And in Time...

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And in Time... Page 31

by Jettie Woodruff

  “Stop running from me.”

  “Cory Baker, you stop it right now. I am not having sex in your parents’ house,” she scolded when he pulled her to the bed.

  “We did in your parents’ house.”

  “You said we didn’t do that,” she reminded him.

  Cory laughed, slipped her shirt off, and laid her back, kissing her, and letting his hands wander.

  “Cory, please don’t make me do this here. I’m begging you.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked with an audible pop, unbuttoning her jeans and sliding his fingers between her legs.

  “Yes, Cory. I’m sure. Wait until we get back to the room…please,” she pleaded.

  Cory recanted, dropped his face to the bed, and moaned. Alexis got the hell away from him and slid her shirt back over her head.

  “You’re killing me, Lex,” Cory whined.

  Alexis ignored him. “This view is amazing. I can’t believe you grew up here.”

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  “Are you mad? Seriously? You’re going to pout because I won’t let you get it in?”

  “I’m not mad. I’m pouting. You give into Riki when she does it.”

  “I do not.”

  “You sort of do.”

  “But she’s three.”

  “You wike her more than me.”

  Alexis laughed and took his hand to go find Riki. After visiting with chocolate covered Riki for a little bit, she informed them that she was going to see the ice capades. She ate at a tea party, and they would build a fort. Ellen insisted on keeping her overnight. She wanted Cory to take Alexis out for her birthday and show her a good time. Unbeknownst to Ellen or Alexis, he had already planned to beg Ellen to keep Riki so he could do just that.

  “I want to go buy a new dress,” Alexis told him as they headed back to the city.

  “Okay, but only if you let me buy it for you.”

  “I kind of didn’t want you to go with me. I want to buy something nice and surprise you.”

  Cory smiled. “Okay, but I am not letting you run around Chicago by yourself.”

  “Don’t you have papers to go sign or something?” she asked. She didn’t want him tagging along. She’d been shopping with Cory a time or two, he sucked at it.

  “We’re meeting at my place Monday morning.”

  The flirtatious atmosphere returned, hand in hand, shopping in Chicago. Three stores later and Alexis still hadn’t found a dress. Cory opted out of the next store. He sat on a bench and waited instead.

  “Is this not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?” Alexis excitedly said with an adorable smile, showing him the new princess nightgown. It flared at the bottom like a ball gown. Riki would love it.

  “We’re supposed to be shopping for you.”

  “I bought stuff for me. One more store and we’re done.”

  Cory waited once more outside on the sidewalk and people watched while she shopped, hoping she was almost done. He had a reservation and had anticipated a few minutes alone with Alexis before they’d have to leave.

  “I found one,” she finally alleged twenty minutes later. The smile on her face was contagious. Cory smiled, too, and held out his arm. She looped it with hers and then let go.

  “Hang on.”

  Cory shook his head and looped her arm again.

  “How much did you give him?”

  “Just a twenty.”

  “I love you,” Cory said with his lips kissing hers. He refrained from telling her she’d just bought the guy his drinks for the night. She was happy and he wanted to keep her that way. Alexis could think she helped the guy all she wanted, he didn’t mind at all.


  Alexis spent two hours getting ready. She never did that. Ever.

  “Alexis, come on. We have a reservation.” Cory called from the door. He’d already watched an entire episode of Hell’s Kitchen, The Big Bang Theory, read an article in the paper about a case his father had just won, and got ready himself. Two hours ago!

  Alexis took a long, drawn out breath, checked herself in the mirror one last time, and opened the door.

  “How do I look?”

  “Whoa. Like a really bad decision.”

  Alexis turned on a dime, back to the bathroom. “I look like a whore.”

  “Oh no, I didn’t mean it that way. You’re, well, you’re fucking hot.”

  “You just said I look like a bad decision.”

  “You do, but you’re not.”


  “I don’t know. I’m afraid I am unable to flaunt my intelligence at the moment. I love this dress. Let’s stay in,” Cory suggested, gliding his fingers around her waist and to her tight ass. The backless, midnight blue dress was shorter than anything she had ever worn. Sexy wasn’t really her strong point. The sweetheart neckline revealed growing breasts, another part of her body she didn’t walk around showing off. This dress had pushed her way out of her comfort zone. One strap wrapped delicately around her neck and a blackish-blue transparent shawl covered her bare shoulders. Sparkling silver shoes put sexy in a whole new category.

  “Do I look pregnant?”

  “You’re pregnant?” Cory asked mischievously, kissing the swell of her décolletage.

  “Behave. Let’s go, I’m starving.”

  “Wait, I have a birthday present for you.”

  “Why? This whole weekend is my birthday present.”

  “And so is this,” Cory offered. He handed her a thin, flat box, almost the color of her dress.

  Gasping Alexis looked at the beautiful diamond pendant with matching earrings. “I can’t take this.”

  “Don’t you even start that. Here, let me put it on you.”

  “My ears aren’t pierced.”

  “They’re not? I thought all women had pierced ears.”

  “Not women who have my dad,” Alexis alleged. She spun to Cory’s chest and placed her hand flat over his heart. He kissed her neck with a breath, taking in the expensive scent of something new.

  “Take it out of the box. I want to put it on you,” Cory whispered to the sensitive spot below her ear, sending an instant flood of arousal between her legs. His hands brushed across the baby bump hiding behind the dress. Alexis had never paid that much for an outfit before. The only reason she did it this time was because the sales lady helped, assuring nobody would know she was carrying a child. The dressed was designed to flatten a pudgy belly, and that it did.

  “Cory, behave, or we’re not getting out of this room.”

  Cory’s hands were itching to touch her. Everywhere. “Can’t we just have a quick one?” he asked while holding out his hand, taking the necklace and placing it around her neck.

  “We could, but I’d rather keep this anticipation building until we get home later. We should call and check on Riki.”

  “No, we shouldn’t. She’s fine. Let’s go before I change my mind and cancel our reservation.”

  Alexis was unquestionably not used to the attention. She smiled and sucked in her bottom lip, wallowing in the unaware sex appeal at the eyes of the bellhop scanning her body, and then the valet attendant. Cory opened her door and kissed her before letting her go, dragging it out until she pulled away. Jesus. The steam between them was crazy. This would be a long night.

  Cory took her to the Blair Angel Restaurant in downtown Chicago, ninety-four floors in the sky. Their table was situated next the glass wall, overlooking twinkling lights. They were so high in the air. The table was covered with an elegant white cloth with burning red candles.

  “My name is Carlos, and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I get you a wine list, sir?” the host asked. Cory opened a hand and directed Alexis to slide into the black leather bench seat.

  “We’re expecting, something nonalcoholic would be great.”

  “Yes, sir. Did you prefer red or white?”

  Cory looked to Alexis for the answer and slid in beside her.

  “White,” she responded with no clue, t
hrowing something out there. Alexis wasn’t really the wine type. The waiter disappeared with a smile and Alexis turned to Cory. “You look very handsome.” She grinned, leaned in, and gave him a soft, restrained kiss. Cory did look very handsome, he wore Armani well. Very well. “We should check on Riki.”

  “If you mention that name one more time, I’m going to bend you over my knee.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t help it.”

  “She’s fine. Ellen loves her.”

  “Oh, I can tell that,” Alexis alleged while thanking Carlos for the wine with a smile.

  “Then stop worrying. Taste your wine,” Cory indicated with a nod when Alexis stared at the waiter.

  Alexis sipped the nonalcoholic beverage, surprised by the robust, yet subtle taste. She wasn’t expecting it to taste like real wine. It didn’t taste like the expected grape juice at all. “It’s great.”

  “Chef Rodrigues has a Tuscan Marsala special tonight, or you may want to try his famous Chicken Tortellini, it’s divine. I’ll leave you with your menus. Is there anything else I can do for you?” Carlos asked Alexis and not Cory.

  “I think the Chicken Tortellini sounds amazing,” Alexis alleged. Cory snickered and ordered the Tuscan Marsala, leaving Alexis with a hint of backwardness. Was she not supposed to order yet? The divergence between the fancy high-rise restaurant and April’s diner back home was like sugar and salt. Deciding not to even ask, she linked her pinky finger with Cory’s below the black cloth.

  “Dance with me.”

  “Dance?” Oh wow.

  “What? You dance at the barn all the time.”

  “That’s different. I know those people. They expect me to make a fool of myself.”

  Cory laughed and slid from the bench. “These people don’t care. Come on, I’ll lead.”

  What was she going to do? Cory looked delicious. His offered hand could have led her through an erupting volcano and she would have followed. The entire atmosphere was surreal. They danced on top of the world to soft piano music with sparkling lights dangling from above. Being in Cory’s arms, taking in the scent of him, the music, and the surroundings placed them in a kingdom all of their own. Nobody else was in the room, nobody else felt this hold between them, and nothing on earth could come between them. This was real, Alexis was in love, and she was taking ownership for the first time in years.

  “You know you’re the prettiest girl in this entire room, don’t you?”

  Alexis looked up and Cory planted a soft kiss on her lips. “You don’t have to flatter me. I’m already putty in your hands. All capacity for rational thought was handed over to you a long time ago, maybe from the day you blew my cover at April’s.”

  “Really? Love at first sight? You’re full of shit. You hated me.”

  “I did not.”

  “Sort of.”

  “I never hated you. You scared me. You still scare me.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Lex.”

  “You can’t promise that.”

  “I can and I do,” Cory promised. That one was more than a peck, but Alexis didn’t care. She let herself get lost in an emotional kiss, feeling things she was sure she’d never felt before. “I love you,” he whispered to her lips, lingering on the dance floor, even after the music had stopped.

  “I love you, too.” She did love him. She was so in love with him it was sad. “I’ll meet you back at the table.”

  Cory pulled her by her fingers back to him and kissed her again. “Hurry up.”

  The restroom was just as extravagant as the dining room. Alexis spent a few moments ruminating the high she was on while she observed the fancy room. Never had she ever been to a bathroom with an attendant. Alexis did what she went there to do and got back to her man.

  Although it wasn’t really necessary, Cory stood and let her slide in. Alexis kissed him and placed her hand in his below the table.

  “You have got to quit doing this,” Cory said in a frustrated tone, observing the very skimpy piece of lace retained in his hand.

  “Why’s that, Doc?”

  “How am I supposed to eat knowing you are sitting here with that extremely short dress and nothing under it? Cross your legs, I don’t want anyone else to know that you’re panty-less.”

  Alexis abruptly laughed and Cory followed.

  The food was astounding and they enjoyed their quiet evening without Riki, flirting and engaging in adult conversation.

  “Dr. freaking Baker.”

  “Dr. Bracken,” Cory responded while standing and taking the man’s hand. They exchanged a manly hug and Cory introduced him to Alexis.

  “Alexis, this is John Bracken. We worked together at Mercy.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Alexis smiled and nodded her greeting. Intrigued to know something about Cory’s friends, she listened to the conversation between the two men.

  “You sure know how to pick them,” Dr. Bracken idiotically announced, staring directly at her fuller than normal breasts with the perfect cleavage. Seriously? The blunt comment caused a rose-colored heat to form on her cheeks. “Oh, this is Camille,” the cocky doctor said once he remembered his date. His knock-down gorgeous date. Wow…

  “Cory and I’ve met,” the beautiful girl said with a sexy, narrowed-eye glance right toward Cory. Alexis didn’t like it at all, but she couldn’t really read the look, either. She was sure Cory had slept with her, but it was more than that.

  “Well, it was nice seeing you, John,” Cory said with a nod, hoping he’d take the hint and leave them alone.

  “You two should come out with us tonight. We’re going to hit some clubs,” Dr. Bracken invited.

  “No, thanks, John. Today’s Alexis’s birthday, and she is expecting,” Cory added with a happy smile right to Alexis.

  “Really now? Have you not figured out what causes this yet?”

  “You’re joking, Cory?” the beautiful girl on his side questioned. What the hell?

  “Nope, we’ll have a bouncing baby boy by summer,” he beamed.

  The girl made some sort clicking sound with her mouth and walked away.

  “It was nice seeing you, man. Give me a ring sometime,” Dr. Bracken coaxed with his fist in the air. Cory bumped it and he left the two of them alone. Finally.

  Cory turned his attention back to Alexis and her glare. “What?”

  “You slept with her.”

  “Lex, don’t. What I did here in Chicago has nothing to do with you and me.”

  “So you did sleep with her?”

  “Yes, I did, a long time ago.”

  “How many other women have you slept with?”

  “Alexis McKinley, you stop this right now. We are here together, and I love you more than any of the women I have been with put together. I have only made love to one woman, please don’t let my past ruin our night.”

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t like the way she looked at you. She’s still staring at you, you know?”

  Cory reached over the table and kissed her, probably longer than he should have in front of a room full of people. Alexis responded back by placing her hand on the side of his face.

  “I love you and I don’t care if she is staring. Forget her. Okay?” he whispered to her lips.


  “Do you want to dance again?”

  Alexis paused with her eyes toward the twinkling lights above, thinking about it for a second. “I was going to say yes so that I could make your girlfriend over there jealous, but I think I would rather have you alone. I’ll dance with you in the hotel.”

  Cory agreed and waved for the check. “I think I would like that very much.”

  “Would you like to see our dessert menu?”

  “No thank you, just the check, please.”

  Alexis couldn’t keep her eyes off the girl staring back. She was beautiful. She couldn’t have competed with that had her life depended on it.

  “Your car is ready, Mr. Baker.”

  “Promise me you’ll bring me
back here someday,” Alexis requested as they walked out, smirking at the girl that did not have Cory. She held his hand and nodded toward the distasteful glare. Something told her Camille had been more than a fling.

  Cory put his arm around her and pulled her close. “I promise.”

  An older couple joined them in the elevator. They, too, held hands, leaving Alexis with a hint of nostalgia and guilt. She didn’t remember the last time she went an entire day without talking to at least one of her parents. Cory smiled, politely telling the couple goodnight, two floors down.

  “You stop,” Alexis ordered with her hands flat on his chest, stopping Cory in his tracks.

  “Turn around, Alexis,” he whispered on her lips.

  “No way, Cory. Don’t you even think about it.”

  “Keep your hands right here,” he whispered to her neck with a quick spin, holding her hands above her head while his hands slid down her arms. Alexis knew she wouldn’t stop him, maybe before he even touched her. She couldn’t say a word, not one. The only sound coming from her was a faint whimper when his fingers went up the front of her dress.

  “Oh, baby, you feel so damn good,” Cory rasped in her hair.

  The building was fast, like rocket fast. She was going to let go right there in the elevator. It hadn’t even been five seconds yet. She didn’t even realized what had happened until Cory removed his hand. Damn. The elevator slowed and a group of younger adults entered, laughing.

  The ride home was tense, quiet, and full of longing. The anticipation was felt in the way his fingers traced the back of her hand, the way her thumb brushed back and forth on his leg, and the static felt between them.

  “Did you have a good birthday?” Cory quietly asked in a sexy, raspy tone, pulling her knuckles to his lips.

  “I’ve had a wonderful birthday, so far.”

  “So far? Is there something you wanted that you didn’t get?”

  “Yes, Dr. Baker, there is.”

  Cory pulled the car to the front of the hotel and stopped. “I took you out all day, I bought you a very, very nice dress, which, by the way, looks amazing on you. I took you to you a very expensive restaurant with breathtaking views, and bought you a very expensive necklace that also looks beautiful on you. What more could you possibly ask for?”


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