Passion of a Scottish Warrior (The MacLomain Series: Later Years Book 4)

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Passion of a Scottish Warrior (The MacLomain Series: Later Years Book 4) Page 18

by Sky Purington

  Chapter Thirteen

  DARACH WAS TRULY humbled by what he witnessed. There was no greater honor than to see such a thing. MacLomain Castle at its birth. A place that would oversee so many things in the years to come. Touch so many lives. Be considered ‘home’ and offer safety and protection to countless people.

  “’Tis bloody beautiful,” Grant whispered.

  “Aye.” Adlin beamed. “Everyone’s done a wonderful job on it.”

  “I always assumed ye built it with magic,” Grant said.

  “Now, lad, ye know better than to assume.” He and Grant started walking. “’Twas best to let my people work together to build it so even though most reside in cottages, they know this castle is as much theirs as ‘tis mine.”

  “That’s verra good,” Grant said.

  “Your parents are here and look forward to seeing you, William,” Adlin said.

  “They are no’ my parents,” William grumbled but took off for the castle with Robert right behind.

  “Okay, girl time.” Erin looked at Jackie. “Come catch Nicole and me up on everything that’s happened.”

  “Except the part about you getting naked with Darach.” Nicole grinned as they started walking. “We all know about that already.”

  Darach shook his head and sighed.

  “You’re lucky that’s all that came out of my lass’s mouth,” Niall commented.

  “True enough.” Darach's eyes narrowed on Rònan and Heidrek. “So how much did you see of Jackie?”

  “Very little,” Heidrek said.

  “Next to nothing,” Rònan agreed.

  Liars. But there wasn’t much he could do about it.

  “What happened back at the glade?” Darach asked. “Did you battle Keir Hamilton?”

  “Nay, he hadn't arrived yet. Just a few of his warriors,” Niall said. “One that clearly saw the wolf as a threat.”

  “’Tis too bad.” Darach frowned. "I would have liked a chance to fight Keir.”

  “Aye,” his cousins agreed.

  “Tell us what happened to you and Jackie before Grant woke you from that unnatural slumber,” Rònan said. “Because it had both Erin and Grant verra upset.”

  “No doubt.” As he shared what happened, all grew troubled.

  “I had hoped we could somehow find a way to save Jackie from her illness,” Heidrek said softly. “But now it seems inevitable.”

  “Aye,” Darach murmured. “All we can do is make the best of the time we have left.”

  “’Tis sad that.” Rònan’s eyes met Darach’s. “But I dinnae know that I would give into Fate so easily. It sounds like you’ve shared other lives together but none like this. None with all four rings involved. And if we have learned nothing else from meeting our Broun lasses ‘tis that unexpected things happen often.”

  He appreciated Rònan’s optimism. How supportive he seemed despite Darach’s recent behavior.

  “Thanks, Cousin.” He clasped his shoulder and met his eyes. “I owe you an apology for growing so upset with you at the glade. ‘Twas poor of me.”

  “Nay, all’s well,” Rònan said as they continued walking. “I would have been just as upset had our roles been reversed. It couldnae be easy desiring a lass for so long yet never finding her beyond your dreams.” His eyes locked on Erin. “I couldnae imagine.”

  “But now I’ve found her,” Darach said. “And I dinnae intend to let her go.”

  He felt the emotions his cousins were careful not to show. Though they well understood finding true love, they didn’t like the idea of losing him because of it. Or Jackie for that matter.

  Clearly eager to lighten the mood, Niall cocked a grin. “So you were an Irishman then, aye, laddie?”

  Rònan chuckled. “Now that would have been something to see.”

  Niall chuckled as well. “’Twould have been a sight, indeed.”

  “Is Adlin not from Ireland then?” Heidrek’s brows perked and a smile ghosted his face as he eyed them. “Would that not make all of you Irish?”

  “Born on Scottish soil,” Rònan grumbled. “Makes me Scottish.”

  “Aye, verra Scottish,” Niall agreed. “Though always thankful enough for my Irish ancestry.”

  “And is your mother not from the future, Niall?” Heidrek continued. “And of many other nationalities?”

  Rònan nodded and eyed Niall. “I’ve heard it told that your Ma’s father was from Italy. Makes sense considering your looks.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with a wee bit o’ Italian. And what of yours?” Niall’s eyes widened. “You’ve clearly something else in your blood besides Scot and Irish.”

  Rònan shrugged and offered him a crooked grin. “Nay. Even my grandma from the future was originally born in Scotland.”

  Darach chuckled and shook his head. “I think Heidrek tries at humor but is better at starting battles.”

  Heidrek shook his head. “Humor has never been my strong point.”

  Rònan grinned at him. “We’ll get you there, friend. For surely some of your dragon kin have a sense of humor.” He scowled. “Besides Tait that is.”

  Darach tuned out their conversation when he felt Jackie’s surge of happiness. He soon learned why when Eara trotted over the drawbridge and headed in their direction. Now that he had spent time in Ireland and realized Devlin had been the warrior who rode the horse into the Celtic Otherworld, he was starting to have his suspicions as to the horse’s identity.

  Who else could she be but Chiomara?

  He joined Jackie as the horse came alongside.

  “’Tis good to see ye both safely returned,” Eara said.

  “It’s so good to see you again as well,” Jackie said. “I was worried when you didn’t come with us.”

  “Aye,” Darach said. “We missed ye.”

  “Aye, it seems I cannae follow ye everywhere,” Eara said. “But ‘twas not so bad spending time with Adlin MacLomain.”

  “I would think not.” Darach tested the waters. “Especially if he is your son.”

  The horse neighed and flicked him with her tail before trotting back toward the castle. “Guess all ye like but ye’ll not get my identity quite yet, Darach Hamilton.”

  “Well, what fun is that?” Darach murmured aloud and continued walking with Jackie.

  “What, don’t you like a little mystery?” Jackie teased.

  “Sometimes,” he relented, tempted to say he’d had enough of it. He wanted all the facts so he could figure out how to save her. But he didn’t say any of that and risk taking the soft smile off her face. Instead, he chose to flirt. “What about you, lass? Do you like a wee bit o’ intrigue then?”

  She slid him a look. “Sure, a little mystery is good.”

  Was she flirting too? A grinned blossomed. “Then I’ll be sure to be as mysterious as possible.”

  “No, you won’t.” She chuckled. “I think you’ve had enough of being mysterious and keeping secrets.” Her eyes went to Heidrek as they walked over the drawbridge. “Now there’s a guy full of mystery.”

  “Are you trying to make me jealous then?” He took her hand. “Because ‘tis working.”

  She eyed their hands but didn’t pull away. “And you only grow more persistent when jealous, huh?”

  “Aye.” He eyed her. “You seem changed, lass. Happier somehow.”

  “I am.” She shrugged. “I'm glad we're here.” Her eyes met his. “And in our own bodies again.”

  “Me too.” He got the sense that wasn't the only reason, though. She seemed more open now.

  “I remembered a lot of Gwendolyn’s memories, especially with Devlin,” she said softly. “She reminded me a little of how I used to be. Fun. Spirited. Less contained.”

  Darach looked at her in question. “So you're glad we had that experience in Ireland?”

  “In some ways,” she said. “It sort of feels like I reconnected with a piece of my soul.”

  “You did,” he said. “And I'm happy that you found something favorable in it.�

  “I am too.” Her eyes went to him. “What about Devlin? Did he enlighten you at all?”

  Only that he was more determined than ever to be with her. But he didn’t say that because he liked their easy conversation.

  “Aye.” Darach grinned. “He confirmed that I'm a damn good fighter in every lifetime.”

  “Was that all?” Jackie quirked her lip. “Because based on Gwendolyn's memories, Devlin rivaled you in other areas too.”

  His brows shot up. “Did he then?”

  “Mm-hmm.” When her eyes drifted to him, lust quickly replaced flirting as her emotions mixed with his. Neither thought of what they might have done in a previous life, but what they so recently did in this one. Better yet, their mutual lack of fulfillment when climax was so close but ripped away.

  He wanted more of her.

  All of her.

  And soon.

  “Not a good idea,” she whispered. Yet her eyes stayed with his.

  “’Tis a verra good idea,” he whispered.

  “It won’t help matters.”

  He shifted and willed away his ill-timed erection, grumbling, “I think ‘twill verra much help matters.”

  Jackie bit back a grin as her eyes dropped to his groin.

  “Looking in that direction will only get ye beneath me all that much faster, lass,” Darach warned, unable to stop his brogue. “That I can assure ye.”

  Her eyes widened before she finally looked elsewhere. “Say no more.”

  Only then did he take the time to appreciate the vastly different courtyard. Though the cookery, stables and warrior’s quarters were where they had always been, everything was wood and designed differently. Naturally, there were far fewer people and the place had a renewed energy that it lacked in the future. But then this was just the beginning for Clan MacLomain without the added centuries of warfare that would not necessarily weigh it down but change it somehow.

  The castle innards were even more astounding. Jackie explored with her friends as he joined his kin. Though some smaller tapestries were hung, the larger ones were years away from gracing these walls. Like all MacLomain men, Darach stopped and stared up at the barren space where the great Viking tapestry would one day hang.

  “’Tis a bloody odd sight,” Rònan murmured.

  “Aye,” Niall agreed.

  Heidrek stood beside Darach and crossed his arms over his chest as he considered the wall. “It will be an impressive tapestry that hangs here one day. A good likeness of my uncle. And it will serve its purpose in connecting our people.” He paused. “But seeing the lack of it here now allows me to see renewed possibilities.”

  Darach frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Someday Keir Hamilton will meet a bad end in that tapestry. Something that must happen because our timelines cannot change,” Heidrek said. “He must always be trapped between Scotland and Scandinavia. Between our people.”

  “Aye,” Darach said. “True.”

  Having clearly heard the Viking, Grant and Adlin joined them.

  “And such must happen until that timeline runs out,” Heidrek continued. “We focus on what is in front of us and what must be and forget that there is an era in which things can change. A place where we can choose to end the timeline before your nemesis does.”

  Arms crossed over his chest as well, Grant eyed the blank wall and clearly saw the same possibilities. Ones that Darach and his cousins had yet to figure out. “Bloody hell, ye mean to bait the beast.”

  Adlin had a wise look on his face as he eyed Heidrek. “And the reasons become even clearer why a Viking ancestor has joined you on your adventure.”

  “Bait the beast,” Darach murmured, focused on one word.


  Only one person could possibly compel not only Eoghan but Balor, his demonic overlord.

  The lass that got away.


  “Nay.” Darach shook his head. “Dinnae even think it.”

  His father’s eyes met his. “We will talk about this more once I’ve had time to mull it over.” He squeezed Darach’s shoulder. “And nothing will be decided without Jackie’s approval.”

  “How can you even consider it, Da?” he whispered.

  “Because there are so many lives at stake and the future of Scotland,” he said softly. “As it should be for all determined to keep our king and country safe, everything must be considered.”

  “Not this.” Darach shook his head. “We’ll find another way.”

  Their eyes held for a long moment, equally pained, before Adlin interrupted. “Though the castle isnae completed, there are plenty of chambers ready and available. I’ve already had some made up. Everyone should adjourn and rest up so that we might celebrate tonight. After all, we will be completing MacLomain Castle.”

  This caught everybody’s attention.

  “Aye, then.” Adlin smiled, his jolly nature temporarily abating Darach’s distress. “Whilst most of it has been built by the determined hands of its clan, even they agree ‘twould be best if the final touches are completed with MacLomain magic. Scottish wizards,” his eyes went to Heidrek, “and Viking ancestors.”

  Grant squeezed Darach’s shoulder one more time and murmured, “We will talk more later.” His eyes went to Jackie, who was heading upstairs with her friends. “Enjoy the night with your lass, Son. ‘Tis bound to be more special than most.”

  He couldn’t help but recall his father as an imprisoned teenager more concerned about the welfare of his friends and even perfect strangers than he was of himself. Even to this day, his da carried a great weight on his shoulders being their arch-wizard. So though he rebelled against the idea of putting Jackie in harm’s way, he wouldn’t argue with his father right now. This was a night to be enjoyed and cherished by all. A night that would not only see the completion of MacLomain Castle but time Grant could once more spend with his beloved mentor, Adlin.

  “All right, Da,” he said softly. “Ye enjoy the night as well.”

  Yet as he sat in a steaming tub of water an hour or so later, his thoughts kept returning to what Heidrek implied. What he knew his father and Adlin approved of. Jackie being put in harm’s way to lure evil. Something he knew she would do without hesitation if it helped.

  “You’re overthinking it,” she whispered into his mind.

  Darach’s frown deepened. Of course, she heard his thoughts. Which meant she had followed everything. “’Tis impossible not to.”

  “I suppose.” Yet she didn’t sound upset in the least. “But I’m pretty sure you told your father you would relax and enjoy tonight.”

  “I implied it,” he said. “No promises were made.”

  “I see.” Her voice grew softer. “So what are you doing?”


  “Me too.”

  A wry grin tugged at his lips as he remembered their time as Devlin and Gwendolyn bathing in Ireland. “I suppose if there’s one way to distract me, ‘tis telling me that, lass.”

  “I thought as much.”

  “I can just imagine how you look at this moment all wet and…clean.” He tried to clear his throat to continue but only ended up coughing.

  She chuckled. “Dirty talk isn’t really your thing, is it?”

  Dirty talk? Is that what she wanted? Darach eyed his raging erection. “It can be verra quickly.”

  “I don’t know,” she said, unsure. “Either you’re a natural, or you’re not.”

  “Oh, I’m a natural,” he assured. “Hence envisioning your full breasts all wet and…” He swallowed, unable to push more words into her mind as he imagined all the things he wanted to do to them.

  “All wet and what?” she prompted.

  “Wet…nipples,” he stuttered, picturing one in his mouth. “Erect.”

  “Erect?” she said, voice husky. “My nipples or your cock?”

  Darach had been to the twenty-first century enough. He understood its women. He understood Jackie. Or maybe not. No, it seemed he w
as meeting another side of her entirely.

  One he liked immensely.

  “Darach,” she purred. “You’re awful quiet considering I’m about to touch somewhere I’d bet you’d rather touch.”

  Images flashed through his mind. Her hand sliding down her smooth stomach. Her thighs spreading. A low moan as she slid her fingers between her legs.

  “Bloody hell,” he growled and swung out of the tub. Enough with this ‘dirty talk.’ He wanted more than that. Right now. And she was only a few chambers away. He didn’t bother drying off, just wrapped a plaid around his waist and headed out the door.

  Only to stop short.

  Dressed in a gown of light satiny gold and so damn beautiful his breath caught, Jackie leaned against the railing across from his door with a devious grin on her face. “Hey there.” Her eyes trailed down his body. “You might want to get dressed.” She licked her bottom lip. “Or a little more dressed than that.”

  “You werenae in your bath then?” he said, eyes wide.

  “Clearly not.” She grinned. “Just having some fun. Trying to lift your spirits.”

  “Aye, you did that, lass.” He took a step toward her and gestured at his billowing plaid. “And lifted something else as well.”

  “I can see that.” Her eyes narrowed, and she sidled sideways when he moved in her direction. “It was all in good fun.” She ran her hands over her skirts. “Look at me. All ready to go.”

  “Aye, ye better be ye little tease,” he declared and leapt at her.

  “No!” she squealed and took off.

  “Get back here!” he roared, not caring in the least if they gained the attention of the entire great hall. Bagpipes sprang to life and people laughed as he flew after her. She only made it as far as the end of the walkway before he caught her and pulled her into a small alcove hidden from sight.

  “Look at me,” she cried. “My hair’s all done up. I’m dry.”

  “Aye, ye’ve never looked more bonnie,” he agreed as he walked her back against a wall. Before she could utter another word, he cupped her cheeks, pressed close and kissed her hard. The second their lips connected, everything else fell away. The kiss deepened and their tongues twisted.

  He slid his hands into her hair and pressed his thigh between her legs, eager to further ignite the burning need she already felt. More than eager to fill that need, she clenched the sides of his torso as the kiss intensified and they struggled to get closer.


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