Creatus c-1

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Creatus c-1 Page 14

by Carmen DeSousa

  Michael rolled his eyes. “You know that’s not what I said. Man, you’re in an awful mood these days. Still haven’t had sex, I take it.”

  Rolls of laughter emanated from inside the barn.

  Unable to resist, Derrick smacked Michael upside the head. At least he hadn’t punched him. “I don’t think you said that loud enough for the Mid-West family to hear you. Want to borrow my phone so you can call them?” Derrick stopped talking as he heard a familiar voice. “Jonas is here?” He slammed past his brother, understanding why he’d met him at the door.

  Michael hurried up alongside of him. “Chill, Derrick. He’s cool. It’s not as if we banished him. Jonas left because he wanted to leave.”

  Then why is he back? Derrick seethed internally. And how long had he been back? he wondered. He knew he was his brother’s best friend all through high school and college, but Derrick had never cared for him. Unlike his brother, Ryan. Derrick had always liked him. Ryan was about seven years younger than Derrick, but they’d always gotten along. Probably because Ry wasn’t a hothead like Jonas. They’d wrestled, but it’d always been good-natured, a chance to blow off steam.

  Jonas lifted his head in acknowledgement, a cocky smile lifting one side of his mouth. “Hey, Derrick,” he called. “I heard you need help.”

  “We don’t need your help, Jonas,” Derrick reminded him, his words coming out almost in a snarl. His gaze bolted to Vic sitting next to Jonas. “You call him, Victoria?” She’d always been fond of him. Derrick always thought she’d fall for Jonas if she’d take her focus off him. Looks as though she decided that’s what she needed to move on. Derrick just wished it’d been anyone but him. Jonas was a loose cannon. Yeah he’d protected humans, but he’d also left witnesses, and that was something his family couldn’t allow. Humans wouldn’t care that most creatus protected them; they’d only see them as a threat. Michael and he agreed on that one issue anyway.

  Ryan stood up. “I called him, Derrick. We needed help, and my brother is one of the best.”

  Derrick narrowed his eyes at Ry. It was bad enough that he had Michael and Vic questioning his every move, but now Ryan was giving him a hard time. So much for liking the kid. Not wanting to lose his temper, Derrick walked toward his desk without responding. His father and Dean followed behind him.

  Lynford raised his hands to get everyone’s attention, and the entire room fell to a hush. “In all the years we’ve lived here, we’ve never had a problem,” his father started, “because we’ve always elected an overseer, and we’ve always adhered to our rules. Nothing has changed. As head of the council, Dean, Matthew, and I will continue to stand behind Derrick and his decisions. Anyone who does not want to abide by the same rules can leave. Is that clear?” His father plopped down on a chair, waving for Derrick to continue.

  Internally, Derrick wasn’t certain how he felt about his father stepping in, but he was still head of the council, even if Derrick was overseer.

  Deciding to get right to business, Derrick made eye contact with Jonas. “The rules haven’t changed, Jonas. We are not going out on the street as vigilantes, looking for a fight; we are seeking a serial killer. The rogue has an agenda, and it’s personal. What started out looking like a rogue creatus now looks as though he has a plan. And I use ‘he’ only because it’s easier. This creatus could be male or female. I’ve seen his shadow and heard his voice, but he’s kept his distance. It’s clear that he knows me personally.” A murmur swept through the barn, and Derrick was grateful to see that some of his family actually cared. “The last murder was a police detective inside Kristina’s house. My guess is that he wanted to make me appear guilty. But as you know, this endangers all of us. If they start questioning me, no telling how close they’ll get to the family. And the last thing we want is to relocate.”

  Collective whispers and nods traveled around the room in agreement.

  Now that he had everyone’s attention, he continued, “He also attacked, but didn’t kill Kristina’s best friend, Beth. This time, though, he used our creatus seal. He pressed the red wax seal on her forehead, which as you know will have humans searching for any similar uses of the seal throughout history and leaves no doubt in our mind that this is a creatus attack. And as far as attacking Kristina’s friend, my only guess is that he’s taunting me. Which makes me believe it’s someone we banished in the last ten to twenty years or…” he paused a moment, knowing he was going to catch flack, “someone here who disagrees with my decisions.”

  This time a few harrumphs shadowed the mutters of surprise. Derrick wasn’t surprised to see that the disagreements of his assertion stemmed from Victoria, Jonas, Ryan, and sadly, even Michael.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Kris sat across from Sabrina, sipping a cup of hot tea. According to her new mother-in-law to be, she grew all the herbs in her garden. The creatus’ diet was so restrictive of any proteins, oils, and grains heated to high temperatures, causing high levels of toxins, that they couldn’t take a chance on any processed foods.

  “So you grow everything you eat?” Kris asked.

  “Practically,” Sabrina answered. “I do buy fresh fruit and vegetables from vendors, but mostly we just stay away from anything processed or pasteurized.”

  Kris shook her head. “It sounds like a lot of work.”

  “It’s not so hard. We all work together. Every family specializes in something different, so the bartering system works well. And look at me; do I look seventy-three?” Sabrina said proudly, lifting her head.

  Kris blinked in shock, her grin spreading wide across her face. “Actually, no. Not at all. You’re seventy three?”

  A beautiful pink spread across Sabrina’s cheeks, making her appear even younger. “Yep. Lyn and I married when I was twenty-two, and we had Derrick almost two years later.”

  Kris leaned in, excited that Derrick and she would be the same age as her in-laws when they married. Though she hadn’t married yet, she was ready. “How did you meet?” Kris asked excitedly, wiggling on her chair in her eagerness to hear the entire story of their romance. Her future mother-in-law’s mouth turned down, and a wash of sadness spread over her round and kind-looking face, and Kris was instantly distressed that she’d asked, since obviously it wasn’t a story Sabrina wanted to share. “I’m sorry,” Kris instantly excused her careless question. She should have asked Derrick first, knowing that it might have been a tragic meeting, as Derrick and hers had been. “I shouldn’t have pried.”

  Sabrina waved her off. “It’s okay.” She took a sip of her tea before continuing, as though trying to collect her strength. “It’s actually similar to how you and Derrick met; only I wasn’t a child. My father was involved with the Irish Mob. He’d turned evidence on one of the gang leaders. In retaliation, they killed him and then came after my mother, brother, and me. Regrettably, I was the only one to survive.”

  Kris pulled her fist to her mouth. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  Sabrina patted her hand that still rested on the table. “It’s okay, sweetheart. How could you have known? I know Derrick wouldn’t have said anything.” She took another sip of her tea and continued, “Anyway, after killing my mother and brother, they decided I was too pretty to kill immediately. I’d been holding a knife I had hidden under my mattress when they found me. I swung the knife at them, slashing both of them at once, but it wasn’t enough to stop them. It gave me enough time to get away from them for a few minutes, but then they caught up with me in the alley behind my house.” Sabrina closed her eyes for a second then opened them. “No one did anything while the men beat me on the street. And then, something changed, I couldn’t feel the gravel beneath me anymore. My eyes were too swollen to see, but I’ll never forget his voice as he whispered that everything would be all right.”

  Kris’ eyes filled as she listened, thinking about her mother—and herself. “You would have died and no one would have stopped them?” she asked, unable to believe people would stand by and watch.

>   “Yes. The neighbors were afraid, and it was dark. They didn’t know I was the person they were beating up; they just knew that someone was paying for betrayal. My assailants repeated those words over and over. Perhaps so that no one would interfere.” Sabrina clasped Kris’ hand in hers. “Of course, unlike you, I was an adult, but things were different then. It wasn’t easy to find a job that paid the bills on your own. Without a family to support me, I would have ended up on the street. Luckily, Lynford took me home, which of course was against the rules, but he didn’t know what else to do with me. If he’d taken me to the hospital, more than likely the mob would have killed me.” Sabrina stared off dreamily around the kitchen as she continued, “His parents were furious when he’d announced that he’d fallen for me. They didn’t believe it was possible for a human to “fall” for a creatus, but I did. As far as they’d known, it’d never happened.”

  Kris smiled. “Like us.” And then a thought occurred to her. “That’s why you wanted to adopt me? Because I was all alone, as you would have been?”

  “Yes.” Sabrina smiled sweetly. “Oddly enough, Lyn was okay with it. It was Derrick who wouldn’t allow us to adopt you.”

  “Why in the he—?” Kris spouted, perturbed at once, but then pulled her expletive before she offended Sabrina. She could have been living with this great family her entire life instead of a new foster home every six months. With people who loved her and didn’t think she was an imposition in their lives.

  Sabrina’s lips turned up again. “I don’t think Derrick wanted to ever think of you as a sister. He was crazy about your mother, but he knew he was too young, so he never let it go beyond friendship. Although, we were hard on him about their relationship too, especially Michael. We constantly warned him that he was getting too close, and that it could only end badly.” She sighed. “He tried to date other women over the years, but I think your souls were already connected; it was just a matter of you growing up. And now, you are perfect for each other.”

  Kris did the mental math in her head, since Derrick had never mentioned how old he was. He was about forty-nine, and he’d live another hundred years. If she were lucky, Kris had another seventy years at most. So, he’d be alone for thirty years or more. More years than she’d already lived. That didn’t seem fair.

  Sensing her distress, Sabrina touched her cheek. “He wants you, Kristina. Neither you nor anyone else will ever change his mind, so stop thinking whatever you’re thinking.”

  Kris’ eyes popped open, wondering how she’d known.

  “I’ve been there. At a hundred years old, Lyn hardly looks a day over fifty, and I worry sometimes, but he still gazes at me as if I am the only woman on the planet.”

  “You are the only girl on the planet, my bride.” The deep voice belonging to Derrick’s father broke through their conversation, and Kris observed a beautiful blush spread across Sabrina’s cheeks again. Her soon-to-be father-in-law swooped in and pressed a kiss to his wife’s neck, causing her to giggle.

  Derrick’s warm arms folded around Kris, instantly comforting her. The thought that they too would always be so happy was worth everything. “You ready to go home?” Derrick whispered in her ear. And though Derrick’s father didn’t as much as raise an eyebrow, Kris felt her cheeks heat up, knowing he could hear everything.

  “Almost,” she responded. “I have one thing left to discuss with your mother.” The three of them stared at her as if confused, so she continued, “Derrick mentioned you wanted to plan a wedding ceremony with all the frills.” She raised her hand to her chest, battling the tears that threatened at the notion they wanted to take care of her as if they were her parents. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart, but I don’t want a big wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Ashton. In fact, it may sound strange, but I don’t want a wedding at all, especially with all that’s going on.” Derrick’s eyes widened and he started to protest, so she raised her hand, silencing him. “Let me rephrase that. I want to get married, but I don’t want a wedding. I don’t have any family—other than all of you—so I think it would make me sad.”

  “Oh, honey.” Sabrina stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her. “Don’t think we would ever push you into doing anything you don’t want. I just want you to be happy.”

  Kris accepted the hug, reveling in the feeling of Sabrina’s arms around her. She hadn’t felt parental affection since she was a child. She’d forgotten how good it felt when her mother tucked her in at night, read bedtime stories, pressed her lips to her forehead to check if she had a temperature. All the tiny gestures that she’d taken for granted prior to her mother’s murder.

  She leaned back and smiled at her new family. “I know, and I am. I just didn’t want you to feel disappointed if I talked Derrick into eloping.”

  They all laughed and Kris relaxed. Already, she felt at home with the Ashtons. Of course, she wondered if Victoria was still within hearing range, listening to their conversation, waiting for an opportunity to kill her. The woman petrified her as no man ever had. Something told Kris that she wouldn’t feel safe until Vic fell in love with another man.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  “Today?” Derrick asked as he plopped behind the wheel, elated at the thought of marrying Kristina.

  She stared at him as if she hadn’t a clue what he was talking about. “Today, what?”

  “Do you want to get married right now?”

  She jumped onto her knees in the passenger seat. “Can we?”

  Derrick couldn’t help but laugh. “If we hurry, yes! It’s still early. Massachusetts has a waiting period, but New Hampshire is only forty-five minutes away and they don’t.” He ran his hand up her cheek. “And I know a beautiful place we can stay afterward.” His heart thumped loudly in his chest, so loud he could hear it, and at the moment—well, always—he was thankful Kristina was human and couldn’t hear his heart race. It was amazing how something as simple as that gave away one’s feelings. As creatus, they’d learned to control their heart rate and pulse when near a possible threat. Around Kristina, however, Derrick never had to worry about anything. He’d never felt so alive as he did since he’d been with her. And marrying her would just make them more complete. Though most creatus didn’t care about the act of marrying, he knew his mother—and even Kristina although she didn’t want to admit it—wanted to go through all the traditions. And he did too really. Something about taking official vows made it feel all the more tangible.

  Kristina glanced at her clothes. “Like this?”

  “I think you look beautiful,” he replied. “I happen to love simple attire of jeans and t-shirts, but we can do a little shopping afterward. The place I want to take you has an amazing restaurant that overlooks a mountain. We’d have to backtrack to go home, so let’s just go. It’ll be romantic, exactly what I’ve been waiting for. Plus… since no one knows where we are going, for at least a few nights anyway, we can feel completely at ease.”

  “I feel at ease now, Derrick. After all, you are the superest superhero of them all, right?”

  He laughed as he pulled out of the driveway. “Have you ever been to White Mountain National Forest?”

  Kristina sighed. “Derrick…”

  He stopped in the street and looked to her side of the car because of the way she sighed and said his name. “Yes?”

  Tears flooded her eyes. “Do you have to ask? You’ve known me since I was eight. I’ve never been anywhere.”

  He rested his hand behind her neck at her distressed look and his careless words he’d uttered out of habit. It’s just what people said, but perhaps he needed to be more thoughtful. No, she’d never been anywhere. He knew that. “I’m sorry. That was insensitive, but I’ll think before I speak in the future. And, get ready, my love. We’re going to have fun this week.” He stopped for a second. “Do you mind driving? I can make all the arrangements over the phone on the way.”

  Kristina swiped away a tear as she nodded. Derrick jumped out of the vehicle and she crawled over the
center console. He typed the address for Manchester, New Hampshire into the GPS as their first stop and then went to work on his iPhone.

  “Derrick…” Kristina pulled him from his thoughts a few miles down the road. “Do you think Beth will be okay? I mean, he won’t go after her again, will he?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “He won’t. The rogue just wanted to make sure I knew he was targeting me; he’s made his point and he knows I know it. Plus, Michael promised to keep an eye out.” He paused before continuing, not wanting to tell her the truth, even though she already recognized what was going on. “He wants me, Kristina… which means he wants you too. He’ll go after you first, though, I think. To hurt me.”

  She nodded, but didn’t comment on his blunt statement. She was tough. Of course, he’d always known that about her. “So, is that why you want to go away?”

  “Hey, it was your idea to elope,” he reminded her. “I just thought it sounded like a perfect plan. We get away for a few days, get married, and give Michael a chance to catch a killer.”

  She released a nervous chuckle. “When you say it that way, it doesn’t sound quite as romantic.”

  He leaned over to her side of the cab. “Keep your eyes on the road, beautiful.” He brushed his lips down her neck and shoulder and peered up at her, making sure she kept her attention on the road. He trailed his hand along her arm. “I promise to make it the most romantic weekend you’ve ever experienced,” he whispered in her ear.

  She squirmed as a shiver must have swept through her. The idea that he could make her wriggle with just whispered words sent a thrill through his own body. “That won’t be too difficult, Derrick,” she said through a chuckle.

  He collapsed in his seat, sighing. “You went out on plenty of dates over the years, Kristina. I know… I had to clench my teeth as I waited for you to get home safely.”


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