For You I Will

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For You I Will Page 6

by Hadley Raydeen

  “What! Are you serious right now?” she gasped.

  “Okay Okay. Damn. Please elaborate on what makes me such a terrible person,” he asked.

  She went to respond but heard sounds of a car door and the beeping of keys in the ignition. “Are you in the car?” Where in the world was he going at this time of night? She looked at the clock on her stove. It was after 1:00 a.m. No one went out at this hour unless it was a… “Do you have a booty call?”

  He let out a loud laugh. “A booty call, Callie, really? How am I going to a booty call when I’m talking to you?”

  “You could have very well set something up before you called me,” she answered coyly while digging a spoon into her cooled down soup.

  “I assure you no booty calls were made before I called you.” She could hear the laughter in his voice.

  “You’re laughing at me.” She ate another spoonful of soup.

  “Not at all. I’m laughing with you, babe.” His tone sobered a bit.

  “Why are you calling me that?” she asked lowering her spoon into her bowl.

  “You didn’t seem to mind it earlier,” he challenged.

  “Well, I was a bit… preoccupied with… other things, to notice what you were calling me then,” she stuttered.

  “You didn’t seem to mind the other things then either. You were feisty and demanded what you wanted. I want to see that Callie again. I want to hear her tell me just how she likes it. Because, I’m going to be honest with you, babe, once with you will never be enough.”

  His words were quiet and straight to the point. He didn’t mince words and she could appreciate that. And he was right, she was bold in the office, telling him exactly what she’d wanted and hell, it was still what she wanted right now.

  “What are you doing tonight, Daniel?” she asked.

  “Sitting outside your house, waiting for you to ask me to come up.” She heard his engine stop over the phone and she peeked out her Brownstone window down at the street below. Sure enough, his sleek dark blue sedan sat below her window gleaming in the moonlight.

  “Oh my God, a stalker much? How do you even know where I live?” she gasped.

  “You were kinda loud telling your Uber driver tonight. I’m not trying to be a stalker… maybe this wasn’t as good of a plan as I mapped out in my head.”

  She closed her eyes. The thought of Daniel outside her door wanting to do those things with his mouth again caused insta-wetness between her legs. But she had a right to be indignant about him just popping up right now. “You can’t just show up here. This is the infuriating part I was talking about…”

  “If you don’t want me to come in, there are no hard feelings. Tell me to fuck off if you want. I was just out getting a sandwich.. .you don’t live that far from me… ugh, I’m just familiar with the neighborhood. I was driving by... I wasn’t trying to overstep. Look, I’ll leave.” She could hear the exasperation in his voice as she heard his engine start again through the phone and she damn near threw herself at the window looking out again seeing his tail lights light up.

  Shit! Her body was aching. That slow burn a man builds in you just from his words and she didn’t want him to go anywhere; she just wanted him. “No, Daniel, wait.”

  Chapter 8

  He’d taken a gamble showing up so late to her place like this. He held his breath, hoping he’d get what he wanted and in turn, maybe… give her what she wanted. When she’d given him the green light to come over, he nearly skipped the five steps up to her Brownstone.

  Finding her name on the tenant listings, he rang her bell, waiting only seconds before he heard the door buzz open, indicating she hadn’t changed her mind about letting him up.

  The number by her name showed her apartment was on the second floor of the third story historic building newly renovated into luxury spaces.

  Regardless the updates, he was not wasting time on an elevator to get up to her. He took the stairs as quickly as possible, keeping in mind her apartment number in the back of his mind.

  He reached the top of the stairs and looked to the left and then right. There were only two apartments on this floor and he saw hers was the one on the left. He walked the short steps to her door and lifted his hand to knock, but she opened it before he could.

  She looked up at him, not saying a word. He took in her attire, noticing the loose night shirt hanging off one shoulder, revealing creamy pale skin. He inadvertently licked his bottom lip, knowing he needed to feel her again and soon. He didn't notice any straps on her shoulders, which meant there was no bra to worry about under the shirt. Her black hair hung in loose waves around her shoulders and down her back. Her face was makeup free, but her lips, naturally rosy, were supple and kissable, which is exactly what he wanted to do.

  He noticed her feet were covered with fuzzy pink slippers. He couldn't think of anything that looked more adorable and even more so on her. The fact he was even thinking this way was new to him. This was a side of Callie and himself he’d never seen. But, he liked it, a lot.

  He looked back up into her eyes as she spoke. “I can't believe you showed up at my house.” Her voice was low and full of wonder with a touch of slight skepticism.

  She didn't look mad he was there. That was a plus. She could throw him out on his ass and slam the door behind him if she wanted. Instead, she looked slightly impressed. Maybe it was because he’d actually had the balls to show up like this, and at this hour, waiting for entry she’d first denied him. Or maybe she didn't know what to feel because, quite frankly, that's how he felt about it. What in the holy hell are you doing, man?

  “I guess I'm too impulsive. I get an idea in my head and run with it. It’s not always the best decision. Sometime to my own detriment,” he admitted.

  “I'm glad you were impulsive tonight,” she said, her tone quiet and reserved. As if a light bulb went off in her head, she acknowledged he was still standing at her hallway. She reached out and grabbed his wrist pulling him into her space. “Where are my manners? Please come in,” she said closing the door behind him.

  He looked around at her home, and it was everything he imagined she would decorate. The space looked like her, feminine and warm, rich with pastels and fluffy things. Just the right amount of space for her and what appeared to be a French bulldog puppy that trotted from another room he assumed was the kitchen.

  “Oh, look at this tough little guy.” Daniel smiled.

  “You're a dog person?” she asked as the little canine creature walked over to Daniel, sniffed at his shoes, walked around him twice, decided he wasn’t as interesting as he first thought and decided to go back into the kitchen whence he came.

  “Yes, I had a few dogs when I was growing up, but nothing recently, because of work. I wouldn’t be able to give the attention needed for a dog to be entertained.”

  “Zeus usually goes to doggie daycare, so he's not home during the day by himself,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  He wasn’t judging her for having a dog if that is what she thought; it just wasn’t for him right now. Who knew there were options now for dogs when their owners weren’t able to be home with them during the day? This news was intriguing. “Did you say doggie daycare? I have never heard of that.” Daniel laughed. “Do you swing by on the Uber and pick him up after work?”

  She put a hand on her ample hip and rolled her eyes. “No. For your information, I drive. I have a car. It's just in the shop right now for maintenance. He didn’t have daycare today. I had someone come to the house to sit with Zeus today.”

  “Really? Anybody I know?” he asked with the best nonchalance he could muster. He wanted to know if this someone was a man. Did she have a significant other… was she taking applications?

  He cleared his throat when she raised a brow at him. “I'm sure it’s no one you know.”

  “Are you sure? I know a lot of people in the city,” he insisted, trying to make a joke.

  She chuckled. “Do you know my little elderly neighbor, Su

  “Oh sure, Susie and I go way back. Is she still in the quilting club on Wednesdays?” he continued the jovial banter.

  “Duh, Q-club is on Tuesdays now and every other Thursday which is why she was free today to watch my dog. Who knew you were such a man of the people, Daniel. Color me surprised,” she lobbed back in his direction.

  “Oh yea, I'm quite worldly. If you don't know, you better ask somebody.” He winked at her.

  She laughed at him, and it was a deep, belly laugh. He found he loved the sound of her laugh. It was genuine and fresh, like her. He reached out and touched a tendril of the dark hair that escaped forward and pushed it back to reveal the creaminess of her shoulder again. He wanted to see every piece of her skin he could.

  Though he felt her shudder under his fingertips, she didn’t acknowledge the intimate touch. “So, um… can I get you something to drink or…” she asked and he could see the flush creeping up her skin as something flashed in her eyes. He couldn’t quite read her expression, but the one thing he didn’t want to do is to make her uncomfortable; especially in her home.

  “Sure, I could use a drink,” he said making sure his hand was back where it should be. Down, boys… hand and dick.

  “Sure, coming right up. You can have a seat in the living room where ever you'd like.” She turned quickly and left the room before he could say anything in return.

  He heaved a sigh, needing to slow the tempo of this conversation to a pace that would make her more comfortable. He walked into her living room, taking in the large sectional facing the even larger TV. This would make for prime Netflix and chill space, but he would need to get her comfortable around him again first.

  “Have you seen any good movies lately?” he called out as she moved around her kitchen. He heard the refrigerator open and bottles clink around before she answered, “Movies?” she asked. “Um, not really. I’m not much of a movie person. I'm more into reality TV and network or cable television.”

  Okay, Netflix and chill isn’t totally out of the question. We could put on a TV series…

  “Any interesting TV series you’re following?” he asked, relaxing back into her couch as she re-entered the room with a long-neck bottle of an IPA and a glass of what appeared to be white wine for herself.

  “Oh, you like IPA? I wouldn’t have guessed that.” He tried to smile as she handed him the long-neck bottle, but his mind immediately went in a million different directions. Men usually drink IPA beer. She seemed like more of a wine connoisseur. So why the Pale Ale? He didn't think she was currently in a relationship and he really never asked to confirm; he just assumed. Well, you know what happens when you assume, asshat...

  But he really should know her relationship status before he had any thoughts of Netflix and chilling her all night long. But then again, they’d already fooled around in her office and Callie didn’t seem like the cheatin’ kind.

  “Nice choice. I like this brand,” he said hoping that would open up the conversation so he could get the pertinent questions answered.

  She looked at the bottle as he turned it up to his lips. His lips lingered there a moment longer than usual. Was she into what this mouth could do? “Um… yea…” Her words faltered, and she visibly shook her head, as if she was clearing her head. “I mean no… my brothers came over last Sunday for the Eagles football game. Apparently they like my TV better than their own. They brought over some beer, and this was left over. I'm really not a beer drinker or a football watcher; more wine and vodka and no sports.” She scrunched her nose when talking about the athletics.

  He wouldn’t break out in dance just yet. Good, her brothers were responsible for the beer, but sometimes brothers could be a pain in the ass, too; the macho ‘no one is good enough for my sister’ type.

  Right now the focus was to find out her level of interest in him. He’d cross the brothers bridge once he came to it. And they’d have to discuss this no football thing. He’d make a fan out of her yet, or die trying. Football was a must. “Well, I'll take leftover football beer any day.” He lifted the bottle in salute. “Thank you,” he said, taking another sip from the bottle. “Your brothers have good taste in beer.” He nodded his approval.

  “I'll let them know you think so.” She smiled and sat gingerly on the edge of the couch beside him placing two coasters down on the coffee table in front of them. She sipped from her glass of wine, still sitting on the edge of the couch and away from him. “So, to answer your questions about TV series, there are a couple I've been following. But I'm a bit behind, with work and all. My DVR stays pretty active and I catch up as much as I can on Saturdays.”

  “So tomorrow is your catch-up day?” he asked, his gaze falling on her bare shoulders through her dark hair. He wanted to reach out and have another touch, but he didn’t want to cross any lines. Especially since the last time he did it, she pretty much freaked out and sprinted into the kitchen to get away from him.

  “Yep, tomorrow is the day. I’ll, of course, work while I watch, but I can be comfy and kick back while I’m doing it.” She turned on her TV and he could immediately see why her brothers liked watching football here. The surround sound, in a theater like setting, was ridiculous. The acoustics in her apartment were to die for. He wouldn't mind catching the latest college football game here himself.

  However, what was playing on her TV is what caught his attention even more than the perfection of the machine. The station was tuned in on a cable station that was known for showing softcore porn past midnight. They both focused in on a woman, scantily clad, riding some man in an office chair. How familiar this looks.

  “Oh my God. I’m sorry, shit. I’m sorry,” she muttered, trying to click the remote again. But he reached out, putting a hand on her wrist pushing it back down in her lap.

  He turned to her, willing her to look at him, but she kept watching the sexy scene, avoiding eye contact. “Just leave it, Callie, if you don't mind. It reminds me of something I did just this afternoon. But, the woman I was with was much sexier. So unbelievably sensual and sexy with silky hair, and soft, kissable skin. She knows exactly what she wants from a man and I wanted to give her every bit of it. Hell, I still want to...” His voice was low and damn near a growl as he leaned in to her.

  She finally turned to meet his gaze, their lips close as she did. He just had to close the distance and he could seal that last sentiment with a kiss. He looked down noticing the blush creeping up her skin, from her swan-like neck to her cheeks. The woman on the TV moaned, and they both turned back to look at her. He ran his hand up Callie’s thigh. “She kind of sounded like that woman too, when she moaned my name, as I pumped in and out of her wet heat. She was a bit louder… the sound of it made my dick ache.”

  “Daniel,” Callie breathed his name.

  He placed the bottle of beer on the coaster she’d placed before him. “Yeah, just like that. Like a lioness. Fierce and confident. It’s everything that turns me on about you.” He leaned over and gently pressed his lips to her neck, right where the flush stained her milky skin. He felt her pulse quicken there, and he moved a hand across her stomach, pulling at the fabric of her night shirt up her thighs as he moved. He had to know about her panty situation since he already knew she was braless underneath the oversized shirt.

  “Nice shirt, Callie. Your bed is your happy place, huh?” he said against her ear as he dropped his hand to her upper thigh, searching for panties underneath.

  “Yea, you’d like it there, too,” she breathed as he continued his exploration, while nipping and kissing her neck. “Oh yea? You’ll have to show me… and how about the couch, Callie? Any magic happening here? I could make this one of the happiest places for you.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you could,” she sighed, as he found the Apex of her thigh and confirmed his naughty girl wasn’t wearing panties either.

  “Christ, you are so wet, babe,” he breathed against her cheek.

  The sounds of her whimpering rivaled the woman on the TV
screen. He’d have her scream his name again before the night was over or die trying. Dragging his fingers down her body and over her mound, he found his goal and played at the folds of her pleasure. She arched her back and grasped his thigh as an anchor. His cock throbbed against the jogging pants he changed into, to make the trip over here, and her hand was dangerously close to his erection.

  “Maybe my lioness is just a kitten,” he teased against her ear as she purred with each touch. “Daniel, you already know what I want. Why are you making me wait for it?” she panted.

  “I wouldn't dream of making you wait, kitten. I’d just like to hear you ask for it and I can help you out with that…”

  Her voice was barely audible as he continued to play her like a tuned instrument. But she managed to get her request in. “Your mouth... I've been thinking about your mouth. I need it again.” Her words were breathy, but still held authority. He stole a glance; her eyes shut, her mouth agape, her back still arching from the couch, as his skilled fingers moved in and out of her intimate folds. “You want my mouth right here, don’t you, kitten?”

  “I am a lioness, Daniel. Give me your mouth, right... there,” she moaned.

  This is the side of Callie he wanted. He’d give her exactly what she needed. Hell, he wanted it too. “You don’t have to ask me twice, babe. I’ll take care of that for you.”

  He helped position her body on the couch, bringing her legs around to face him. He slid her night shirt up and out of his way, baring her slick heat to him. Positioning his body between her legs, he started at her mouth, taking her lips again. Their kisses were slow at first, but Callie’s whimpers and tugging at his shirt ignited a fire in him upping the tempo as their tongues collided with heat. He found her bare breast through her night shirt, kneading the plump flesh. He pulled and flicked an erect nipple.

  “Yes, yes, like that, Daniel, don’t stop. I want your hands on me.” She egged him on.

  He had no intentions of stopping. He may act crazy at times, but he was no fool. A sexy woman responding to his every touch, wanting him more than her next breath... he’d be damn near out of his mind if he’d stop or even slow their rhythm. He had every intention of giving her all she’d ask for tonight and more.


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