I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 2

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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 2 Page 9

by Tina J

  “I’m almost due Ariel and he’s gonna ask questions. Tell him before he starts thinking he can’t have kids.”

  “We had a good night so maybe tomorrow. What you doing today?” She asked knowing I shouldn’t leave the house.

  “Not a damn thing.”

  “Are you allowed to go to the salon because bitch you look a mess. Don’t be slacking now since VJ’s your man.”

  “Whatever. Let me call aunt Venus and see if she can fit us in. I do need a fill in and my feet done.”

  “And this head.” She flipped my hair. I called my aunt and she said we could come.

  I went to the room my parents stayed in and turned around when my dad moaned out my mother’s name.

  “Your mom coming?” Ariel asked flipping through channels.

  “I doubt it. She turning my dad out.”

  “Ok Mrs. Banks.” We laughed and I prepared myself to go out. I sent my mom and VJ a text where I was going. I need this fresh air.


  “You ready?” Brayden asked. We were on our way to Mecca’s sister house to see if she’s there. I didn’t tell Monie because she’d worry.


  I had Brayden drive the rent a car because I’m not sure what my ex told them. If they saw me coming, they probably wouldn’t open the door.

  All I could think about is killing Mecca with my bare hands. I understand she was upset but stabbing me is where she fucked up. Vanity wanted to come but Antoine was here and not allowing it. He said she runs a business and didn’t need to associate herself with street shit.

  Brayden parked in front of the house. Me, Mycah, Brayden and Antoine stepped out. Because she lived in the hood, bitches were everywhere and I couldn’t help but notice one in particular. Lily made eye contact and headed towards us. Brayden asked who she was and changed his mind about tryna fuck after I told him she for everybody.

  “Hey VJ. I’m happy to hear you’re ok. When Mecca called and said someone tried to kill you, we were all worried the person would come back for her.”

  “We?” I questioned and never responded to her assuming it wasn’t Mecca.

  “Yea, me, her mom and sister.”

  “Where Mecca now?”

  “I haven’t seen her since she moved.” I could tell she was lying. That’s her best friend and I know Mecca has contacted her.

  “Moved? Why would she move?”

  “She said y’all broke up and...” I yoked Lily up by her hair. If the bitch knew we broke up, then Mecca told her.

  “Where is she?”

  “VJ let go.”

  CLICK! I pulled the gun from my waist and put it under her chin.

  “Where the fuck is she?” Lily started crying.

  “I swear I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to her since that night.” I pushed her off.

  “When I find her because I will, I’m not gonna have any mercy on her.”

  “Y’all have years in tho. Whatever she did, why can’t you forgive her?” Slowly but surely Lily was telling on herself.

  “What she did can’t be forgiven and if I find out you had something to do with where she is, I’m gonna have my cousin cut your tongue out for lying before he kills you.”

  “I...I... don’t know where she is.” The stuttering gave her away.

  “Sure you don’t. Let Mecca know she can’t hide, and I will find her.” We all got in the car to leave. It wasn’t a need for me to ask her sister because it’s clear Lily knows exactly where she is.

  “What you wanna do?” I glanced down at my phone for the second time at the text Monie sent me. She’s having more and more pain everyday. The doctor said the baby’s getting ready for his arrival.

  “I’ll return after Monie has the baby. She’s too close and I don’t wanna risk missing the birth. She’ll never forgive me and I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “A’ight.” Brayden pulled off and I stared Lily dead in her face. She can think I’m playing if she wants. I do know she’s gonna relay that message and I have no doubt Mecca will slip up.


  When I walked in the house Monie’s parents were just going to bed. Her mom hugged me, and her pops said he wanted to talk later. No idea about what but it has to wait because Monie’s doctors wanted to see her every two weeks since she came in after the dinner.

  “Mmmmm baby. I missed you. Ssssss.” Monie moaned out when I sucked in between her thighs and latched on to her clit. She assumed I was returning tomorrow but we were all done in VA, so it wasn’t a need to stay longer.

  “Show me how much.” I looked up. Her back was arch, she held on to the sheets tight and once my finger went inside, she let herself go. I missed tasting her, so I continued to give her a few more.

  “I missed you too.” I kissed up her legs, then her stomach and found her mouth.

  “Can you hang?” I let the top of my dick run up and down her slit. She bit down on her lip and I almost came from how sexy it was.

  “Tell me if it hurts.” She nodded and accepted me in. Her pussy gripped my dick so tight I came right away.

  “Shit.” I leaned on the side of her because I didn’t wanna lay on her stomach.

  “It’s ok. Stand up.” She told me.


  “Stand up.” I got off the bed, stood and helped her sit up.

  “Monie, I could’ve waited until... oh damn.” Her two hands were on my ass while she sucked me back to life.

  “I promise to swallow next time VJ. I just want to feel you right now.”

  “You don’t always have to swallow Monie.” I lifted her face.

  “I’ll never question if you don’t and I want the same thing right now.” I had her get on all fours, entered my favorite place and enjoyed myself for the next hour.

  “You hungry?” Monie asked as I cleaned us up.

  “No. Let me get some rest and we can go out to breakfast if you want.

  “As long as you’re here, we can stay in.” She snuggled underneath me, placed my arm on her belly and both of us were out.

  By the time we woke up, it was after twelve.

  “Ummm, so I don’t think we should go to the doctor.” Monie yelled but not too loud from the bedroom. I was brushing my teeth.

  “Why not?” I shouted the best I could with toothpaste in my mouth.

  “MAAAAAA.” She shouted, which made me run out.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You have toothpaste sliding down your mouth.” She joked but pain was all over face.

  “Who cares? What’s wrong?” Her parents ran in the room.

  “You ok?” She wasn’t talking and tears were falling down her face.

  “Oh my God. Your water broke.” Her mom said. Me and her father looked, and sure enough Monie’s sweats were wet.

  “Fuck!” I ran in the bathroom, cleaned my face and ran back in the room.

  “Are you in pain?” Her mom asked and she said just a little but her facial expressions said different.

  “I need to change. VJ can you wash me up real quick?”

  “Ok. We’ll be downstairs waiting for you.” Her dad kissed her forehead, while her mom couldn’t stop smiling. I washed and changed her clothes before helping her down the stairs.

  “Where’s the baby bag?” Her mom had it on her shoulder.

  “Off to the hospital we go.” I held Monie’s hand the entire way. Her parents kept asking if she were contracting. I picked my phone up to call my family.

  “VJ, I think one of your boxes is here.” My mom said answering.

  “Ma, Monie’s in labor. Her water broke.”

  “WHAT?” I could hear her yelling to everyone at the house.

  “We’ll be there. Tell Monie congratulations on becoming a mommy.” I smiled and looked at her taking breaths.

  “I will.” I hung up and sent a text to Brayden and Vanity. I know she’s with Antoine and he’s probably with his girl. I almost forgot to send one to Ariel. She would’ve had a

  “Here we go.” I said when her dad pulled into the hospital. I went in and asked for a wheelchair. The nurse came out and helped put her in one and then it started.

  “AHHHHHH!” Monie yelled and squeezed the hell outta my hand. It’s like the baby knew we were at the hospital because that’s when the contractions really kicked in.

  “VJ it hurts.” I stood there watching her facial expressions and tryna calm her down. I don’t know how she’s doing it but I respect the he’ll outta women for this.

  “Ok. We need to get her in a gown and on the bed.” The nurse said and we both helped Monie out the chair. After she had the gown on, the nurse hooked different monitors up and put one on her belly. You could hear my kids’ heartbeat right away.

  “Oh shit. We about to have a baby.” Ariel strolled in.

  “What the hell you doing here?” She pointed to her scrubs.

  “Did you tell everyone?” I heard Monie ask and kept my comments to myself. They’re a tight family so I’m sure she wants all of them here. Ariel looked at me and I nodded.

  “I sent him a text. VJ look.” She tried to speak and I cut her off.

  “I don’t wanna discuss him or nobody else right now. My girl about to have my baby and it’s the only thing I’m focused on.” Her dad smirked and Monie squeezed my hand when another contraction hit.

  After twelve hours of labor Monie finally pushed my son out. I was happy as hell and so was her dad. The delivery took a toll on Monie too. They gave her some pain medication that put her straight to sleep.

  “Where’s my cousin?” Haven stepped in the room with some balloons. Everyone looked from me to him. I had my son in my arms and placed him back in the bassinet.

  “I’ll be back.” I went to walk out and I saw Monie’s dad stand in between us. I wasn’t leaving because he came per say. I left because he had every right to see my son and Monie would cuss me out if I made a scene. Therefore; the best thing for me was to make an exit.

  “Can I smoke with you?” I heard Colby Jr say. Him, Jax and Brayden were behind me.

  “Who said I’m smoking?” I pressed the elevator button.

  “My cousin stepped in and you stepped out. Anyone can see you need a smoke.” Jax said and pulled a blunt from behind his ear.

  “That obvious huh?”

  “Ugh Yea.” Him and Colby Jr laughed. I didn’t have a problem with them. They spoke when we were around one another, and none of us were disrespectful to the other.

  We stepped on the elevator and made our way outside to one of their cars.

  “Sooo, what you naming him?” Colby asked.

  “Legend. It’s too many V’s in my family.” Jax nodded.

  “I don’t think I’m gonna name my son after me either. After a while, shit gets confusing on who you talking too.” Brayden shrugged his shoulders after saying it.

  “Did anyone find Freddy?” I asked passing the blunt. Jax had one too but we sparked both of them.

  “After we found out he was beating Armonie, we ran down on his crib and his parents.” Colby answered.


  “He wasn’t at either place. After Haven beat up his pops to try and find his whereabouts, it’s like the entire family disappeared but the mother. I mean they don’t live there anymore but the mama goes to church faithfully.” Jax said.

  “We followed her home a few times and she’s staying with her sister.” Colby chimed in.

  “It’s all good. I’m gonna find him and instead of beating him down like usual, I’m gonna kill him.” They both turned around to me.

  “So my sister got you killing for her already?” He had a smirk on his face.

  “I’ll kill for her and my son now and I’m not even a street nigga.”

  “We know.” Both of them shouted.


  “That day at the restaurant, Haven sent me a photo of you and let’s just say we knew who you were a long time ago. We didn’t know you were with my sister because y’all kept that shit on the low but we know the rest.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” I sucked my teeth.

  “You and Haven are more alike than you think.” Jax blew smoke in the air.

  “Doubt it.”

  “I’m serious. Y’all both love Monie and Ariel. Both of y’all won’t stand down or move your pride to the side and have bad ass tempers.”

  “Whatever.” I waved Colby off.

  “See. Y’all answers are even the same.” I looked at them.

  “Oh, you think we didn’t say nothing about that petty shit he did at Grams? Nah, we dug in his ass too. One thing we don’t play is disrespect and whether he fucked with you or not, you were Monie’s guest. Never once has Armonie left a dinner until that day, which upset everyone.” Jax said.

  “Grams is getting old, and we never know when she’ll take her last breath, so we try and make it there every week. When Monie left, I think it’s the first time I’ve seen her cry in a long time, besides when Christian’s dumb ex-wife had CJ, and today when my sister had your son.”

  “I didn’t have a problem staying but you’re right, I was Monie’s guest so when she was ready, I left with her.”

  “Look. Y’all ain’t never gotta be friends. All we ask is for y’all be cordial.” I nodded.

  “We know you defended yourself at Grams so don’t think we tryna say you shouldn’t have.” Colby said.

  “Nah I get it. The nigga not welcomed at our house but I’ll never ask Armonie to keep my son from around him. He’s with my cousin and it would be hard anyway. I’m just not gonna pretend he can sit up in my house.”

  “I respect it. Shit, I’d be saying the same thing.” We sat out there a little while longer. When we walked back in, everyone was still in there.

  I sat outside the room checking emails on my phone, along with making sure the financial part of the business was up to par. After they all left, I stepped in the room.

  “Hey baby. Where’d you go?” Monie asked feeding Legend. I closed the door, took my shoes off, washed my hands and got in bed with her.

  “I gave your family time to be with you.” I kissed her forehead.

  “I love you VJ and whether you speak to him or not, my feelings won’t change.”

  “I know. I love you too and thanks for giving me my son.” She handed me the burp cloth and then my son.

  “Goodnight babe.” She turned over a little and I watched her and my son sleep until I drifted off myself.


  “Bitch your nigga tried to kill me.” Lily shouted when she barged in Raheem’s house. He went out to get some food. I sat up on the bed and stared at her.

  “Why would Raheem try and kill you?”

  “Bitch don’t play with me. You know damn well I’m talking about VJ.” She slammed her purse on the dresser.

  “What the fuck happened between you two?” I rested my head on the pillow. I never told her or Raheem the truth.

  “Fine. He broke up with me and I stabbed him.”

  “YOU DID WHAT?” She shouted.

  “Do you know he almost killed me looking for you?”

  “Why would he try and kill you?” I got out the bed and went to the bathroom.

  “He thinks I know where you are?” I stopped and turned.

  “You didn’t tell him, did you?” I asked nervously. She was so mad, it’s no telling if she did or not.

  “No but I should’ve. He told me his cousin his gonna cut my tongue out before he kills me if they find out I knew where you were.” I waved her off and closed the bathroom door. Is he really searching for me?


  “Hold on Lily.”

  “Hurry up because we need to discuss this.” I used the bathroom, washed my hands and opened the door.

  BAM! This bitch punched me dead in the face. I stumbled back and thought about hitting her but my ass ain’t fucking with her or no levels. She takes up boxing too. I’ll let her get that.

  “What the
hell you doing Lily?” I heard the door slam as blood poured out my nose and she continued hitting me.

  “Let go.” She held my hair and got a few more hits before he pulled her off.

  “She gotta go.” Raheem helped me off the floor and had me sit on the toilet with tissue. He tilted my head back and told me to stay put.

  “Why you hitting her?”

  “Raheem all this time she had us thinking someone stabbed VJ when she’s the one who did it. Then he threatens me over her and I’m not about to let you lose your life over her.”

  “Why would I lose my life?” Was Raheem that stupid? Even I knew what she meant.

  “Whoever has her is going to die. His cousin came from Jersey and from what I hear, he’s best friends with some guy named the Reaper. I know you heard the stories about them because the whole world probably did.” She went on and on.

  “What she talking about Mecca? Is he looking for you and why didn’t you tell me? You know that nigga ain’t feeling me since he found out about us.” I remained quiet. He’s right.

  When VJ found out about us, we were in Jersey. Mycah came running his mouth and things went downhill from there. It makes me wonder if Mycah never ran his mouth would we still be together. Then he went and got the other bitch pregnant which is a slap in my face. He’s never even fucked me without a condom.

  “He’s not looking for you. And yes, I stabbed him and ran.” I decided to leave out how I showed up at the hospital.

  After the bitch whooped my ass and he threw me into the wall, I came to and hauled ass out the hospital. If she were there, it meant other family members were too and I couldn’t take the chance of getting caught.

  I stayed at my moms for a few days and told her I was jumped at the mall because VJ cheated and the girl found me. Say what you want but I couldn’t tell her the truth. She’d be the first to tell him where I was. We don’t see eye to eye, and I haven’t lived with her since I graduated high school.


  “Because he broke up with her stupid ass.”

  “Fuck you Lily.” I could talk shit because Raheem wouldn’t let her touch me.

  “Fuck me?” She moved closer and Raheem stepped in front of her like I knew he would.


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