Southern Romance

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Southern Romance Page 12

by Smith, Crystal

  Sara turned to see Jade standing there. Finally, he was ok. They were both ok. Relief sunk in and she allowed a smile to show. As if it was completely natural. Her reason for existence all together now was safe and standing in front of her.

  Jade turned back around and continued to work in one of the stalls. Sara knew he didn’t want to see her, he didn’t want to talk to her, at this point it was as if he didn’t want anything to do with her.

  “Are you going to talk to me at all?”

  “Sure, what would you like to talk about?” The sarcasm in his voice said it all. She knew exactly what those words transcribed would say. Sure, you broke my heart, and now you wanna talk, go to hell.

  “Jade, I’m sorry.”

  “What’s there to be sorry about?”

  “You know what I’m talking about.”

  “No, really I don’t, I’m kinda busy if you haven’t noticed, so why don’t we just end this little game of yours, you win, it’s over, you have no reason to be sorry.”

  “Jade, I wasn’t playing any kind of game. This wasn’t supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to happen. I would take it back if I could. You have to believe me.”

  “Funny you say that. I do believe you’d take it all back. But you know, all of it isn’t yours to take. So now, you’ve said it. You would take it back, you’re sorry, anything else?”

  “Yes there is, would you look at me?” But he didn’t. He stood there, with his back to her, and continued to do what he was already doing. “I said would you look at me?”

  “I did look at you Sara. I opened my eyes, my heart, body and soul to you. You took pieces here and there and did what you wanted to do with them. And now what do you want me to do? Say everything is ok. Tell you how you’re right and I’m wrong. Let you know how I’m not mad, I’m not hurt, I’m not fighting right now to take you in my arms and try my hardest to make you change your mind. Is that what you want to hear? I’m sorry, I can’t do that. Now as I said before, I’m busy.”

  Sara couldn’t speak. She stood there watching him fight to keep from losing it. She didn’t know what else to say. She wanted him to take her in his arms, make her pride go away and turn everything around the way it should have been. Maybe that was it. Maybe that is what she needed to do. Walk right up to him and kiss him and make him hold her. Make him make her feel safe and the feeling everything else around them didn’t matter. But she didn’t, she couldn’t make herself move in his direction. Instead, she felt her head drop and she left him standing there.

  Making her way back to the house wasn’t exactly easy either. When she finally reached it, she was crying. Her heart was burning. Just like that he had shut her life completely down. There was nothing left for her. He was never going to forgive her. She would never have her best friend back, her security, her husband, her life was over and there was no going back.

  Feeling as if there was nothing left for her to do, she did the one thing she knew how to. Run. She through her clothes and belongings into a suit case and sat down to right him one last good bye.

  Dear Jade,

  I’m sorry I didn’t react the way I should have this morning. When I said I would take it all back if I could I didn’t mean the way it sounded. I meant I would take back my panicking usual self. I don’t regret anything that has happened between us. You have made my life have a whole new meaning. You made me feel more passion, love, and trust in the past few months than I have felt in my life. I didn’t mean to hurt you the way I did. If I could take that back I would. I wanted to tell you this when I came to find you tonight, but I didn’t know how. When I said I love you, I truly meant it. When I said I do, I loved it. Please forgive me. I don’t know how to make this better for you now. I don’t want you spending your days working, not even coming into eat because I am here. I’m sorry I have to borrow the truck. I will have it returned when I get to where ever it is I’m going. I’m not going home, I just need some time to myself. And Jade, thank you for everything.



  Chapter 9

  This has got to be the longest driveway in the world, she thought to herself. Sara was crying so uncontrollably, the rain was pouring down faster than the wipers could clear it. Visibility was zero. The wind pushed against the truck making it hard to even control it. She wasn’t paying attention when she felt a splash before the truck began floating.

  Almost at the end of the drive was a small dip down bridge that had a habit of flash flooding. And when it did, it could get very dangerous. Sara hadn’t even thought about it. The truck was now off in the creek, floating. Water was beginning to come in. She quickly hit the button to roll the window down but it only made it about half way down when the truck died and started tipping nose first down. She squeezed herself out of the window and struggled to get on top.

  There was no way she would make it if she tried to swim. The water was moving so quick it was likely to take her under. The truck finally stopped sinking. Thank god it hadn’t gotten deep yet. Rain continued to come down so hard it stung her skin, lightening was striking dangerously close to everything around striking trees and ground along the way, thunder crashed through causing sounds that made her jump to the point she almost lost her weak grip on the roof of the truck. It didn’t help the matters that the wind was so forceful making it even more difficult to hold on. And once again, she began to panic.

  “Way to go Sara. Just mess it all up again. Why didn’t you just wait until it was over?”

  She clung to the truck only again wishing she was in Jade’s arms.

  After about an hour of replaying what she had said to him he finally said hell with it. He closed up the barn for the night and went in. After taking a long hot shower, he made his way down not even taking a glimpse at Sara’s closed door, and that’s when he found her note. After reading it, he couldn’t believe how stupid he had acted. She had come to him and tried to tell him this and he didn’t let her.

  A sudden heart stopping feeling hit him like a ton of bricks. “The bridge.” Jade threw on his boots and ran for Danger. He didn’t know how long she had been gone but with the rain coming down like it was and considering how long it had been coming down, there was no way she made it across safely.

  Jade rode danger harder than ever before. When he finally reached the creek after what seemed to be hours later and in reality was only about 15 minutes, he seen the truck and Sara on top of it. She laid on top, gripping it for dear life. One hand in the window and the other diagonally. It was too loud to holler she never would hear him. He reached in his saddle bag and pulled out a rope. He quickly tied one end to the saddle horn, calmed Danger, tied the other to his waist. “Come on boy, don’t let me down. You can do this. It ain’t your first rodeo.”

  He slowly took small steps into the raging water. Thank goodness, he was no fool. He went in quite a ways upstream from her knowing that if it was going to drag him down, he didn’t want it to pull him further away from the truck. The water only reached his mid waist when it took him under. He had to fight to keep his head up. It slammed him into the side of the truck. “Sara!!” He yelled.

  Slowly Sara raised her head and the joy and gratefulness overcame her and only made her cry. Jade made his way up on the roof with her. Sara didn’t let go. Jade took the rope and untied it carefully replacing it around them both looping them together.

  “When I tell you to, you have to let go of the truck.”

  “I can’t do it, I can’t. I’m sorry. I didn’t plan this. I didn’t want any of this. You have to believe me.”

  “Sara you have to let go of the truck. We can’t stay here all night. I do believe you. Now, let go.”

  “I said I can’t. I can’t do it. I won’t do it. Please don’t make me. I can’t.”

  Sara was more scared and the fear she had no matter what he said to her wasn’t going to allow her to release her grip. He didn’t know what to say. He only knew what to do. He pulled his head down and kissed he
r. It took longer than what he had expected, but finally she released her arms, not to let go of the truck, but to reach out to him and put them around his neck.

  The water that was now beginning to race over the roof, took both of them off. Sara screamed for Jade. He tried to tell her he was right there. They were tied together, but she didn’t listen, or she couldn’t hear him for the noise that the creek was letting out.

  It wasn’t long when Danger felt the tug on the rope and began backing up. Just as Jade knew he would. When they finally reached the edge and Jade could grip his feet, he hoisted Sara into his arms and carefully made his way to Danger. She was limp as a doll. He put her on the horse first and lifted himself to sit behind her, grabbed the reins and began leading Danger home.

  The ride down wasn’t nearly as long as the ride home. Even though the weather wasn’t being cooperative, he didn’t want her touch to leave him. Her head rested back against his chest. Her body nestled close to his as if she was either that happy to see him, or searching for his heat.

  He helped her inside and then went to put Danger up. When he returned he didn’t see her. “That damn woman, now where the hell is she going. He bolted up the stairs and found her walking out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. “I’m sorry, I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” He didn’t give her time to say anything just turned and left.

  Sara dried and looked around but she didn’t leave anything behind. There was nothing here for her to wear. Lying on the rocking chair, was one of Jade’s shirts. She didn’t want to put it on, but there wasn’t exactly any other choice at the time.

  She pulled it over her head taking in the scent that it still lingered. Oh did he ever smell so good. Her knees began to tremble and she knew that part of her life was over now for sure. She was just going to have to make the best out of things until morning.

  She slowly and nervously made her way down stairs. Jade was standing at the kitchen counter drinking a cup of brew. He slid a cup towards her. “Here, I know you don’t much like it, but it will warm you.”

  Reaching out for the cup she noticed him looking at her clothing. “I’m sorry, you left it in my room when,,,,, well I don’t have my clothes, they were in the truck.” Sara was telling herself at this point to just shut up, take the coffee and run. She reached out grabbed it and turned but it didn’t take long for her to stop. There was a familiar touch on her arm. And then there were words to follow.

  “Sara, I’m sorry I didn’t let you tell me what you wanted to. I shouldn’t of let things go as far as they did last night. I don’t know how I thought or think you should have reacted this morning. But I want you to understand, I have no intentions of getting an annulment or divorce. I love you Sara. If that is something that you want to consider, you will have to do the filing. I won’t fight you, but I won’t start it.” Jade stood there still gently holding her arm. Sara didn’t know what to say. After all of this he still wanted her. What kind of man would want someone who is constantly making a mess of things and trying to get both of them killed in the process?

  “Sara, are you gonna say anything. Talk to me.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I don’t know anything. I don’t….” And her words were stopped when Jade spun her around and kissed her again only more forceful but at the same time, gentle. Her arms wrapped around him holding him tight. She didn’t want this moment that they were into ever end. When Jade released her lips they stared at each other for a moment. Jade had learned to read her eyes.

  “Well does that sum up what you wanted but didn’t know how to say.” Jade smiled back at her and it gave her the ability to take a deep breath and allow the lump that had been living in her chest since this morning to leave.

  “Yep, just about. I do have one question for you. Why do you wanna be married to me? All I do is make a mess out of things. I don’t know much at all about the Ranch life. I don’t know much about anything. I have forgotten everything. Including how to speak. I need to know why?”

  “Because when you speak, you speak from your heart. Because when you make a mess, you learn from it. Because you do know a lot about ranching. It only takes heart to do it and that you have. Because I can’t even begin to think about cleaning up someone else’s mess because when I am done, I get the pleasure of making a mess of you. And because I couldn’t imagine spending one more day in this world without you in it with me.”

  It totally worked. Sara found his mouth and before either of them could come up for air, they were stripped completely naked. The kitchen counter was quite the enabler for the making up after their first married couple fight. The refrigerator was an excellent plus beings that it was stocked with chocolate syrup, strawberries and whipped cream and they both made quite the refreshing use of them.

  After using the kitchen counter, the table, and the wall, they made their way upstairs and to bed. They finished their making up love making holding each other. Whispering sweet nothings into each others ears. Sara had opened up and confessed her true feelings for him and she allowed him to thank her over and over and over again before exhaustion hit both of them and they were sleeping hard.

  Chapter 10

  Sara woke before Jade, and nestled herself out his warm embrace. She stood and stretched looking at the clock. The thought of bringing breakfast in bed to her husband was an exciting one for her. And after they ate, he would take her into his arms and make passionate love to her until she cried for release. As the thoughts of how he would make her cry for him ran through her head, Sara made it down stairs and began making breakfast.

  Jade awoke to the smell of smoke. "Sara, Juggar" He stood rushing to go down stairs, when he opened the door to the bedroom, smoke engulfed the room. He got down low to the floor, so that he could breathe better.

  "Sara, Juggar, Where are you?" He yelled out panicking. He made his way down the stairs to the kitchen, where he discovered a pan of what looked like what was supposed to be gravy that was smoldering to the pan. On the back of the stove was a pan of eggs, another had steak in it and it was luke warm.

  He opened the doors to the house, searching for Sara and calling out to her as he went. He never got a response. "Sara, damn it, where are you?" After the smoke cleared the house enough for him to see what he was doing. He went back to the kitchen and that's when he seen it.

  Juggar was lying there, by the corner of the barn. He couldn't move, and he had blood on him. Jade panicked but it wasn't long until he had figured out, all of the blood hadn't come from Juggar, but he knew something was wrong. He carried Juggar to the couch. "You tried to save her boy didn't you? You did a good job, boy. Hang in there." He reached for his cell calling the vet out for Juggar. He explained to the vet that Juggar would be on the couch and to come on in when he arrived.

  "Please let me go. Why are you doing this? What are you going to do to me?" The figure that had her kept a black cloth over his head. Her wrists were bound tightly, she could feel the twine used to bind them digging into her skin breaking it. "Please what have I done?" Sara couldn't get a response. The more she asked the harder he pulled at her, making her follow him.

  The person was dragging her behind him. She could tell by the shape it was a man. But who could it be? And why now? He walked and walked until Sara didn't have the strength to walk anymore and fell. "Get it up you stupid bitch." Was the only response she got. But it was all that she needed for the fear to come crashing back down on her. She was a dead woman lying there. Death just hadn't come for her just yet.

  "Davis,,,,," the man just kept dragging her.

  "Please let me stand, just let me stand." Sara begged through her cries. Pain was lingering in her wrist, and her ankle was beginning to ache. When they finally made it to the woods line, there were two horse waiting tied to a limb of a tree. "Get on it." Sara tried to pull away but couldn't must up enough energy to do it.

  "Don't mess with me, do as your told. You don't want to piss me off again." Sara stood there for a moment before mounting her
horse. She trembled as his hand touched her buttock to push her up.

  "Don't touch me you, you, pig. I know it's you Davis, that mask your wearing can't mask your voice, or your appalling smell.” He looked at her through the holes in the mask and then removed it.

  "Well, beings you know exactly who I am, there's no need for this anymore. He tossed it onto the ground. Holding her reins he mounted his horse and began leading them into the forest.

  "Where are you taking me? What do you want?"

  "All in time, all in time." The smug and stupidity almost over masked the ignorant sound of an accomplishment or desire to win. Anger was there making itself known.

  The sound and threatening temper in his voice made her tremble with fear. She had to do something, she had to. As quiet and gentle as she could, she laid her hands to the sides of the reins, careful not to move them and catch his eye. When the time was right, she kicked inward and the horse took off, tearing the reins from Davis's hands. "You stupid bitch, your mine! I warned you this day would come."

  Sara held on with all her might. She couldn't see where she was going very well, the forest was so thick, it didn’t allow much light in. She kept looking behind her trying to see if he was gaining on her, but she couldn't see anything. She kept telling herself to hold, ride fast, she kept kicking the sides of the horse to go faster but the horse was going as fast as it could in the condition.

  She looked back again and this time, she could see her chaser. She yelled "Come on girl, you gotta make it, come on." Poor horse couldn't have gone any faster if someone was prodding her in the backside. It just wasn't fast enough. She screamed out for Jade, for Juggar, for anyone that could hear her but no one could hear her. She was out in the middle of nowhere. There wasn't anyone around that could hear her. She remembered that he had kicked Juggar when Juggar had attacked him trying to protect her. Sara felt a hard blow to the back of her head and after that it was over.


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