Katy's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 3)

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Katy's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 3) Page 14

by J. L. Leslie

  Ford stays calm, knowing I currently have the upper hand. Every time I read A Separate Peace I see Mack’s words. It never dawned on me that they were his secrets. They are the Sinners’ secrets. Bank accounts. Locations. Addresses. Names.

  Mack kept all their banking information, every person they buried, all their business dealings…everything written down in the book that I read nearly every single day. I’ve always had access to it and didn’t know it until Griffin gave me Spencer’s message.

  “Bring me the fucking book, and I’ll let you walk free,” he offers.

  I laugh at this and see the hatred he has for me all over his face. “We both know that isn’t true, Ford. I know how the Sinners operate. I bring you that book, and I’m as good as dead. And what about the Ravens?”

  “My war with them doesn’t concern you.”

  But it does. He knows this. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have targeted Kane. I can only hope that by mostly giving him what he wants, he'll back off the Ravens for fear they’ll take over the business dealings I’ll have. He should know it’s a possibility.

  “I’ll bring you the bank accounts, but I keep the rest,” I counteroffer.

  “What makes you think I won’t kill you after I get the information on the bank accounts? Maybe the money is all I want. I don’t give a fuck about the business dealings. I have my own. You can’t narc on the dead if you’re lying with them.”

  “But my friends can,” I smile. “I learned a lot from Mack, and that’s to cover my own ass. Obviously, that’s what he was doing hiding all that money from his own members.”

  I can tell this pisses Ford off even more. It didn’t take me long to check the accounts once I figured out what they were. Mack stole a lot from the club. He gave them a percentage, but kept a hefty amount for himself.

  “I’ve made copies of this book. Lots of them. I made friends while I was in protective custody. I send them a page here and there. And don’t think for one second that I’m stupid enough to send it to the same friend on the same day, or even by the same method, Ford. Sometimes I send it by email, and sometimes I mail it. Hell, I even text it. If they don’t receive their page, they go to the FBI. You know, those friends my sister made? Don’t fuck with me, asshole.”

  He claps his hands, a grin on his face. I stand stock-still, unsure if he’s going to blow my brains out or accept my deal.

  “Spencer said you were a tough cookie. I suppose she was right.”

  I do my best not to show any emotion at the mention of her name. I don’t know what she’s told him about me or how he feels about her. I know she’s his old lady, but from what I know about the Sinners, that doesn’t necessarily mean much. I simply stand firm to my words and await his decision.



  I hang up with Chief Halloway and lean back in my chair. The murder investigation on Ollie Sumner has turned up zilch. I didn’t figure it would. The Sinners are obviously just as smart as the Ravens and know how to cover up a murder.

  The outside cameras to the courthouse were disabled. No fingerprints or fibers were found on the victims clothing or body. According to the coroner, he was alive when he was nailed to the column. Damn.

  We have a shit murder investigation, a dead Raven, and Raiden also let me know Kane was attacked last night. She didn’t go into too many details regarding why he was in the hospital to begin with, but Ford Taylor somehow managed to pass himself off as a nurse and get into the E.R. department at Mercy Memorial Hospital. How the fuck do these guys pull this shit off?

  “Griffin?” Beverly peers inside after knocking. “You have a delivery.”

  Shit. I nod to Beverly, curious as to what the mysterious redhead will be bringing me today. I have no doubt in my mind that it will be her. I hope it’s not another message for Katy. Maybe she’s wised up and decided to talk to Dax about whatever it is that she has. I’ve been beating myself up for not telling him, or Raiden at least. Someone.

  It’s another package. She clutches it to her chest and as my eyes rake over her, I notice that she has bruises on her arms. Her face is completely unmarked though. I shouldn’t care. It shouldn’t matter to me what’s happened to her, but damn it, I hate seeing a woman hurt.

  “Fall off your bike?” I ask her, and she drops the package on my desk.

  “You gonna lick my wounds?” she replies, propping her ass on the corner of my desk and crossing her arms.

  “Being a smartass make you feel better?”

  “There’s a lot of things that make me feel better,” she smiles. “If you want, I can show you.”

  I tear my gaze away from her, annoyed that my cock is twitching at her words. I pick up the package and pour the contents onto my desk. I cough a little at what I see, fighting the urge to spill my lunch on my desk.

  “Oops, suppose I should’ve warned ya.”

  Dozens of photos of Lloyd Adams being strapped to a chair stare up at me. What looks to be piss and shit cover the floor beneath his bare feet. He’s been beaten all to hell.

  “How the hell did you get these?”

  She shrugs, her red braid falling over her shoulder. “The important question is, what are you going to do with them? That poor Raven, being held naked and tortured by his own club.”

  I glare at her. “You expect me to believe that shit?”

  She comes around my desk and reaches her hand towards me. Her hand is soft as it coaxes over my cheek. “Griffin, it’s like you’re part of this life, but you’re not allowed to really live in it.”

  It’s unbelievable how fucking right she is. I give and give, but get nothing in return. I’m only provided half of the information. I’m not trusted completely. Ever. How can I protect this town when my allies aren’t working with me?

  “So, I’m supposed to pin this on the Ravens so you Sinners can take over Verdana?”

  The redhead cups my dick through my slacks, shamelessly rubbing her hand over my growing erection. Her other hand comes to the nape of my neck. I allow her this freedom for about three seconds before I grab her arm and spin her around so that her back is to my chest.

  “I don’t get off on club whores,” I grit out.

  She laughs, her voice husky as she speaks, “Ford was so turned on by what he saw that he bent me right over that table right there,” she says, pointing to the picture, “and fucked me until he shot his load all over my ass. I bet some of his cum got on the floor he fucked me so good.”

  I push her away from me, but don’t miss the smirk she shoots me over her shoulder as she walks out of my office. I can make the call right now…if I want to. I have plenty of friends in the police department. Friends in the FBI even.

  I just have to decide who I want to take down. The Ravens or the Sinners?


  The stuck-up receptionist pretends that she doesn’t see me for all of three minutes before I slam my hand onto the counter. She startles and apologizes, which is insincere as fuck.

  “I asked to see the DA,” I remind her.

  I hate that I’ve come to him. I lay in my bed all day yesterday, following Raiden’s orders, and thought it through. I’m not sure what else to do. I don’t know any other lawyers, aside from Tennison, the Ravens’ attorney, and he doesn’t know my situation. I can guarantee the Garnerville sheriff filled Griffin in on the fact that I had a kid with me when he arrested me. As much as I hate the prick, Griffin Knowles is no idiot.

  Katy stayed with me yesterday, convincing me to watch movies with her while I rested. She may or may not have won me over on some Patrick Swayze flick. Could be because she gave me head halfway through it. No sex though. She was too afraid to pull my stitches out. I won’t let her by with that shit tonight though. I can tough it out. It’s worth it.

  Today I’m back on my feet and swallowing my pride. I’m asking the one person I truly despise for help.

  “He’ll see you,” the woman finally says and motions towards the closed door to Griffin’s office

  “Well, don’t you look like shit,” he greets me.

  “Still got the girl,” I smirk and I see his jaw clench. Asshole.

  “I assume you came here for a reason. I’m already looking into how Ford got into the hospital.”

  “It’s not that,” I reply. “I need some legal advice.”

  “You came here for legal advice?” he asks, incredulously.

  “Don’t let it go to your fucking head,” I answer. “When the sheriff arrested me in Garnerville I had a kid with me.”

  “Your son.”

  I nod. “Yes, he’s my son. He lives with my sister and her husband. I see him almost every day. Thing is, his mother has never been in the picture. I didn’t even know who she was until recently. Now, she’s threatening to take him. Does she have a shot at that?”

  Griffin shifts in his chair. “This isn’t really my expertise, to be honest. How long has she been away from the kid?”

  “She dropped him off on the clubhouse doorstep. Never been a fucking mother to Eli.”

  “It would be a long shot for her to get full custody, but she could petition the court for visitation. She could start small and work her way up. She would have to prove that she has a stable home, income and proper environment for a child to be in. Prove that she lives a stable lifestyle suitable for a child to be part of. It would be difficult since she abandoned him, but it’s not impossible.”

  Fuck. Even with slim chances, I don’t want to take any. Judges can be bought. We know that. Everyone has a fucking price.

  “Thanks for your help,” I tell him and go to his door.

  “Kane,” he calls out. “Take care of Katy.”

  I plan to. This shit will all be over with today. She won’t have to worry about the Sinners coming after her and I won’t have to worry about them harming my son. Ford threatened to burn the whole town to the ground. He won’t get the fucking chance to.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I need this. Kane’s whispered words are urgent, desperate. I can’t deny him. I’m afraid of hurting him, but he’s assured me I won’t. He’s fine. I’m more afraid this will be our last time together. I don’t trust Ford Taylor.

  I push thoughts of him far from my mind as my lips connect with Kane’s. It’s only us. No fear. No worry of what’s to come. We can worry about that later.

  I sink down on his cock, already soaking wet from the orgasm his fingers brought me to. I need this too. I need him.

  “I love you,” I whisper against his lips as I begin to move. I feel him smile without even opening my eyes. He doesn’t return my words, but that’s okay. “You can tell me.”

  His hands grip my ass, moving me against him. “I know.”

  All conversation is lost as we love each other. His fingers tangle in my hair. His mouth marks my skin. My heart is forever healed by this man.

  Kane doesn’t have to promise me I’m the only one for him. I know that I am. I can be who I’m meant to be with him. I don’t have to be fearful of that person. I know who she is.

  I collapse against his chest, careful not to lie on his wound. We’re both sated. Both happy. I refuse to allow that to be short-lived.

  I ease off of him, and quickly wash up before returning to his room. He eyes me as I get dressed and I know he’s curious about where I plan on rushing off to. I hate lying to him, but the sooner I give Ford the bank accounts, the sooner I’ll be free. Hopefully.

  “Where you running off to?” he asks. I knew it was coming.

  “I’m meeting Sully to finish packing up my apartment. I have to relocate again after the whole Lloyd thing. I don’t have much to get. I was barely unpacked.”

  His eyes darken, but he doesn’t call bullshit on me. “Fine. I have some shit to do tonight, but when you get back, we need to talk.”

  The dreaded four words. I’m not expecting them and hearing them has me tripping on my pants leg. I grab the dresser to steady myself and turn my back to Kane.

  “Sounds good.”

  I leave him, lying in his naked glory, because if I turn around, I’ll break. I love this man, and if he’s going to end things with me right after I told him I love him, then he’s going to have to do it later. I need to go to Ford believing Kane loves me back.

  I drive the F150 to my apartment and get the bank account numbers I’ve copied out of the book. I’m not stupid enough to give Ford the book. He would have the advantage then, and I’m not giving him that. I promised to give him the account numbers and that’s all he’s getting.

  I do spend some time at my apartment packing up my things. I don’t want that burden being on anyone else should things go south. I flip through the book that’s brought me such peace over the past several years. All this time, I had all this power.

  I leave the radio off while I drive out to Lancaster Farm. I war with myself on whether or not I’m doing the right thing. I play out dozens of scenarios in my head, all of them ending with me in a shallow grave. In the end, I know none of the scenarios matter. I’m still walking into that clubhouse.

  As I pull up to the cabin, my phone rings. Kane. He must know by now that I’m not meeting up with Sully. Maybe he even knows that I’ve lied about the Sinners. I do have what they want.

  I make the choice to ignore his call so that I can go make good on my deal.


  Voicemail. Fucking voicemail. I’m riding into a fucking battle, and I don’t get to hear her voice one last time.

  She lied to me. Before she left, she told me a bold face lie. I know she isn’t with Sully. I know this for a fact because Sully is at the clubhouse. She was with us when we went over our plan one last time. The Ravens are utilizing all of our assets to attack Lancaster Farm tonight. Now. Right fucking now.

  Maybe she’s with Griffin. I don’t really believe that’s true, but if she isn’t with me and she’s lying about her whereabouts, she could be with him.

  I love you. She confessed those three words to me, and I should have said them back. I don’t say those words to anyone except my sister and my son. I’ve never uttered them to another human being before.

  “You ready?” Luka questions me, seeing that I’ve tossed my phone onto the dash.

  I give him a solemn nod. Despite the ache in my side, I couldn’t be more ready. We’ve studied the layout of the farm. Poured over the docs Dax provided us with so we know where the Sinners have their men guarding the place.

  The Ravens are drawing them out in town as we speak, just like Katy suggested. It wasn’t that difficult for Eddie to find Ford’s contact information after he pulled the stunt at the hospital. One text is all it took to show him that the three men who attacked me are being human piñatas. Two can play that game.

  With him sending his men out to retrieve their bodies, we can take the ones left at their clubhouse out easily. It’ll only be a matter of manpower. We’ll torch the place when we’re finished.

  Luka, Raiden and I move into position, following the same route Raiden and I did when we cased the place. I know that we have other Ravens here with us and I trust that they’ve done their jobs already and have taken out their targets. We don’t need any fucking Sinners rushing our backs.

  Raiden gets into her position, her sniper rifle aimed and ready. Luka and I move towards the cabin. The commotion we create is meant to draw Ford Taylor outside so that she can get a shot on him.

  I grab the first guy, seizing him from behind so that he has no idea what’s coming. I jab my knife into his gut twice before shoving him to the ground. He lets out a strangled yell and scrambles to his feet. He runs towards the porch, holding his stomach.

  Luka has one guy on his back, the other on his knees in front of him. He pounds his fists into his face. I calmly walk over to him and jerk the guy from his back. The bullet I put in his skull splatters his brain matter on the ground behind him. I hear the door fling open, and I pray as I’m turning around that Raiden has her shot.

  She d
oesn’t take it. The human shield Ford Taylor uses stops her. I feel my world disappear beneath my feet. Katy stands in front of Ford, his arm wrapped possessively around her waist, a blade to her throat.

  It occurs to me that should he kill her, she’ll suffer the same way many of my victims have. Her blood will rush over his hand and down her chest. The life will leave her body as she falls to the ground.

  “I guess the men I have here are taken out?” Ford calls out, walking Katy to the edge of the porch. “And the ones in town?”

  The man I stabbed lies in an unmoving heap by the door. Our plan worked. He’s out here in the open. We just can’t get to him. Fuck.

  “That was the plan,” I confirm.

  “You should’ve bargained for their lives, Katy, not just yours,” he says against her ear. “Call your shooter off. I know he’s out there somewhere.”

  Luka smirks at this. I would laugh if Ford didn’t have Katy. Everyone underestimates Raiden Daughtry.

  “Take the shot!” Katy yells, and Ford jerks her body hard against him.

  “She’s a feisty one, Kane!” he laughs and Katy screams out again, momentarily distracting him.

  That split-second, that one moment is all it takes. She reaches for her back pocket and I barely see the glint of the knife before she jams it into his thigh. Ford growls in pain and she immediately struggles to get away from him.

  Luka and I both take off towards them, seeing that Ford drops to his knees, but hasn’t let her go. Katy lets out a scream and rage surges through me. Even though I hear my name being called, I don’t stop going for Ford Taylor.


  Raiden rushes down the hill, and if I had to guess, there’s a gun hidden up there in the brush somewhere. She makes it to Katy and helps her stand to her feet, then stands at Luka’s side.

  I get out of my car, not in a hurry to stop the fucking chaos that ensues before me. I’ll let savages be savages. They will never change. I’m the only one with any fucking class around here.


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