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Marriage Page 2

by Charles Arnold

  What kind of people might Abul have associated with in Pittsburgh? The obvious answer terrified her. He would not know anyone except those who assisted him in planning the murder of her husband. Now, every passing minute was bringing her closer to those who helped Abul to kill poor Jeff. She was returning to the house she and Jeff shared. Accompanying her was the cowardly thug who brought about his death. For the next two weeks she would be the whore and the wife of her husband’s murderer! At night, in bed, her bare breasts against his chest, his wet mouth on her parted lips...his tongue! The thought of it wrenched her heart and brought a flood of tears to her eyes.

  When she felt Abul was soundly asleep, she pulled her skirt down to her knees. She tried to think of something positive. There was nothing. The best she could do was the fact that Abul was wearing shoes so she didn’t have to look at his repulsive feet. Kathy dozed for half an hour before she was awakened by a painful jab from Abul’s elbow. “Fix your mouth,” he demanded. “I told the crew you would suck them off.”

  “Please, Abul, you can’t mean it. Here? The crew?” Kathy looked at him in disbelief.

  Abul chuckled, “Your new husband takes pleasure in seeing his American wife kneel before other men and take their pricks into her pretty mouth.” He grabbed her upper arm and squeezed. “It isn’t like you never sucked cock before. It’s one of the things you were trained to do at the facility.” He let go of her and grinned. “How many pricks have you sucked in the last six weeks, Mrs. Ryan?”

  “She turned her head away from him, “I...I...don’t remember,” she whispered.

  “Make up your face and do what you’re told, you bitch!” he said. With trembling fingers, Kathy applied fresh lipstick and gloss. When she finished, Abul pressed a button at his armrest. The aisle between the spacious leather seats was wide. Abul pointed to it. “Kneel,” he said. “Open your blouse. Abul’s wife must make it easy for the men she services to play with her titties.”

  Kathy got to her knees and unbuttoned her blouse. Abul signaled the cockpit again. After a few moments, the grey haired pilot, whose nationality she couldn’t determine, stood in front of her. He reached down and squeezed her breasts pinching her nipples. She unzipped him and pulled his hard cock out of his shorts. Within three minutes he came in her mouth. Two other crewmembers followed. She quickly sucked them and dutifully swallowed their cum. No one had spoken a word, except when each man finished, he thanked Abul. All three ignored her.

  She buttoned her blouse. Abul said nothing. He closed his eyes again. She remained kneeling in the aisle. She tried to recall Madam Khe’s words about Mary Margaret. The thought that her lovely innocent sister-in-law had been taken from a convent and within hours made to witness Kathy’s obscene trial brought fresh tears to her eyes. Madam Khe had said that Mr. Satomi began to make tapes of herself and Mary Margaret, and that his primary goal had been to gain complete control over Mary Margaret. Certainly, that had to mean Mr. Satomi was not going to give the girl to Abul. Kathy felt somewhat comforted. No fate for Mary Margaret could be worse than to be married to the murdering coward who sat beside her now.

  Abul kept Kathy on her knees for two hours before taking out his own limp prick and crooking a finger at her. “Tongue my balls,” he sneered. Painfully she crawled between his legs and, lifting his cock, began to lick his sweaty testicles. His odious, thick veined penis swelled. She skinned back the uncircumcised cockhead and took it in her mouth. When Abul was about to cum, he made her stop until his prick began to soften. “Tell me how much you want it,” he said. “Speak words of affection and remember to call me ‘husband’. You might also think of your sister-in-law at the Facility.”

  In the past twenty-four hours she had thought of little else. “Please,” she said, her eyes still lowered, “let me suck you.” He grabbed her hair, forcing her to look up at him. “I...I...mean, please...husband permit me to make love to your cock.” He continued to glare down at her while he twisted her hair painfully. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. He released her. Still looking up at him, she parted her lips and licked them. She reached out to take his cock between her small hands, “Please, Abul...I mean, please husband, use my mouth. Look at my lips. They are warm and wet. I want your cum...please let me have your cum,” she said. Roughly, he pulled her head toward his prick. Her knees were sore and her legs cramped. She closed her swollen lips over his cock and sucked hard, making whimpering sounds in the hope that he would cum this time. He made her suck until her jaws ached. Finally, grunting and swearing, he thrust his cock deep into her throat and came in long spurts, his sour tasting jism thick and hot.

  “Don’t you spill a fuckin’ drop, bitch,” he said. She sucked hard drawing her cheeks in. She sucked until he was dry.

  “What does Abul’s new wife say?” he asked sarcastically.

  “Thank you, husband,” she answered. She thought to herself that it might be possible in the next two weeks to find a way to kill him.

  “Put my prick back in my pants and zip me up. Then fix your face and sit here beside me.” He smiled at her. “I have something to tell you.” When she was settled next to him, he tapped her knee. She turned slightly toward him and spread her legs. “It gives me pleasure to see how quickly you obey,” he moved his hand along her thigh. “It also gives me pleasure to imagine your husband’s final minutes.” He could feel her body become tense and noticed her knuckles whiten as she gripped the seat. “Where was your husband when he drew his last breath, Mrs. Ryan?”

  She looked away from his grinning face. “He...he was on a plane.”

  “Yes,” Abul nodded, “much like this one.” Kathy began to draw her knees together. “Open, bitch!” he demanded. She parted her legs again and he slid his finger into her pussy. She gasped and closed her eyes. “You like that, don’t you? You like my finger in your cunt?” Kathy was silent. He withdrew his finger and waited.

  Hating herself, she whispered, “Yes, I like it.”

  “Put my hand where you want it and ask me...ask me nice to finger your cunt.”

  Still not looking at him, Kathy took his hand and placed it between her legs. “Please, finger me...I mean...please finger cunt.”

  Once more Abul shoved his long middle finger into her but did not move it. “Your husband, your Jeff, was sitting just about where we are now except on the other side of the plane. One of my men, was assigned a seat next to him in order to make certain the hostess served your husband the special sandwich we had prepared.”

  “Please,” Katy began to cry. “Please stop. I...I...don’t want to hear...”

  Ignoring her protest, Abul began to slide his finger in and out as he spoke, “Only a few minutes after he’d finished his last meal, the painful convulsions began, Mrs. Ryan.”

  The tears ran freely down her cheeks, “” she pleaded.

  “Very well,” Abul laughed. “I can’t describe it the way Ira does. Ira was there beside your husband and he never gets tired of telling the story. Some night soon, in your house, Mrs. Ryan, I’ll have Ira give you a full account while you are on your knees sucking his prick.” He slid his finger from Kathy’s pussy and trailed its wetness down the inside of her bare leg. With his other hand he tilted her tear streaked face up so that she had to look at him. “Ira says it took a long time for your husband to die. Watching you on your knees sucking Ira’s prick will be your new lover, me...Abul... the man who devised the whole plan.” His black, hate-filled eyes bored into her. “After Ira is finished with you...after he has shot his cum into the mouth of the rich and cultured Mrs. Ryan, what will Mrs. Ryan say to him?” His hand tightened on her chin.

  “I...I...will thank him.”

  “And will you tell him how much you enjoyed hearing the account of the way we made your husband suffer before we let him die.”

  Kathy quickly twisted her head away from him. “No...I couldn’t...I couldn’t do that.”

  Roughly Abul turned her back to face him. “Goddamn it
! You’re fucking husband is dead. You are now my woman. You will do what I tell you. Yes?” He glared at her.

  Trying to keep her voice from trembling, she answered softly, “Oh, God, Abul...think of what you’re asking. How could I honestly say I enjoyed hearing about my husband’s painful death?”

  Abul parted her open blouse and viciously dug his fingernails into her nipples, “Goddamn it, have you learned nothing!” he shouted. “You will say it because you are now my woman!” He twisted her tortured nipples as Kathy cried out. “You will do and say what Abul tells you to do and say.” Unable to speak, Kathy nodded her head vigorously. Abul let her go. “Well?” he demanded.

  Kathy closed her eyes, gasping for breath. After several moments, she whispered, “Yes, I belong to you now. I am your woman. I will do what you wish.”

  “And what will you call me?” He continued to force her to look at him.

  “I...I...I’ll call you ‘husband’,” she said.

  “Yes, that’s what you will call me. You are my wife and my whore. Is that not right?”

  “Yes, I am Abul’s whore, his American whore...but...but not his real wife.”

  “Goddamn you! You will act like a real wife!”

  “Yes, I will pretend to be the wife of the man who killed my husband.”

  “And there, in the house you shared with your husband, what will you do for Abul?”

  Kathy thought to herself, ‘I will spit in his face. I will take a kitchen knife and plunge it into his heart.’ She tried again to twist away.

  Abul slapped her, spinning her head back. “Tell me, bitch!” he shouted. “Describe to me what Abul’s woman is going to do to for him or else I will call the Facility and your goddamn sister-in-law will bleed!”

  It was several moments before Kathy could speak. “As I said, I will thank this man, this Ira. And...and...then I will crawl to you. Naked and on my knees I will crawl to you Abul. I will ask you to feel feel my naked body. I will kneel between your legs and beg you to permit me you, to suck your...your cock.”

  “You will call me ‘husband’ and take me to your bed, and then...?”

  “Yes, I will call you husband. I will invite you to the bed I once shared with...with...Jeff. I will make myself pretty for you...cosmetics, and perfume. I will rub my body with oil and wear a provocative gown and the shoes you like...the high heels. I will tease you. Make love to you. I will beg you...there in the place where my husband and I first made love, I will beg you fuck fuck my ass.”

  “Yes, that’s better. Will you thank me for taking your husband’s life so that you can give yourself to me? Tell me like you mean it and with a show of affection. Make me believe you or...” He pointed to the cell phone.

  Into Kathy’s mind flashed a vision of Mary Margaret, tied to the whipping post. She wet her lips, “Yes, I will thank you.” She placed her hand on top of his and leaned toward him so that her breast was pressed against his arm. “I will thank you for doing what you had to do so that I might become your woman.”

  “And then...?”

  Kathy thought for a moment trying to imagine what else he wanted to hear. She reached up to touch his leering face, “Later, after you have cum...after you have cum deep inside ass, I will lie awake while you sleep. I...I...will look at you and be grateful that you have...have...made it possible for...for us to be bed...close together like a husband and wife. And...and looking at you beside me, I will be grateful that you have taken me as your woman.” She saw that he was not quite satisfied. “As you are sleeping, I will lean over you and gently brush my lips against yours and whisper that...that...I love you.”

  Abul nodded. He released her and slumped back in his seat. Soon, he was snoring again.

  Chapter Two - Homecoming

  A long black Lincoln Town car met them at the Pittsburgh airport. They waited while several trunks were loaded into it. The driver, a small thin wiry black man joined them. His head was shaved. A large gold earring pierced his right earlobe. His full lips stretched over a mouth that was too wide for his thin face. His teeth, like Abul’s, were broken and yellow. He wore a crisp white shirt open at the neck and black trousers. Apparently, he and Abul had met before. They shook hands, then Abul turned to Kathy. “This,” he said, “is our driver who comes from Burundi.” The driver stared impassively at Kathy. Abul watched for a moment, then continued, “A few years ago he was a soldier patriot and well known. It is believed he hacked to death more than two hundred of his country’s civilian enemies.” Abul chuckled. “Most of them were at their prayers and the others were sleeping. Is that not right, Uzetta?” Abul clapped the driver on the shoulder and laughed.

  The driver said nothing; He had not taken his eyes from Kathy. She turned away. She had a feeling Abul was lying.

  Abul smiled at Kathy. “Mr. Satomi, your own benefactor, arranged for Uzetta to escape when the United States aggression began in his country. He owes his life to Mr. Satomi, just as you do.” The trunks had been loaded into the limousine. Abul continued, “Of course, he hates all Americans.” He turned her to face the driver. “You, Mrs. Ryan, will address him as Mr. Uzetta.” Kathy nodded. The driver’s eyes were hard and bright. He stared at her, she thought, with the cold, unblinking concentration of a snake.

  Abul indicated she was to sit alone on the back seat. He sat facing her. When they were settled, he said, “Tell him how to get to our house.” His phrase “our house” caused her to grit her teeth and squeeze her eyes shut. He repeated it, “Our house. It is now our house, is it not, Mrs. Ryan...mine and yours?”

  After a moment she answered quietly, “Yes, it is now yours and mine. It is now our house.” She gave the driver directions.

  When they were free of the airport traffic, Abul switched on the intercom and said something to Uzetta in a foreign language. She heard the intercom speakers pop. The driver’s voice, speaking with a thick accent, said, “Spread legs. Show me in mirror.” She glanced at Abul who nodded. The color rising to her cheeks, she parted her knees. Abul spoke into the intercom again. “Show cunt,” the driver rasped. She lifted her skirt to reveal the glistening crevice of her slit.

  Abul leaned toward her. “Tell our driver about the last time you rode in a limousine in your city. Tell him who your driver was.”

  Kathy knew that describing the night she first met Abul and confessing that she’d defied him would inflame his hatred of her, but she could think of no way to avoid answering. “Several months ago a limousine was sent to my house to take me to the city. The driver was Abul.”

  Abul placed his hands on his knees and leaned forward, “And what exactly did Abul tell you to do?” he asked.

  “You told me to do what...what this driver told me to spread my legs. You told me to show you”

  “Did you obey?” She could hear the anger in his voice.

  “No, but...but...I didn’t realize...”

  “Why have you obeyed the driver now?” Abul quickly interrupted.

  She tried to find a way to dispel his growing rage, “Because now you are my master. If it pleases you that I show cunt Uzetta, I am glad to do so.”

  “And if, when we get to our house, I tell you to prepare dinner for Mr. Uzetta and afterwards tell you to beg him to fuck your ass?”

  It was a moment before Kathy was able to answer. She realized that before this long night was over she would be forced to give herself to this ugly black stranger. She thought of opening the door and throwing herself out of the swiftly moving car, but she noticed the doors were locked. She considered refusing and enduring Abul’s wrath. Then, she remembered Mary Margaret. “I am Abul’s woman,” she said softly, “I will do whatever pleases you.”

  She flinched as Abul placed his hand on her bare inner thigh. “Suppose I said it would please me if you begged me to tongue kiss you?” He wet his lips.

  Kathy glanced away for a moment then forced herself to look
at his leering face. She inched to the edge of her seat. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her knees between his legs. She lifted her head tilting it toward him, “Please, Abul, please tongue kiss me,” she parted her lips and felt his open mouth on hers and then the sour taste of his thick tongue. He held her for a long time before withdrawing his tongue.”

  “Again, bitch,” he demanded, “but this time you tongue me.” Once more their open mouths fused. She hesitated, then darted her tongue between his lips. His hands were on her breasts rolling her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. She tried not to make a sound but a low groan escaped her. They parted. Abul leaned back in his seat and indicated she was to take her former position. He grinned watching her breasts rise and fall and her cheeks turn scarlet. “Abul’s kisses excite you, Mrs. Ryan. Admit it. Tell me if you’re hot juices are running.”

  Still blushing, she swallowed hard and bowed her head. “Yes, Abul, the way you are...the way you make me obey. And yes, your kisses excite me.” She spread her legs wide. “I am, as you can see, very wet.”

  Abul nodded, “In the next weeks you will often be begging for Abul’s kisses. I won’t need to order you because you’ll want to feel your open mouth against mine. Say it.”

  Kathy despised herself for the way her body responded to the grotesque murderer who sat opposite her. She was deeply ashamed and filled with hatred. Still she said what had to be spoken, “Yes, Abul, I will beg you to kiss me. I have come to realize aroused I become when my parted lips press hard against yours.”

  Abul closed his eyes. “Keep your legs spread. Pull your nipples. Tease Uzetta until we arrive at our house. Then, you will cook him a meal, provide him with drinks, and offer him your ass.” Soon Abul was snoring again. Afraid the driver would complain if she disobeyed, she did what Abul demanded. In the mirror she could see the mean glitter in the narrow slits of his eyes. Like the rest of them, he would be cruel, perhaps, unless she was careful, much worse than any of the others. Her nipples stiffened under her touch. She could feel the wetness between her parted legs.


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