Queen Arthur (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 6)

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Queen Arthur (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 6) Page 2

by Julie Law

  “Unfortunately, you behave like a child, so I have to command you as one.” Arthur spoke back, her voice apparently serene.

  Morgana knew better – the calmer Arthur appeared, the angrier she was.

  “And what misbehavior have I engaged in exactly?”

  “Do you really need me to answer that?” Arthur’s eyebrow rose steadily as she replied with a question.

  Morgana smiled, but it wasn’t a warm smile. “I think it would be best, seeing as the last time we interacted personally was on the day I fled from our wedding. Or is all of this because of that?”

  Arthur glared, but Morgana didn’t give her a choice to reply.

  “I thought you had a new wife now, no reason for you to be after me.”

  Arthur shook her head and smiled tightly. “I’m afraid I’ll have to dash your hopes Morgana, but that’s not why I’m here. Maybe one day you’ll tell me why you fled, but now I just want to take you home.”

  The blonde moved forward, intent on grabbing the other woman. Morgana panicked and attacked again, but her spells were repelled by the power of Excalibur.

  Arthur grabbed the witch’s arm and didn’t let go, disrupting the transportation spell Morgana had been preparing to flee.

  The dark haired woman pulled with all her strength, trying to get free, but failed. “Release me.” She said, cursing under her breath when she wasn’t obeyed.

  Morgana got angry and struggled.

  She was afraid; she didn’t want to go back to Camelot, to be a prisoner once again, but she couldn’t escape Arthur – and that made her hate the blonde even more.

  She wanted to hurt Arthur as much as she could, but Excalibur would protect her from any kind of offensive magic … and as she pondered on that, Morgana had what she considered a brilliant idea.

  Without warning she reached forward and kissed Arthur on the lips, seeing as the blonde’s eyes widened, a blush adorning her cheeks.

  Morgana cast a spell, one which wasn’t designed to hurt anyone, couldn’t be considered offensive in any way.

  Arthur noticed it – she was too used to deal with magic not to realize what happened – but by then it was too late. The blonde pushed Morgana away and used a hand to wipe her face.

  “What did you do?” Arthur asked, her voice laden with surprise.

  Morgana smiled and it wasn’t nice. “You’ll see.”

  “Morgana …”

  The dark haired woman laughed, loudly and amused. “You wanted me to go to Camelot, didn’t you? I’ll go – I wouldn’t lose what’s going to happen for anything in the world.”

  Chapter 2

  Morgana sighed and looked at her cell’s ceiling, bored out of her mind.

  She hadn’t had a chance to escape since she had been captured – Arthur used some kind of magic-inhibiting amulet that Merlin had given her to neutralize Morgana’s powers. The former princess looked down at the small bracelet around her wrist with distaste.

  Not that Morgana would want to leave so soon, not after at she did to little Arthur. She wanted to see the blonde’s face first … and she was sure it wouldn’t take long for it to happen – by now her surprise should have already appeared.

  She looked out of the window, seeing the sun starting to appear on the horizon.


  It didn’t take long for the sound of hurried steps to confirm her earlier thoughts. She had no doubt it was Arthur.

  “Morgana.” The blonde screamed from outside her door, making the dark haired woman smiled widely. A moment later the cell’s door opened and Camelot’s king faced her.

  “Sleep well?” Morgana asked before the other woman could say anything.

  Arthur glared but didn’t reply, gesturing for her guards to leave them alone. The two men hesitated before obeying, worried for their king.

  The dark haired woman snorted – as if they would be able to do anything if it came to a fight between her and Arthur.

  “Undo it.” Arthur demanded.

  “Undo what?” Morgana asked, her smirk making it obvious she knew what the other woman was talking about.

  “The spell you’ve cast.” Arthur snapped. “Your pranks haven’t gotten any better since you were a child.”

  Morgana laughed until tears threatened to escape from her eyes. “I would say my pranks have gotten better, I’ve never seen you this angry before. I suppose magic makes things easier.”

  Arthur made to move forward but stopped, remembering what had happened the last time she got near Morgana.

  The dark haired witch saw her hesitation and laughed again.

  “Undo it.” Arthur ordered again.

  Morgana shook her new bracelet in Arthur’s face. “I can’t do magic right one, remember? You’ll have to take it off.”

  Arthur shook her head. “There is always a way to undo an enchantment without magic, tell me how.”

  “Why should I?” Morgana questioned, brow arched.

  Arthur remained silent and Morgana smiled coldly, for once cherishing the power she had over the other woman.

  “I’ll tell you,” Morgana said at last, once Arthur stopped squirming. “The way to get rid of your new appendage … is to use it.”

  Arthur looked horrified and Morgana laughed again.

  “Why are you so surprised?” She continued once she realized the blonde wouldn’t say anything. “Or is it afraid? I don’t know why you’re so worried – you have a wife. Go to her and give her a good tumble, she might even enjoy the changes.”

  Arthur opened her mouth and closed it, looking away from the dark haired woman.

  Morgana frowned at the blonde’s reaction, before her eyes widened in realization. Her voice, when it came, was mirthful and a smirk tugged at her lips. “Don’t tell me you’ve never …”

  When Arthur blushed, Morgana knew she was right.

  She laughed. She couldn’t help it – it was just too funny.

  Arthur looked away and didn’t say anything, letting Morgana’s amusement fade.

  “This is too good to be true.” The witch said at last.

  “I don’t find this amusing in anyway.” Arthur replied through gritted teeth.

  Morgana shrugged. “I do, especially the fact you haven’t touched your wife since your marriage. What’s her name? Guinevere?”

  Arthur nodded.

  Morgana’s smile petered off. “Does she even know you’re a woman?”

  Arthur looked offended. “Of course, do you really think I would have married someone without telling them the truth? Do you really think so little of me?”

  “You didn’t care for the fact I didn’t want to marry you.” Morgana said in reply. “Why would you care for what your new wife wanted or knew?”

  “Morgana…” Arthur started, taking a couple of steps towards the former princess before she stopped. “I never knew you didn’t want to marry me – I never realized Uther forced you into it before you escaped.”

  “But you wanted to marry me?” Morgana asked with her eyebrow arched.

  “Not particularly, but I understood your father’s point, the need to present me as a strong ruler and how the deception we weaved helped that. If I had to marry a woman I would have chosen you, because I thought you were my friend and I cared for you.”

  Morgana looked away. “I never liked you.”

  Arthur took a step back, surprised and hurt.

  Morgana felt a shadow of guilt for her words and tried to justify herself. “You appeared from nowhere and I became a prisoner in my own home. You were going to marry me, inherit my father’s kingdom, become the King of all Britain and I was supposed to be at your side, knowing you were a woman and that you would never love me, never give a child. We would never be a real family.”

  “Morgana…” Arthur started, but the dark haired woman raised her hand and stopped her.

  “My father started being cold to me, forbidding me from learning magic when that was one of the only good things that came from meeting you. The only
person I saw flourishing during those years was you; people did everything they could to be in your good graces and girls I had known all my life would only tell I was so lucky to be your bride. I hated you for all of that.”

  “It wasn’t on purpose; I never did anything for these people to treat me as they did.”

  Morgana eyed Arthur. “Yes you did, you took up Excalibur when no one else could.”

  Arthur shook her head. “Not on purpose. I was on a daze during that day, as if in a dream. I only realized what happened after I took it from the stone.”

  “But it happened and I lost everything.”

  “I’ve never meant for you to be hurt.” Arthur said gently, walking towards Morgana.

  The former princess sighed and looked away. “I know.”

  The two of them remained in silence for some time before Morgana sighed again and turned to Arthur. “Come here, I’m going to undo the spell.”

  Arthur nodded and moved until she stood in front of Morgana.

  The witch reached forward and kissed her on the mouth, startling Arthur with her warm lips.

  Arthur leaned back, confused. “What are you doing?”

  Morgana smirked. “Didn’t I tell you? You have to use it for it to go away, or do you want to free my magic?”

  “This is not a joking manner Morgana.” Arthur said.

  “I’m not joking.” Morgana replied, before she started to undo the laces that kept her gown fastened to her figure.

  Arthur remained silent and let Morgana work on her clothes, her eyes never leaving the witch’s figure. When the dark haired woman finished, she pushed the cloth down her body and stepped out of it.

  Arthur gasped when she saw Morgana in her underclothes and again when the former princess unlaced those and bared her breasts to the blonde.

  Morgana smiled at Arthur’s reaction, liking the blonde’s flustered twitching. “Don’t look away.” She said when Arthur did just that. “I want you to see me.”

  Arthur sneaked a peek but looked away. “This isn’t proper.”

  Morgana smirked as Arthur shifted nervously on her feet. “Feeling something are we? Maybe there’s something hard between your legs?”

  Arthur glared at her and down at her chest before looking away.

  Morgana laughed out loud. She knew she was a beautiful woman, fit and with curves in all the right places. Her breasts were both large and pert; something she knew incited most men and quite a few females.

  Arthur wasn’t immune to them.

  Morgana moved forward, stopping in front of Arthur before she reached down and grabbed the other woman’s hands, moving them to her breasts.

  Arthur gasped.

  “I’ve lied to you before.” Morgana said, not letting Arthur take her hands away, making the blonde touch her as she so obviously wanted.

  “What do you mean?” The king of Camelot asked, voice rough. She looked into Morgana’s blue eyes and tried to ignore what her hands were touching.

  “You don’t need to just use what I gave you.” Morgana leaned forward and whispered at Arthur’s ear. “It needs to be with the one who cast the spell. I wanted to see your face after you’ve fucked your wife with your new cock and it didn’t vanished.”

  “We can’t do this.” Arthur said, looking at Morgana’s eyes. “I can’t do this to you; treat you like some kind of harlot.”

  Morgana smiled sadly for a moment. “That ship has sailed a long time ago, my king. How do you think I learnt that spell?”

  “Nimue.” Arthur growled. “What did she do to you?”

  Morgana poised her hand against Arthur’s face, carefully caressing it. “Nimue taught me many things, some of them because I asked; others because she demanded payment. What matters is that I know these things.”

  One of her hands slid down Arthur’s body and pressed against the blonde’s groin.

  Arthur gasped.

  “And I know what I want to happen next.” The dark haired witch finished.

  They eyed each other before Morgana leaned forward and kissed Arthur. Their soft lips pressed against each other and their tongues warred.

  Arthur couldn’t help but put her hands against Morgana’s back, pulling the other woman against her, pressing their bodies together. She could feel Morgana’s breasts against her doublet and moaned, thinking about the feel of them on her hands.

  Morgana herself wasn’t better.

  She felt a fire in her heart like she hadn’t in a long time. Part of her was surprised she could feel something like this for Arthur, but one of Nimue’s sayings came to her mind – that hate and love were two sides of the same coin.

  The rest of Morgana’s underclothes didn’t remain on her body for long, leaving her naked under Arthur’s watchful gaze.

  After, it was Arthur’s turn to be disrobed, and Morgana took great pleasure in baring the blonde’s body.

  It was slow and their mouths were never apart from each other’s for long.

  Once Arthur’s chest was uncovered, Morgana leaned forward and pressed her breasts against the blonde’s.

  Arthur moaned and kissed her harder, her hands tightening around Morgana. After a minute they separated, lips swollen with passion.

  Morgana looked into Arthur’s eyes and for one moment she was lost in them, before she smiled and gave Arthur’s lips a kiss. Then she glided down the blonde’s body, until she kneeled before the king of Camelot.

  “What are you doing?” Arthur asked, hesitantly. She wanted to pull Morgana up and kiss her again, feel her against her body.

  Morgana smiled and reached for Arthur’s trousers, unbuttoning them.

  Arthur swallowed but let her do it, watching as Morgana relieved her of her pants and then her underpants. Her new cock – the fruit of Morgana’s spell – jumped to attention, almost hitting the dark haired witch on the face.

  The former princess laughed and grabbed the cock with her hand, her grip tight. She started stroking it, slowly, moving her hand up and down.

  Arthur closed her eyes and resisted the urge to moan.

  Morgana pumped her hand a few times, watching Arthur’s reaction before she leaned forward and kissed the reddened tip of the king’s cock.

  The blonde’s eyes flared open and she looked startled at the kneeling witch, her hands clenching with the need to grab Morgana’s face and thrust into her mouth.

  The other woman saw the look and smirked, letting her tongue taste Arthur’s prick.

  She swirled her tongue around the cock’s head, slowly, feeling it getting even harder. Morgana could taste Arthur’s pre-cum and made sure to communicate her enjoyment of it by moaning loudly, until she saw the blonde’s legs shake.

  Arthur poised her hands on Morgana’s head, stopping her in place for a few moments. “Morgana…” She started, but the other woman started moving again and she got quiet.

  The former princess took Arthur’s prick into her mouth and let her lust take the better of her. She started sucking with abandon, her mouth greedy, her lips wrapped tight around the warm flesh and all sense of decorum lost.

  Arthur could only moan and move her hips forward, thrusting into the witch’s mouth.

  The dark haired woman let her, using her hands to study Arthur’s body.

  The magic cock had displaced Arthur’s clit, the little nub moving to the base of the new appendage. That was where Morgana focused her attentions now.

  The former princess touched the bundle of nerves, one finger pressing hard against it. Arthur shouted her pleasure out loud and her motions became more frantic.

  Morgana smiled and slowed the pace of her bobbing head, wanting to prolong the blonde’s pleasure for as long as she could. At the same time, she let one finger glide down until it touched Arthur’s opening, coating it in the blonde’s wetness before she pushed against her slit.

  Arthur clenched her pussy as she felt Morgana’s finger probing her, not knowing how to react. It the end it didn’t matter – Morgana didn’t give her a choice.
The witch’s finger glided in easily and then she hooked it inside Arthur’s flesh and pulled back.

  Arthur came, wetness gushing from her pussy and cock spilling its seed into Morgana’s willing mouth.

  The witch moaned as she tasted Arthur’s cum and swallowed, head bobbing faster than before, trying to milk the warm cock in her mouth before it disappeared.

  Arthur didn’t know how she remained standing throughout her orgasm. She knew her hands on Morgana’s head helped, but even then it was a struggle.

  She could feel the witch’s mouth working on her, seemingly trying to drink her and she could feel something else, a strange feeling that she latter realized was her prick becoming smaller and smaller as it unraveled, until it was too small and Morgana couldn’t keep it in her mouth.

  Arthur shuddered and moved back, her body returned to normal, but her mind addled with the pleasure she had felt.

  She looked at Morgana and saw a small patch of white on the corner of the witch’s mouth, but Morgana’s tongue licked it away. Arthur moaned as she realized that had been some seed from her spelled cock.

  The blonde had to lean back against the wall, her eyes fixed on Morgana.

  “Enjoyed your first orgasm?” Morgana asked, smirking as her hands moved to her chest and she started playing with herself.

  Arthur became distracted with the sight for a few moments before she replied. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Morgana smiled. “Why not; we both wanted it and enjoyed it. What harm is there in it?”

  “You’re a lady.” Arthur said straightening, resisting the urge to cover herself. “And I’m married.”

  Morgana’s smirk, when it came, was distinguishably devious. “There are some many things I could tell you about your marriage, but I’ll refrain for now. You’re a king, Arthur, no one will stop you from having a mistress, and no one will think it strange. Every other king does it.”

  Arthur didn’t look convinced and Morgana sighed, before she got up and moved towards the blonde.

  She smiled when she noticed Arthur’s eyes looking down at her breasts. The other woman didn’t resist when she pressed herself against her body.


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