Finding Maddox (The Road to Truth Book 3)

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Finding Maddox (The Road to Truth Book 3) Page 19

by Quell T Fox

  “That sounds awful. I get it though. My mom was the same brand of shitbag.” I say.

  ​He lets out a harsh breath. “I need to shower. I need to hit the gym. I need to get back into my routine, so I don’t lose this smokin’ hot bod.” He says, lightening the mood.

  ​“You are so full of yourself, it makes me sick.” I tell him, as I run my fingers up and down his arm, causing goosebumps to appear on his flesh.

  ​“Yeah, but, can you blame me?”

  ​No. I can’t. I think it, but I don’t say it.

  ​I want to argue, but I laugh instead. Because he’s right. The need to piss him off and do the opposite of everything that he says is fading, and this dark, teasing side of me is coming out to play. For some reason, it’s only with him. I’m not complaining at all, actually, I’m enjoying this side of myself that I didn’t know existed until Maddox came along.

  ​He kisses my neck and then nips my ear before getting out of bed and exiting the room. I lay there for a bit, thankful for the alone time and the quiet. I love being with the guys, but it’s so… peaceful, right now. The room is bathed in the pinkish sunlight from the early morning, the bed is warm and soft. The only sound is the fan above swirling around, awarding me the perfect breeze. Quiet is not something I get much of anymore, and I’m appreciating it in this moment. Though, I know I’d trade it for time with my guys in a heartbeat. Nothing beats the way they make me feel. Appreciated. Welcomed. Cherished. Loved – even though they all haven’t said it yet. It doesn’t matter, because I know this is what is happening. This is the road that we are traveling down.

  My thoughts wander to the bullshit that’s going on. To the explosion, to someone breaking into the bar and then Callan’s house. Even that strange car that was hanging outside of Alec’s house, was that part of this, too? Someone is trying to harm us. Or me. That’s insane, right? Why would anyone want to hurt me? Or us? We haven’t done anything, and we just met not all that long ago. How did anyone know that we were together? Or maybe they didn’t? My thoughts stress me out. Too many questions, not enough answers. I do have a strong feeling that this is part of a much bigger picture, but it isn’t helping me to worry about it when I have nothing to go on.

  I drift back to sleep for a short amount of time before I wake again and hop in the shower. I dress in comfy clothes for now, leggings and a t-shirt. It’s still very early, and we don’t have to be to the Prophet until this evening. I’ll change later.

  ​When I get downstairs, I find Lenny lounging on the couch, his eyes glued to the TV.

  ​“Morning, Sleepyhead.” He greets me with a lazy smile.

  ​“Good morning,” I respond. “Did you eat?” He shakes his head no and instead of going to him, I start towards the kitchen to make us some breakfast. It doesn’t take long to make chocolate chip pancakes. I bring Lenny a plate of five, because that’s normally how many he eats, but there are still a few extras in the kitchen because I know sometimes, he eats more than the normal. The “Lenny” normal, as we call it. We sit cross-legged on the couch, side by side, eating our pancakes and watching Scooby Doo. Yes, Lenny is watching Scooby Doo. I don’t even mind. I haven’t watched this since I was a kid, so it’s kind of nostalgic. It brings me back to waking up early on the weekends and spending the morning watching cartoons. It was my happy place. Until mom woke up and started yelling and screaming, pulling the remote from my fingers and turning on her shit reality TV shows. Yep, those were the days. Not.

  ​Lenny takes my plate when I’m finished, and he places them both on the end table. He lays down, using my thighs as his pillow. He seems tired – or sad – today and I can’t make out why. Perhaps everything with Maddox hasn’t passed. Or maybe he’s just having an off day. We’re all allowed off days. Either way, I don’t ask. He needs more of this than to talk. So, I sit back, get comfy and run my fingers through his hair. We enjoy the quiet together, until sleep takes over him.


  ​He wakes a little while later, smiling up at me. “Good morning, Sleepyhead.” I say to him, repeating his words from earlier. He smiles and wraps his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me down into a kiss. His lips still taste like chocolate and syrup. That’s Lenny, overflowing with sweetness. He tastes just as sweet on the days he doesn’t fill himself up with sugar.

  ​“Why don’t you like being called Leonard?” I don’t know where the question comes from, or why I even ask but the words fall from my lips. He doesn’t respond right away, and I think he didn’t hear me. Or I asked something that I shouldn’t have.

  ​“It’s what my mother called me. There are not many things that I remember about her, but that’s one of them. It reminds me of her, and I don’t like thinking about her.” He tells me, even though he’s staring at the cartoons on the TV.

  ​I take a moment to let his words register. “I think that thinking about her is what will help you get over her. I’m not trying to pry, I just want to give my opinion. It’s what usually helps me. Pushing all of your junk into a closet, just makes it that much harder to deal with when you have to go in there and look for something. It’s better to deal with everything, little by little.” My fingers continue through his hair, and I wonder what he does to get it so soft. Not dyeing it, is probably the first thing. Speaking of, I’m probably due for another dye job.

  ​“You’re right. I know you’re right, but it hurts. It hurts so much and it’s too hard.” Lenny pulls and twists at the string on his shorts.

  ​“Maybe it was too hard before, because it was just you. Yes, you have the guys, but they are guys. You have me now, Lenny, and I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for you, always. I love you and I want to help you. Try. I’ll do whatever I can to make it easier for you. Tell me what that is.”

  ​He doesn’t say anything, instead he pulls me in to another kiss. This one different than his other kisses. Normally, they are playful and light. This time, his kiss is tender and deep. Loving.

  ​His head turns back towards the TV and we watch cartoons for the rest of the morning.



  ​“Did you guys eat lunch? I’m starving.” Maddox walks in carrying his gym bag and still wearing his gym clothes – which he looks super hot in, especially with his skin gleaming with sweat.

  ​“You’re always starving after the gym,” Lenny says, boredly.

  ​“Uh, well, yeah.” Maddox stops in front of us, blocking the TV. Lenny’s mood has brightened a bit, since we talked and he napped. I can’t force him to do anything. All I can do is let him know that I support him, that I’m here for him, and hope that he tries to work out his issues. I think it will only make him feel better and help us all grow together. “Did you guys eat or not?” He asks again, his muscled arms crossed over his bulging pecks.

  ​“No. We haven’t had lunch.” I finally answer.

  ​“I’m going to change, then we’re going to get food.”

  ​“Or you could stay like that.” He stops at the bottom of the stairs and turns towards me with an eyebrow raised. I shrug and he shakes his head, walking up the stairs slowly and I watch his ass flex with every step he takes. He comes back down a few minutes later and disappointment strikes. “If you want to play dress up,” Maddox says as he walks by, “we can do that tonight.”

  ​I mean, yes, please? Though, I had thoughts of doing this with Callan. You know, the naughty teacher thing. But maybe he’ll join too? After last night I’m starting to think that anything is possible. Lenny sits up and follows Maddox as I do the same. I don’t bother to grab my purse. I know they won’t let me pay and I’m not in the mood to drink, so I don’t need my ID. I’m also not changing, because fuck that. I step into my flip-flops that I leave in the shoe rack by the door, while Lenny scoops up his Converse and ties them up.

  ​By the time we get home, Callan is pulling into the driveway, too. Maddox brought his Jeep up yesterday, after him and Lenny took an Uber down. I can’t imagine
how much that cost. I greet Callan at his car with a quick kiss, Maddox and Lenny meet up with us.

  ​“Where’s Alec?” We all look at each other.

  ​“He’s right. Where is Alec?” Our gaze goes to his truck that’s parked on the street. The truck that I overlooked as I was leaving for lunch, and when we got back.


  With that, we all rush inside. I haven’t seen him at all. A million and one thoughts run through my head. How did I forget that Alec was home today? Where could he be? What if he was taken and none of us realized? What the hell is wrong with us?

  ​When we get inside, Lenny makes a dash for the stairs and Callan heads towards the library. Alec in the library? I’d pay to see that. I walk in and go right to the kitchen. Maddox startles me as he shouts Alec’s name. My chest is tight, and my hands are sweaty. What if something really bad happened to him? How could we just forget about him?

  ​“What?” Alec responds as I enter the kitchen. He’s hovering over the counter making a sandwich. A fucking sandwich.

  ​“Where the hell have you been all day?” I ask loudly. Not meaning to, but the anxiety makes my words come out stronger than they should have. Maddox yells for the other guys, letting them know that Alec is down here in the kitchen. They enter moments later, Lenny thumping down the stairs loudly. Their faces washed with relief at the sight of Alec.

  ​“In my room… sleeping? I think I’m getting sick.” He turns around to face us, wielding a mayonnaise covered knife. We’re all standing, posed in different forms of annoyance and panic. “Lenny, can you make me a healing tea?” He asks like we all weren’t just losing our minds looking for him… or maybe that was just me.

  “Sure can, bro. I’ll do it right now.” Lenny climbs back upstairs, taking them two at a time. His hair swaying as he goes.

  I move to Alec and throw my arms around his waist. He tenses for a moment but then wraps me in a hug. His sweet, citrus scent gives me the reassurance that I was looking for. He’s here. He’s safe. I’m an asshole. Yep, a royal asshole.

  Rule #1: No more losing my guys!

  Rule #2: Know where my guys are at all times!

  Crazy? Maybe. Necessary? Abso-fucking-lutely.

  ​“Are you okay?” Alec asks, his words laced with a hint of worry.

  ​“We thought you were taken or something.” I squeeze a little tighter before letting go.

  ​“Haven’t you been home, like, all day? You guys only left a little while ago.”

  ​“Uh, yeah but…” I start, tucking some stray hair behind my ear, trying to find the right words.

  ​“She forgot about you.” Maddox says in that sly, haha-you’re-in-trouble tone. My head jerks in his direction and if I could shoot laser beams out of my eyeballs, he’d be a pile of ash on the floor right now.

  ​“I did not!” I throw my hands to my hips. “Not really, anyway.” I shrug, coolly. Alec raises an eyebrow. “Okay, maybe I just forgot that you were here today. You were quiet all day and I’m not used to your guys schedule. Anyway,” I emphasize the word, “all that matters is that you’re okay and alive and here.” I smile big, maybe a little too big. I think I’m overdoing it. Yeah, I over did it.

  ​“Right.” Alec narrows his eyes at me and slow nods. He doesn’t believe me. I’ve always been a terrible liar.

  ​Lenny comes back downstairs – saved by the Warlock – carrying a few vials and some plants.

  ​“What the hell is that?” I ask, incredulously.

  ​“Uh, stuff for potions? Duh.” He walks by me and drops everything onto the counter carefully. Duh. Duh? Yeah, because that’s so obvious to me. Potions, really?

  ​I move closer to the counter, interested in watching what he’s doing. Alec finishes putting his sandwich together and then goes to the table, pulling out the chair and taking a seat. He shoves half of the sandwich into his mouth and my eyebrows go up in question.

  ​“What?” He asks, with a mouthful of food. “I’m hungry.” His words are barely distinguishable. I huff out a laugh and go back to watching Lenny.

  ​He puts water into the tea pot and places it on the stove, putting the heat on high. He grabs a coffee mug and puts a dash from each of the three vials into it. Two are filled with a pinkish liquid and the other is filled with a white, thicker liquid that reminds me of heavy cream. There are two different plants that he has. One looks like a dandelion – and very well could be. The other looks like parsley – which, also very well could be. He crushes them up with a mortar and pestle, places them into a tea diffuser and hangs it on the side of the mug.

  When the tea kettle whistles, he pours the water into the clear mug. He takes another vial – that I had missed before – and uses a dropper with this one. He puts exactly one drop into the “tea”. It sizzles and foams where the drop fell. “Unicorn tears. You have to be very careful when using them. Very potent.” I look into the cup and it looks like a normal cup of tea, now that the foam has disappeared and the sizzling has stopped. It smells both appetizing and revolting all at the same time. It’s hard to explain. There is a sweetness to it that is appealing, but then there is something else that I can’t place. Something that I want no part of.

  ​“Mind helping?” Lenny offers me the mug and I bring it to Alec, taking one last sniff before placing it down. Lenny brings his items back upstairs. Alec blows on the tea – it’s still steaming – and brings it to his lips right away. My tongue burns just watching him.

  ​“How does that taste?” I ask, thoroughly interested, yet, also concerned. Looking around I notice that at some point, Callan and Maddox deserted us.

  ​“Like sweet shit. Literally.” He answers before taking another sip.

  ​“Yeah, it doesn’t taste good at all, but you have to drink it while it’s hot or it won’t work. You can’t wait for it to cool and then just down it. Magic has a price, you know.”

  ​“My damn taste buds. That’s the fucking price,” Alec quips.

  ​“You asked for it.” Lenny shrugs, then pinches my butt before running into the living room to the other guys.

  ​“It’s almost time to leave! Hurry your asses up,” Maddox yells from the other room. I roll my eyes and head upstairs. I’ll admit, I did forget about the Prophet when I thought Alec was missing. Oops. Now that it’s time to go, the butterflies have come out to play. What if she tells me something bad? What if something is wrong? What if she confirms that someone is trying to kill us? Is it better to know… or to wonder? I guess it would be good to know, but also, I don’t know if I can handle that kind of reality. I rub my hands down my legs to wipe off the sweat that’s formed.

  ​A few minutes later I’m dressed in jeans, boots and a crop top sweater. Ready to go.

  ​“Everyone ready?” I ask, staring at the guys on the couch. They are all so… different. Callan is still dressed from work, which I absolutely love. He has on navy blue dress pants with a dark pink shirt. I do enjoy a man dressed well, especially with the glasses to give that nerd look the finishing touch. Maddox and Alec are both in jeans, Alec has on boots with a red Henley and Maddox has on his black vans with a black t-shirt. Lenny has on black skinny jeans with a white t-shirt that has a picture of a skateboard, with his red high-top converse that he wears so frequently. So different, yet all so perfect in my eyes.

  ​“Let’s go. We’re taking the Jeep,” Maddox tells us as he walks out the door.

  ​Everyone gets up and heads to the Jeep and piles in. I go straight to the back and Maddox doesn’t bother to argue with me anymore. Callan sits in front.

  ​We drive in mostly silence, as usual. The radio is off, because that’s Maddox for you. What does he have against music? Who doesn’t like music? We’re at a red light when I’m startled by Maddox’s loud voice.

  ​“Fuck, Lenny! Can you quit it?” Callan’s head turns towards Maddox, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and then over his shoulder to give us a look. I’m sure we are all wearing the same look o
f confusion on our faces.

  ​“I didn’t say anything, man.” Lenny defends.

  ​“Bullshit. You’ve been singing that same song since we left the damn house.”

  ​“He hasn’t said anything.” Alec argues. I don’t know what to say, so I just keep quiet.

  ​“I was singing… in my head.” Lenny says nervously.

  ​Now it’s Maddox’s turn to look confused. “What?” He asks, incredulously.

  ​“I was singing in my head. I always do when we’re in the Jeep, because you don’t put the radio on. But I definitely wasn’t singing out loud, man. You feelin’ okay?”

  ​“What does that mean?” Goosebumps crawl across my flesh. I’m a little freaked out, not going to lie.

  ​“I think,” Callan speaks, “that we just found out what Maddox’s new power is.”



  ​I pull up in front of the tiny house the Prophet uses as her shop. It really is a small house turned shop. The parking lot is huge, way too big for this tiny place. The woods surrounding the area give it an eerie feel after the sun sets. I turn into the parking lot and park to the side, by the trees. I’m quite unsettled by what happened with Lenny. It hasn’t happened again, but it was weird as fuck. I could have sworn that Lenny was singing out loud, that’s exactly how it sounded. Clear as a summer’s day.

  ​“She lives back there,” I point to a patch of woods to the left of us, needing to get my mind off of what happened. Giving Friday some background may help. “She lives with her three husbands. She walks to work almost every day, through the woods right here. There is a driveway around the other side that’ll bring you back there, but she says walking keeps her young. The old bat is crazy, if you ask me.”

  ​“That’s why she’s the Prophet. Only someone that crazy could do a job like that.” Lenny adds. Callan scoffs. My eyebrows raise.


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