Southern Romance

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Southern Romance Page 5

by Smith, Crystal

  "What are you doing back there?" Sara could feel the touch change and questioned him.

  "Nothing here is the salve. I am sure you can manage from here." And Jade was gone.

  Sara picked up the salve and thought about what had just happened. Did she anger him this time not meaning to? What made him jolt out of the room like that? She had never seen a man make an exit so quick. He was running but from what? Sara continued to rub the salve on enjoying the way it cooled her skin. She grabbed the tray of food and gulped it down.

  Sara gathered up the tray and took them downstairs. She didn't see Jade anywhere. She cleaned up the mess that he had left. After she was finished, she looked through the house. She couldn't find him. She went to his room and knocked, when he didn't answer, she opened the door and looked. Still no sight of Jade. "Maybe he went outside."

  Chapter Four

  Sara through on some flip flops and went out looking for him. "Jade, where are you?"

  She didn't get a reply. She went out to the horse stalls. When she turned the corner she could see a faint light going. She walked on out and could see a man kneeling. It wasn't Jade. Oh my god. He found me. She started backing up slowly. She couldn't take her eyes off the door. She felt her heart speeding faster and faster. She came to a jolt hitting the immovable object. Turning to see, it was Jade.

  "Sara what are you doing?" Sara placed one finger over her lips as to silence him.

  "There's someone out there." Sara whispered, pulling on Jades arm to back him up.

  "I know that's Dr. Smother. He is the vet I called out to look at Danger." Sara stopped with Jades words and let out a sigh. "You don't have to worry here Sara. You’re safe."

  "What's wrong with Danger?" She ignored his statement.

  "He isn't eating, I don't know what it is. I have tried everything. I noticed earlier today he didn’t wanna eat. When I came out to feed him againtonight, he still wouldn’t eat so I called him out."

  Jade started walking out to the stalls and Sara followed. Jade found himself rather pleased that she wanted to tag along. "What's the verdict doc?"

  "This one has a rough night ahead of him. He is going to need someone to stay with him and keep an eye out. I want to stay Jade, I really do but I got an emergency call, a cow is having trouble laboring. I gotta go. Just keep doing what you’re doing Jade. I don't know anyone better with horses than you."

  "Thanks, Doc."

  Sara watched as Jade tenderly rubbed down Danger. I wonder if he rubs his women that way. Stop it Sara. "Hand me that brush would ya?" Jade pointed over to the corner and Sara retrieved it. "You should go ahead and go back in. I'm gonna stay out here tonight. Lord knows you probably couldn't handle the sleeping arrangements here, Princess." Again Jade smiled trying to tease a smile out of her.

  "Ha, I can handle it. And besides, what if you need something?"

  "Then I will get it; go ahead you don't have to stay."

  "I want to, really."

  "I thought you were scared of horses anyways Sara?"

  "I'm not scared of horses."

  "Then is it the riding that scares you?"

  "No, it’s the falling off part that doesn't settle well with me."

  "Then hold on."

  "It’s a little harder than that."

  Jade let out a chuckle. He found it amusing that someone so strong tempered could be afraid of falling off a horse. He was grinning thinking of just that. He was picturing her landing on that hot little butt of hers.

  "What's so funny?"

  "Nothing. How did that salve do ya?"

  "It worked wonderful. We will see in the morning though. I fear I may have blisters anyways.

  But it sure took the heat out of it now. It doesn't even hurt." Sara sounded amazed and surprised as she looked over her arms rubbing them.

  "Good, what about your back, I can put some more on it if you need me to?"

  "No, its fine." Sara answered quicker than she wanted to and now regretted it.

  "What you don't want me to touch you,,,,, with that salve?" Jade's smile was full of seduction.

  Sara couldn't tell if he was mocking her earlier comment or making a suggestion.

  "No; that's not it, its fine."

  Jade stepped toward her. "But I can touch you then." Jade placed a hand on her shoulder curving his lips into a slight smile. He could feel her tremble at his touch and touch alone. Her nervousness only made him want to touch her more.

  His touch left her shoulder and she didn't like it. He was looking at something behind her. She went to turn to look, but Jade blocked her movements with his body. "Don't move." He warned.

  He was standing there and she could feel his hard muscular body against hers. Was he teasing her? What was his plan? What was he up to? And why would he put his body to hers and then not touch her?

  Sara didn't realize it, but her hands were touching him. His smell was driving her crazy. She felt him quiver at her touch. Just being near, him made her body want to do things she never thought was possible. Yearn to do the unthinkable. Made her daring with her actions.

  His quiver only added to her own feelings stirring deep inside her. She looked up at him as he towered over her still looking behind her. That was it, he was tempting her. Well, then she would just see how far she could push him.

  She slid her hands down to where his t shirt was tucked into his jeans and pulled up. She heard him take a gasp of air as she slid her hands up his chest. Feeling and studying the hard muscles of his abdomen and chest, as she allowed her hands to explore.

  She raised his shirt slowly and seductively, she wanted to see what it was that she was feeling. About the time she was beginning to lose herself in a way she didn't know was possible, her lips touched his chest, she felt him tense and then in one quick movement, he swung his arm from behind him and struck the beam that she had been leaning against. Sara jolted and ran a few feet away. He had scared her but why? Then she saw why.

  Jade looked at her. There in his hand was the biggest rattle snake she had ever seen.

  "I didn't want to startle you. I was afraid your movement would cause it to strike."

  Sara stood there, in a shock like state. He was trying to protect her. She had read him way wrong. She felt foolish for thinking that someone like Jade could be so interested in someone like her. Someone who looked hideous. And then to top it all off, why after everything she had been through was she so interested in Jade. She never thought she would want to be near a man again; much less the things that her inner self was wanting Jade to do.

  Jade carried the snake out the door and threw it out. When he returned he could see Sara's face was a different kind of red. He knew what she was thinking. He could still feel her tender hands and the short but sweet touch of her lips to his chest.

  He tried to fight the urge of closing the gap and allowing her to finish what she had started but the fire inside him was too strong. He slowly closed the gap. As he approached her the look in his eyes only made Sara blush more. She knew she had done this to him, but she didn't know if she could go through with it now.

  She dropped her head down as he came closer. He tenderly redirected her to face when with the touch of a single finger. She was gorgeous. My God breathe taking. He leaned his head down, there was only about a half an inch between his mouth and her lips. He could feel her breathing heavy as he closed in.

  He slowly and passionately kissed her lips trying not to scare her away or make her feel pressured. Brushing hers with his. Teasing her lips with his tongue before she opened her mouth and he began tenderly claiming her mouth as his. He rubbed the scar at her brow and down her cheek with his free hand almost as if he knew what she had been thinking.

  He pulled his mouth from hers and could see both desire and retreat in her eyes. Jade couldn't touch her in a way that showed doubt. If he was going to make love to her, doubt would have to be the last thing on her mind. He kissed her once more and then tenderly turned his attention back to Danger.
  Sara stood there trying to will her body to take a step, her mouth to say something, but what would she say? What do you say after something like that? Her knees were shaking and it took everything in her just to stand.

  Jade looked back at her and could tell she was having some difficulty with that kiss. His instinct, body, and heart was telling him to do it again, while his mind was saying no. "It's getting late, I'm gonna grab a sleeping bag and crash, you better head back in."

  "I said I wanted to stay."

  "I know it’s hot as hell right now, but in a few hours the temperature will drop and it gets quite


  "I can handle it."

  "Suit yourself then. But don't say I didn't warn you."

  Jade walked over to the corner of the stall and grabbed four sleeping bags. He laid down three of them on top of each other and unzipped the top one. He grabbed the other and laid it out across the way. He stretched out in his, putting his back to her. She was confused how could he kiss her like that and then lay like that and so far away. She crawled into her sleeping bags and it wasn't long she was sleeping. The day was totally exhausting for her, she just refused to admit it.

  She started dreaming soon after, just as she had done so many times before. She was tossing and turning. "Stop, don't do that, I don't want this."

  Jade was startled awake. He turned to her and could see she was having a nightmare. He got out and went to her. "Sara, wake up, your dreaming."

  "Stop it, please, please, please, I'm begging you."

  "Sara, you’re dreaming." Jade grabbed her shoulders and shook her, but she didn't wake. She began screaming, "Please, I didn't mean to lead you on, I didn't know, it was only a dance, please stop, I can't do this."

  Jade didn't know what to do. Was she dreaming of him or was she dreaming of her attack? The doubt she had shown unwilling was now confusing Jade more so than ever. "Wake up damn it, it’s a dream, wake up!" He was yelling at her. Without warning she smacked him square on the cheek. It sure shocked the shit out of him. Maybe that's what she needed. He reared his hand back, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. And then she slapped him again.

  "If you do that one more time, you will give me no choice but to slap you back." And just as before, she slapped him again. "I warned you. Forgive me." He slapped her.

  She started crying uncontrollably. Oh my god, I hurt her. "Please don't, stop it, it hurts, you’re hurting me." She was still sleeping even after he had slapped her and he now realized he wasn't in her dreams. After all, he would never hurt her. He grabbed her shoulders and this time shook her hard. It worked.

  She opened her eyes, she was trembling from her head to her toes. "It's ok Sara, no one is going to hurt you. You don't have to cry." But she couldn't stop. She was crying so hard. And then he remembered her medicine. He jumped up and ran to the house.

  When he returned she was the same as before, only crouched over in the corner, again knees to her chest. It looked as if she was in a fetal position only sitting up. She had curled in the corner of the stall behind Danger, as if she was trying to hide from someone.

  "Sara, take this. It’s gonna be ok." He handed her a pill and she took it. He sat there next to her not sure of what to do. If he went to touch her she would move away. He wanted to just hold her. To show her it was ok and she was safe with him. He wanted to tell her that there was no way in hell he would ever let anything happen to her, but she was to upset for him to push her now. He had a feeling she wouldn't allow it.

  Was she remembering the kiss before and thought he would do that again and after the dream she had, he was sure she wasn't in the mood. It appeared the only person that could get close to her right now was Juggar. He had a way with her just like he does with everyone else. Juggar curled up beside her and licked at her hands, as if he was trying to tell her she was safe with him.

  Did she really not know Jade enough to know that he would not force anything from her? She was acting almost as if he scared her. He didn't understand it. Had he not been tender with his kisses before? Was his touch not gentle and slow before? He didn't understand this at all. The only thing he could think of was that whatever had happened to her left a deeper and longer lasting scar than the ones that could be seen.

  The pill began to kick in and she was becoming limp. He tried to get her to stand, but he had waited too long. He picked her up in his arms and she stared into his eyes, like he to hers.


  "What is it Sara?"

  "Thank You." He simply smiled. He carried her to her sleeping bag and placed her gently inside it slowly zipping it up.

  He no sooner got inside his, adjusted him and Juggar to a more comfortable position and she was speaking. “Jade, are you still awake?”

  “What is it, are you ok?”

  “Jade,,,, can I ask a favor?”

  “Yeah, what do you need?”


  Jade didn’t move. He wasn’t sure if he had heard her correctly. He turned to face her, only seeing what the little light had to offer him.

  "I mean, sleep with me, I mean, just hold me Jade, nothing more." Sara stuttered her words.

  Jade stood looking at Juggar and commanded him to stay and then went to her, slipping inside the sleeping bag with her. She curled herself up next to him and could feel his heat from his body on hers. His scent, mixed with his cologne, made her quiver and her own heat raised. Again his scent was turning her body and pulling at it in ways she didn't know was possible. She slipped her hands under his shirt, and rubbed his chest slightly.

  "Sara, I thought…." But Jade couldn't get it out. What she was doing to him was driving him crazy. "Sara if you don't stop, I don't think I can control myself much longer. If you want this, you’re on the right track." His voice was shaky and raspy. Her touch was driving him completely away from his right mind. The mind that was telling him no don't do it, she needs time to heal, don't do it you’re a bigger man than that.

  "Then don't control yourself." Sara’s voice was more of a whimper. Like she was begging him for more. She wanted him to touch her. She wanted to touch him. She wanted everything right now.

  And with the words no sooner out of her mouth, his mouth claimed hers again. Tasting her, exploring her mouth with his tongue and hers in his. He kissed her cheek and then her neck, he kissed down her to breast, finding his way up and into her shirt. This time he would show and do to her what she had done to him. He would show her how real men treat a woman.

  His tongue flicked her abdomen finding his way up to her right breast, nibbling at her nipple that was ready and waiting. He moved his way to her left breast and noticed something different. The nipple was nothing like the other. It was smaller and there was some rumpling of the skin around it. He raised his head up and pulled the sleeping bag down to look. He couldn't believe what he seen.

  That son of a bitch had bit it almost completely off. There was a perfect scar of a bite mark. He looked and seen another scar. Almost at her breast bone but slightly more to the right. He traced it with his finger. He felt saddness hit him and at the same time the urge to kill.

  He had to take a moment to cool his temper. He had never felt such an anger and rage surge through him like it was doing right now. No wonder she was having problems moving on. But he would show her no matter what scars the douche bag had left on her ,she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

  He kissed her gently. When he looked back up at her, her eyes were closed. And he hadn't heard her make a noise. "Sara,,," but he got no response. Jade grumbled beneath his breath. Damn it, off all times for it to kick in hard.

  He pulled her shirt back down and cuddled back up next to her. He laid there thinking of how bad that bastard had hurt her. He could feel the anger brewing inside him, replacing the fire that was once there. He held her tight and allowed himself to drift off to sleep with her.

  When he woke the next morning, Sara was still nestled close. He tried not to dist
urb her, but it didn't work. Sara began rubbing his chest. Her head rested easy on part of it. Then her hand just froze. Oh my God, she thought. What happened? What did we do? Jade could see the puzzled look on her face. "It’s ok, nothing happened."

  "Oh I know. I just,,,,um-mm, never mind." The last memory she had was laying down in her sleeping bag.

  "You’re like an open book, I know what you were thinking. You can't hide from me Sara."

  "I didn't think I was. Did I have another dream?"

  "You don't remember anything?" His raised an eyebrow out of confusion which should have given her the clue that something had definitely happened.

  "No, I never do, that is how I know I had to take one of those pills."

  "Oh, well you did, and you were pretty scared, so you wanted me to hold you. That's all." Jade was disappointed. He wanted her to remember how bad she had wanted him.

  What if the way she had acted was because of the medicine? Or what if, oh stop it Jade. It doesn't matter now whatever the cause. Jade’s mind was doing replay after replay and was trying to figure out if what happened was because of feeling or if it was just another reaction of the medicine. Whatever had happened between the two them, it was over now. Jade had the only memory of it now. And he wasn't about to bring it up.

  He checked on Danger and sure enough, he was doing better. He felt a little guilty that he wasn't able to show him more attention last night, but somehow, his concern had drifted from Danger to Sara. He started replaying in his mind what had happened last night. He could feel her touch on his chest, the taste of her mouth lingered in his own. He could feel himself tighten and begin grow.

  "I'm going in now, I need to take a shower." Sara was dusting off her jeans.


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