Through the Lens

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Through the Lens Page 9

by Sophia Emerson

  “Doesn't hurt. Need you,” Claire said as she pushed her hips up towards him.

  Suddenly, he pulls out and pushes back in slowly. She started to close her eyes.

  “Eyes open.”

  “I'm fine, Aidan.” She leaned up and he captured her lips once more flipping them over so she was on top. “If your eyes are going to be shut then you on top,” he said huskily. Claire looked down a little unsure. Soon she had found a rhythm as she rode him.

  “Aidan.” She practically begged as her legs tightened around him, her head back and eyes closed. Aidan moved his hands up to rub her as she rode him.

  Soon he flipped her over as he quickened the pace and soon the sounds of moaning and the slapping of their bodies together brought another orgasm from Claire as Aidan pushed himself a little farther and found his own release.

  Aidan rolled off of her, removed the condom and threw it to the ground. Claire looked over to him with a huge sappy grin. “I closed my eyes.”

  “I know.”

  “That was nice.”

  “Nice...” Aidan laughed as he laid back down on the bed and pulled her into his arms, bringing the comforter around them.

  “Sleep, Claire.”

  “G'night Aidan,” she said wearily.

  “Goodnight, Baby Bear.” He kissed the top of her head as sleep washed over him.

  Aidan woke before Claire. She hadn't moved the whole night, no bad dreams, no terrorizing memories, just pure sleep. He could feel her breathing as he held onto her. How could someone ever hurt her? Last night had been a big night for Aidan, he was not use to having sex like he had done. He was use to dictating what happens, he had never allowed anyone else on top. As he thought about her on top, he started to become hard again. He tried to steady his breathing but Claire had moved and her hand cradled his shaft. He froze. Was she still asleep? Her hand started to stroke it as he became harder, his breathing becoming labored as she moved her hand up and down slowly picking up speed.


  He could see her smirk where he laid as she kept up the rhythm.

  “Claire, if you keep that up I will lose it.”

  Claire looked up to him with clear eyes. He gently grabbed her wrist as she let him go. “You should get cleaned up. Go get in the shower.” She put a pout on her face. “I shall join you in a minute.” Her face changed to a smile as she moved from the bed.

  Claire was alone in the bathroom for the second time since she had walked into this mansion. She walked over to the shower and started the water, she made it as hot as she could stand it. She had always enjoyed the warmth of the water cascading over her body. She stepped in letting the water run down her front. She was sore but it was not a bad kind of sore. Soon the steam filled the room, noting the steam filling the room she cursed. “Shit! I should have turned on the fan.”

  “It's better without it.”

  “Fuck!”Claire squeaked in surprise as she jumped towards the back of the shower. The steam had been so thick that she didn't see him come into the bathroom.



  “Language should never come out of one so pretty.”

  She wiggled her eyebrows, teasing him. “What will you do if I continue to curse? I quite like it.”

  Aidan moved through the water, completely naked until he had backed her against the wall, his hand beside her head as he leaned down, whispering in her ear, “I shall turn your over my knee and spank your amazing curved ass.” He said as his fingers trailed lightly over her crotch, almost making her knees buckle with desire. “Are you sore?”

  “A little.”

  “Shall I make it worse?” He asked seductively as he kissed her collarbone.

  “Yes.” He arched her eyebrow at her. “Yes sir.” She breathed each word as if it was a prayer.

  He picked up her right leg, as he pushed into her suddenly. Her back was pushed against the tiled wall. He grabbed her other leg, holding onto her thighs tightly as he pounded into her. He took her against the wall until she orgasmed screaming his name. Her head fell to his chest as he slowly let her down, her wet hair against his chest, breathing hard. He didn't release himself, he wasn't finished with her. “More Ms. Henderson?” he asked as she looked up at him, her hand on his chest.

  “More?” The thought excited her. How could he be ready so soon? She ran her hand down and noticed that he was still hard. She looked down seeing the condom in place and bit the inside of her lip.

  “After we wash you.” Aidan picked up the soap and the washcloth that was in the shower. He wet it and soaped it up as he ran it up and down every inch, every crevice of Claire's body. He quickly washed himself as they both rinsed off under the water. He kissed her as his hands ran up and down her frame until goosebumps erupted all over her body. She pulled herself in closer as if she could drink him in. “You're ready.”

  Aidan moved behind her and pushed her up towards the water, “Lean over and put your hands through these and grasp them.” He put her hands up to the two soap dishes. The water hit her lower back sending shivers up her back at the sensation. “Spread your legs.”

  “Spread my...?” She was in the middle of asking as Aidan pushed her right leg farther out with his foot. She felt exposed yet she felt safe with Aidan. She did not really know what was happening. Real sex was all very new to her. Feeling Aidan's hands on both sides of her hips, made her forget any of her uncertainties. He leaned over her, sheltering her from the spray of water as his arousal gently rested on her butt cheek. “Remember at any time say the word and I will immediately stop. You can't see me and I don't want you scared. Understood?”

  “Yes sir.” Claire said uncertainly.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “You have to be honest with me. I can't read your mind.”

  “What are you going to do?” Claire asked quietly.

  “I'm going to take you from behind. It will be deeper than how we did it in the bed.”

  The thought brought her heart pulsing. “I'm ready,” Claire said with anticipation.

  Aidan leaned up, letting the water cascade around her as he grasped her hips and pushed himself inside of her. She could feel him put himself in even deeper than she could have thought possible. She knew it was tight from the way that he grasped her. His sac tickling and teasing the outside of her. She came again as she shouted in pleasure. Pulling himself out, he turned her around, pushing her up against the wall, moving the water to stay on them as he pushed inside her hard. “Wrap your legs around me.” He commanded as he pounded inside of her and she gasped. Aidan could not seem to get enough of the woman that had plagued his dreams for months. Who made him practically crazy at every moment. He knew that she would be sore but right now he wanted her just like she was. He could feel her tightening around him, she was almost at her peak. Claire leaned over biting his shoulder as she came for a third time that morning, he pumped several more times, lengthening her orgasm and let himself erupt deep inside of her. He smiled in victory as she laid her head on his shoulder, completely spent. He carried her, still wet from the shower and laid her on the bed.


  Aidan left the bed the moment that Claire fell completely asleep. He grabbed the gun off of the side table as he left the room, looking back at the sleeping frame of Claire, smiling as he softly closed the door. Going into his bedroom he got dressed in his favorite gray business slacks, and white button down shirt. He had a lot of work to get done because after that morning he wanted to spend more time with Claire and he had to get a few hours of work done. Aidan opened the drawer, after sitting down, and put the gun back in its rightful spot. He turned on his iPad and laid it on the desk, drawing a scheme for a new development, his thoughts kept drifting to Claire. Could she be the one that he could show his special room that he had hidden away behind a locked door? He had never shown the white room to someone he wanted to keep. He always hired someone to come in to do what he wa
nted and needed. Aidan picked up his phone, scrolling through his contacts until the he got to “lawyer” and pressed send.

  Claire woke up alone in the bed. She touched her lips that Aidan had been kissing not that long ago, and smiled. She laid in the bed completely content remembering the night before. Aidan knew the truth about college, why she no longer drinks, and he still wanted her. Someone actually wanted her broken self. She smiled at the thought. She moved from the bed and stopped. She was much more sore than she thought that she would be. He said the night before that she was super tight. She moved a little towards the edge of the bed. Touching herself gingerly between her legs to the spot that was super sore. She finally stood up, slid on her panties and found her bra. The dress was laid nicely over the chair, she slid it on but couldn't reach the zipper. She looked at the time and knew that she would have to pull an all nighter to get the wedding pictures edited and to Alyssa before she started on the other photoshoots that were planned. She only had two more shoots before she could afford to buy the gallery that she wanted downtown to put her photography, painting, and drawings up for viewing and purchase. She had the faith that once the gallery was open that she could keep it open by herself after selling a couple pieces. Those shoots were coming that weekend. She technically had the money from Aidan’s checks for the paintings but Claire fully believed in having a full fund in case the worst was to happen and she had to run at a moment’s notice.

  Claire opened the bedroom door. She had to get her dress zipped up and see if they could start back. She walked towards Aidan's room but a few steps in that direction she heard him downstairs. She walked down the huge staircase and towards his office. She stopped outside the office door. She heard him on the phone.

  “Ashton. Figure it out. I already have a non-disclosure agreement signed by Claire but will that work or do I need to get a contract signed.” Aidan was quiet as he listened to the other man on the phone. “No I'm not sure... but I like her a lot.” Aidan said as he fell into the chair. “Just research it and get back to me.” He snapped and threw his phone down. He closed his eyes as his phone vibrated. Aidan picked it up. “Hey Toph, aren't you suppose to be on your honeymoon? She run from you already?” Aidan laughed. “Hello Alyssa. You're right I'm sure you will never run. Just don't let him eat Mexican or you will be running.” Aidan teased her. Claire knew that Alyssa would be chewing him out on the other end. “No. No. Alyssa. Breathe. Claire is fine. She's asleep in the guest room. I did not want her going home alone on her first night without you.”

  Please. Claire rolled her eyes. She knew that Alyssa was putty in the man's hand. Claire couldn't help but listen to them banter back and forth. She stood there and smiled. Claire moved farther into the doorway and Aidan caught her. A smile beamed on him face. “Alyssa stop fretting she's right here. Would you like to talk to her? Fine.” Aidan said with annoyance. “She wants to talk to you. She thinks I kidnapped you.”

  Claire burst out laughing as she took the phone. “Hey Lyss.” Claire turned around as her friend laid into her. “Lyss, breathe. I'm sorry my phone's still on silent from the event and in my bag, wherever my bag is.”

  Aidan moved up behind Claire. His hand went around her waist as he kissed her shoulder, slipping his hands inside the opening in her dress.

  “I know Lyss. I'm sorry that I worried you. I know... once I'm home I will turn my ringer up as loud as it goes,” she promised then remembered her prior engagements. “But I have to silent it when I'm doing those last two shoots.”

  Claire bit her lip leaning her head back on Aidan as his hand had found its way down to her underwear. “Yes Lyss, I promise,” Claire said trying to sound as normal as she could. He rubbed his finger in between her legs as she got wetter and wetter. “Lyss I'll call you later once I'm home. Go have fun on your honeymoon. Stop worrying about me.” Claire hung up the phone as Aidan propped her up on the desk pushing up her dress. “You almost made me moan on the phone. Are you trying to kill Alyssa?” Claire asked as she bit her lips as he pulled her panties down, throwing them on the floor, looking smug. Aidan rolled the condom on and he slowly pushed inside of her and pulled out of her. His rhythm slow as he knew that she was sore from the fun they had the night before.

  “What have you done to me, Ms. Henderson?”

  “It is you that has done something to me, Mr. Ashby.” Claire said leaning her head back,

  Aidan kissed her chest as he pushed himself in as far as he could and left her again. She was moaning as he pushed his way in again, slowly. Claire laid herself back across his desk, only her legs hanging off, spread as wide as she could with her dress pushed up to her waist. Aidan had a grip on her thighs as he teased her entrance and pushed himself all the way in, even deeper, going faster. “God you're tight Claire.” She smiled in satisfaction as she looked to him.

  “Just for you,” she said in a whisper, but it was almost a shout to Aidan. He didn't pull out but slowed the rhythm, making Claire look up with a pout on her lip.

  “You like it fast?”

  “Right now I do.” Claire said with a smile.

  He pulled out, and pulled her to the edge of the desk. He was almost face to face with her. “You want it fast?”


  “Tell me how you want it, Baby Bear.”

  Baby Bear? Claire smiled as she bit the inside of her cheek. “Like in the shower.”

  “There were a few times in the shower.” He said cockily.

  “When I was leaning over.” Claire said as she blushed.

  “I liked that one as well. Though there is an even better one. This will do for now.” He whispered in her ear as he pulled her off of the desk. She was still in her heels and he found that as sexy as could be. As she stood in front of him, he slipped the dress off of her. “I like you in dresses but for this I want you undressed.” He said as he turned her around. Pressing himself against her as he kissed her neck softly and worked his way down her shoulder. “Lean over, grasp the edge of the desk.”

  Claire did what he said immediately. “Take a step back so you can lean over more.” She did as she was told. He touched her as she stood there, open to him, trusting him. Aidan grabbed her hips as he pushed himself into her. She was wet and ready for him and he closed his eyes as he pushed into her, harder, faster.

  “Aidan.” He opened his eyes and saw her knuckles had turned white grasping the edge of the desk. Soon she was exploding around him. “I don't know how much longer I can stand.” He smiled as he pulled out of her.

  “Trust me?”


  Aidan opened his drawer and pulled out a blindfold from the bottom drawer. “Remember...”

  “I know Aidan. I'll say ‘purple’ if I can't do it. Please. I want you,” she begged.

  Aidan blindfolded her with his tie before he picked her up. She felt him move around the house. She tensed and he felt it. “No one's going to drop by right? No staff?” Claire asked timidly.

  “It's Sunday. They are off today.”

  “Good. I don't want them to see me naked.” Claire admitted as he walked through the house carrying her.

  “I would never allow that. You are mine. I don't like to share,” he said huskily.

  “I don't share either,” Claire said.

  Claire heard a door click open, and close behind them all very quietly. She knows that they are in some kind of a room she hadn't yet explored. “What contract were you talking to that man about?” Aidan tightens his grasp on her thighs.

  “You heard that?” Aidan's voice sounded angry.

  “Some of it. You want me to sign something else, don't you?”

  Aidan turns around, walking a little bit away and lays her down on his bed, taking off her blindfold. She looks around. “I'll sign it.”

  “You don't know what it is. I don't know if I need it.”

  “I'm your first girl?” Claire asked confused, knowing he was too experienced for her to be his first.

  “Yes and No. If y
ou’ll have me, yes you'd be my first... girlfriend, that would know this side of me.”

  “What's the contract for? Is it about a relationship? Sex? Did you not sleep with your other girlfriends? Because that's a little hard to believe.” Claire asked looking to him.

  “We should get going it's a long drive back.”

  Claire reached out and grabbed his arm. “Aidan, you asked me to trust you. I trusted you with one of my darkest secrets last night. Now you have to trust me. Tell me, it can't be that bad.”

  “I like you a lot. People always say they can be trusted and then they walk out.”

  “I know all about the walking out,” Claire said angrily, crossing her arms across her naked breasts.

  “Don't be mad.” Aidan ran his finger down her face as he leaned down and kissed her.

  “I want to know. I'll imagine the worse. It's one of my faults.”

  “I find it charming.”

  “I find it annoying.” Claire snorted.

  Aidan stood there looking at Claire. “You know this morning when I threatened...”

  “To spank me. I remember.” Oh boy did she remember. She had been trying to think of the perfect curse word ever since. There was something about her being over his knee that made her insides want to melt like butter. Like she thrived on that pain and the fact that she was still sore from the sex of their shower adventure that morning and wanted more proved it. She was terrified of the thought of being hit but also very turned on.

  “Do not interrupt,” Aidan ordered.

  Claire pretended to zip her lip and throw away the key. Immediately realizing that she had been spending way too much time with Topher and Alyssa lately.

  “Remember that whatever we discuss and whatever you see and witness. You can not tell anyone, not even Alyssa.”

  “Aidan. Tell me. As you said last night, trust me.”

  “I like it rough. Really rough sometimes.”


  “I'm in complete control. Tying up, some toys, interesting positions.”


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