I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 2

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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 2 Page 3

by Tina J

  “WHAT? MY COUSIN GOT STABBED!” He shouted in the phone scaring me.

  “Yea. I’m pulling up to the hospital now.” I lied my ass off.

  “We’ll be there shortly.” He said in a calm voice. Maybe I am playing this role perfect.

  “We?” I questioned. That means all their relatives are coming. I have to get the fuck outta here before he tells VJ’s parents because I damn sure ain’t calling them.

  “Me and my family.” I swallowed hard. Shit is gonna get hectic.

  “Ok. I’ll see you when y’all get here.” I went to hang up and heard him speak.

  “Oh and Mecca.”


  “I know about my cousin leaving you and if he tells me you did this, I’m killing you and everyone in your family.” My mouth dropped as I stared at the screen saver on the phone.

  I sped out the parking lot and drove straight to Lily’s cousin house that was an hour away. I should probably leave the state, but I had no money. FUCK!

  I got out the car, grabbed two bags and walked up the porch.

  “You good?” He opened the door before I got to it.

  “Yea Raheem and thanks for letting me stay.”

  “You’re mine now.” He locked the door behind me. I turned around and stared at how sexy he was.

  Please let this be the right decision. I said to myself.

  “I guess so.” I asked him to grab the rest of my things out the car and if I could use his shower. He told me yes and once the water hit me, so did the stabbing. I let the tears roll down my face thinking about VJ and I never being together and the fact he may die. I should’ve waited until I calmed down and now look. My life is on the line and there’s nothing anyone can do to save me.

  “You ok?” Raheem stepped in the shower. I glanced in between his legs and he had a decent size but nothing like VJ. He was hung like a horse, which is why it hurt during sex.

  “I’m good.” He had me look at him.

  “I don’t know what happened, but I got you.” I nodded and he placed his lips on mine. What we’re about to do will relax me for sure. I’ll think of my next move tomorrow.


  “Get that fucking gun off my head.” She smacked my hand away with her good one. She had plastic covering her other arm. I checked the shower, then the bathroom, along with the rest of the house.

  “Who the fuck car outside and why you in here moaning?” She rolled her eyes and continued washing up without saying a word.

  “Don’t play with me Ariel.”

  “Ain’t nobody in here moaning. I hit my arm against the wall and as you can see, its broke.” She raised it for me to see.

  “Who car is outside then?” She rolled her eyes.

  “Get the fuck out Haven, Reaper or whoever you are.” The shower cut off and I handed her a towel. After she dried off the best she could with the plastic bag wrapped around her arm, I tightened it up.

  “Why are you here and who I have in my house where I pay bills, is none of your concern.”

  “Whose fucking car is out there?” She smirked.

  “My ex, why? Did you not see him while you were creeping in?” She thought shit was funny.

  “I don’t have to creep and if he were here, you’d be cleaning up a dead body.”

  “Oh no Haven. You don’t get to kill nobody I decide to sleep with when you’re doing it.” She started punching me with her good hand.

  “Stop Ariel.” I grabbed her wrist and she snatched away. I knew she was hurt and I wanted to apologize but the words wouldn’t come out.

  “Fuck you Haven.” She went to her dresser to pull clothes out.

  “Why you mad tho? You knew about the top five? I told you in the beginning...”

  “Screw your top five bullshit. You fucking me every night, and got the nerve to slide in someone else. I’m not even gonna suggest my pussy must not be good because we know it is.” I waved my hand at her.

  “You and I have the same sexual appetite Haven; why couldn’t you wait until I got off?” She cried wiping her tears as she slid her leg inside the pajama pants.

  “I don’t even know Ariel. I was drinking and the temptation took over.” She sucked her teeth.

  “I knew it wasn’t you I was fucking and I shouldn’t have done it but it’s over.” I said with finality.

  “Exactly. Just like whatever this is we had.” I wasn’t tryna hear anything she had to say.

  “Yea right.” I sparked the blunt and lit it.

  “You heard me Haven. It’s over, finished, done. Go be with that bitch and the others. You can move her to the top spot because I’m done. I deserve better and I’m not sticking around until you figure out the same thing.” She picked up some pills and wash them down with water.

  “Can you go? These pain pills are gonna kick in shortly and I don’t want you anywhere near me.” She stood there tapping her foot. I put the blunt down in the ashtray and stood.

  “Where’s the person whose car is outside?”

  “Not that it’s your business but my ex brought me home from the hospital.” I bit the inside of my jaw to keep from lashing out.

  “His girlfriend picked him up, so he left his car. Now go.” She pointed to the door.

  “I’ll be back.” I took my sneakers off, then my clothes and hopped in the shower. I never had time to run home because I wanted to check on her. I have things here to put on and if I didn’t, I’d sleep naked.

  “Go home Haven.” She shouted in the bathroom. I ignored her and washed up. I heard everything Ariel said and she deserved better. However; if I’m not giving her better, no other nigga will either.

  I stepped out, dried off and walked in the room to see her going through my phone. I shook my head laughing. She wasn’t gonna find anything because I hadn’t been with anyone else before tonight. Her eyes connected with mine and then hers went back to the phone.

  “You done bitching?” I put on a pair of boxers and basketball shorts, picked my blunt up and finished smoking.

  “When are you leaving?” She threw the phone at me and laid down. Her eyes were getting heavy and her words were slurring.

  “Take yo ass to sleep.”

  “Fuckkkkk you.” She slurred again and fell out. I covered her body and laid next to her. It’s always felt right being next to her. I’m not sure why I even took it there with Marlena, but it won’t happen again.


  “Yo! What’s up?” I spoke groggily in the phone. I had just dosed off after watching ESPN.

  “Get down to the hospital.” I sat up listening to Colby sound like he was crying.

  “What’s wrong? You crying?”

  “Somebody tried to kill Armonie. Cuz it don’t look good.” I almost fell tryna get out the bed.

  “I’m on my way.”

  “A’ight. Tell Ariel.” I glanced over at her.

  “She’s high off pain pills. I’ll come back for her.” I told him and pulled the covers up on her.

  “Pain pills?” He questioned.

  “I’ll tell you later. I’m on my way.” I disconnected the call, hurried to throw some clothes on, kissed Ariel’s cheek and hauled ass outta there. I noticed the other car was missing. Dude must’ve known not to knock on Ariel’s door. He’s lucky too because I would’ve murked him.

  I sped to the hospital and when I got there all of my family were here. Some were outside and others had to be in the waiting room. Colby Jr. and Jax headed to my car and told me to stay in. They needed to smoke. I unlocked the doors and turned for one of them to speak.

  “When you mentioned seeing her car, I called a few times but she didn’t answer. I figured she was sleep until I called my mom and asked if she were in the room, since she’s been staying there.” I nodded.

  “Brayden ended up calling me and asked if I knew where she was too, which made me hop out the bed. He said his cousin texted him from Virginia and...” Colby got choked up.


nbsp; “That someone followed her and she needed help. I get here and search the parking lot for her…” I passed the blunt to Jax and Colby closed his eyes.

  “She was on the ground bleeding from her body.” I let a tear fall down.

  “I should’ve checked on her when I saw the car.” I said regretting leaving without checking first.

  “Don’t blame yourself.” Jax said and I let my head fall on the window. How can I not blame myself?

  “What are they saying?” I asked.

  “The cops searched the video footage and it was dark. You saw someone lurking around the parking lot but they had a half mask on and a hat. You can’t tell if it’s a girl or guy.” Jax said from the backseat.

  “Girl?” I asked.

  “You know Armonie whooped a lotta bitch’s ass.” Colby said and he’s right. Armonie had a temper on her and would fight at the drop of a dime.

  “Lets go before the doctors come out.” We stepped out the car and headed back in.

  “Let me hit Brayden up.” I pulled my phone out.

  “When’s the last time you checked your phone?” Jax questioned me.

  “I haven’t really. Some shit kicked off with Ariel and I had to make some moves.”

  “Got caught cheating already?” Colby said and they both laughed.

  “We weren’t a couple.”

  “Shittttttt.” They said at the same time.

  “All you did was work and hide out with her. Y’all were a couple even though you tryna deny it.” Jax said laughing. They knew how Ariel and I were because they’ve been to the house when she’s been there.

  “What the fuck ever.” I waved them off.

  “Anyway, Brayden drove to Virginia with his family because someone stabbed his cousin.” I stopped walking.

  “Not the kung fu nigga.”

  “Yup him.” Colby laughed.

  “He got beef down there.” I asked.

  “Brayden thinks his girl did it.” Jax chimed in.

  “What am I missing?”

  “Obviously a whole lot.” Jax said and we stepped in the hospital. My aunt Journey was sitting on uncle Colby’s lap crying. My mom, dad and everyone else were waiting around to hear something; anything.

  “The family of Armonie Banks.” The doctor surveyed the waiting room and his eyes got big as hell when all of us stood.

  “I’m her mom, he’s her dad and this is all of her family. How is she?” He pointed to a chair and asked her to sit.

  “It’s was touch and go for a minute. There were a few stab wounds on her body but luckily for her, the person didn’t harm the baby.”

  “BABY!” All of us shouted at the same time.

  “Yes, she’s about twelve weeks.” The entire room remained quiet.

  “Told you she was fucking.” My father said and my mom smacked him on the arm.

  “I have her on antibiotics to make sure there’s no infection from the stab wounds. Also, whoever did this must’ve punched her quite a bit because she has busted vessels in her eye and her nose is bruised really bad. Not broken but she still has to be careful with it.”

  “Can we see her?” My aunt Journey asked.

  “She’s in ICU so only two at a time can go in.” No one even questioned who would go first as my uncle Colby and Journey walked behind him.

  “Haven, I don’t care who this person’s family is. I want them all dead when you find out who it is and Colby Jr., you and Jax are to find that Freddy dude. How the hell he get her pregnant and let her keep it a secret?” My father said. We all nodded and took a seat. Everyone wanted to see Armonie with their own eyes to make sure she’s ok.

  “What up Brayden?” I answered my phone and stepped out the door.

  “Everything good down there?”

  “Armonie’s ok; fucked up pretty bad but good.” I told him.

  “How’s your cousin?” I asked not really caring but he asked about mine.

  “We don’t know yet. Whoever did this, stabbed him so deep they hit nerves. His arm may be fucked up permanently.”

  “Damn. Now I have to take it easy on him when we fight.” He started laughing. I have no doubt me and dude will get into it again.

  “You think they’re connected?” He asked.

  “I don’t even know bro. Shit is crazy though.”

  “Yea. How’s my sister?” He asked about Ariel.

  “She fell and broke her arm. I was gonna bring her but she high as fuck off the pain pills. She’s gonna be out for a while. I’m bringing her up in the morning.”

  “How did she fall?” I explained a little of what went down. Well, I told him she came to see me and fell down the steps. I left Marlena out because I didn’t want them worrying about her when they got other issues.

  “Please watch her Haven. I know shit is hectic with your cousin and we’re going through the same, but we don’t know what’s going on. Neither of our families can take anymore right now.” He loved his sister, so I’m not even offended he asked.

  “I got her. Let your parents know she good and I’ll have her call you in the morning.”

  “A’ight. Talk to you later.” We hung up and I walked back in the hospital and sat next to Colby and Jax. They asked me what happened with his cousin.

  “Somebody stabbed him deep and he may lose movement in his arm.” I told them.

  “Damn.” Colby said shaking his head.

  “I know right.”

  “Can y’all believe Armonie pregnant?” Jax said.

  “Hell no. I ain’t even know she was fucking. She wasn’t beat for Freddy. What if it’s not his?” We looked at Colby.

  “I’m just saying.”

  “Is she ok?” The manager from her hotel ran in full of tears.

  “How did you find out?” Jax asked. She pointed outside to the local news station. They were reporting live.

  “Did you call her boyfriend? He’s gonna be devastated.”

  “Fuck Freddy. He don’t need to know about...” Colby tried to say but she cut him off.

  “Freddy?” She questioned confusing all of us.

  “No this guy beat Freddy up the other day at the hotel. I mean damn near killed him.” All of us looked at her.

  “Who was he?” Colby Jr. stood up and backed her against the wall.

  “I don’t know. He’s not from here though.”

  “How you know it’s her man then?” Now I started questioning her.

  “He’s been to the hotel a lot. They went to the pool together, ate at the restaurant and a few times they went to the theatre. You sure y’all don’t know about him? He’s been here for a couple months.” She asked and looked at the three of us. My father walked over and so did my aunt Venus.

  “Was he tall, handsome with a goatee? He spoke with an accent too.” My aunt Venus asked.

  “Yes. Very southern like.”

  “Hmph. She went ahead and took him from his bitch.” Venus said and smirked.

  “Huh?” Colby Jr asked this time.

  “Ariel’s cousin came in the shop to get his girl a while back. His bitch was popping shit so I told Monie to take him from her. Who knew she do it and they’d take it there?” She smirked.

  “Ariel’s cousin?” It was my turn to ask questioned because it’s no way in hell she’s speaking of VJ.

  “Yea. The one who fought those guys at the restaurant when you were acting a fool.” My aunt Venus never had a problem talking shit to any of us. Ariel must’ve told her what happened because they’re tight.

  “VJ?” All three of us shouted.

  “Yea that’s him. He’s in love with Armonie. Make sure you call him because he’s gonna want to be here.” The chick from the hotel said.

  “You gotta be fucking kidding me.” I stepped out to call Brayden.

  “Hey. Did Armonie wake up?” He asked soon as he picked up.

  “Bro. I’m gonna ask this question and I need you to keep it a hundred.” There was silence.

  “It’s true.” I hadn’t ev
en asked yet.

  “How you know what I was about to ask?”

  “He mentioned it the day he left. It’s why he broke up with Mecca and planned on moving here. He fucked around and fell in love with Armonie, which is why I’m gonna tell him she’s ok until he’s better.”

  “Did you know she’s pregnant too?”


  “Yea. Twelve weeks. We just found out.” I stared at the dark sky.

  “Oh shit. Nah, I didn’t know, and I doubt he knows because he would’ve told me.” I didn’t say a word.

  “Is it your cousins?” I asked because none of us wanted Freddy in her life. If she were pregnant by him, we’d be stuck with him around forever.

  “If she’s pregnant like you say, then yes. He was her first and those two were together a lot. Shit. I was shocked when he told me Ariel doesn’t even know yet.”

  “Damn she really kept him a secret.” I shook my head.

  “Yea. Let me hit you back. The doctor just came out.” He said.

  “A’ight. I got your sister.”

  “Thanks.” We hung up and I went in to wait to see Armonie. What a day?


  “Who would do this to her?” I heard my mom crying and opened my eyes. She was on my father’s lap with her head on his shoulders. My body was in extreme pain and all I wanted to do is go back to sleep.

  “Daddy.” My mom stood and kissed my forehead. She tried to hug me but it hurt. My father did the same and apologized.

  “Did you know?” My mom asked and I had no idea what she was talking about.

  “Know what?”

  “You’re making me a grandmother already Armonie. I’m too young.” She smiled.

  “A grandmother?”

  “Let me talk to her Journey.” My father said and I squeezed his hand when I tried to get comfortable. The pain was very bad.

  “Ok. I’m gonna let everyone knows she’s awake. I love you Armonie.” She blew me a kiss and closed the door.

  “I love you too mommy.” I’m still a mommy and daddy’s girl.

  “How you feeling?” My dad sat next to me.

  “Like a bunch of trucks ran over me.”

  “The person stabbed you four times.” He pointed to the areas without lifting my gown. He also informed me of the blood vessels that popped in my eye.


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