Winter Break Rendezvous (Rendezvous Series Book 1)

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Winter Break Rendezvous (Rendezvous Series Book 1) Page 1

by Rebekah Sweet

  Winter Break Rendezvous

  By Rebekah Sweet

  Winter Break Rendezvous

  Book one of three in the Rendezvous series

  Published by Rebekah Sweet

  Copyright © 2017 Rebekah Sweet

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition one

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Chapter One

  Oh, my god was it time to get ready for Christmas again? How I was so tired of Christmas all the rushing around for family dinners with family you only get to see once a year and try to catch up with them and pretend that your life is better than theirs, so totally fake. And trying to find presents for people who didn’t matter anymore. Why was Christmas so fucking commercial anyhow? I missed the traditional way of Christmas with Christmas carols coming to your door and the family standing together listening to them in peaceful happiness, and then of course mom would always bring enough homemade hot Choco for everyone. I miss how family would get together and prepare the Christmas dinner together enjoying each other’s company. The hunt for the family Christmas tree with Dad as we would then cheer him on as he cut it down by hand. Then preparing the house for the tree itself was a celebration, putting on the little white lights, and then the angel, stringing fresh popcorn for garland and all the family heirloom tree decorations. Now tree decorations are made of plastic and replaceable, there isn’t any sentimental attachment to them.

  And the one biggest reason I hated going back home for Christmas was I was so sick and tired of being asked why I hadn’t found the right man. And why did I need a man anyway I was doing just fine without one. I had a great career, I had my own rental pad, I mean I was finally moving and making things happen in my life for the better. I didn’t need another fucked up relationship to deal with, no not me I had already done that for six years, I wasn’t about to give my life up for anyone. I was happy with my life, so why change it right.

  I finally had my dream job that I had worked so hard to get I was a legal assistant to the upscale law firm. We mostly catered to the family law so divorce was the big money maker for us as you can imagine. Being that I worked for three of the top lawyers in the firm I was getting used to working long hours and having very limited time to myself. But at least I could look forward to two full weeks of the firm being closed from December 24 to January 6. I was going to head back up to the Oregon coast for the family Christmas celebrations, even though I couldn’t stand Christmas at this very moment, I had to put on a good face.

  I sat at my desk finishing up some legal documents that needed to be proofed and couriered over to Supreme Court before four pm.

  When I was rung by one of the lawyers. “Annabel come into my office please, oh and bring in your laptop I’ll need you to take notes.”

  “yes sir, I’ll be right in.” I quickly gather the items I need and slipped back into my back high heels, grabbed my glasses I swear I was blind as a bat when it came to working on the laptop or any kind of note taking or reading for that matter. I undid one button on my blouse as this particular lawyer liked to see cleavage when I came into his office. I guess he didn’t get much action these days as he seemed to live here at the firm. He was here when I brought him his Starbucks Caramel macchiato and cranberry scone in the mornings, and he would be in his office much past the time I left. The other two lawyers that I worked for were more of the type that likes to see me in full dress suit professional at all times attitude. My dirty blonde hair was in a messy bun, which I hated so much as my hair was naturally curly and impossible to keep tidy for my job.

  I approached his office door knocked quietly and waited for him to say “come”.

  “Come Annabel!” He exclaimed

  I opened the door to his office and made my way to the office chairs facing his desk. Sat down and opened up my laptop. I could feel him staring at me, it was almost like he disproved of something on me, but he never said a word he would always stare with his gray eyes. He was a very stern looking man, and always conveyed himself with nothing but power and dripped with superiority. But aside from that, he was an extremely striking fellow. With his salt and peppered hair, face lines that have indicated he lived through a lot, his hands were large and soft, he kept in shape, for I was the one that often had to take notes for him while he ran on the trend mill in the firm’s private gym, and he always had a masculine musk smell to him. he was much too old for me, for I was only twenty-four and he I guessed was in his fifties at least. But he definitely made my lady parts drip. Which made me feel very uneasy I hadn’t had sex much either these days, just the personal vibrator in the tub made my list of orgasms lately. I chalked it all up to me being completely horny without a hope in hell to have a man release the pent-up pussy I kept hidden in a pencil skirt ninety-five percent of the time.

  Chapter Two

  “Annabel? Are you listening to me?” he questioned me.

  “oh, yes Mr. Shaffer, I’m Listening.”

  “Well then repeat what I said.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry sir but my mind must have wandered a bit, with Christmas coming I have to get back to Oregon for my family celebrations. I will pay more attention, sorry sir.” I stumbled

  His face softened his eyes lit up. “You have family in Oregon? Maybe we could drive up together, save gas time and you could help me write the Goliger vs. Goliger agreement. I could use the company. I too hate the family gatherings. It would be nice to have a familiar face around that I actually like.” He laughed.

  I wasn’t sure how to take all that. And he liked me wow hear I thought he was impartial towards me.

  “Um, I’m Leaving here right after the Christmas eve brunch finishes Mr. Shaffer and my family lives on the Coast and I couldn’t be a burden to you. I’m sure you will be busy with your festivities.”

  “oh, nonsense Annabel, your one of the favorites in the office and what is the harm in calling it a business trip as well.”

  “Mr. Shaffer, I really don’t think that it would be appropriate considering the firm is closed from Christmas until after new years. I mean would I be working over time while I am helping you with the agreement? While everyone else is enjoying eggnog and rum?”

  “Annabel I will ensure you are well paid for your time with me, don’t worry your pretty little head. Will you be staying with your family over the Christmas break?”

  “Um, well yes I stay with my parents.” I look at him puzzled. Was he actually thinking that I would stay with him the entire time? “we have different family to visit over the Christmas season so it is actually just easier to stay with them.” Why am I trying to justify why I stay with my folks, I mean really its none of his business to be honest.

  “ah I see well you are welcome to hang out at my place if you need a break from family, I have rented a little quant beach house over looking the ocean during the break. You can come to my place and work in the den, it is quiet and the view of the open ocean is calming and helps when writing up agreements and such.”

  “Ok Mr. Shaffer, let me think about it, I have to get back to work and get those documents you asked me to send over to court done before I leave today. Did you need me to take notes for you still?

  “Oh, yes please lets finish up the dictation and then you may go.” He finishes putting back on his all business serious face.

  I quickly finished up the dictation while he talks I have learned to never repeat what he says so my typing speed has improved drastically. , I save the rough draft without proofing or editing. His cell phones rings as I finish up “sir I will get the final copy to you by email before the end of the day,” I say as I get up to leave, he is taking a personal call on his cell phone…so I understand without him even looking at me it is time to leave. I peek at him as I close the door, and he hasn’t moved from his desk and his eyes haven’t left my body. Oh my god is he really lusting for me? he is very yummy looking, and I know it wrong to have these thoughts but I want to sink my teeth into him.

  I sit at my desk finishing up the final document for the day. Mr. Shaffer is leaving for the day, “sir you never leave this early is everything ok?” I ask, I’m being nosey, but I’m also concerned.

  “Everything is fine Annabel, I have some shopping to do before Christmas, you might as well go early today too.” My heart sings, yes, I can go and have my pedi and mani done for Christmas. “Before you go can you please make sure the caterer has everything in order for the Christmas brunch tomorrow?” He finishes, he is still staring at me, looking me up and down. My body is pulsing with excitement, “no stop it you bad girl, you are not going to chase your boss. I am biting my lip staring back at him. Stop it! Stop it! my inner goddess screams.

  “Yes sir I will make sure everything is ready for tomorrow’s brunch.” I murmur trying to take my eyes off him. What the hell has gotten into me. “Good, thank you, oh and Annabel please do think about my offer.”

  “yes, sir I promise I will think about your proposal and give you my answer tomorrow.”

  “Good night Annabel”

  “Good night Sir”

  Chapter Three

  I finish up for the afternoon, it feels so good that I can leave early and head to get my nails done I have them painted a deep shiny sparkly red for Christmas. Having my nails done is the one thing I do to spoil myself every Christmas. I then make my way to the liquor store to pick up the wine for my family’s Christmas dinner and for my secret Santa present for the other assistant at the office. When I finally get home with it dark and cold and snow blowing in the streets. I still have laundry and packing to do for my vacation, I realize how much I hate coming home to no one and a empty house. I make myself some Kraft dinner, and hot dogs, I know a real healthy dinner but its just me to cook for so what does it matter. And lately these days I don’t have anyone in my life to impress. I slump down on my couch with my gourmet meal and a glass of wine for myself. My only company for the night is the TV, and the sound of my in suite laundry machine. My apartment doesn’t even have one single Christmas decoration in it, I don’t even think I own a little tree, but seeing as how I am never home for Christmas I don’t see the sense of even decorating my apartment, although it could probably use a fresh coat of paint. Sitting in my cozy jogging pants, I finish up my glass of wine, and drag myself off the couch to start packing.

  Ugh I think to myself I really don’t want to go to my parents this year for Christmas, and briefly I think about cancelling all together and scanning the ads on Craigslist for a one night stand or something that would be more interesting than hanging with family. God, I want to get fucked so badly, just about any guy would do the job right about now, just as long as his cock is long and thick. Like I said earlier I haven’t had sex much these days, it must be at least a few years maybe longer, I’m kind of tired of flicking the bean and getting off on my very well used dildo. As I’m packing my clothing for the much needed Christmas visit, even though I really don’t want to go, I start to think that maybe Mr. Shaffer’s offer isn’t that bad, I mean really who would know if I went with him, he is single after all, he did invite me to drive with him, and he does want me to write up the divorce agreement for the Goliger’s, and I could use the view of the beach, instead of these four bare walls, and my mom’s better than Martha Stewart Christmas decorating. Don’t get me wrong I love my mom’s decorating, it just looks like Christmas perfection puked in the family home. I decide that I will take Mr. Shaffer’s offer and call him on my cell before I can change my mind.

  “Uh, Mr. Shaffer Hi Annabel, here, sorry to bother you but I have been thinking… I’ve decided that I will take you up on your offer to go with you to the coast. I could use the company and the distraction from family… yes of course sir, my parents always have room at the table for another…uh huh, they like anything, but sir you don’t have to bring something as you will be my guest…yes sir I will call them right now and let them know my change of plans…ye sir I wont call you sir...yes Mathew I will call you Mathew. He just made the insides of me tingle …thank you sir err I mean Mathew…I’m sorry I need to pack what? Oh, yes I have a bikini will that be okay?” I hung up the phone holding it against my chest for a few moments while I caught my breath. I know he is too old for me but he just made all my insides tingle like crazy. With a sense of excitement, I finish my laundry, pack my clothes carefully picking out my outfits so that I wont feel out of place throughout the holidays.

  Oh, shit I forgot to call my mom, I quickly call home, “Hi Mom, Annabel here. I just wanted to let you know that I will be staying with a friend over the holidays this year. I say as excitement creeps through my entire body. “Oh, yes mom he will be joining us for Christmas celebrations…yes I said he mom, oh we are just friends for now but he asked if I would join him at his beach house he rented for two weeks…I know right it sounds amazing…I am not sure what time will get there but we are leaving right after the office Christmas brunch, why don’t I just call you when we are on the freeway? Okay mom talk to you tomorrow…love you too, bye, bye.

  I wake up early to get ready for the office Christmas brunch with a sense of excitement and decide to really out do myself to earn some brownie points with the lawyers that I work for. I slip into a black little number dress that gently shows of my curves and the sweetheart neckline that makes my breasts look stunning. I complete the ensemble with black panties, bra, garter and stockings. I find my black heels that say the word “sex” as you walk. I remember that I have a Santa hat that I threw in the back of my closet well over a year ago from a previous Christmas party, I quickly dig through all my forgotten about crap and find my Santa hat and complete the sexy sultry look that I was trying to achieve, my blonde bouncy curls are soft and luscious and the make up tips I learned off u tube to highlight my eyes and lips, make me look like a model. Yes, I think to myself this will convince Mathew that I can handle him as his sexy little mistress for Christmas, if it didn’t before it certainly will now. I walk in to the office and as usual I am the first one there, the caterers will be here any minute, the tables and chairs that were rented are being set up, the presents for the secret Santa are under the tree. The rest of the office staff start to mosey into the main reception area. The food tables, and food is being set up, I hear my tummy rumble and realize I am totally starving. I take a quick look around and everything is perfect, the lights are twinkling, the tree is stunning, the food is hot and ready, mimosas are made and awaiting the staff. Huge red and white sparkling Poinsettias line the hallway from the elevators to the main glass doors to the reception. It looks perfect I think and smile to myself, being my first year with this firm and the complements I am getting, I think I did good for the law firm. I head into my office area to finish typing some last-minute emails before the festivities begin, I actually have a sense of Christmas spirit growing inside me, or maybe it is excitement and tingling building up about the impending trip I am about to take with Mathew. Anyway, whatever feeling it is, it makes me feel so good inside, just as I sigh with satisfaction I feel someone finger run down my neck and back, it sends goosebumps and shivers down my body and a very much missed sensation to the deeper parts of my insides.

  Then I hear the soft whis
per of Mr. Shaffer, “this is perfect, Annabel, it really is one of the best set up we have had in a long time. I think you will fit in here just fine Annabel you are perfect, oh and by the way, nice little sexy number for today, it really adds to the Christmas spirit, and the black dress maintains professionalism.”

  “Thank you, sir, my back is still to him. I want to say something sexy, but not the time yet I think. I turn around to find, the sexy Mr. Shaffer himself is standing right in front of me in my personal bubble space, and my inner goddess is leaping for joy. Fuck he is hot in his steel gray suit as it just drapes off him in this seductive smoldering way, and his cologne is flirting with my desires of lust. He is waving a red envelope with my name in silver writing on it across his chest, both his eyes and his smile are being mischievously playful the corners of his mouth turn up as his eyes dance around my body “you were my secret Santa”

  I laugh “how is that being a secret Santa the entire reason for being a secret Santa is so the other person wouldn’t know” I finish giggling.

  Mathew is staring at me and looks almost hurt “but I want you to know it was me, that way you will understand the present”

  I smile at him sweetly “okay Mathew I understand, why don’t we put the envelope under the tree and pretend we don’t know who it is from” I grin

  He seems to like that idea as he signals me to hook his arm in mine as we walk to the reception area together. He kisses me on the cheek and smiles “I cant wait to spend my two weeks with you”

  I feel so giddy like a school girl, how did I start to get myself messed up with the handsome rugged sexy Mr. Shaffer who might be too old for me, but he certainly feels young. I feel the excitement starting to grow inside me, I feel I want to get Mr. Schaefer to know me better. I know that I want Mr. Schaefer or better known as Mathew as I’m supposed to call him, I want to seduce him, I want to touch him, I want him to feel me, I want him to touch my breasts, I want him to caress my skin. I make myself wet in my lady parts thinking about what he could do to me. I think about sucking on his big, long, thick cock. Maybe I could surprise him by giving Matthew the blow job of his life in the car on the way to our destination later today. He would know for sure that I was interested in more if I did that to him.


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