Southern Shifters: Bite Me (A Bad Boy Shifter Romance) (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Southern Shifters: Bite Me (A Bad Boy Shifter Romance) (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Lillian Danté

  The good news is, that’ll make her scent even stronger. Easier to track.

  Taking a deep breath, I strip off my clothes and focus on the change.

  I feel it in my hands, first. Then deep in my bones. The growing, morphing, twisting of muscles and sinews and skin.

  Once the transformation is complete, I hit the ground running. I’ve almost forgotten how amazing this feels - the sudden sharpness of my senses, the speed, the thrill of having four paws on the earth. It feels right.

  Livvy’s scent is strong. Even after last night, it still sparks a hot curl of lust inside me. It occurs to me that other males might’ve followed her, just the way I am now - not because they’re after her in particular, not because they don’t approve of our marriage - but because they just smelled a female in heat.

  The idea of someone else…

  Growling, I gallop even faster through the underbrush. The memories of our mating are mixing up in my head with all the bloodlust of my animal fury, and the coppery smell in my imagination is so strong that I have to slow down for a second and reassure myself that it’s not real.

  But no, it’s just her. Just Livvy’s unmistakable scent, nothing indicating that she’s been hurt.

  Not yet, anyway.

  I have no idea where I’m going. The path twists and turns, seemingly without any logic. Then, when I reach the edge of a little river, it becomes obvious.

  Was she trying to throw off her enemies, or was she trying to throw off me?

  Snarling with frustration, I leap over the river and sniff along the opposite bank. There’s no telling how long she might’ve slogged through the water to wash her scent away. I might not even be going in the right direction.

  Dean must have known she’d be smart enough to do this. Back when he suggested I track her, he knew I’d run into a dead end. Asshole.

  After what feels like hours of searching, I give up. The trip to the bar feels like twice as long, following that teasing scent back where it came from.

  Goddamn it, Livvy, where are you?

  When I emerge from the woods, Dean is out chopping wood next to his stupid little house. I shift back into human form without blinking, striding up to him before I even bother to put my pants back on.


  He looks up mildly, swinging the axe back to rest on his shoulder. “Oh, did you not have much luck?”

  The twinkle in his eyes tells me everything I need to know. I’d punch him, but I know better than to take a swing at a guy carrying an axe.

  “You knew.” I glare at him. “What the fuck am I supposed to do?”

  “Of course I knew.” He rolls his eyes, returning to his work. “Any Were with half a brain knows you take the river whenever you don’t want somebody following. You sure you’re ready to live around here, kid? If you’re ignorant as all that, they’ll eat you alive.”

  I just stare at him.

  “Figuratively, of course.” He splits another log and tosses it into the firewood pile. “You know. Probably.”

  “Just tell me where the wedding’s supposed to be,” I growl.

  Dean shakes his head at me. “I dunno if I can have this conversation while your dick’s out.”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake.

  I go and pick up the bundle of my clothes, jerking my pants back on like they’ve wronged me.

  The map is still in my jacket pocket. I thrust it in Dean’s direction, still taking care to avoid the axe.

  “Where?” I demand. “Show me.”

  “Why the hell would you think I’d know?” he says. “Head in towards town. You’re sure to run into somebody who has an idea of what’s going on. Don’t ask me. I’m just a lowly outcast.”

  This guy is so far up his own ass, he’s practically turned inside-out.

  My bike, thank God, is still waiting for me. It’s starting to feel like the only faithful friend I’ve got.

  As I ride on the dirt roads towards Clan Gunn’s territory, I can’t help but remember everything Livvy said last night. About Kane, the clan enforcer, needing to guarantee us “safe passage.” The hell does that mean? He couldn’t even guarantee us a safe place to sleep last night.

  But it’s obvious enough, there are plenty of people out for our hides. If I got ambushed by a pack of wolves again like last night, would I be able to take them on myself?

  I hate to admit it, but without Livvy and Dean’s help, I don’t know if I’d be able to face them all without getting myself pretty banged-up. Definitely too banged-up for a wedding ceremony.

  Of course, that’s assuming the wedding is still on.

  I’m still trying to make sense of all the things she told me last night. How much was genuine, and how much was a test? Regardless of the rest, I’m pretty sure the stuff about wanting to run away from all of this was all too real.

  Shit, I’d love to. It keeps occurring to me - I’ve still got three-quarters of a tank of gas from the last podunk station I passed on the main road. I could just turn back to civilization, and leave this whole mess behind me.

  The clans would get over it. They’d figure out another way to deal.

  But me? I’d never fuckin’ forgive myself.

  I’ve had enough of running away from my responsibilities. I just can’t do it anymore. No matter how much my mind wanders, my hands won’t steer me back. My foot won’t hit the brake. I’m determined to see this through, even if it’ll be the death of me.

  And hell, I’ve got my own reasons, now. I can’t quite wrap my head around what happened between me and Livvy last night, but I know it was important.

  She needs me. I don’t know why or how yet, but I’ve got to help her.

  I’m not exactly sure what I was expecting. But when I get within a few miles of town, I can tell I’m expected.

  Livvy’s not here. That much is obvious. But I’m going to play dumb, as much as I can.

  Six men. Were-cougars. Bodyguard types, gathered almost casually around the perimeter - but most definitely blocking the road.

  I could try to blast through them on my bike, but that seems like it might end with my body parts being scattered in several adjoining counties.

  Instead, I kill the engine a couple feet away from the guy who seems like their leader. Is this the infamous Kane?

  Black hair, black eyes, and hulking muscles. Shit, is everybody around here an MMA fighter? Are they competing in Shifter Oil Wrestling on the weekends?

  Kane’s scent tells me more than I want to know. He’s a cougar, but ruthless. He’s spilled blood before, and he’ll do it again. I can see why he’s Clan Enforcer. Nobody’s going to fuck with this guy if they value their life.

  “You must be Nolan,” he says. He’s not going in for a handshake. Don’t know why I expected one.

  “That’s me,” I tell him.

  “Where is she?” he demands.

  Oh, fuck me.

  “She’s not here?” I look around me, puzzled, like I wasn’t half-expecting this.

  “No.” Kane takes a step toward me. “She told me she was coming with you.”

  “Well, she was gone when I woke up this morning.” I can feel six pairs of eyes on me, and it doesn’t feel great. “I figured she came in early to get ready.”

  The enforcer snarls quietly. “Did you track her?”

  “Course I did. She went in the river.” I shrug. “Well, I’m sure she’s gotta turn up eventually. Right?”

  Kane makes some kind of signal to his lackeys, and they immediately scatter.

  “They’ll find her,” he says, taking another step closer. “If you’ve got anything to hide, now’s the time to tell me.”

  “Why would I be hiding anything?” Instantly, my mind’s filled with images of her writhing and moaning beneath me.

  “Hell if I know.” Kane’s eyes darken even more, somehow. “I know you’re not used to a tight-knit clan like ours. Around here, everybody’s in everybody’s business. Me personally, I don’t have a problem with mating bet
ween clans. But I do have a big problem with the whole thing being forced on an unwilling, innocent girl.”

  “I’m not exactly thrilled about it, either.” I refuse to back down, no matter how much his proximity makes me uneasy. “Trust me. This is the last thing I want.”

  Well, that’s not exactly true anymore. After last night, I can’t think of anything more intoxicating than spending the rest of my life discovering new ways to make Livvy scream my name.

  But that’s fucking idiotic. With my dick calling the shots, I’m going to end up in even more trouble than I already am.

  Kane’s fingers twitch, like he’s annoyed at the lack of good excuses to strangle me. “I want to believe you,” he says. “You don’t smell like a liar. But if you take advantage of Livvy…”

  I wonder how good their noses are. Will they be able to tell what we did last night? I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t noticed her scent clinging to me, even now. It’s not like I’ve had time to shower.

  “I’d never take advantage of her,” I tell him. “But she’s a grown woman.”

  Kane’s jaw clenches. “I’m aware of that.”

  “So there’s certain things that’ll stay between us.” My pulse is quickening, as Kane’s nostrils flare - I wonder if he’s picked up the scent now that I’ve given him the suspicion that we mated. If so, I’m an idiot.

  But Kane needs to know I’m not easily intimidated. More than that, he needs to know I’m going to respect Livvy’s own wishes over whatever the clean leadership wants for her.

  Being pushed into this marriage is bad enough. On everything else, the girl can speak for herself.

  Kane stares at me, rooted there like a statue. Finally, the corner of his mouth twitches.

  “You don’t kiss and tell,” he says. “I appreciate that. But you’d better go and take a shower before somebody else smells her on you. It could be taken the wrong way.”

  I let out a long breath. “You knew.”

  “That’s right,” says Kane. “I always know. Keep that in mind, and we won’t have any trouble.”

  I’m taking a shower in Kane’s house. Not exactly where I pictured myself when I started out on this trip, but hell. It’s a hot shower in a place where nobody wants me dead - at least, not right now. I’ll take it.

  Kane’s wife Lara - I can’t get used to calling them mates, no matter how long I live among my kind - is making me a cup of tea. I feel a little bit like a lost orphan boy that’s been plucked off the streets, but whatever. Until they track down Livvy, there’s nothing much I can do.

  Lara’s left me a little pile of Kane’s spare clothes to wear, since mine still stink of exhaust, cheap motels, and Livvy. Most shifters keep a lot of extra around, which I guess makes sense. I should think about stocking up. The pants are a little too long, but other than that, they fit surprisingly well.

  “Thanks,” I tell her, as I sit down at her kitchen table. “Seriously. You’re being awfully nice to a stranger.”

  Lara smiles - a beautiful, warm smile, but there’s still something about her. Something off. She’s one of us, for sure, but she’s also something else. A scent I can’t place.

  “Nobody who’s marrying into the Clan is a stranger,” she says, smiling wider. “Don’t worry, the rest of them will come around in time.”

  “Am I, though?” I ask her. “Part of the clan? Livvy seemed to think we might be forced out to the neutral zone. Because I’m, you know…”

  “Not from around here?” Lara finishes, with an arched brow. “They’ll learn to accept you, in time. Just don’t do anything stupid.”

  “What makes you think I’d do something stupid?” I take a sip of the tea. It’s hot, sweet, and a little bit exotic. Seems about right.

  With a little smirk, she tilts her head toward my forearms. “Well, you’ve got a tattoo that says ‘You Only Live Once.’ I’m just playing the odds.”

  I scowl at her. “Well, it’s true.”

  “No, dear. Nine lives.” She folds her arms across her chest. “Remember?”

  And that’s when it hits me.

  “Shit.” I jump up, almost tripping over my chair in a rush to get out. “Shit.”

  “What? What’s wrong?” Lara follows after me as I yank the front door open.

  “It’s Livvy.” I stop just long enough to grab my jacket. “I know where she is.”

  It doesn’t take too long to dig up the address. There’s only two Parker families living within a ten-mile radius, and one of them is just a young couple. That just leaves one place to go.

  I decide to take my bike, rather than shifting and running after her. Especially in the human territory, I figure Livvy will be a lot more likely to ignore the sound of an engine than my scent. By now, she must know it pretty well.

  Hell, she’s probably still got it all over her.

  Once I find the house, I’ve got a mile radius to work with. But from there, I should be able to catch her scent pretty easily.

  Normally my mind wanders while I ride. But this time, I’ve got a single purpose. All I care about is finding Livvy, and bringing her back safely. I don’t even care if she still wants to marry me. If I have to go on the run, I will. Hell, the wolves are already out for our blood anyway. There’s not going to be an easy path for us, no matter what.

  We’re both between a rock and a hard place. I can see that now. Back at Douglas Mountain, where everything simmers under the surface, I missed it. Subtle really isn’t my style. But with teeth and claws in my face, everything gets really clear, really fast.

  We’re outcasts either way.

  But I’d rather be outcasts together.

  Maybe I’m a traitor to my kind, but I don’t believe in soulmates. Never have. It’s tied in more deeply with were-culture than it is with humans, and that’s saying something. Some people even believe you can only successfully breed with your “one true mate.”

  I don’t know what Livvy and I have. I wouldn’t be stupid enough to claim you can fall in love with somebody after a couple of hours. One single night together. That’s insane.

  But it’s more than a crush. It’s a connection. It’s something real, whatever it is - realer than I’ve ever felt.

  At first, when I catch her sent on the wind, I think I’m imaging it. But then it gets stronger.

  Even stronger.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. There’s no other smell mixed with it, nothing that tells me she’s hurt or in danger. So that’s one good thing.

  But that means I’ll have to convince her to come back on her own. And that’ll be a fuck of a lot harder than carrying her.

  After what feels like ages, I see her. She’s in human form, curled up on the soft, mossy ground. Sure enough, there’s a little makeshift headstone just beside her.

  She can certainly hear the engine, but she doesn’t look up. Her fingers absently stroke the moss above Mr. Midnight’s grave, like she’s petting his ghost.

  I kill the engine and walk over to her.


  She sighs, looking up briefly. Her face is streaked with tears.

  “I really thought one of Kane’s would find me first,” she says. “The I remembered, last night…I told you something I never told anyone else.”

  Well. That certainly is something.

  “Livvy, you have to come back,” I tell her, softly. “That Kane of yours is going to put my head on a spike.”

  “Oh, I thought you could take on anybody.” She almost smiles, but then her face gets serious again. “I don’t think I can do this, Nolan.”

  “Of course you can.” I want, so badly, to just fold her into my arms and make it all better. But I can’t.

  “Why do you care so much?” She wipes the back of her hand across her face, roughly. “Now you know why I was like a fox in a trap. Might as well chew my own leg off. We’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t.”

  I nod, sitting down beside her. “I know that. But I was thinking, on the ride ov
er here…if we’re fucked either way, I’d rather be fucked with you.”

  She bursts out laughing. “Oh my God. That’s…”

  “And by you, of course.” I glance at the little headstone. “Sorry, Mr. Midnight. That’s…probably disrespectful.”

  Livvy takes in a deep, shaky breath. “This is insane. You know that, right? We’ve known each other for, like…twelve hours.”

  “Thirteen,” I correct her. “We’re late to our wedding, you know.”

  Another laugh, this time a quiet chuckle. “Have you been counting down the hours?”

  “Actually…” I look away, the flash of a cardinal bursting out of the underbrush momentarily catching my eye. “You know, just a way to keep my brain from turning into slush on the ride over from Issaquah. I guess it’s pretty stupid.”

  “It’s sweet,” he says, softly. “Weird, but…sweet.”

  “This whole thing is weird,” I remind her.

  Livvy sighs, tilting her head a little in my direction. “Wait…Issaquah? I thought you came from Seattle.”

  “It’s close by,” I tell her. “Sort of. Just easier to use the landmark everybody knows.”

  “One of these days, I want to know more about where you came from,” she says. “I want to know everything.”

  “Might take a while.”

  She said one of these days. That implies a lot of days for us together in the future. Yeah, I noticed. Yeah, it makes my heart skip a beat. I’m only human.

  Well, that’s not right. I’m more than human. But I’ve got a weakness when it comes to this girl.

  “Good thing we’ve got a while,” she says. Finally, a smile breaks through.

  There’s definitely not a lump in my throat.

  “Not if I don’t bring you back soon,” I counter, grinning at her. Impulsively, she grabs my hand in hers. “Kane will skin me alive.”

  “Oh, his bark’s worse than his bite.” She entwines her fingers with mine. “Probably. I mean, I’ve never been on the receiving end of his bite. I’m no idiot.”

  “Not like me.” I stand up, pulling her with me.

  “Well.” She glances at my arm. “You do have a ‘YOLO’ tattoo.”


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