He smirks and I let out a laugh. “Thanks, Cupcake.” Lenny stands and kisses me quickly on the cheek. “Keep being nerdy,” he winks at me and clucks his tongue. I shake my head as he walks off and disappears down the hallway and around the corner.

  ​I spend over two hours in the library. Picking up books, reading a few pages and putting them back. I can’t find just one thing that I want to read. That is until I pick up one of those Reverse Harem books and realize what exactly it’s about. One girl, three guys? Yeah, I’m reading this. I don’t think Callan will mind, so I sneak it out with me, hoping it’ll give me some pointers on how to deal with all four of these guys. Yep, that’s totally why I want it… pointers. I promise it has nothing to do with the promises of steamy sex scenes and guy on guy action. Nope, not that at all.

  ​It’s late. The guys have mostly been trying to piece everything together and think of who it may be that has something against us. Luckily, Monday isn’t too far off and Callan will be able to talk to his friend at work. Which is most likely a dead end, but I hope it’ll be more, and right now it’s all that we have.

  ​Work. That’s another thing I need to focus on. I need to find a job. And I need to find an apartment. Well, I hope to but at this point I’m not so sure that I’ll be able to. We agreed not to be separated. I have a feeling that those dreams will be put off for a while. It’s a bit irritating, but I get it. They worry about me, and honestly, I’m worried, too. The thought of being in an apartment, vulnerable and alone scares me. I’m all set. If someone broke in, there’s no way I could defend myself. I’m not going to be a freeloader, though. That is something I’m not okay with. They’ve already done enough, no, too much for me. Whatever the guys spend on me, I’ll pay them back. That’s a deal that should make it work for all of us. Yet, I have a feeling they won’t go for it.

  ​Alec also has to get back to work on Monday. He owns his own business, too, but unlike Maddox and Lenny, he actually works there. He’s a mechanic and owns his own shop. I don’t know how I didn’t just know that. Eye roll. Like Alec could do anything else? I mean, I’m sure he could, he’s definitely smart, but he’s one of those guys that you can tell was born to work on cars. I guess when it was mentioned that we don’t go out alone, that doesn’t stand for anyone that has to go to work – which is unfair. Especially when I was told that it only stands for those that had a job prior to the conversation. Totally not fair at all. Maddox will have to stop into the bar at some point this week, which I found out is called Deveraux’s. And when I asked him how he came up with the name, he laughed and walked away. I didn’t get it. Callan was the one that finally told me it’s because it’s his last name. Maddox Deveraux. If that’s not a fancy as fuck name, then I don’t know what is. Anyway, he says he has a really good manager there, so he doesn’t worry much, but it’s still his business and I commend him for being active in its running. Lenny is what they call a “silent partner”, but really I know it’s because Maddox won’t allow him to do anything in fear that he’ll ruin something. Control freak, much? Lenny doesn’t seem to care. The only thing he asks to be a part of are the bands that play there, apparently that’s the only thing he really cares about. Other than that, Maddox makes all the decisions, yet Lenny still gets half.

  ​I head into the living room where the guys are hanging out, watching TV. I pause at the end of the hallway, taking a minute to appreciate them. They’re watching The Big Bang Theory. One of my favorites. Callan is sitting in the recliner by the couch, a permanent smile on his face. He’s completely enthralled by the show. Shocking, since even I know that he doesn’t like watching television. Alec and Maddox are both on the couch, similar entertained expressions on their faces, both with a beer in their hand. Lenny sits on the floor, back against the couch. His laugh is like music to my ears. I called Lenny a creep, but what am I doing right now? Totally creeping. I laugh to myself, because I’m okay if any of them want to creep on me, and I know they’d say the same about me. Warmth fills my chest as I look at the happiness in front of me. Knowing that just a few short weeks ago, everything was so different, for all of us. Coming together has made us all better. Even though it hasn’t been easy so far.

  ​“What are the sleeping arrangements?” I ask quietly, stepping into their line of sight, but making sure to not block the TV.

  ​“Alec has agreed to sleep down here on the pull-out bed, Lenny offered for Maddox to sleep with him and I’ll stay in the room that I’d planned on staying in last night.” A tinge of pink covers his cheeks.

  ​“That didn’t go over well last night,” Lenny teases.

  ​Callan’s response is to shake his head, but he’s easily lost in the show again.

  ​“I’m going up to bed now. I’m exhausted. Good night guys.” I give a quick wave before heading up the stairs, feeling kind of weird about the good-night kiss thing. Alec and I haven’t kissed at all yet, so do I just skip him? And how
does Callan feel about kissing in front of the others? Best to just skip em’ all.



  ​When I reach the master bedroom, I think of closing the door to change, but why bother? I dig the borrowed book out of my waist band and place it onto the dresser. I search through my suitcases for clothes. My shirt is halfway over my head when a husky voice startles me enough that I let out an embarrassed squeak. I pull it down the rest of the way before turning towards the door.

  ​“No good-night kiss?” Placing my hands on my hips, I can’t help but smile at him.

  ​“Does you being here mean that you want one?” I shoot an eyebrow up.

  ​“Oh, I want one. And another and so much more.” Maddox walks up to me, placing his arm around my waist and pulling me to him. My breasts press against his firm chest and my nipples harden at the contact. Maddox bends down and takes my mouth in his, the slight stubble on his face brushing over mine so gently. His tongue enters my mouth and slides across my bottom lip softly. My hands go around his neck and I pull him down, deepening the kiss. I missed him, and I’m in need of a Maddox induced orgasm or two – not gonna lie. His hands reach the hem of my shirt and he pulls it over my head.

  ​“If I’d have known you were coming in here, I wouldn’t have bothered putting clothes on at all.”

  ​“And where is the fun in that?” Lenny’s smooth voice asks as he enters the room, closing the door behind him. The lock clicks and my belly floods with warmth knowing what I’m in for. Lenny comes around behind me, sliding his hands up my belly and grasping both breasts between his hands. He rolls my nipples between his fingers and a soft moan escapes my lips. I grasp Maddox by his shirt as he presses his fingers to my chin, tilting my head up to claim my mouth once again. Lenny’s hand moves down and enters my panties, his finger reaching my slit that is ready and waiting for him… for them.

  ​“So wet. Already?” Lenny whispers into my ear, loud enough for Maddox to hear. He lets out a grunt of approval into my mouth and my fists grasp at his shirt, bunching the material between my fingers.

  ​“Mmm,” I moan as Maddox pulls back. I catch the needy look on his face before he pulls Lenny to him, taking his bottom lip and sucking it into his mouth. I look up, sandwiched between two firm and sexy bodies and watch as their tongues glide across one another. Lenny’s hand continues to circle my clit while Maddox takes my nipple between his fingers. I press my ass into Lenny, feeling him hard and ready. They continue doing their own thing, making up in their own way and I’m so turned on to be a part of it. I get to my knees, unbuttoning Maddox’s pants first. I pull them down his legs and watch as his cock bounces free. He’s long and thick. I take the head into my mouth and suck hard for a moment before turning and doing the same thing to Lenny. I move over enough to take one in each hand, and take turns with them in my mouth as they continue to make love to each other with their own mouths.

  ​“I think she likes having two cocks together,” Lenny says into Maddox’s mouth.

  ​“Lucky us.”

  ​Maddox scoops me up under the arms and carries me to the bed.

  ​“Have you been with two guys before us?” I shake my head no, smiling innocently. The grin that moves across Maddox’s face is priceless.

  ​“Good, because you’re going to love this. Lenny, lay on the bed.” He does as he’s told, crawling onto the bed and laying on his back. “Now, Beautiful, go and ride Lenny’s cock.” He whispers into my mouth, close enough to kiss me, but he doesn’t. He leaves me wanting his lips on mine.

  ​I turn and climb over the bed, straddling Lenny’s lean body and hovering over his hard length. I ease down slowly and he slides right in, all the way to the hilt. A low moan leaves my lips at how good he feels in this position. I rock my hips forward as Lenny grabs onto my thighs and digs his nails into me. The bite of pain intensifies the pleasure that his cock is giving me.

  ​I hear a snap behind me and suddenly there is a cool liquid being poured over my backside. Maddox rubs it in and uses it to shove a finger into my back entrance without warning. The feeling is a bit overwhelming at first, but soon enough turns pleasurable. He moves in and out, the feeling of him filling me with Lenny inside of me is almost too good. Almost. After a few moments he inserts another finger and I involuntarily clench, causing Lenny to let out a moan.

  ​“Relax, Beautiful,” Maddox whispers into my ear. “This won’t work if you don’t relax.” He slips his arm around my waist, his fingers trail down my stomach and he begins to play with my clit. The pressure easily causes me to relax. It doesn’t take long for the extra thickness of his two fingers to feel good. Once I’m good and loosened up for him, Maddox rubs his cock over my rear ring and presses into me. It hurts only the tiniest bit, but I focus on relaxing. The more I relax the easier it goes in and the better it feels.

  ​“Fuck, this asshole is so tight.” He presses in deeper, the feeling of them both in me together is beyond words.

  ​I push back into Maddox wanting more of his cock in me. He pushes the final inches in with a moan that sends warmth pooling to my core. He reaches his hand around and tweaks at my nipple. His movements behind me guide my movements on Lenny, who is also moving his hips up to meet Maddox’s thrusts, so really, I’m not doing any work at all. Lenny uses a thumb on my clit, and it doesn’t take long for him to build me up to my first orgasm. I come, clenching around both cocks and they harden further at my moans.

  ​“You like this, don’t you?” Maddox’s deep voice says into my ear. He moves his mouth down to my neck, sucking at the sensitive flesh.


  ​“Yes, what?” Maddox asks, gripping a hand full of hair.

  ​“Yes, I like it.”

  ​“Good girl. Now bend over more so I can fuck this ass the way I want to.” He releases my hair, allowing me to fall forward. I lean down on top of Lenny, taking his mouth in mine. Maddox’s thrusts from behind become quicker and harder. I moan into Lenny’s mouth. Maddox has one hand flat on my middle back, while the other grips my hip. Lenny’s fingers are still digging into my thighs.

  ​“Fuck. I’m going to come again,” I say between moans.

  ​“That’s it, baby. Come again for us.” I do. Violently, shaking and convulsing on top of Lenny. He swallows my cries and I swear I see stars. He continues to fuck me from underneath and comes on a groan shortly after. Maddox pulls me up against his firm chest. His tattooed arm reaches around my waist and rests underneath my breasts, keeping me tight against him. His thrusts become harder and his panting getting heavier. He reaches around to play with my clit, as Lenny stays sheathed inside me, his cock still semi hard.

  ​“I’m going to come in this tight little ass of yours.” Maddox grounds out, pumping into me one last time before I feel the warmth of his seed spread into me. He stills and I feel every twitch of his cock as it pumps out his hot liquid. I fall to the bed and roll over onto my back. Lenny disappears for a moment but returns with a cool, damp cloth from the bathroom. He makes quick work of cleaning me up, and the gesture makes me smile internally.

  ​“You are a dirty girl, aren’t you?” Maddox asks, as he takes the towel and cleans himself up, too.

  ​“Is that a problem?” I ask sleepily.

  ​“No. Not a problem at all.”

  ​“I’m sleeping in here.” Lenny says as he gets into bed.

  ​Maddox shuts off the lamp, “me too.”

  ​“Fine by me but unlock the door.” My words are slow and quiet.

  ​Maddox unlocks the door and climbs into bed with us, me in the middle, of course. None of us bothered to get dressed. We fall asleep together, cuddled up in Callan’s bed.




  ​“Breakfast!” Someone’s shouting from the bottom of the stairs wakes me. I look at the bare chest that is under me. Firm and full of tattoos. Maddox. I spread my arm out behind me feeling for another body. There
he is – Lenny.

  ​Must be Callan that’s doing the yelling. Ugh.

  ​“It’s going to get cold!” More shouting.

  ​“Shut it, Fruitcake!” Maddox’s chest vibrates under me. Why so much shouting? I peel myself from Maddox’s extremely nice looking chest and bury my face under the pillow.

  ​“What time is it?” I groan.

  ​“Too early,” Lenny whines.

  ​We went to bed late. I’m not sure how late, but it was late. We had quite the busy and adventurous night. I thought after the first time I was going to sleep, but they had other plans for me. Maddox and Lenny had a lot of making up to do and decided to keep me in the loop. I’m not complaining. Not even for a second.

  ​Knocking at the door has me groaning again.

  ​“Callan said get downstairs or he’s coming up here to bang pots and pans to get you all out of bed.”

  ​“No, he did not!” I say, lifting my head from the pillow.

  ​Alec’s smirk makes me smile. “You’re right, he didn’t. But I will if you don’t get dressed and come downstairs. We have to return the rentals, and Callan is driving me insane. I need backup.”

  ​All three of us groan at the fact that not only do we have to get up and eat, but we have to get up and people. Yes, people. I do not want to leave the house. It’s Sunday damnit.

  ​Maddox rolls to the side and pulls me on top of him, I sit up and the sheet slides down my back, leaving my bared back for all to see. I take a peek over my shoulder and watch as Alec shakes his head and walks away smiling. Maddox’s hands grip my hips as he digs his erection into my core. It slides through my folds, thanks to all of the fluids from last night and lack of a shower. It never stops. He never stops. Lenny crawls over and presses his lips to Maddox, who was not expecting it. He turns his head and deepens the kiss with Lenny. He involuntarily thrusts his hips into me, and I moan at the pressure it adds to my very sensitive clit. Fuck, these guys are going to be the death of me.


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