Mending Scars

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Mending Scars Page 21

by Rivers, Brandy L

  Closing her eyes, she forced the tears back. “That optimism died when he told me he was going to sign me over to Gebiet. I’ve seen what Gebiet has done. There.”

  Preston moved, his fingers threaded into her hair. She found a fierce look on his face. “I will never let that mound of scales touch you. The contract is safe. The second Remus shows up I’ll be alerted. Robert can come get us. Or me at the very least. I can’t guarantee he won’t call on the dragon again.”

  “He will,” she whispered, her heart thundering in her chest. A sliver of fear threatened to crack her wide open. “If he’s desperate, he’d give me to Gebeit without the contract. If he took me to Faerie—”

  “Hey, stop with the doubts. I won’t let that happen, and if it did, I’d come for you no matter what.”

  Robert nodded. “The contract is safe. If for some reason Gebiet took you, I’d be at Preston’s side when we find you.”

  She blinked past tears and swallowed the lump in her voice. There was no doubt in her heart that they were both sincere.

  Robert grasped her shoulder. “You two have a good night. Call me if he shows up early, otherwise, I need to see a couple people.”

  “Goodnight, Robert.” Dacia gave him a hug.

  He gave Preston a raised brow, but hugged back. Preston slapped him on the back. “Have a good night.” Robert left with a pop.

  Dacia giggled. “Will I ever get used to him doing that?”


  “I think I need a shower to wash off the ick from his lair.”

  “Am I invited?”

  “Hoping you’ll replace the creepy crawlies with something better.”

  “I’ll replace anything with better memories anytime you’ll let me.”

  “Then come on, Ember. Show me what you got.”

  * * * *

  Remus stood at the gas pump, watching as the numbers ticked by. He couldn’t decide how sincere his daughter was. She’d always been able to lie through her teeth. It was a trait he was envious of. Spinning the truth took effort, and didn’t always work.

  His thoughts funneled toward his destination. First, he’d leave Priscilla—who was still fucking unconscious—in his hidden forest dungeon. He needed to get the contract from Deception Pass so he could hold the dragon under his sway. Then he was calling Toryn out before notifying the mage.

  He wanted to tell Toryn exactly who Preston was, before slaughtering the arrogant prick. And how the fuck was the mage alive anyway?

  He sighed, and looked down the road. Another motel flashing no-vacancy. What in the bloody abyss?

  * * * *

  Preston climbed out of bed and Dacia tried to pull him back down. “Hey now, your stomach is grumbling. ‘Feed me, feed me.’”

  She pouted. “Will you show me how to cook a real meal?”

  “You want to learn?”

  “Only if you’ll cook with me, and fix it when I fuck up.”

  “I happen to be a superb instructor. I can teach you anything you want.” He waggled his brows as he back-pedaled out of the room.

  She wooshed past him and made it to the kitchen first. Not a stitch of clothing in sight. Thank god I didn’t stop to get dressed.

  His brow arched as he walked toward her. “You’re trying to tempt me into to doing something other than make you a meal.”

  She dropped to her knees as he moved closer and licked her lips, peering up at him through her lashes. “I could have dessert before dinner.”

  He groaned, stopping several feet out of reach. “Tempting. I have no trouble admitting I would love your lips wrapped around my cock, but you’re hungry for something to fill your belly.”

  “I’ll let you fill something else,” she taunted.

  “Christ, Minx, you’re going to kill me. Food first, then anything you want.”

  Sighing, she rose gracefully. “Fine, you win. What are we making?”

  “What sounds good?”

  “Quick and easy.”

  “You’re so bad. I may have to paddle your bottom.”

  “Oh, yes please!” she squealed, moving in front of him to lay across the counter.

  He playfully swatted the curve of her ass. “Dinner, Minx. Then fun.”

  Chapter 30

  Preston sat up out of a dead sleep. The wards sent a jolt through him. He opened his hands and focused on the spell.

  The room formed like a hologram over his hands. Darkness floated to the edges of the projection, then down to the floor in a ring. Remus carried Priscilla over his shoulder. No obvious injuries, she seemed unharmed, merely unconscious.

  He went to the far wall and dropped her into a cage. Backing away, he stared at her. “Oh, I may not be able to fuck you to pieces, but I have plenty of toys to tear you apart. Payback’s gonna be a bitch, same as you.”

  Then he left.

  Preston sat there, trying to slow his breathing as he stared at the quiet room.

  A moment later, Priscilla snorted and sat up with a glare at the entrance. “You never were that bright, Remus. I can’t wait until you get back so I can finish you once and for all.”

  “Shit, Mom, I hope you know what you’re fucking doing,” Preston muttered.

  Dacia wrapped her arms around him, pressing her front to his back. Her warmth seeped into him. “I hate my father.”

  He spun around and gently laid her back on the bed, covering her with his body. “I’m sorry, Dacia. I wish there was something I could do to make this easier.”

  “I love you,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes. “No matter what happens, or what he does, please, don’t leave me.”

  “Never. You’re mine—always. Never letting you go.”

  Her hands came up to frame his face, bringing him down for a kiss full of all the emotion she felt. He returned it, wanting to prove his love wasn’t going to fizzle because of who her father was.

  “Do me a favor.” Preston leaned up to stare into her eyes. “I don’t want to use you. If he calls, don’t answer. No matter what.”

  “Are you positive you’ll know where he’s at?”

  “Yes. And if you want to come with me, you can. I’ll protect you.”

  “I may wind up protecting you instead.”

  He kissed her again. Then pushed himself out of bed. “We should get ready. I need to call both Robert and Toryn.”

  “I thought you didn’t want your father to be a part of it.”

  “At first, I didn’t. Now I think it’s best if he’s there. You need to understand, there are only two choices for Remus. Death, or being taken to the Elder Guard.”

  “Can the Elder Guard confine him?”

  “An old friend took his ability to phase into air and travel.”

  She nodded. “There are other ways to escape. His plans usually fall through, but he’s crafty. Father’s survived for centuries, even when he pisses off all the right people. He’s always had luck on his side.”

  “Are you saying you want him dead?” He pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and jeans as he watched her.

  Several emotions danced through her expression. “It’s for the best. I’d rather he be killed, than let him have a chance to harm anyone else, especially those I care about.”

  “You don’t know the Elder Guard then.”

  “They let him slip through their fingers once, Preston.”

  “So have I.”

  “Not the same. There were six of them and they didn’t even try to stop him.”

  “Good point.”

  “I have a sick fuck for a father who needs to pay for his crimes.”

  “I’m sorry he took you for granted, then tried to use you.”

  “Me too.” She sighed and moved to her closet to dress. He pulled on a shirt, grabbed his phone, and hurried down the stairs, dialing Toryn.

  “Preston, is he already there?”

  “He left my mother in another hidden hideout. One Dacia told us about that wasn’t on your list. He hasn’t made it to Deception Pass,
but I’m willing to bet that is exactly where he’s headed.”

  “Have Robert pick me up, please.”

  “Will do. And thank you.”

  “Remus needs to pay.” The phone clicked off.

  Robert was the next call. “Need me already?” he asked with a yawn.

  “Soon. Toryn is ready for you to pick him up. I’m not sure how much time we have.”

  * * * *

  Remus made the trip from the portal, to the ledge his hideout was on. He walked through the tunnel and realized, despite Kurtis’ cleaning, there was still a spell that pushed light throughout the room.

  The mage’s spell.

  Fucking little prick. He couldn’t wait to kill Preston’s mother in front of him. And if Dacia came, he was going to give the worthless bitch to Gebiet and be done with her.

  He touched the bottom drawer and cast the spell, but didn’t hear the click. Frowning, he opened the cabinet to find it empty. He screamed out his frustration, then took a few deep breaths.

  The stack of contracts and deeds was gone.

  He slammed his hand into the wall and squeezed his eyes shut. What can I do? How can I make this work?

  He called Dacia. Each unanswered ring proved she wasn’t on his side. Now it was time to gamble. She was going with her mage—had to. She threw the blade at him. Nearly killed him. Now, he was going to destroy her in the worst possible way.

  He pulled the medallion from his pocket and summoned the dragon.

  A black swirling vortex opened in the middle of the room. Gebiet came strolling through in full human form. His ebony skin glistened, onyx eyes flashing. “The contract, Remus. Where is it?”

  “It’s not here, but it’s safe.” Where it was, he wasn’t sure, but it was definitely still in existence. He could feel the binding strings that would tighten around both him and Gebiet as soon as they bled on the parchment.

  “And if I don’t trust you?”

  “I can’t lie, can I?”

  The dragon snarled, “Where is my prize?”

  “You’ll see her soon enough. We need to make it to my forest dungeon. Quickly.”

  His eyes sparkled as he nodded.

  * * * *

  Robert still didn’t know everything Liz went through. She didn’t talk about it, and they didn’t push her to. If she needed to discuss her past, she knew they would listen.

  He made the mistake of looking through the pictures Preston found when they were dealing with James. The pictures weren’t only of her. In fact, there were none of her being sexually abused in any of them. Only those of her back whipped to shreds in a room much like Remus’ secret dungeon, but he knew what his own uncle did to Liz directly before Tremaine found her.

  Knowing Dacia witnessed horrors there, and she sucked it up, helped him get through the revulsion. Why this case was affecting him so deeply was beyond him.

  He pulled his wing-tip shoes on, then his jacket, and translocated to Toryn’s porch. He barely knocked before Toryn answered.

  A grim look was plastered on the fae’s face. “I’ll warn you, I’m not the greatest with translocation.”

  “Like father, like son.”

  One side of his mouth lifted. “I hope to learn more about my son.”

  “You will. His mother—”

  “I can’t blame her,” Toryn interrupted. “A mage with a half-fae child? She would have been in danger from her own people. Preston would have been treated like a criminal from the time he started casting.”

  “You’ve been in danger since helping Priscilla.”

  “I did what was right.”

  “Preston does the same.” He shook his head. “He didn’t even try to go after the Paineater when she healed Remus.”

  “Jayde’s heart is in the right place.”

  He nodded. “This is why he makes a great partner. Funny, Liz is the same way. Makes me stop and look at things differently.”

  “Come on, we should go.”

  Robert nodded his agreement and rested a hand on Toryn.

  * * * *

  Dacia pulled on jeans and a tank. With Preston, she didn’t feel the need to always dress to the nines. He convinced her she was the only woman in the world.

  Her phone rang and she frowned when she saw her mother’s number. “Good morning.”

  “Dacia, what are you doing?”

  “Getting ready to take my father down.”

  “Can you handle putting yourself in that position?”

  “I need to. Preston is in danger. Dad tried to take him from me. I won’t let that happen.”

  “I’m so proud of you, baby. I’m coming over. I want to give you both some extra protection.”

  “Hurry. I’m not sure how much time we have. He has Preston’s mother.”

  “I hear Priscilla can take care of herself, though anyone in his hands is in danger. I’m already on my way.” The phone went dead.

  She pulled on a hoodie, a heavy pair of socks, and hiking boots, then tied her hair back in a bun before hurrying downstairs.

  Dacia found Preston, Toryn, and Robert all in her living room. Preston turned to her with a tight smile. “Remus has been to Deception Pass. This is your last chance to stay here.”

  “Nope, not staying. He needs to learn I will not be a pawn.”

  There was a knock on the door. She hurried to throw it open. “Hi, Mom. We don’t have much time.”

  Druciela smiled. “Not to worry.” She clasped a delicate chain, with a crystal tear drop, around Dacia’s neck.

  Then she moved to Preston and held up a heavier chain with a red gem in the same shape. “Please, wear these, at least until you’re finished with Remus.”

  “Of course, Dru.” He offered her a smile, then met Dacia’s gaze with an arched brow. He had to be wondering what was on the ward, but didn’t argue.

  “Sorry boys, I didn’t know who all would be here, but I think with the four of you, and Priscilla there, you’ll be all right.”

  “We will, Mother.” Dacia’s voice was firm, her gaze unwavering. “He’s not going to hurt anyone else, ever again.”

  Capturing him was not the agenda. His death was the only thing she was looking forward to. A thread of guilt wound through her.

  Preston’s hand landed on her shoulder and she looked over, her expression softening. “More importantly, he’ll never hurt you again, Dacia.”

  Even if her father hurts her today, Preston would put her back together again. She would hold onto that fact.

  “Much luck,” Druciela called before slipping through the door.

  “Is she always so to the point?” Toryn asked.

  Dacia nodded. “Generally, unless it has to do with her heart.”

  Preston’s head snapped up, his eyes locked onto Robert’s. “We need to go.” They all took hands. In a less than a breath they were standing near the entrance of the soil dome.

  Chapter 31

  Preston looked to Dacia. The wind howled through the trees, leaves and pine needles whipping toward them, as if Remus knew.

  Then Dacia’s phone rang.

  Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not answering.”

  Taking her shoulders, Preston looked deep into her eyes. “Gebiet’s here.”

  “Expected that. I’m fine.” Her bravado didn’t waver, but he felt a thread of her fear weave through him. She wasn’t letting it control her so he did his best to ignore it.

  Toryn’s hands clenched into fists. “Another asshole who needs to die for freaking Isa out.”

  Preston gave him a vicious smile. “Oh, he’s dying if I have anything to say about it.”

  Toryn’s eyes slid to Dacia.

  She nodded as her phone started ringing again. Jabbing the power button, her eyes turned cruel. “No more stalling. Let’s go.”

  Together, they walked to the door. As they entered, they saw the darkness was rolled to the outer edges. His mother was slumped in the same position Remus left her in, and for some strange reason, no one seemed to n
otice four people enter.

  “The contract, Remus, where is it?” Gebiet snarled.

  Toryn glanced at Preston who tipped his head to Dacia. Understanding passed over his face, followed by a scowl.

  “Don’t know. It’s missing,” Remus answered bluntly.

  “You should be able to track it.”

  “Not so simple. There’s only a faint trace. No direction.”

  “Then you’re useless to me. She won’t answer your call. You can’t bind her to me.”

  “There are other ways to fulfill my end of the bargain.”

  Gebiet smiled coldly. “You would give up your chance to bind me to you?”

  Remus looked toward where Preston, Toryn, Robert and Dacia were standing. He nodded, with a stubborn set to his jaw. “Might be the only way either of us gets out of here alive.”

  The dragon started shifting. Robert popped out of existence and reappeared at Gebiet’s side, slamming two fireballs into his torso. Before he could translocate a second time, Gebiet’s tail whipped out, knocking Robert across the room as Remus started chanting.

  “Get the dragon,” Toryn told Preston. “I’ve got Remus.”

  Dacia dispersed, and Preston hoped she knew what she was doing as he whipped out his long mana-blade, and let fire fill his hands. He rushed forward.

  The dragon swiped his tail out. Preston turned to smoke and blew past Gebiet’s face. Landing on the dragon’s back, he drove the sword into the beast’s scaled neck.

  * * * *

  Priscilla still appeared to be unconscious. So Dacia went to check on Robert while Toryn went after her father, and Preston engaged Gebiet.

  She phased out and moved across the room but her father’s yell made her pause. She saw Preston take his shape on top of Gebiet and drive his sword into the dragon’s neck. Gebiet summoned his portal home, possibly intending to take Preston with him.


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