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Marriage Page 21

by Charles Arnold

  “Madam Khe, I’m truly glad to see you and welcome you to my...I mean to our home.” She turned toward Gruber and his companion. “Gentlemen, you too are welcome.” She reddened as Abul squeezed her ass cheek. Even after the weeks at the Facility, wearing a provocative gown before a stranger embarrassed her. Now, Abul’s deliberate touching of her, his crude familiarity, his knowing she would not object humiliated her further.

  Lord Hummel stepped up and, taking her hand, lifted it to his lips. “It is indeed a pleasure, Mrs. Ryan. In person you are even more beautiful than on the tapes.” Realizing that he had watched her being debased and whipped at the Facility brought more color to her cheeks. Deliberately he parted her gown to expose her hairless slit. She started to step back but Abul’s hand on her ass prevented her. The Englishman trailed his fingers along her inner thigh.

  “May I?” he asked.

  Kathy, still blushing, stammered, “I...I...belong to Abul.”

  Abul chuckled, “Of course, Lord Hummel, you can do whatever you want to her. She likes to feel a man’s fingers playing with her cunt. Isn’t that right, Mrs. Ryan?”

  “Yes, yes...I like”

  “Spread your legs,” Hummel said. Kathy slid one foot to the side giving him free access to her pussy. She gasped as two of his cold fingers entered her. The Englishman withdrew his fingers and held them up. In the firelight they glistened with her secretions. He placed the tip of one finger on her lips. Obediently, she parted them and took his finger into her mouth. Doctor Gruber nodded, “Do you enjoy the taste of your cunt, Mrs. Ryan?”

  Lord Hummel withdrew his finger. Kathy’s face was scarlet. “Yes...I do.”

  “I see you wear a clitoral cap,” Hummel observed. “Does it contain brushes?” Before she could answer, Abul touched the remote and let them spin. Kathy’s eyes widened and she moaned with pleasure.

  Abul stopped the brushes and patted Kathy’s ass. “My little American bitch will do anything to feel the brushes, isn’t that right, Mrs. Ryan? Since she’s become my woman, she’s always hot, aren’t you? You’re always wanting to cum?”

  Kathy turned toward him, “Yes, Abul, since I’ve become your woman, I...I...I’m always aroused. I want to feel the brushes. I want to cum.”

  Abul looked across at Gruber who hadn’t moved from the fireplace, “But if she’s given to you, Doctor, that will be the end of the brushes, will it not?”

  “Oh, yes,” Gruber smiled, “no clitoral cap, no brushes. But I’m sure she will learn another way to cum that may prove to be even more satisfying.”

  “And what might that be?” Lord Hummel asked. It seemed to Kathy he knew the answer to his question. It was clear he and Gruber were not meeting for the first time.

  “Why my nephew plans to mate her with his huge black dog. Every evening she will be taken to the animal’s cage. Instead of being Abul’s woman, she will become the dog’s bitch. Of course she will be naked and certain stimulants will have been applied to her vaginal area. The dog is powerful as well as extremely virile. Am I not correct, Mrs. Ryan?”

  Kathy had turned pale and began to tremble. “Please...please don’t,” she began.

  Gruber interrupted, “I think at first Mrs. Ryan might feel violated, but in time, I expect she will ask to be taken to her mate and she will prepare herself to greet the dog just as she has tonight. She will part her legs and invite her lover to mount her.” He paused looking at the group, chuckling.

  “I would pay to see that,” Hummel said.

  “Well, if Abul refuses to marry her, you shall certainly get your wish, Lord Hummel, and it won’t cost you a farthing.” He smiled at the Englishman, “It should be a fine entertainment. The dog is jet black and quite large. Mrs. Ryan is, as you see, a rather small young woman. Her pale, flawless skin…ah, that will be a dramatic study in contrasts.”

  Kathy fell to her knees in front of Abul, “Oh, please, Abul...please, I’m begging you, please marry me. You won’t be sorry. I’ll do anything you wish, everything you wish. If...if you’ll prevent what Doctor Gruber has said, I’ll be more grateful than you can imagine...please, Abul, marry me and...and...I’ll love you... My gratitude will become love. I promise, I’ll love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.” She grabbed his hands and kissed them. Looking up at him she fought to hold back the tears, “I’ll worship you, Abul, completely...unconditionally...please! My God Abul,... say you’ll marry me!”

  “And Jeff?” Abul asked, “what of your dead husband?”

  “I’ll forget him. I swear, I’ll put him out of my memory and out of my heart.” She bowed her head and swallowed hard, then looked up into his sneering face again, “I...I’m glad he’s dead. I want, more than anything be your woman. I want to be worthy of you. I want to love you, Abul.” She hated him more now than ever, but she felt the sinking sensation in her stomach and the wetness between her legs as well as the unimaginable fear of being given to Gruber and Fredrick.

  Abul cupped her chin with his hand forcing her to continue looking up at him, “We all know you despise me, Mrs. Ryan. Because I murdered your husband, you would, if the opportunity presented itself, gladly kill me. In spite of your training, you haven’t learned your place.” He was becoming upset. “You still feel superior to us, especially to me.”

  Madam Khe stepped forward, “I think, Abul, Mrs. Ryan is, at the moment, saying whatever she imagines you want to hear in order to be spared the future Doctor Gruber has planned for her.”

  Abul nodded, “We don’t often agree, Madam, but in this case I believe you are right.”

  Kathy looked quickly from one to the other, panic stricken, “Please, what can I do to convince you. How can I prove that I mean what I’ve said?”

  “There is a way, Madam Khe said. “Abul and I have already spoken of it.”

  “Please, tell me. I’ll do anything,” Kathy pleaded.

  Abul leaned toward her, “If I agree to marry you, I want you to give me a wedding present.”

  “Oh, yes, yes,” Kathy said excitedly, “whatever you want. The bank account. I think there’s over five million. And the house, the cars. You can have it all.”

  “As your husband, it would belong to me anyway.” Abul sat back and eyed her narrowly, “I want something else, and Madam Khe feels I should have it.”

  “Please, just tell me,” Kathy reached out for his hands again.

  “If I agree to a wedding, there will be a party one month afterward. Men you met at the Facility, and the men you’ve met since your return here will be invited. The highlight of the party will be the presentation of your gift to me.”

  “But what...?” Kathy began.

  “Your sister-in-law, Jeff’s virgin sister,” Abul grinned.

  “No!” Kathy’s voice rose. “I...I...mean how can I? She’s at the Facility. She wouldn’t...she couldn’t.”

  Madam Khe, came forward and spun Kathy around to face her. “This Mary Margaret of yours has proved to be much more obstinate than we had anticipated. In fact, that damn religion of hers has given her the strength to defy us and to resist all of our attempts to break her spirit. Mr. Satomi has not permitted the use of drugs, nor have we been allowed to severely whip her.”

  Kathy tried to hide her relief at this news. “You mean no one has violated her? Swart hasn’t whipped her?”

  “No,” Madam Khe scowled, “she is almost as she was when you left.”

  “And she will be brought here,” Abul added.

  “When can I see her?” Kathy asked.

  “At the party to celebrate one month of wedded bliss,” Abul continued, “she will be your gift to me. Before all the gathered guests, she will get on her knees and suck my prick.” He rose out of his chair to stand before the kneeling Kathy, “She will suck it because you persuaded her to. She will be naked under her gown just as you are now. She will lick my balls and suck my prick good because you will have told her how to do it. She will drink my cum and thank me. That, Mrs. Ryan, is the gift you
are to give me.”

  “But I can’t,” Kathy protested. “How can I...”

  “You can and you must,” Madam Khe interjected. “Otherwise, there will be no wedding. Mr. Satomi has ordered this. Unless you succeed in doing what Abul has described, you are to be given to Doctor Gruber.”

  “But I know Mary Margaret,” Kathy argued, “if she defied you at the Facility, how can I persuade her to do such a...such a...”

  “Perverted act,” Madam Khe said. “Ask yourself this, Mrs. Ryan. Who does your pure nun-like sister-in-law loves most in the world?”

  “Her mother and father, Jeff’s parents, and perhaps the young Jesuit priest she met in London.”

  “Well, then, we can use them to help you persuade her to do what Abul wishes. However, let us talk about it later. I think Abul has other plans for you at the moment.” Unsmiling, she deferred to Abul.

  “Madam Khe is correct. I want my future bride to entertain our guests tonight.” He motioned for her to sit on his lap. When she had done so, he tapped her knee. “Spread,” he ordered. Kathy parted her legs to reveal to the guests her shaved pussy. The clitoral cap glinted in the firelight. “Would you like me to remove the cap for this evening?” Abul asked.

  Kathy couldn’t believe he might do it. The possibility that she might be permitted to have an orgasm immediately moistened her pussy and her clitoris swelled. She turned slightly to face Abul and placed her hands on his shoulders. “Please, Abul, more than anything I’d like it to be removed.”

  Abul stroked the inside of her thigh, “Lord Hummel enjoys seeing a woman whipped,” he said. “Even more, he takes great pleasure in doing the whipping.”

  Kathy glanced at the eyebolts, ropes and pulleys that had been installed on the beam in the center of the room. She looked back at Abul, “Yes, if you remove the cap, I...I’ll agree to be whipped.” She knew as soon as she’d spoken she’d made a mistake.

  Roughly Abul grabbed her breast and squeezed it hard. He thrust his face up to hers, the spittle flying from his mouth, “Damn you, you arrogant bitch! Have you learned nothing? You don’t make conditions. You are my woman. You are never in a position to agree or not agree! You will beg to be whipped.”

  Kathy put her arms around him and cried against his shoulder, “I’m sorry, Abul, truly I’m sorry. I forgot. I won’t forget again, I promise.” She leaned back and looked around the room. “Please Madam Khe, Doctor Gruber, and Lord Hummel, please forgive me. I beg you to let me be whipped.” She slid from Abul’s lap and kneeled before him, clasping his knees, “I beg you, Abul, have me whipped.”

  Without answering her, Abul rang a small bell that was on the table at his side. Immediately Miko and Mi Jong appeared in the doorway. They crossed to Kathy, took her by the arms, and walked her to the raised platform under the ropes and pulleys.

  Dr. Gruber came to them and gave Miko a glass vial. “It’s a new formula I’ve just created. Much stronger than the ointment we used on her at my party. If it works the way I think it will, our Mrs. Ryan will absolutely burn with desire and, if Abul permits, she will experience the most intense orgasms of her life. One will follow the other for as long as she is stimulated.” Miko bowed and accepted the container. Doctor Gruber handed her two syringes, one much larger than the other. Pointing to the smaller one he said, “Fill it and inject the liquid into her vagina. Fill the other one and lubricate her anal passage with it.” He gave Mi Jong a small tube. “This is thicker, more like a salve. It is the strongest of all. If Abul allows the cap to be removed, you are to rub this on her clitoris.” Mi Jong accepted the tube and nodded.

  Abul waved his hand at the two women, “Strip her, remove her shoes, and prepare her for whipping.” A spreader bar was attached to Kathy ankles and another was strapped to her thighs just above her knees. Her ankles were shackled to bolts on the platform but with enough slack in the chains to allow her to stand on her tiptoes. Her arms were raised above her head and, like her legs, were spread wide and her wrists cuffed to another spreader bar, which was attached to the pulleys over her head. She was held in an “X” frame posture.

  Lord Hummel moved to stand before her. “Should she be gagged?” he asked.

  “No,” Abul smiled. “I like to hear her scream.” He reached beside him to pick up a cat-o-nine-tails, which he offered to the Englishman. “I understand you are a whip master in your country, Lord Hummel.”

  “Yes, I’ve had a good deal of practice.” He inspected the whip. The nine falls were tightly braided and each was carefully knotted at the bottom. “Yes, this is first rate. Much better than a single tail or a flogger. You should know, Abul, when I’m finished the victim is usually unable to sit or walk for several hours, perhaps a day or two. I understand Mrs. Ryan may be attending a wedding tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” Abul said, “but don’t let that limit you. Dr. Gruber has other medicines that work wonders on cut flesh. Besides, Mrs. Ryan heals quickly, isn’t that right, Mrs. Ryan?”

  Kathy had never seen a whip that was knotted like the one Hummel was holding. “Yes, Abul, I heal quickly.” Miko was rubbing her with oil so that her pale body gleamed. Mi Jong inserted the syringe in her anus and emptied it. The effect was immediate. The heat coursed through her. Miko then knelt at Kathy’s spread legs and pushed the tip of the other syringe into her vagina. Kathy squirmed and moaned. Her skin flushed pink.

  “Would you like me to remove the cap?” Abul called.

  “Oh, please, Abul,” she pleaded with her eyes, “please let it come off.”

  “One month from now, your virgin sister-in-law will be here, in this room, on her knees. And before a large gathering of my friends, she will suck my prick. And you will do everything you can to persuade her to do that?”

  Kathy looked away for a moment. The burning inside of her intensified. She turned back to Abul. “Yes, I promise.” Abul waved at Miko who placed her hand between Kathy’s legs. Abul pressed the remote and the cap dropped into Miko’s hand. She gave it to Mi Jong and took the tube of salve from her. Even before she rubbed it along Kathy’s slit and over her clitoris, the guests could see the white secretions oozing from Kathy’s vagina and the bright red swollen clitoris. The salve took a little longer to work but, as Gruber had predicted, it aroused her as nothing ever had. She knew if she were able to squeeze her legs together she would cum. “Thank you, Abul.” She leaned toward him against her restraints. “I beg to be whipped, and then I beg to be permitted to worship you at your feet.” The words were out of her mouth before she even considered them.

  “Well said,” Gruber commented dryly. Madam Khe nodded her agreement.

  Although she resisted it, she again felt the tingling and the flow of secretions. Her nipples hardened. Was she beginning to mean the self-degrading words she spoke to Abul? Was she starting to associate his ugliness, his rancid odor, his dominance, his cruelty and hatred of her with sexual arousal? Might she be on the threshold of really becoming Abul’s woman? No, she thought. Abul had murdered her husband. She despised him. He’d been right about her feelings. Given the opportunity, she would kill him. It was, she decided, the stimulating ointments of Gruber that excited her so.

  Hummel moved to stand in front of her. He ran his sweaty hands over her breasts. Her breath came faster. He put one hand near her pussy but didn’t touch it. Hating herself, she tried to lift herself toward his hand, “Please,” she said. Hummel laughed as did the others.

  He nodded at Gruber, “It appears as if your genius has triumphed again, doctor.” He held the whip handle to Kathy’s lips. She kissed it and a shiver ran through her body.

  “Before you begin,” Abul called out, “Miko is to put the crotch rope in place.” Hummel stepped aside. Miko picked up a long length of rope made of rough hemp. Mi Jong strapped a wide leather belt around Kathy’s waist and cinched it painfully tight. On the back of the belt was an “O” ring. Miko fastened one end of the rope to it and drew the rest between Kathy’s legs not touching the furrow of her slit. Mi Jong
lowered a pulley that was on the beam above Kathy’s head and slightly behind her. Miko threaded the rope through the pulley and her partner raised it, but let it hang in a loop below Kathy’s crotch. Miko then knelt in front of Kathy and attached two steel clamps to each of her labial lips. Both women pulled the clamps back and used duct tape to secure them to Kathy’s thighs. Kathy’s labial lips were spread wide and held open. The prickly rope was positioned so that when it was pulled it would ride against the tender pink flesh of Kathy’s gaping pussy. If the rope were pulled hard enough, it could lift Kathy off the floor, her full weight supported by the jagged rope between her legs.

  Abul stood and pulled his chair closer to the platform. “Before Lord Hummel gives you what you requested, I have a few questions. Since your clit is exposed and you are obviously in heat, I expect you are hoping to be allowed to cum for us not once, but as Dr. Gruber suggested, several times. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, Abul, I would like very much for you and your guests to see me cum. I...I...need to...I mean, I want to cum as often as you will permit it.”

  “I have prepared a list of questions which Miko will whisper to you while Lord Hummel pauses between strokes. If you cum or not will depend on how you answer and on whether I believe you mean what you say. Have you guessed as to how these orgasms might be brought about?”

  “The rope,” she said.

  “Yes, it was Madam Khe’s idea. The joining of extreme pain with extreme pleasure.”

  Madam Khe spoke up, “After your training at the Facility and your experiences since you’ve returned here, perhaps it is safe to say that you are beginning to realize your only path to sexual pleasure may now lie through pain?”


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