I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 2

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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 2 Page 6

by Tina J


  “My father went after Freedom full speed, only to find out he had to fake his own death in order to get close. In that time, Wesley came on board when they assumed my father died. He came to my christening and attempted to rape my mom. My father was there hiding in the house and when my mother didn’t come back out, he found my uncle Wesley on top of her.”

  “This is some shit.”

  “Yea. My father killed his brother and long story short, they set Freedom up and grams helped.”


  “Yea Grams. Her and Freedom messed around years before, so she got him in her bed, did what she needed and my mom and two uncles killed Freedom in front of his remaining two kids, which are Venus and Colby.

  “Your aunt and father.” I nodded

  “They’re overprotective of me because after the explosion they thought I would die. My uncles destroyed the hospital and got arrested. From how my grams explains it, the entire situation was bad. My mom still has burns on her from the bomb.”

  “Y’all had a lot going on.”

  “I know. I’m also the first girl and evidently, I resemble my mom’s mother. My uncles and mom have been super tight since birth and it’s why they go hard for us.”

  “How did your father get me moved?”

  “Oh. During the time he did hits for my grandfather, he met tons of people along the way. Politicians, cops, lawyers and so forth. My father knows a lotta people.” I smiled.

  “That’s crazy.” I gave a half smile because it really is.

  “Ok, I have to know Monie.”

  “Know what?” I sat on his lap.

  “Who’s the Reaper and it better not be you.” I fell out laughing. He grabbed my waist and kissed me.

  “Your cousin is in love with the Reaper.”

  “Oh hell no.” He moved me away.


  “Why Ariel? She’s a good girl. What if he tries to kill her for not wanting him?” I had to laugh because he had no idea the affect Ariel had on Haven. I think it’s because they knew one another for years and built a weird and crazy friendship.

  “She already went through that and she’s still here.” I kissed his neck.

  “What you mean?”

  “They were creeping too and even though there was no title, they swore not to be with anyone else. She caught him with another woman and told him never to contact her again. Of course he didn’t listen, went to the house and basically begged her to take him back.”

  “Nah. I don’t believe it.” He was shocked like all of us. My uncle Wolf clowned him when he found out.

  “He had no choice because like you said, Ariel is a good girl and she deserves a good man. Haven wasn’t tryna lose her so he had a choice to make. Her or different women. He chose her.”

  “He love her?” He asked.

  “I say he does but he won’t admit it.” I grinded on his semi hard dick.

  “What you tryna do?”

  “Whatever you want baby.” He lifted my shirt and started sucking on my chest.

  “I miss you touching me.” My hand was on his head.

  “I miss touching you.” He caressed my other breasts.

  “Lift up.” I did like he asked, slid my shorts to the side and gave him one hell of a ride.”

  “I got you when my body is better Monie.” I knew he was referring to me always riding him. He wanted to make love to me and couldn’t at the moment.

  “Its ok babe. As long as I can get it whenever, I’ll wait for you.”

  “You better.” I laughed and ran in the bathroom to grab a washcloth and clean us up. After I finished, we were watching television when his sister walked in.

  “Here y’all.” Vanity burst through the door with our food.

  “You gonna have to pass me a pillow Monie.” I looked down and smirked at how aroused he was.

  “I do that to you.” I was just laying with him and here he is aroused and ready again.

  “You have no idea the affect you have on me Monie. And you only have on a shirt.” I leaned it to kiss him.

  “A’ight y’all damn.” I placed two pillows on his lap and grabbed the food.

  “What you get me Vanity?” VJ asked and sucked his teeth. She brought him a chicken wrap that came with a soup.

  “The doctor says eat light and healthy. Your blood pressure...”

  “Fuck that. What you got Monie?” I opened my container and smiled.

  “A burger, fries and a big piece of cake. Thanks Vanity.”

  “Give me some.” Before I could say no, he took a huge bite out my burger.

  “It feels like I haven’t eaten fast food in forever.” He savored the flavor.

  “You not supposed to take food from pregnant people.” Vanity said as I fed him some of my fries.

  “Why not? I took her virginity and put the baby in her.”

  “Ughhh. You make me sick.” I busted out laughing.

  The three of us sat there joking and talking for the rest of the day. Her boyfriend Face Timed her and spoke to VJ. I loved him and his sisters’ bond. It’s kind of like me and Colby Jr. Haven and I are close too. You would think he was my brother at times. Now that I think of it, I’m pretty close with all the guys. We fight a lot but always have each other’s back.


  “You walking better.” I told VJ who came downstairs while I was making him something to eat. He’s been staying around the house since he left the hospital a couple weeks ago.

  “I have to get out the bed.” I turned the stove down so the food wouldn’t burn and looked at him.

  “What?” He asked and took a seat at the table.

  “Ummm.” I started fidgeting with my hands.

  “Ummm, What?”

  “I have a doctor’s appointment in Jersey two days from now.” I told him.

  “Ok and.”

  “And as much as I love being around and taking care of you, I have to leave.”

  “Ok.” I stopped and stared.

  “You’re not upset?”

  “Why would I be upset Monie when I’m coming with you.” A big smile plastered my face.

  “You are?”

  “You’re about to be seven months and I missed every appointment this far. I’m not missing any more. How we getting there because you’re not driving.”

  “Why not? VJ, I am fully capable of driving.” I pouted and folded my arms.

  “Monie you’re tired all the time and outta 24 hours in a day, I think you sleep for 16 of them. Come over here.” I walked slowly to him.

  “Vanity won’t have a problem driving. She already made plans to go see Antoine, so we’ll catch a ride with her.”

  “I guess.”

  “You don’t have to guess. It is what it is. Now finish cooking. I’m hungry and want some sex.”

  “We just...” He put his hand up.

  “I missed three months Monie so hell yea we need to make up for lost time. Plus, after you drop my baby, you’ll have to wait for sex. Therefore; you need to get used to me for good. That way after the two weeks we can have sex.”

  “It’s six weeks VJ.” I walked back to the stove.

  “If you’re finished bleeding in two weeks, then two weeks it is. And don’t try and say you’re still on it because I’m checking.” I laughed at his silly ass. I think I’ll be ok with him being my man for now. Especially; since he’s shown me in this short time how a man is supposed to treat a woman. Even when we were creeping, he treated me way better than Freddy ever did.


  “Mrs. Banks, you never signed the deed for the house, and you signed the prenup.” The mediator told Elaina. The judge wanted us to see this man to get the divorce over with. If we couldn’t, then it will be brought in front of him.

  “Christian made me sign that stuff. I didn’t have a choice.” She said and I leaned over to my lawyer.

  “How long are we going to be here because this dramatic sce
ne is ridiculous?” I asked my lawyer. Elaina tried to play victim, and everyone knew it. Yet, her lawyer was still going to bat for her.

  “Did he hold a gun to your head and if so, do you have it on tape? It’s the only way we’d be able to corroborate your story.” She put her head down when the mediator asked.

  “Christian you told me I could have the house.” She stared at me.

  “I did before you attacked me outside the church. You do remember that right because it seems as if you’re forgetting everything.”

  “What about your son Christian? Where’s he going to live?”

  “With me. Where you think?”

  “Oh no. My son is staying with me.” She started causing more of a scene.

  “Mrs. Banks, as instructed through the courts during the restraining order process, the judge informed you that Mr. Banks will retain full custody and you are to undergo anger management classes. You are to receive two supervised visits with him per week. Did you forget?” The mediator asked.

  “Christian don’t take my son.” I knew she loved CJ, but she also used him as a pawn to keep me around. I also know she wanted some child support.

  “Elaina, you did this. I offered you the house and you declined. I offered for us to rotate with CJ weekly and you declined that as well. I even offered to pay you 10k a month in spousal support regardless of the prenup and once again, you declined. Therefore; this is how it has to be.” I shrugged.

  “This is ridiculous. How can a man who has murderers in his family regain custody of his son? HUH? What if they commit a murder in front of him?” She stood up talking shit.

  “If I were you Elaina, I’d stop while I was ahead.” I managed to get out through gritted teeth.

  “Listen to him. That’s a threat.” She pointed to me.

  “Mrs. Banks, I don’t think a man telling you to stop making false accusations against his family is a threat. However; I do feel as if this isn’t going anywhere. You want everything you decided to give up; including him offering you a deal on the side. I’m not sure what’s going on in your head but we’re not about to sit here listening to you whine like a five-year-old because you’re not getting your way.” I picked my phone up and sent Haven a text letting him know its ok to proceed. Its obvious Elaina thinks I’m playing.

  “I want to go before a judge.”

  “Absolutely not.” My lawyer spoke.

  “We’ve been back and forth with Mrs. Banks and to be honest, this is just her trying to prolong the marriage so Mr. Banks can’t move on with his life.”

  “So he can be with his whore right? Do you know he committed adultery and…?”

  “I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH MRS. BANKS.” The mediator shouted and slammed his pen down on the table. The old man face was beet red from being so mad.

  “I am done listening to you try and tear this man down. You are acting like a spoiled brat and a courtroom or this conference room is not the place.” He turned and looked at me.

  “Mr. Banks, I am hereby granted the divorce and keeping the visitation in place as it stands.” He looked back at Elaina.

  “The divorce is final as of today and Mrs. Banks, if by some chance you decide to harass Mr. Banks, I will have you arrested for contempt, harassment and anything else I can think of to hold you.” She rolled her eyes and stormed out the room.

  “I apologize Mr. Banks for wasting your time.” He shook my hand. I thanked my lawyer and stepped out the room with him. Brayden was sitting on a bench down the hall. If Elaina paid attention, she would’ve seen him. Instead she’s bitching to her mother. I gave Brayden a nod and he returned the gesture letting me know things were in place.

  “After you.” I held the elevator for Elaina and her mother. They stepped on and I kept my eyes on the numbers lighting up.

  “You should’ve listened.” I whispered in Elaina’s ear and stepped off the elevator.

  “WHAT?” She shouted with an attitude. I watched Brayden step in front of me on the way down the outside stairs.

  “Excuse me.” She said and her eyes grew big when she noticed who it was.

  “There are no excuses for dumb bitches like you.” Brayden told her. He gripped her arm and once her mother tried to scream, Jerome approached her and put a gun in her back. I watched them place both women in the back of a van and pull off.

  “She’ll never learn.” My lawyer laughed and shook my hand.

  “Maybe she will now.” I got in my car and headed to the place they took Elaina and her mother. I opened the door and made my way in the small warehouse. Looking at this place from the outside, you would never assume it was opened.

  It was some place Haven took people to threaten them. They used Armonie’s hotel to handle everything else.

  I stepped inside and Elaina and her mother were on the ground crying. Brayden had chains on both of their feet just that fast. Haven did say he likes to get things done and over with.

  “Christian please make them let us go.” She cried. Haven strolled in with Ariel and I smiled. He seemed to be happier than I’ve ever seen him.

  “What? Why is she here?” Elaina cried and Haven smirked.

  “I’m here because none of us like you.” Ariel gave her a fake smile.

  “I thought it would be fun watching him torture you.”

  Haven snatched Elaina up by the hair and turned her upside down. Brayden connected the chains to a heavy bar hanging from the ceiling. They did her mother next. Both him and Brayden put black gloves on.

  “How’s your arm?” I asked Ariel who sat back with me. Haven didn’t want her too close.

  “If your brother wasn’t getting his dick sucked and fucking some ugly bitch, my arm would be fine.” Haven turned around.

  “Christian don’t get her started. I don’t feel like fucking her til she can’t walk again.” Haven responded.

  “YOOO! Haven stop fucking playing.” Brayden shouted and we all started laughing.

  “CHRISTIAN PLEASE MAKE THEM STOP!” Elaina shouted when Jerome brought in pliers, scissors and a blow torch.

  “Shut up. You’re even annoying when being tortured.” Ariel said and I busted out laughing.

  “You should hear her during sex. She’ll make your dick go soft real quick.” Ariel and I were cracking jokes.

  “AHHHHHHH!” Elaina shouted when Jerome used the pliers to dislocate three of her fingers. Her mother passed out soon as Brayden turned on the blowtorch.

  “This is Christian’s last time telling you to keep your fucking mouth closed and stay away from him. Do I make myself clear?” Haven had the blowtorch on Elaina’s foot.

  “Yes. Please don’t.”

  “What you think Christian? Does she mean it?” I shrugged.

  “I think she’ll mean it after you burn her foot off.” Ariel said and we all looked at her.

  “What? Make sure you do both too.” She smiled and Haven shook his head. I think he was loving the way she wanted to be involved. You heard the noise from the blowtorch go on and then off.

  “Get your sexy ass over here and do it.” Ariel hopped up real quick and walked to him.

  “Be careful with your arm.” She nodded. Haven stood behind her as she almost burnt Elaina’s whole foot off.

  “ARIEL?” I shouted when she took the blow torch and burned all of Elaina’s hair that was hanging.

  “Did I do that?” She laughed.

  “I’m out. Haven you and Mrs. Reaper have fun finishing up.” I walked over to Elaina.

  “I don’t see any more problems coming from you, do I?” Elaina had passed out and I still spoke in her ear.

  “Thanks bro.” I hugged him, Brayden and Jerome. I never wanted to result in torturing Elaina, but she pushed me. She should be happy I didn’t let them kill her.

  “Bye Christian and tell Stormy, I’ll call her later. I’m about to leave here and fuck…”

  “Ariel you better not say it.” Brayden yelled and we all started laughing.

  “Just tell her I’ll call t
omorrow.” I nodded and left them to finish up. No need for me to stick around. I’ll repent at church on Sunday.


  “I think this is it.” Stormy walked out the house with a small box. We were cleaning out all Elaina’s things. I put the house up for sale because I don’t need any memories of my ex-wife. CJ loved staying with my grams anyway.

  “You sexy when you’re cleaning.” I pushed the box out her hand and pulled her close.

  “I’d like to think the man I’m with is the reason.” She wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “Oh yea.” I ran my hand in the back of her pants.

  “Sssss. Christian you’re about to…” I slid my hand around to the front.

  “I’m about to what?” I sucked on her neck when her head went back.

  “I’m going to…” She stopped when we heard someone clear their throat. I snatched my hand back and stared at the detectives who must’ve been watching. Neither of us heard them walking up.

  “Can I help you?”

  “We’re looking for Mr. Banks.” I pushed Stormy behind me.


  “Are you him?” The other detective asked.


  “Your wife was found on the side of the road two days ago with her mother badly burned and what looks like; tortured.”

  “I don’t have a wife and its real disrespectful for you to say it in the presence of my woman.” Stormy knew what it was but what if she didn’t?

  “I apologize sir. We came because you’re the last person to see her at the courthouse and…” I cut him off.

  “And what? We went separate ways and I haven’t seen her since.”

  “Ok but she claims your brother and his girlfriend are the ones who attacked her.” In my mind, I wanted to kill Elaina myself. I bet she thought these motherfuckers would be able to protect her but little did she know, she just fucked up.

  “That’s funny because my brother and his girlfriend have been in Cancun for the last week. You can check the airport records. As far as my ex-wife goes, we went through a bitter divorce and she hates me and my family right now. If anything happened to her, it has nothing to do with us. If you don’t believe me, request the court records and transcripts from the mediation we went to.” I stood toe to toe with one of the detectives.


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