And in Time...

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And in Time... Page 11

by Jettie Woodruff

  Cory—I love the photos. Thank you. You are remarkably hot.

  “Nope. Not responding to that one,” Alexis audibly said, unable to hide the giddy smile.

  Bernie took Cory’s place for lunch, meeting Lola and Walt at April’s. They both endured a ten-minute lecture for not being in church the last two weeks. The promise to be there on Sunday was made with crossed fingers below the table.

  “I thought your friend Cory was joining us for lunch,” Lola questioned. Her mother was more excited about Cory than Bernie was. She, too, wanted her to find someone to love, someone to share her life with, and someone to be happy with.

  “He was too busy at work, but he said to tell you he was sorry. I thought maybe I would ask him to come over Saturday night,” Alexis suggested, not sure if she felt ready to introduce him to her family just yet. It made her wonder about his family. They always talked about hers, never discussing his. The mental note to ask him about his family when she saw him later was planted in her mind. He would probably derail it anyway. That’s what he always did. Alexis listened to the chatter around the table while she remembered his request. Maybe she should let him tell her. If what he hid was a deal breaker, it was best to know now.

  Alexis and her dad both had the tuna with provolone cheese, A-1 sauce, and pickles while listening to her mother and Bernie complain about how disgusting it was. They ate their boring soup of the day and ham and cheese sandwiches. Walt reminded them that his lovely wife was the one that had gotten him started on the sandwich. She lived on them the entire time she was pregnant with Alexis. Walt smiled over at his aging wife and patted her wrinkling hand while Alexis and Bernie exchanged their own admiring smile. Walt and Lola McKinley was what it was all about, true soul mates.

  Alexis declined dessert and kicked Bernie under the table when she wanted pie. Cory was going to be closing for lunch. She didn’t want to miss him.

  “Ouch! What the hell was that for?”

  “Bernice, you’re in a public place. You watch your mouth,” Lola scolded.

  “Well, she kicked me.”

  Walt laughed and ordered pie, too. Just like old times. Bernie was probably closer to Alexis than her own three sisters. Bernie was around a lot more, that’s for sure. Great. Cory was going to show up while she was out. She should have never agreed to this. Let’s all eat pie. Grrrr.

  “Paige was pretty excited last night. She said you taught her how to fan outside light, whatever that means,” Lola explained.

  “That’s not even a real term. Lex made it up,” Bernie admitted like she was tattling or something.

  “Shut up. You’re just jealous because you can’t do it.”

  “They literally put little kids in front of the window and one of them fans the natural light with giant piece of cardboard. I could do it if I wanted to,” Bernie assured her around the pie in her mouth.

  “There’s more to it than that, Mom. The light changes with every click, and you get the wind affect. Paige is very good at it. You have to know where to fan the light. Bernie sucks.”

  “Whatever. I just don’t see the need in creating more work.”

  Alexis rolled her eyes. Bernie would never get it because it was a job to her. Granted, she was good, and she did well with the little ones, but it wasn’t in her heart the way it was with Alexis and Paige. It never would be.

  “I need to get going. I have a lot to do today.”

  “We’ve got to get going, too, Walt. You’re going to miss your monthly haircut,” Lola announced with a soft tone, handing him his hat.

  Alexis and Bernie both hugged her parents on the sidewalk. They both promised once again to be in church Sunday, and walked away, heading in different directions.

  Bernie bumped Alexis’s shoulder and asked, “Are you going to church?”

  “Only if you do,” Alexis countered. She leaned in with her own shoulder bumping back, only harder.

  “I don’t know. I guess it depends on Travis. He’s not sure he can get a load back until Tuesday.”

  “What? You can’t go to church without Travis?”

  “Hell no.”

  “You’re probably going to hell, you know?”

  “I am not. I’m a good person. God knows where my heart is.”

  “Where’s that, hung over from the County Line?”

  Bernie stopped and tugged on the strap of Alexis’s purse, ignoring the truth. “Hey, you want ice cream?”

  “No, go ahead. I’ve got stuff to do.”

  “I’ll bring you a strawberry milkshake.”

  “Perfect,” Alexis agreed. That did sound pretty good.

  It was after three and Alexis hadn’t heard one word from Cory. She thought about texting a couple times, but didn’t want to seem like, that girl. Alexis wasn’t the chasing kind. She busied herself with difficult three-year-old. She would have passed the buck to Bernie had the mother not requested Alexis. The little boy wasn’t as cooperative as his older sister. He was shy and hid behind his mother’s leg.

  “You keep looking right at this camera,” Alexis directed the older sister while using a feather duster to tickle the little one. She ducked out of the way of the camera quickly and got the perfect shot. The kid ran back to his mom. Now, for the individual shots. This could be fun.

  “Okay, that was the last of the group shots. Now I want to get some individual ones. I’m going to do your little brother first. Big sis, you come right over here and stand beside Mom,” Alexis explained while a button on the wall revealed a new backdrop. A long train track covered the back wall, and she wheeled a little wooden train below the X. Alexis continued to talk to the little boy, giving him five, trying to keep him entertained and his attention off the big scary, flashing lights.

  “Are you ready to ride the train, Mathew?” she asked with a soft smile, tapping the seat. He sheepishly ducked behind his mom again. “Okay, sissy is going to ride it.” He looked up from hiding to see his sister taking steps, pretending to go to the train. He ran to the train and swung his leg over, sitting in the seat. “Look, Mathew.” Alexis demonstrated a noisy horn on the steering wheel. Mathew busied himself with the buttons when Alexis stuck a conductor’s hat on him. He didn’t even notice.

  “Mathew,” she called in a quiet tone, getting him to look up with a big grin. She ducked out of the way once again, achieving perfection. That was going to be a good one. She did a couple more with the little boy with different props, warming up to him more and more. She’d just moved a bench with a football to the center when she noticed she was being watched. Cory stood in the door, leaning against the side with his hands in his pockets. He smiled at her and she shook her head. That was going to make her nervous. She finished up the last one with Mathew, wearing a fireman’s hat and holding a yellow hose, and then excused herself.

  “Okay, big sis, you have a seat right here, and I’ll be right back.”

  “Hi,” Cory quietly said with a smile.

  Alexis pulled him out into the hall by his tie. “You can’t watch me work,” she demanded while purposely standing too close to him.

  “Why not? I’m being good. I like watching you work,” he replied mischievously, pulling her close to him.

  “I don’t watch you do surgeries, do I?” Alexis looked over her shoulder, making sure the young mother hadn’t seen the public display of affection. She had a hard enough time handling it in private, let alone with meddling eyes.

  “God, I hope not, I’m not a surgeon.”

  Alexis laughed. “I’m almost done, go bug Bernie for ten minutes.”

  “Fine, I’ll be back in ten minutes,” he promised with a swift kiss.

  Just like he vowed, Cory was back as soon as the mom and kids were in the waiting room with Bernie, finishing up. Cory sat on a posing stool and watched while she cleaned up the mess.

  “You’re very good.”

  “Why thank you, sir,” she replied. Alexis continued to pick up the studio while Cory spun in circles on the stool.

nbsp; “You’re awesome with the little ones.”

  “My dad always told me that if you can make money doing something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”

  “Your dad is a wise man. So do you plan on filling that farm house up with your own little ones?”

  “Ha, ha, no, not even close. I like the kids here, they go home.”

  “Really, you don’t want kids?”

  “No, not even one,” Alexis assured him. No way. She had plenty of nieces and nephews and the kids at the studio talked her out of that one a long time before Cory. If that meant he was fishing for a deal breaker, then so be it. Alexis wasn’t having kids. “Do you?” she questioned curious.

  “Yes, I do, at least one.”

  “Let’s go to my office,” she suggested with a nod, wanting to change the subject. They had only been dating for a couple of weeks. This conversation didn’t need to happen. She walked and he followed. “What are you doing here this time of day, don’t you have patients?”

  “I’m free for an hour. I don’t know what I’m doing. Jackie and Misty cover that for me. I just do whatever they tell me to do.”

  Alexis laughed. “Yes, Dr. Rice had some weird hours. I think his lunch hour was different every day.”

  “It was. And these old fogies around here don’t adapt to change well. I’m better off walking in Dr. Rice’s shoes.”

  Paige and Bernie gawked down the hall and Alexis gave them a dirty look. “I’m sure you’re right there. You’ll get used to it.” Cory was right there when she turned around, closing the door behind her. His arms pulled her close and his tongue parted her lips. Alexis fell right into him, lacing her fingers in the hair at the back of his neck. Cory stepped away too soon and sat in the chair facing her desk.

  “Well, okay,” she stated and moved to her chair across from him.

  “Sorry, I’ve been waiting to do that ever since I got your delivery this morning.”

  Alexis wasn’t ready for the kiss to be over. She wanted him to kiss her for the rest of his break. “We’re having a get together at my parents this weekend. Do you want to come?”

  “What’s the occasion?”

  She looked at him with a crooked smile. “Does it matter?”

  He smiled back. “Just curious.”

  “I really don’t think there is an occasion this time. I’m sure someone has a birthday, but it’s just a get together. We’ll have delicious food, sit around and visit. My parents will go to bed and we’ll drink too much and get up and go to church.”

  “That sounds like a lot of fun, but I’ll have to let you know. I’m not sure I can get away.”

  “Okay.” Get away? Get away from what? Work or a cute little nurse in hot pink? “I’m going to buy the red paint for the floor after work.”

  “Good, but I’m not sure I want to help. I’m still washing white paint out of my hair from the last time. I look like an old man.

  “You don’t look like an old man,” she assured him. Alexis gave him an unsure smile and held his intense gaze.

  “Come here,” he softly spoke in a low tone. She wanted to ask him why and resist, but couldn’t. She didn’t want to. Cory guided her in front of him with his hands. Alexis leaned against her desk and he wrapped his arms around her. His head lay in her lap and her fingers ran through his hair.

  “What are you doing to me, Alexis?” he asked with a heavy sigh.

  Alexis stared down at his closed eyes. “The same thing you’re doing to me, Doc. And believe me when I say this, I don’t do this.”

  “Sorry, Lex,” Bernie said after one tap. Cory raised his head, but kept his arms around Alexis in front of him. “You have a certified letter that needs signed for.”

  “You can sign for it, Bernie. It’s just a new contract for the photo lab. I was expecting it.”

  Two thumbs up and Bernie was gone.

  Cory stood and met her gaze. “I have to work the ER for a couple hours in Canterville tonight to cover for Dr. Brock, but I am free tomorrow night. I want to come over.”

  “To my house?”

  He smiled at her question and started to say something smart, but recanted. “Yes, to your house.”

  “Okay,” she said when his lips met hers again. This was it and she knew it. She was going to have sex with Cory. That scared and excited her, but she was no doubt ready. Cory did that to her. He was the one that made her ready. Nobody else had that pull, that power, only him.

  Cory did come over the next night but was only there for an hour when he made a call to the clinic and had to go, leaving Alexis longing and wanting more of him. She decided that night she hated his job and wished that he would have been a banker with banker’s hours. The next night was the same. He couldn’t come over then, either. He had to work. Alexis wanted to be the bold one and say, so what… She didn’t have set bedtime. It was okay for him to come after work, but again, she wasn’t that girl. Damn. Why couldn’t she just be that girl?


  The entire next week was so frustrating, almost like the clinic set Cory’s curfew of seven o’clock. The magic number. By the time they both got off work, they had enough time to grab a quick meal and make out a little. That’s it.

  Cory— Want pizza?

  Lex—I don’t think so. I’m not feeling the best today. I think I’m just going to go home tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.

  Cory—I’m a doctor. Maybe I should make a house call.

  Lex—Yes you should do that. However I’m sure you have plans.

  Cory—Am I reading sarcasm?

  Lex—Probably. That’s why I don’t feel well I think, you know…that monthly thing?

  Cory—We need to talk.

  Lex—Yeah. Tomorrow. I’ve got to go. Paige needs help.



  Cory—I promise to be all yours Saturday.

  Lex—It’s fine. I’m not being sarcastic. It’s probably best you stay away from me tonight. I feel grouchy. <3

  Cory—I’ll stop by and see you this afternoon.

  Alexis sighed and dropped her phone to her desk. Grunting from the cramps, she dry swallowed a couple pain relievers and tried to get back to work.

  “Hey, I’m going to order salads from April’s. You want one?” Bernie asked with a tap to her door, peeking in.

  “No, but you’ve got to do the rest of the shoots today. I have cramps from hell.”

  “Why? We just got done like two weeks ago.”

  “Well, mine’s back and the Tylenol isn’t even touching it. I can’t wait to go home to my heating pad.”

  “You can go. Paige will be here soon.”

  Bending at the waist from pain, Alexis countered, “No, I have to get these sent to the lab.”

  “Paige is perfectly capable of doing that,” Bernie assured her. And she was. Bernie not so much. She was better off in the camera room, but Paige lost herself in time, priding herself in her work, just like her Aunt Lex did.

  “I’m fine. Bring me back an iced tea.”

  Alexis almost made it through the day. She gave up and went home just after three. Cory showed up at three thirty, but didn’t make the house call. He was too busy. Ugh. She hated his job. What the hell was this anyway? Were they together or not?

  Unfortunately, the heating pad and painkillers didn’t cure her. Alexis woke to the same pain the following morning. She even called Bernie and told her she would be late. It hurt to even walk. What the hell was going on with her insides? Bernie tried to tell her to stay home, but Alexis couldn’t do it. No matter how hard she tried, her responsible self wouldn’t let her. She knew how much these mommies wanted their hands on the anticipated photos, and she wasn’t one to make them wait.

  By four in the afternoon, Alexis wished she had stayed home with her heating pad. She wasn’t doing anything, anyway. Paige did it all. Alexis sat across from her with her legs to her chest and her head in her hands.

  “Call Cory,” Bernie urged.

  “No. He’s not being my doctor,” Alexis demanded with a daggered glare right at Bernie’s head. No way would she let Cory Baker be her doctor. She did promise herself to call the clinic in Canterville and get that ball rolling. She knew she had to have a family physician, just not Dr. Baker.

  By five in the evening, Alexis was over it. She couldn’t take it a second longer and the pain had gotten worse instead of better. She finally agreed to let Bernie drive her to Canterville.

  “Call me as soon as you know something,” Paige ordered. “Do you want me to call grandma and grandpa?”

  “No. Don’t you dare,” Alexis exclaimed. That’s all she needed. Her parents thought they had to take care of her if she had an itch. She knew it was the whole being the baby thing, but it was still annoying at times.

  “Slow down, Bernie. I’m not dying!” Alexis yelled at Bernie for driving way too fast.

  “Sorry, Lex, but I feel better getting you there as quickly as possible. If you weren’t so stubborn, we could have been there two hours ago.”

  “Ow!” Alexis moaned with a grimace, bending at the waist. Bernie drove even faster, making the hour trip in forty-three minutes.

  Thank God there was no waiting and she got right in. The friendly nurse checked her blood pressure, her heart rate, and her temperature, all the preliminary stuff.

  “Everything looks good. I need you to undress and put this on,” she explained. She handed her a gown and took the oxygen sensor from her finger.

  “Just give me something for the pain,” Alexis begged. She couldn’t even stand. How the hell did she expect her to undress?

  “We can’t give you anything until the doctor sees you. Hang in there, sweetie, we’re going to make you feel better.” The nurse asked a few more medical questions and assured her that the doctor would be in soon. Bernie followed her out to registration, taking Alexis’s insurance card with her.

  Alexis grumbled, trying to get herself on the noisy paper exam table when the doctor finally came in.

  “Alexis, what’s going on?” Cory asked, coming to her side. “Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”

  “Oh God. What are you doing here?” Alexis questioned with a painful grunt, rolling to her side in a fetal position. For whatever reason, it felt better that way.


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